Chapter 277 I am a villain
"Kill you, who will kill you?"

Chen Banxian found that he seemed to have found the cause of the other party's problem.

He gently pressed Zhou Xiaoming's shoulders with his hand. The boy's body trembled, as if he was scared.

But the fiery palm seemed to bring warmth, soothing his frightened soul.

"Zhou Xiaoming, what happened?"

Chen Banxian asked the question again. He took off the mask on his face and let that face bring warmth to the young man.

Good-looking people can always be trusted.

The same goes for him as a teenager.

He opened his mouth, was stunned, and then started to speak very calmly.

Perhaps it was because of the special ability of Nie Chuan Nie that he could use his voice, but the young man didn't hide much.

The experience is told from the perspective of a bystander.

From the very beginning of the apocalypse, from the small town to Liucheng, his father Lao Zhou's unique vision and skills in driving a large truck were appreciated, and he was able to transport goods under the influence of the Liu family.

One day, the Liu family found a meteor falling from the sky. It was said that they found the meteorite and asked Lao Zhou to transport it.

The disaster has begun.

Halfway through the transportation, they discovered that the "meteorite" was missing. The entire transportation team of more than [-] people, including the security guards, the people in charge of the Liu family, extraordinary people, workers, and transporters, were all held accountable.

The Liu family called the surveillance cameras, but found nothing.

Meteorites cannot disappear for no reason.

As a result, everyone was secretly detained, tortured, and extorted of information.

In the end, everyone died, all secretly killed by the Liu family, but nothing could be found.

Lao Zhou realized early that he had spent all his savings on everything, hoping to hide in the slums and be taken in by the "reliable" Boss Zhang.

However, I met Brother Xiong on the road.

The next sound was the boy's uncontrollable trembling, anger, and ups and downs of emotions. The personalities in his eyes began to run away, trying to compete for the child's body again.

But Chen Banxian chanted sutras again to help him suppress it, and finally stabilized the child's emotions again.

He continued to tell the story, using the tone of Furui Mubo to tell what happened in the end.

His father's death, his mother's suffering, and his sister's disaster were all seen by him from beginning to end.

That day, he was as calm and sluggish as he is today, only to gain a lot of "self" protection.


There was something ringing, it was the sound of Chen Banxian's clenched fists and the interlacing of bones.

"It's really...the ceremony is ruined and the music is ruined!"

He gritted his teeth. Although he had already accepted Liucheng's social model, he still felt uncontrollable anger after he really came into contact with this child.

Some people are human beings, and some people wear the name of human beings but are doing things like animals.

Looking at the child now, there was infinite pity in his eyes.

"You are Lao Zhou, right? Zhou Xiaoming will not have the memory of being in the transportation team."

He revealed the personality hidden under this calm mood: "Get Zhou Xiaoming out and I'll talk to him."

"I am Zhou Xiaoming, and I followed my father through that transportation."

The young man replied that there was immature vicissitudes in his eyes.

"Go back, Lao Zhou, I will help you get revenge."

He patted the child on the shoulder: "But now, I want to get his opinion and ask some questions."

He glanced at the floor under his feet. There was a stench under the slightly raised boards, the stench of rotting flesh and blood.

There are many corpses hidden inside.

This glance also made the young man see it, and he finally backed down: "We did it all. I don't ask you to avenge me, I just ask you to let this poor child go."

He endured the most painful experience in the world.


Chen Banxian nodded, Lao Zhou's personality faded, and Zhou Xiaoming's personality appeared.

But Zhou Xiaoming is not innocent and innocent like a young man. There is deep evil and resentment in his eyes.

This is him, this is that crazy weirdo Zhou Xiaoming.

"Hello, let's meet formally. Let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Banxian." He extended his hand, intending to communicate with the young man in the same capacity.

Children at this age are all little people.

As expected, Zhou Xiaoming's eyes were filled with madness and restraint:

"Nice to meet you too, my beautiful brother."

"No, I call it perfect."

Chen Banxian corrected him: "To be honest, you kind of amaze me."

Everything this young man has experienced and done is enough to surpass his peers.

It's enough to be crushed, and there is a qualitative difference.

Even with the help of the "meteorite", it can surpass so many things.

"you flatter me."

The young man got straight to the point: "You also heard it from my father, right? I won't be happy if the old man insists on stopping me from taking revenge."

He licked the gaping wound at the corner of his mouth: "Mom, sister, Aunt Wang, Brother Liu, Uncle Dong..."

He counted them one by one on his fingers: "They say I can't beat that guy named Xiong, how is that possible? I'm obviously already so powerful!"

"So, when you hear what happened to me, you must sympathize with me. Please help me take revenge!"

The young man's face was as bloodthirsty as a beast: "This is the law of the jungle. I used to be weak and I accepted it, but now that I am strong, I will eat their blood and tear their flesh!"

This is not the understanding a teenager should have at all.

Chen Banxian was not as crazy as him, maybe because it didn't happen to him.

He asked: "You want revenge, but do you know who your opponent is?"

He pulled the boy up and said, "Come out with me first, this house is about to collapse."

The young man did not hesitate. Perhaps he understood from the beginning that this man would not kill him, but would help him.

This is what his father told him. His father's vision has always been very accurate and vicious.


Lu Xiaoling opened her mouth, and they all received the message on the silver watch. This boy was their target.

Want to kill him?
The captain clenched the gun in his hand. Zhou Xiaoming could be killed with just one shot. After completing the mission, they could return to the [World] immediately.

They don't have to be oppressed, don't have to face this terrible world, they don't want to come here anymore.

"Don't interrupt brother's conversation."

The remaining skilled person and the captain looked at each other, and there was something in their eyes.

They sat back and communicated with the five newcomers through their wristbands.

After receiving the news, Lei Fang glanced and stood slightly sideways to hide his emotions.

But ahead, Chen Banxian didn't know this. He was telling Zhou Xiaoming the cruel truth.

"Do you know how powerful the transcendent beings in the first realm are?"

"You can open boulders and smash buildings with one hand. With the addition of physical training, you can lift tens of thousands of kilograms of heavy objects with one arm. The destructive power can be imagined."

"I know that my modified person can do the same."

Zhou Xiaoming answered him, followed by the eight-headed monster with skinless muscles.

"This is only the first level."

Chen Banxian sneered: "The next second realm directly possesses hundreds of thousands of kilograms of terrifying power, not to mention those practitioners who can already fly, and can destroy a hundred-meter building with a single thought."

"Your reformed person is just a piece of trash. He'll be gone after just one breath."

Without waiting for the young man to refute, he continued:
"What's more, in the third realm, using "jin" as a unit is no longer accurate. They can change the terrain and climate of a place, and their full strength can divide rivers and open mountains. What's more, the strongest one now is in the fourth realm, and A priesthood you’ve never heard of.”

When the young man heard this, his eyes became increasingly depressed, and there was also a sense of unyielding:
"Why, we are all human, others can practice, but I can't?"

He was angry: "I will definitely find a way, and I can also practice. If I can't defeat them now, I will be able to defeat them one day!"

His eyes were full of madness: "A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years. The most important thing I lack is time!"

"Who asked you to wait ten years?"

The smile on Chen Banxian's face gradually disappeared: "I am a villain, I can't wait ten years!"

 The number of words is a bit short. I feel uncomfortable thinking about the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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