There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 279 The layout and utilization of [World]

Chapter 279 The layout and utilization of [World]
"Who told you to touch the lines?"

The ninth sentence is concise and concise: "You only need to fill in the deficiencies and make the unstable formation stable. It is actually very simple."


Someone Zhou had been waiting for a long time, his face full of absurdity:
"This unscientific!"

"Are you talking to me about science based on metaphysics?" Ninth sneered: "Now tell me how to enter [the world]."

"But, but...

Zhou was confused for a long time, and finally he was dejected: "Forget it, I'll tell you."

"We can recommend new people to enter [the world] as "quasi-managers". As long as you complete three tasks, you can become a formal manager."

"Managers are the top?" Ninth looked calm: "That's not right. [The World] is a force that can peek into the future, but the strength of your managers is still too low."

"Are we low in strength?"

Wang Chuizi laughed angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "If it weren't for the seal of Heaven, do you believe that any one of us could kill you?"

"Don't say it's you, we can completely destroy even this city, this continent and even this planet."

He was very dissatisfied: "If it weren't for the restrictions of heaven, we wouldn't be able to unlock higher skills.! Hot!"

Ninth stuffed him with two pieces of red iron.

He turned back: "So, who among you is willing to recommend me?"

"Don't worry, I keep my word and I won't embarrass you again."

"You are dreaming!"

The first person glared at him fiercely: "One more person means more world points. If we die, we will have to start over in [the world] all over again. But if there are less world points, then there are really less!"


Ninth sighed and waved his hand to move these people away.

He said to the outside: "Bring in another group of people, and use these people to make "batteries."

Recently, there are more and more people in [the world]. It's strange, what do they need in Baihu City?
He took out his cell phone to send a message, sent out the latest information, and then arranged the torture tools.

Should I be more shameless?
While he was thinking about it, he took off his head and put it in a book to wash.

Ice water can help him think more clearly.

"What the hell?"

The reincarnations who had just entered were so frightened that they screamed!

But on the other side, Yu Fengwu and the others had found the place where Chen Banxian might appear, but they were still worried.

They asked many more people, and the information they got was pretty much the same, and then they started to try.

"According to the information, he should have the highest probability of appearing in the "Qingxuan World", "Zhetian World", and "Zangcang World"."

"Let's go to Zangcang first."

When they go to that world and lift the restrictions, they are still at the top of the world.


Several people returned to the earth for transit, and came to the Qingxuan world again.

"A few of you have crossed the line."

Chen Changsheng suddenly appeared in front of the five people.

"Who do you think you are!"

Xiao Xiaodong was already holding back his anger. When he saw a random person appear, he sneered: "It's just a monk in the Hedao Realm, but he actually dared to stop the five of us."

As they spoke, the restrictions on them were completely lifted, and they were suddenly in the realm of the Five Deities.

"Boy, you may be very strong in your world, but I'm sorry that you met the five of us."

[Horned Frog] The five members of the team looked at Chen Changsheng with disdain in their eyes: "Even in the period of transcending the tribulation, we cannot deny it. I advise you to stay wherever it is cool!"

"The period of crossing the catastrophe?"

Chen Changsheng raised the corner of his mouth: "I'm sorry, they can't get any favors from me."

The smile on his face gradually became cruel: "I have nothing to do recently, so I will practice with you."

"You...what are you going to do?"

Yu Feng felt something was wrong. He suppressed the uncertainty in his heart and thought that this person was at the Hedao level at most.

The big realm is not the small realm. All the killings are just novels. There are so many protagonists.

The most important thing is to weigh the pros and cons and win in quantity.

"Look at me cutting off his cultivation."

Miaomiao took out a golden little gold bucket from her arms: "Just in time to try the little Hunyuan gold bucket I just exchanged."


Chen Changsheng laughed directly, he took action, and five people were beaten!

With just one slap, five people were knocked underground, and the so-called "Little Hunyuan Jindou" was shattered on the spot.

"It's boring. The free forces on the World Monument don't even have a home. Who gave you the courage to come to me to teach?"

Chen Changsheng was about to kill a few people completely when a small world was formed and destroyed between his fingers, covering the rules and crushing the space.

Yu Feng and others' eyes were horrified: "Where did this genius come from? Wait, Taoist Sect? Qingxuan Realm?"

"Damn it!" he yelled, and then reacted: "Those idiots cheated me, this is the top ten worlds!"

Seeing that they were about to die, Chen Changsheng's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Wait, I'll answer the phone first."

He dismissed the terrifying rules in his hands, and understanding appeared on his face.

"Oh, that's it. Well, looking for him? No wonder. Okay. Well, okay, it doesn't matter. It's a small thing. I also like your technology, and the quality of life has skyrocketed. Okay, bye."

He closed the phone and looked at the five people coldly: "No one is here, please be more careful next time."

He waved the five people out of Qingxuan Realm and flew them to Zhetian World.

"Maybe here, if you dare to come to Taoism again, I will kill you directly."

The five people were dizzy, but they still understood that they seemed to be rescued.

"Who saved us?"

Yu Feng asked his teammates. They shook their heads. They didn't know.

"Maybe he's a fellow [manager] in the world."

Yue Shiyu guessed: "Maybe they saved us by chance because of the same force."

"This is the only possibility." Yu Feng breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "It's so scary, how could there be such a pervert." "At that moment, my soul was trembling and broken. I won't need him later." If you take action, I will be scared to death."

"Yeah, it's so perverted. Only the Hedao realm makes me feel scarier than the old monsters in the Qingxuan realm."

Miaomiao patted her chest: "Let me check who that person was just now."

"Hiss, it's Chen Changsheng!"

Then she gasped.


Xiao Xiaodong broke into a cold sweat: "Is it Chen Changsheng? The most evil pervert in the Qingxuan Realm who has been reincarnated for eight generations?"

His heart skipped a beat when he thought about how he had uttered such arrogant words against this terrifying being.

"Oh my god." He gasped, "When this mission is over, I will burn incense for all kinds of gods, and I will almost cause a big disaster!"

Only by experiencing it personally can you understand the horror. Xiao Xiaodong's feet were shaking when he walked.

"Let's find the mission target. According to the news, there is a big city ahead, which belongs to Ziyang Cave. Maybe we can find news about him."

Several people found Dongtian and asked Chen Banxian's name. It was okay at first, but the other party was polite and just said to go to the kitchen to peel some fruit.

They relied on their amazing strength and did not panic. Unexpectedly, not long after, a dark jar flew out of a forbidden area.

The power of the Jar God was so powerful that Yu Feng and the five of them fled madly. They used several life-saving props to fool the Jar and ran towards the earth like crazy.

Only by running to the earth and using the suppression of heaven can we escape with our lives.


Yu Feng roared, he was running at the front, and suddenly the jar fell, killing the mixed-race human team member.

This made his colleague burst into tears, but he ran faster.

"No, you will be caught up!" Miaomiao played a piece of talisman paper, created their shadow, and successfully deceived the jar for a while.

"This is the Imperial Armament, the Imperial Armament, MD, where did the Imperial Armament come from!"

Yue Shiyu cried so hard that she fell down, then stood up and ran again. She was very fast, but the jar came flying again.

Their faces were covered with mud, but fortunately the earth channel was not far ahead.


They ran to the earth and suppressed their cultivation methods. Unexpectedly, the jar seemed to be anxious and rushed into the earth after them.

"Damn it, I'm just asking for a name, how can I have such a deep hatred?"

"Damn it, this jar has also suppressed its aura to the fourth level. How can it be so smart!"

They then fled and ran past Baihu City, not daring to fight.

The Imperial Armament is the Imperial Armament, which is equivalent to a weakened version of the Great Emperor.

Don't mess with anyone!
The people who are in the same realm of covering the sky can completely overwhelm other realms, let alone the soldiers of the emperor who are in the same realm as covering the sky?

Enough to represent the Young Emperor!

They can be sure that they will be suppressed and obliterated in just one encounter.

"It's a long life!"

Miaomiao ran so hard that her chest shook and hurt, and she regretted not wearing a cover.

"I know there is a terrible priest in the distance, lead him there!"

She spoke first: "I paid special attention to it. It was a lake god. It was originally called Minshan Lake, but the size of the lake is comparable to the sea. It should be able to protect us."

She led the way and ran there, and the others followed subconsciously.

Now it can only be said that the doctor is treating a dead horse as a living horse.

"Hang on, brothers!"

Someone was yelling, but it was hard to tell who was speaking.

But what is certain is that the can is catching up.

"Brothers, help me!"

Yue Shiyu ran slowly, and when she saw that she was about to be overtaken, she threw out her trump card. A huge explosion occurred here, no less powerful than the hydrogen bomb czar, but it only stopped the imperial weapon tank for a while, giving them a chance to breathe. .

"Come on, brothers, the lake is just ahead!"

The four of them saw a waterfront from a distance. When they got closer, they were shocked to find...

"Where's the lake?"

Yu Feng went crazy: "Where is the lake? Where has the lake gone?"

They only saw the cracked earth, not just the thousands of miles of bare land?
"Where's the lake?" Yue Shiyu was also dumbfounded.

"I don't know!" Miaomiao cried: "Where is the lake god in such a big lake?"


At this time, the unsuspecting instigator was leading Zhou Xiaoming to knock on the door from door to door.

"Bang bang bang."

According to Lei Fang's list, they first found the first person to report the news.

He was the one who let the Liu family know that something was missing.


A young woman's voice came from the door, and a beautiful girl opened the door, wearing revealing clothes and wearing a tail.

After seeing them, he was stunned for a moment, as if he still hadn't figured out the situation: "Who are you looking for?"

"What are you pretending to be? Get out of here."

Chen Banxian waved Dafei Girl with his big hand and showed no mercy. He scanned the room and said, "Get out."

"Don't, brother, don't!"

A naked fat man came out with his clothes covered. He was frightened and said, "I've been hiding here. Just let me go. I really have nothing to do with that."

"I don't care if it matters to you."

Chen Banxian looked back at Zhou Xiaoming: "Choose."


Zhou Xiaoming's eyes were bloodthirsty and crazy.


Chen Banxian slapped him so hard that the man burst into pieces, and the girl's face turned pale and she screamed in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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