Chapter 276 Finally Meet
"This should be the mission goal."

A sound came from far away, and the monster was unable to move, followed by the footsteps of several people.


The voice in the speaker became hoarse and he looked at the people: "Who are you? Don't disturb me."

"He can't die yet."

The squad leader walked up. He had broken the monster's arm with spiritual energy before.

He walked to Boss Zhang: "Although the bad guy is bad, he can barely fight evil with evil. If he dies, the chaos here will only become more serious."

The squad leader was also touched by what he saw along the way, and his mission was to kill Zhou Xiaoming.

"Come out." He looked into the deep room: "I will give you a happy one."


In the room, there were some small sounds, and then the speaker became quiet.

"He wants to run."

Lei Fang noticed: "The mission cannot be completed so easily. I suggest you, captain, go in and control him directly, otherwise things will change later."

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple."

Lu Xiaoling closed her eyes: "I have learned the perception of Xia Lan Technique. The breath inside is uneven. It seems that it is not an escape, but an ambush."

She sensed carefully: "Besides Zhou Xiaoming, there are many people inside. No, it seems to be one person. It's strange."

"Stop being curious." Chen Banxian walked out of the crowd and walked straight towards the dark room.

"Being timid, people like you will be killed by the protagonist sooner or later."

He approached the house directly with a smile on his face.

"do not come!"

There was a voice shouting inside, equally hoarse, and at the same time the monster outside was approaching him.

It seems that they know that this person is not easy to mess with, so they attack with all their strength when they come up.

It was a modified monster that was a mixture of many corpses. It was extremely powerful. Being hit by an ordinary person was no less than being hit by a high-speed vehicle.

It has a sense of danger, and it is afraid of Chen Banxian, but shows no mercy.

But Chen Banxian lifted it up with one finger and moved it back a little.


The monster shattered into small cubes of one cubic centimeter on the ground. Each piece was perfectly crafted without any errors.


Boss Zhang had fear in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he turned around and ran away.

Chen Banxian glanced at it and ignored it.

He continued to move forward, approaching the darkness, and Zhou Xiaoming's voice became even crazier: "Die, you die!"

A giant fused hand fell down, like a skinless giant with nails all over its body.

This monster has eight heads, which squeezes into a small space and makes it impossible to avoid its attacks.


Lu Xiaoling took a breath, because the monster was so terrifying and shocking.

The girl in the rookie team had weak legs and almost fell.

Only Lei Fang was better, but the fear in his eyes could not be hidden.


Chen Banxian looked at the monster. One arm of this thing used at least hundreds of flesh and blood fibers, not only from humans, but also from animals.

And there is no rejection reaction, and they cooperate with each other as if they were born that way.

No wonder such a person would be remembered by [the world], and if he were an enemy, they would do everything possible to kill him.

"Don't move yet."

With a gentle click, he allowed the monster to be frozen in space while he groped around in the room.

Soon, he found the switch and turned on the light completely.

The monster's full appearance came into view, and the light cast large shadows on its eight heads, making it even more terrifying.

"Come out."

He looked at the smaller room on the side of the room. The building here was ventilated from all sides, but the largest air outlet, the entrance and exit, was not exposed.

No sound.

He frowned, then stepped forward and kicked open the door.The door to the room was welded shut with dense locks, but he still opened it. The steel bars were no different than tofu.

To his surprise, the person standing in the room was not an adult, but a teenager.

The young man sat on the bed, tilted his head and looked at him sideways, with a smile on his lips.

"Hey, be surprised, everyone who comes in will be surprised!"

He cracked his white teeth, laughed louder and louder, and the corners of his mouth became more and more torn, bleeding unknowably.

He was still holding a head in his hand and was playing with it. At this time, he pressed a certain area on the head.


There was a muffled sound above the head, and then a huge steel pillar fell.

The steel column is four to five meters thick and its length is unknown. It seems to be some kind of instantaneous excitation device, and it is very fast.

It hit Chen Banxian hard on the head.


A muffled sound could be heard outside the door, and the hearts of the [World] team and the survivors watching from a distance began to beat hard.

"It sounds good, it sounds good!"

The young man clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "If it sounds good, it's a good start; if it sounds good, it's a good start!"

Chen Banxian remained motionless.

He tapped lightly with one hand, and the steel pillar on his head shattered into cubes of small pieces all over the ground.

He didn't feel any anger, just doubt in his eyes.

"My child, you are only in junior high school, what kind of stimulation did you receive?"

If he had followed his past temperament, he would have been killed.

But he is Zhou Xiaoming, the crazy science geek, the being who created the spiritual root of cybernetic cultivation.

This was a problem that even Dianbei Technology could not solve. He was willing to put down his time and listen carefully.

"What do you know."

The young man smiled, took out the knife from his arms, ran towards him and stabbed him hard:

"You extraordinary beings and cultivators deserve to die. What's the big deal?"

The knife kept falling on him, sending sparks flying everywhere.

"Sooner or later, I will surpass you and defeat you! I will kill you all!"

His consciousness was confused, and he didn't even know the knife was blunt. He was just filled with hatred, endless hatred.

For Chen Banxian, this kind of hatred is something he cannot understand.

Even blood feud would not make consciousness so crazy and chaotic.

Unless it's intentional torture.

He closed his eyes and took off the boy's knife:
"Zhou Xiaoming, what exactly have you experienced?"

He is unwilling to read the other person's memory. This is disrespectful and will cause estrangement in getting along in the future.

But it can calm him down for a while.

He opened his mouth slightly and recited the ancient copper coffin sutra that covered the sky. He couldn't remember it, he just copied a little bit of it that was imprinted in his memory.

It can even be said: formless and godless.

He only understood a flame emperor pattern from it. Now as he recited it, there were strange fluctuations of divine power spreading out, bringing Tao rhyme and making people quiet and peaceful.

It seems to have transformed into a chanter that will last forever.

The young man gradually became quiet, and a look of struggle appeared on his face. One face was crying, the other was fierce, and the expressions in his eyes were different.

"No, why can't I get out?"

"He's got us locked up!"

"We have to protect Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming is so weak. He can't stay outside all the time. It's not safe..."

"Go away! It's annoying, it's annoying!"

"Xiao Ming, run quickly...

All the voices were gradually suppressed. Finally, the young man in front of Chen Banxian curled up, hugged his legs, hid under his feet and buried his head.

"who are you?"

He didn't dare to look at Chen Banxian and could only ask in his voice: "Are you here to kill me too?"

(End of this chapter)

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