There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 280 Decisive killing and punishment

Chapter 280 Decisive killing and punishment
"The next place."

He was very decisive and went directly to the address on the list without any delay.

The corners of Zhou Xiaoming's mouth cracked again, and the expression on his face was twisted and intense. He took out the list and tapped it with his fingers.

Many people's names have been crossed out above.

"He Juhai, the third realm, was the one who cleaned up the transport team."

The young man asked him: "This is an extraordinary person, are you sure about it?"

"What is the third realm?"

Chen Banxian sneered, and when he found the other party, he still slapped him.

He Juhai also exploded. Not only that, his flesh and blood hit the steel bars on the road. The flesh and blood were intact but the steel bars were broken.

It's enough to see how terrifying this slap is.

"You are a transcendent in the fourth realm!" Zhou Xiaoming was excited: "Haha, it's cool, it's cool!"

Then the young man no longer had any scruples and started killing people indiscriminately in Liucheng.

Not only those people in the transport vehicle, but even the team nearby who were desperate to save others were also involved.

Neither is a good thing.

Which carnivore in the jungle does not kill?
Chen Banxian killed without any psychological pressure, and finally they found the so-called Brother Xiong.

This is a nightclub with bright lights and mostly full of young and beautiful girls wearing exquisite makeup.

From a distance, I could hear the laughter and music inside. There were two rows of pretty girls standing at the door, covering their bodies with only palm-sized cloths.


The girls all bowed sweetly, and the ridges on their chests sagged deeply.

"I'm afraid your welcome comes too soon."

Chen Banxian smiled coldly and walked in with Zhou Xiaoming.

Once inside, it's even more luxurious, with girls everywhere, some even naked.

They surround everyone who comes in and do whatever they want as long as they consume.

"Please pay Liucheng coins."

A waiter came forward with a plate in his hand.

Liucheng coin?Chen Banxian didn't have that.He grabbed the attendant's collar and raised it: "Where is Xiong Wensheng?"

"伱...What are you doing?" The attendant struggled. He was also a cultivator. He could lift a car if he really wanted to show his strength.

But he couldn't move the arm on his chest in the slightest.

"I'm warning you, this is the Liu family's property, you'd better not mess around!"

The attendant's face turned pale, and he raised the alarm in his hand to threaten Chen Banxian:
"We have a strong man from the Fourth Realm here. He already knows about the chaos happening here and will be here soon."

"You'd better admit your mistake and compensate for the damage caused."

The crowd around him was momentarily panicked.

The girls had fear in their eyes, but those "tourists" didn't care.

They even booed: "This attendant looks good, brother, why don't you do it right here?"

They really want to see exciting things, and in fact, such "live broadcasts" often happen here.

The attendant's face turned even paler when he heard this. He had just been ravaged by an ugly female supernatural being last night and had not yet recovered.


Chen Banxian threw the attendant into the wall and embedded it deeply.

His eyes were indifferent, and he looked towards the top floor of the corridor of the club. A fourth-level transcendent looked at him.

The extraordinary person's mouth showed ferociousness and cruelty, and he was about to speak.


Suddenly, he was cut off at the waist, and his upper body fell from the corridor and landed in front of Chen Banxian.

The broken waist was filled with blood, and his pupils shrank sharply, staring at Chen Banxian.

"Who are you!"

In a face-to-face encounter, he didn't even know how the other person would act. This fourth-level transcendent knew that he had hit a brick wall.

There are strengths and weaknesses in the third realm, and the same is true in the fourth realm.

They are both in the fourth realm, some can move mountains and break mountains, while others can move mountains and seas.

The difference is huge and cannot be explained in words.

He supported himself with both hands, his tone suddenly weakened, and a smile appeared on his face: "Brother, this eldest brother, what did I do wrong? Tell me, what do you want, please tell me."

Where is the cruel expression from just now?
"A little sharpness."

Chen Banxian glanced at him: "Where is Xiong Wensheng? Tell him to get out and die."

It turned out that he was here to find someone, and the expression of this fourth-level transcendent suddenly became wonderful.

If you go out without looking at the almanac, you will suffer an unforeseen disaster.

"Brother, just ask him directly. I will find him for you right now."

He supported himself with both hands and moved quickly on the ground, searching from box to box.

Soon, he found Xiong Wensheng doing exercise in a private room on the second floor, and threw the stuck woman from the second floor.


The woman screamed and several bones were broken. Xiong Wensheng was better, but he was so angry that he cursed without seeing the surroundings clearly:

"Which grandson is messing with labor? Do you know that I am from the Liu family? Do you commit crimes on the Liu family's territory because you want to meet the King of Hell as soon as possible!"

He pulled it out, kicked the wailing woman away, and quickly glanced around.

"Lost by labor!"

The fourth-level transcendent stood on the ground with one hand, jumped up and slapped him hard!

"There was a snap, and Xiong Wensheng screamed. Half of his teeth were broken, and his cheeks swelled up quickly!"

"Ah! Boss Fujian?"

Xiong Wensheng exclaimed, his anger quickly dissipating.

This is the talkative person in this club. How could he get into trouble with this person?

The boss of Fujian is in the fourth realm, and he is also a strong man with a status in the Liu family. He can only look up to him from above.

I envy the other party a lot.

Unexpectedly, my first conversation with the Fujian boss would be like this.

At this time, what surprised him even more was that the Fujian boss was only half a body, and he respectfully asked a young man for his opinion.

"Brother, can I leave him to you or should I help you take care of him?"

"go away."

Chen Banxian kicked the Fujian boss away and led Zhou Xiaoming to Xiong Wensheng.

Mr. Fujian was not angry at all, but was happy. He thanked him repeatedly and ran to find his lower body.

"Xiao Ming, how do you want to deal with him?"

Chen Banxian came to the scumbag and peeked into his memory.

What he saw and heard made him feel nauseous and vomiting.

This scum cannot be tortured too harshly.

"I want to...renovate on the spot!"

The anger in Zhou Xiaoming's eyes was about to leak out, and his whole body was trembling. It was not hatred or fear, but a different kind of excitement.

When he thought about the excitement of being able to transform his enemy with his own hands, he had already thought of at least dozens of ways to transform him.

"I will use every part of your body to transform it into my most perfect work!"

He grinned, and the wound opened and bled again. The smell of his own blood made his head numb.

That look... made Xiong Wensheng's heart stop. He remembered who this child was!

"Damn it, I should have killed you that day!"

He regretted that he had not dealt with Zhou Xiaoming earlier and had caused trouble for himself today.

Which young man, since he kicked away the Fujian boss, and the latter was not angry but still groveling, this has said everything.

He has become a piece of meat on the chopping board, but he will not let it go!This young man must be very strong and invincible.Xiong Wensheng's mind was running at high speed, looking for hope.

His eyes were fierce, he looked around, and soon saw a person next to him, who was leisurely watching a show.

It was a young master with fair skin and a gloomy face. His eyes lit up. Isn't this the third young master of the Liu family?
According to legend, the third young master had no knowledge and skills, and was just an ordinary person, so he happened to be close to him now.

He suddenly became violent and quickly grabbed the third young master's throat with his hands to hold him hostage.

"Don't move, don't move! I'm holding the third young master of the Liu family, Liu Leping!"

Xiong Wensheng's expression was sinister: "If you dare to touch me, I will kill him!"

Only then did people realize that it was actually Liu Leping, the third young master of the Liu family.

The third young master was held hostage?
At this moment, everyone held their breath, feeling that something bad was going to happen and the situation was out of control!

"Why is the third young master here!"

Some administrators were horrified, and the club manager rushed to the scene in a hurry, crying miserably.

"Oh, my third young master, why did you suddenly appear here!"

He crawled to Xiong Wensheng's feet: "Brother, you can't do this. You hold me hostage, don't hold my young master hostage."

It's not that he's loyal, it's that he's afraid.

Once anything happens to Liu Leping, not to mention him, the entire club will be buried with him.

The third young master of the Liu family is also tough. As expected of someone from the Liu family, he has a different kind of demeanor.

He said calmly: "Go away, who wants you to take my place?"

There was no fear in his eyes, only excitement.

"Great, I'm worried that I won't have any fun today. I'm tired of eating women every day, so I'm looking for something new."

He even encouraged Xiong Wensheng: "Take me outside the city. This way I have a better chance of surviving."

"you shut up!"

Xiong Wensheng gritted his teeth: "You are my prisoner now, so you have no right to speak!"

"Third Young Master, bah, you used to be so high and mighty, but in the end, in my hands, there is no difference between you and those untouchables outside!"

He glared at Chen Banxian: "Get out of here now, as far away as possible, or I will kill him immediately."


Chen Banxian smiled: "You can scare me by just holding someone from the Liu family hostage?"

He was unreasonable and unruly, and stepped in front of Xiong Wensheng, causing him great psychological pressure.

Xiong Wensheng looked at the person walking in front of him, and suddenly felt that his hands were weak, and he didn't even have the strength to catch the third young master. How did he provoke this god?
At this time, with just a gentle tug, the third young master would break free from his arms.

However, Chen Banxian did not do this.

In front of Xiong Wensheng, he broke the third young master's neck bit by bit.

"I, Chen Banxian, am not threatened."

The words "not threatened" made Xiong Wensheng incontinent.

When Liu Leping died, he died in his arms.

In an instant, his heart was filled with despair, and his face suddenly lost all color.

No matter what the outcome is now, he can't escape death.

"You actually killed the third young master!"

The club manager pointed at Chen Banxian and trembled. Suddenly his eyes rolled and he fainted with fright.

This frightened a group of security guards and waiters. They looked around: "Where's Boss Min? Let Boss Min come out and take charge of the overall situation!"

But why would the Fujian boss come out to get into trouble?
He had just stabilized his lower body and managed to connect it together. Now that he heard the shouting, he simply tore the lower body apart again without stopping.

He pretended to be seriously injured and unconscious, and just lay on the ground like that.

It was better to die than live, and he didn't want to get into trouble.

What if the third young master dies?Didn't you see that he was already dead?It's not that he won't stop it, it's that he can't stop it.

The villain is too cruel.

Chen Banxian stepped forward, broke Xiong Wensheng's limbs and threw them in front of Zhou Xiaoming:

"Just do whatever you want to do. If I tell you to vent your anger, I will vent it for you."

Xiong Wensheng couldn't move. He stared at Zhou Xiaoming, trying to scare him with his momentum.

But the excitement in Zhou Xiaoming's eyes was getting stronger and stronger. How could he be frightened?
He took out the scalpel from his body and began to operate it impatiently. Some nano-robots helped him perform precise surgery.

By chance, the third young master's body was nearby, and he had already thought of more than a dozen ways to combine it.

“This will be a beautiful piece!”

The boy's madness made Xiong Wensheng's liver and gallbladder burst.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Xiong Wensheng cried and laughed at the same time: "So it's like this, so it's like this, I drove you crazy, and now retribution is here, hahaha!"

He no longer looked at the boy, but asked the sky angrily:

"Why do you want to punish me when I just do the same thing to the next person or the next few people when others do it to me?"

"Why don't you punish them!"

His expression was ferocious, but the next second, Zhou Xiaoming's scalpel fell.

Xiong Wensheng's ferocious expression soon turned into screams, howling ghosts, and squirming crazily on the ground.

But I don’t know where Zhou Xiaoming cut it. Xiong Wensheng couldn’t move and could only howl.

He was being dissected alive. First, his limbs were cut off, but not a drop of blood came out.

Then comes the lower body, internal organs, body, and head.

He was still barking, and the trachea and cranial nerves were deliberately left open and still connected.

Then, while Xiong Wensheng screamed, he assembled it on Liu Leping's body.

The next second, Liu Leping came to life and screamed with him.

No, maybe it’s just that Xiong Wensheng has an extra body!

Under such torture, watching himself being dismembered and pieced together, Xiong Wensheng collapsed, his soul was in chaos, and he was likely to lose his soul.

But Chen Banxian used one hand to stabilize his soul and endure the pain throughout the process.

"Don't you like to knead others?" Chen Banxian motioned to Zhou Xiaoming to modify his lower body:
"Then you should bear the pain of those you torture."

Zhou Xiaoming transformed and distributed a large number of pain-sensing nerves around the transformed area.

When everything was over, there was not a drop of blood on the ground, but a bunch of roots. Xiong Wensheng's whole body was half bloated and was made up of two people stitched together.

Chen Banxian then looked at many people present and modified their memories.

"Go and let him experience the bliss of the world."

He covered Zhou Xiaoming's eyes: "Children can't watch."

After thinking about it, he covered Zhou Xiaoming's ears again.

"Children can't listen."

His eyes were flat, looking at the absurd tragedy in front of him.

This is punishment. If you treat others the way you do, you will suffer the consequences if you cause evil.

In the end, Xiong Wensheng was tortured to death.

But Zhou Xiaoming still didn't let him go. He took the other person's head and sealed it, and said with great interest that he would sew it on something else.

"Okay, revenge is over."

Chen Banxian took his hand: "According to the agreement, you must follow me and follow my orders."

"What if I say no?"

Zhou Xiaoming regretted it. His spirit had long been different from ordinary people.

"No? Impossible."

Chen Banxian directly picked him up and spanked him: "You are so old and you still act rebellious with me, I will open up your butt for you!"

He carried the latter to leave the club. As for the mess behind him, it was none of his business.

But after he went out, his steps did not leave. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the sky.

Several streaks of light are falling this way.

(End of this chapter)

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