Chapter 278 Who are you?
"Let's make a deal."

Chen Banxian looked at the young man: "Whoever you want to kill, I will kill it for you. After the killing, you have to follow me and listen to me."

He thought: "I have a disciple, but she is a European and American style beauty. I think she should get along well with you."

He estimated that Aigwei had seen a lot of grudges and hatreds, but she was still blank in the emotional aspect.

It is necessary to take the initiative to create some conflicts, lest it is the age of puppy love and some bastard gets an advantage.

A lunatic will never make a girl like him. He will first force them to be together, and then he will become bored, and from then on he will not be able to escape from the world and practice peace of mind.

"You help me kill people?"

Zhou Xiaoming laughed and burst into tears again: "Stop laughing to death, how can you help? You also said how terrible they are."

The young man hid the madness in his eyes: "But I have an idea. The success rate is not low. I can also agree to your request."

"Catch a few cultivators for me and let me dissect them to see how the cultivators practice and how the organs in their bodies are different from ours."

These words are not at all like something that could come out of a child's mouth.

Chen Banxian looked down and saw through the boy's body and the nanotechnology in his brain.

The crystallization of alien technology and biomodification came into contact with a madman. No wonder such a terrifying spark would burst out, and even [the world] would kill him in advance.

There was a look of confidence on his face.

"When I say I can kill, I mean I can kill. You don't need to use these tactics."

There was a smile on his lips: "When you are strong enough, all obstacles are as fragile as paper."

He glanced at everyone here from the corner of his eyes, "I'll give you three days to help him find all the instigators."

He stared at the captain with a slightly cold expression: "I don't care if you kill Zhou Xiaoming and leave here in three seconds."


The captain's heart felt as if he was shocked, a huge thunder sounded in the sky, and his face turned pale: "How did you see it?"

Huge panic filled his heart. Who is this person and what is his origin?
You can actually peek into their inner thoughts.

They secretly plotted to take action when Chen Banxian relaxed, but who knew that the other party actually saw it in advance.

Three seconds... It was the countdown that he silently counted down with his teammates in his heart.

Chen Banxian glanced at them with regret in his eyes: "Lei Fang, Lu Xiaoling, I originally thought you were smart people, but it seems you are not as smart as I thought."

He was very sorry and planned to accept the two of them.

But they also participated and took action, and they had no choice but to go back in time.

"who are you!"

The captain was covered in cold sweat: "You can predict the future and be powerful enough to kill managers. You can't be unknown."

They have seen the missions and the world view, but there is no such number one figure.

"Haha, it's in the mission, it's just not marked."

Chen Banxian pointed at himself and smiled.

"I am Chen Banxian."

"Are you Chen Banxian?"

Lei Fang's eyes were shocked, "That Chen Banxian who can't find out the details in [the world], only a few words, and needs us to find out the news?"

"Smart man." Chen Banxian looked at him with some reluctance.

"I can give you another chance. Take advantage of it and help Zhou Xiaoming find out who he wants to kill."

"Behave well, and I will lift your imprisonment and lead you to become an immortal."

He really thought Lei Fang was smart.

He has seen the characters in [World], and basically every mission objective has specific events.

He is the only one with only one name, hidden among the vast number of tasks. Without careful thinking and careful observation, he can only brush it off.

Lei Fang noticed it and decisively said his name.

IQ is not the same thing as intelligence. Even those with extraordinary brains and physical bodies cannot perform like him.

Enough for him to give Lei Fang another chance.

"it is good."

Lei Fang had only one word to reply to him.


"Chen Banxian still can't be contacted?"

In Baihu City, Shen Qinghe kept pressing his cell phone, choosing to send group messages, and the restaurant was not happy to open.

"There is no news yet."


"Brother Shen, we are under great pressure. We have been operating for such a long time, and the popularity of re-creation has gradually been overshadowed by other headlines."

"By the way, Brother Shen, have you seen the "reincarnator" in the headlines recently? Have you ever seen someone who seems to be from the main god dimension? Damn it, is there really such a power?"

One message after another brought no news.

Shen Qinghe sighed, his eyes drifting to see Ai Gewei who was doing her homework.

"Weiwei, please tell me again whether your teacher is dead."

Ai Gewei's hand quickly flew up, holding three pens at the same time, writing quickly.

However, the words written by each pen are different, and I am catching up on my homework.

"Uncle Shen, the hexagram is no more than three, my teacher is fine."

She was a brat and took one eye away from the book to look at Shen Qinghe: "But there seem to be some strange people coming to Baihu City recently. You'd better pay attention. Many of my classmates are talking about it."

No matter how strange a person is, does it matter if he has Kyushu?

Shen Qinghe sighed, very melancholy.

"I may not be able to defeat those people."

When the young man arrived before, it gave him a strange pressure.

Although he is a reborn person, he doesn't know much, and his advantage has passed. Now, even if he holds the Dinghai priesthood, he still has no confidence.

There are people in the world, and there are mountains outside the mountains. Daxia is so big, there must be people who are more amazing than him.

"Can you figure out when he will come back?" Shen Qinghe raised his face again.

"Uncle Shen!"

Aigwei stopped writing: "I have only been studying for a long time, and I am not a teacher."

"Can you let me catch up on my homework in peace and quiet? The teacher at the school said that if I don't make up for the homework from the previous month, I will be detained for observation!"

"Who told you to go to Qingxuan Realm last month?"

Shen Qinghe muttered and walked away. He could not disturb the children's homework.

He took out his phone and sent a message.

"What is the person being observed doing now?"

Soon, the person whose note was "ten" replied:
"We are in Area 14, looking for news about Chen Banxian."

"Well, keep watching."

Shen Qinghe nodded and narrowed his eyes.

"Reincarnator? Humph!"

He looked towards the center of Baihu City, and saw that the priests were becoming more and more corrupt.

In District 14, the original North District 14, a group of five people were drinking tea in the pavilion.

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going on the street, captain Yu Feng couldn't help but say: "I didn't expect that the future city of progress and development in this world would already have such a scale."

"Yes, Captain." Team member Miao Miao echoed him: "Our character this time is to investigate a person named Chen Banxian. Strangely, there is no detailed information about him in the incident. Why should we pay attention to this unknown person?"

"Anonymous? Not necessarily." The third person, Xiao Xiaodong, sneered: "[World] will not issue missions for no reason, and all members of our [Horned Frog] team will be dispatched at the same time."

They are all manager-level reincarnators, and the world points they receive every time are no longer rewards, but commissions.

They are the core personnel belonging to [World]. If it were not restricted by the world, their strength would not be as weak as the fourth realm. "I asked some people, some didn't know, and some were very 'taboo' about the name."

Yue Shiyu spoke softly: "It seems that this name will bring disaster and misfortune."

"That's why we're here."

The last person spoke. He was not a pure human race. He had alien lines on his face, covering his cheeks like tattoos.

“The ranking of the World Monuments is about to reach the shuffle stage, and there will definitely be great turmoil. We [World] must act quickly and strive to accumulate enough world points before the shuffle.

"Guests, the snacks you ordered."

The boss gave me some melon seeds, peanuts, and some specialties from other worlds.

"Thank you."

Captain Yu Feng nodded: "By the way, boss, do you know a person named Chen Banxian?"

Yu Feng said casually, not expecting to get any news.

But the boss looked nervous. He looked left and right and then lowered his voice: "Why are you asking him?"

There is a play.

Several people's hearts moved, and Miaomiao motioned to the captain to continue asking.

Yu Feng grabbed the boss and said, "We heard this name by chance. Everyone seems to be taboo about it, so we asked out of curiosity."

"Why are you curious about this?" The boss frowned, "You shouldn't ask, it's best not to ask."

About to fail again?
Yu Feng's heart gradually sank, and he planned to ask in a more extreme way.

But I saw the boss hesitated for a moment: "Forget it, if you are curious, I will tell you about it, but you must remember it, you can't tell others, and it is best not to mention this name less."

The boss deliberately waited for the people passing by to go away before telling the meaning of the name...

When several people heard this, their eyes became more shocked and more horrified.

"What? He once bombed Liangcheng with a nuclear bomb?"

"He also has a group of monsters scarier than ghosts?"

"He once caused Baihu City to form an indissoluble feud with several large alien worlds?"

"He destroyed an entire native religion?"

"He also killed countless people in Baihu City? Blood flowed like a river?"

"He killed nearly half of the fourth realm?"

Every story told made the five people's faces paler.

"Are you telling the truth?" Xiao Xiaodong's expression suddenly turned ugly.

“Why would [the world] let us investigate such a murderer?”

"How can we possibly deal with such a demon-level figure?"

Yue Shiyu's face was not good-looking: "We can only use the power of the fourth realm at most, and our advanced skills are locked. If we encounter such a talented person, we will probably be wiped out."

"You guys talk, you guys talk." The boss turned away and returned to the side of the pavilion to tinker with his cell phone.

Ten: "Boss Shen, we have determined that they are here just for Chen Banxian. I have told them what you ordered."

Shen Qinghe: "Very good, then tell them where Chen Banxian may appear and let them find it."

"Remember, follow closely. Whether you can find him or not depends on these outsiders."

Putting away his phone, Shen Qinghe sent another message to another person.

"Lao Jiu, have you found a way?"

In an ordinary house somewhere in Baihu City, Jiu Jiu put down the torture instrument in his hand, and after receiving the notification tone on his cell phone, he replied with two words: "It's almost there."

He turned off his phone and continued to pick up the torture tools.

In front of him were a dozen "Fourth Realm" people who were bound to death.

These people all have silver rings in their hands that cannot be taken off.

The shackles runes they wore flickered and glowed continuously, inhibiting their abilities.

"Bah! We won't tell you until we die!"

One person was extremely stubborn. He saw the ninth one coming with a torture instrument and gnashed his teeth and cursed angrily.

"Winner or loser, I didn't kill you because our skills are inferior to others, but you are really wishful thinking in trying to pry into the entrance of [the world]!"

Ninth without hesitation put the red-hot iron into his mouth.

He picked up another piece and looked at the second person.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it, he can take his time and play.

"Brother, why don't you find someone else?"

The second person was not as tough as No. 1. He looked ugly and said, "I've already eaten eight pieces. I can't eat anymore. Let's find someone else to play with you."

Ninth looked at the third person.

The third person hurriedly spoke up: "Everyone eats the same thing. As a villain, you must have the principles of a villain. You can't favor one over the other. You have to get the rain and dew equally!"

"Wang Zhuizi, don't talk nonsense!" The second person went crazy: "Killing each other makes other people laugh!"

"Li Tieniu, don't scream. You weren't the one who made the scheme first. If you want to die, everyone will die together!"

They shouted, and this appearance really convinced Ninth that he could obtain the information about these people.

After just eating a few pieces of red-hot iron, the internal strife has turned into this, and the secret will soon be dug out.

After thinking about it, he changed the iron piece. It was a little cold and walked towards the fourth person.

The fourth man looks like a Taoist priest, and he is struggling to break the shackles.

He stuffed the red-hot iron into it, but the man kept chewing it without saying a word and continued to crack it.


Suddenly, this man broke his guard.

"Impossible, impossible! There is no prison in this world that I, the little lockpicking prince, cannot break."

His eyes were red and he stared at the shackles: "It's useless to open Alajo's hole."

"Open Sesame props are useless!"

"Breaking the forbidden curse is useless!"

"The formation doesn't work, it's not the formation!"

He went crazy: "What on earth is this, what on earth is this, tell me, tell me quickly!"

The man glared at Ninth: "Tell me what this is, and I'll tell you how to enter [the world]!"

His faith was shattered and he persisted in breaking through his defenses throughout his life.

"No, little prince of freedom, are you giving in now?"

Wang Chuizi's expression changed: "Who doesn't know that you, Mr. Zhou, have the harshest mouth and the most aloof person?"

"Now you actually want to take the initiative to speak out? Have you thought about it? If the punishment is imposed, everyone will suffer."

"Punishment is punishment!"

Someone Zhou stared at Ninth: "You tell me what kind of lock this is and how to unlock it, and I will tell you how to enter [the world], how to become an administrator, and how to draw world points."

"Hey, it's done." Wang Chuizi and others slapped their foreheads with their hands. They had finished saying all the key things.

"It's over, it's over, [World]'s punishment has fallen, and we will see each other again in the future."

He said goodbye to everyone one by one, and here, Ninth Eyes finally had mood swings.

"It's very simple, you just need to input specific spiritual power fluctuations."

Ninth Demonstration in front of him, inputting spiritual power, turning a few corners, and the shackles automatically opened.

"No! Impossible!"

Someone Zhou went crazy: "How could it be so simple? This spiritual bend didn't even touch any of the formation patterns."

(End of this chapter)

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