There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 281 The jar changed the target

Chapter 281 The jar changed the target

"He looked towards the sky on the other side, as if something was approaching."

"Who killed the third young master!"

With a roar, the sky exploded, and a terrifying strong man fell.

As the Liu family is an extremely large family, it is not unreasonable for Liucheng to be named after the Liu family.

At this time, three streams of light appeared in the sky, all of which were terrifying fourth-level transcendent beings.

As reincarnators, the captain and others finally followed the footsteps of Chen Banxian and Zhou Xiaoming, but at this time they were frightened by the power from the sky.

"No, it's a strong man from the Liu family in Liucheng!"

The captain quickly picked up his bracelet to check the information and compared them one by one: "It's unmistakable. It's Liu Yue, Liu Zhong, and Liu Zifang."

"It's hard to do."

His face suddenly turned dark: "These three people have a record of killing priests, and they will also be T0 level experts in the future. Even a terrifying monster like Chen Banxian cannot defeat such a top genius at the same level." Get benefits from your hands."

He was very worried: "We have not hidden any traces. The high-profile investigation has made people remember it. If we don't return to [the world], we will definitely be liquidated."

He was very worried: "No one can stop Chen Banxian from leaving, but we are different."

Thoughts emerged in his mind, and the interrupted plan gradually tended to come back to life.

"We must find a way to survive!"

The captain glanced at the team members: "Chen Banxian killed the third son of the Liu family, and a terrible war will definitely break out. At that time, neither he nor the Liu family will care about us."

He had a solemn expression on his face: "This is our last chance. Kill Zhou Xiaoming and return to [the world] immediately."

"But Captain, we have already been exposed to the plan once."

Lu Xiaoling's face looked ugly: "Could he have been prepared and just waiting for us to take action?"

"You have to fight even if you are prepared, otherwise we will all die!"

The captain glanced at these experienced people and newcomers: "I hope you understand that our lives are in the hands of [the world], and the way to get home is also in the [world]."

"So, it's up to you how you choose. Anyway, I will plan to take action."

He made no secret of his thoughts and was not afraid of being found by Chen Banxian.

Because, the battle has begun.

The three Liu family members targeted Chen Banxian: "No one can save you, your soul will be buried with the Third Young Master!"

They produced a stunning rainbow light, which was the fourth level of spiritual energy they had cultivated.

Not only that, but their extraordinary abilities also appeared.

"Cut your consciousness!"

There was a loud shout in the air, and an invisible knife slashed down to eliminate Chen Banxian's subjective consciousness.

There is no way to avoid it and no way to prevent it. This is an unexplainable extraordinary ability and the embodiment of rules.

But Chen Banxian's dantian magic light, a white fairy light rushed out, ignoring the rules and resisting this terrifying extraordinary ability.

The knife "clanged" and was blown away by the immortal light, almost hitting a group of passers-by.

"A bit capable, but do you think you can kill my direct descendant of the Liu family and escape unscathed with this?"

Another person took action, with the same terrifying rainbow light and another extraordinary ability.

"Cut your body off!"

It was white light before, but this time it was blood light. It wanted to chop off Chen Banxian's body and let him capture him without any help.

But he was destined to make a wrong calculation. The bloody sword struck Chen Banxian and broke into pieces.

The terrifying physical strength of that body is unimaginable.

When the captain and others watching the battle saw this scene, they looked at each other: "Now!"

They all rushed towards Zhou Xiaoming to kill the mission target and return instantly.

Chen Banxian noticed it and wanted to take action, but at this time the third rainbow light and sword light fell!
"Kill you extraordinary!"

This is the most terrifying light. It is black and full of ominous and ruined atmosphere. The terrifying degree of the Liu family's three swords can be seen clearly.

It was precisely after calculating the third man's shot that the captain chose this moment.

But suddenly, there was a loud noise behind them.


It felt as if the sky had collapsed, or as if the earth had been struck by the stars, causing the earth to collapse.

The Liu family's three swords were still high in the air one second, and the next moment they were blown up and turned into blood mist in the air.

It was as if a small boat was floating in the dark ocean and penetrated the three people of the Liu family.

Not only that, the boat appeared next to them in the next moment, its body swaying.




The three experienced people and four newcomers, including the captain, only left their last looks of confusion and despair before disappearing into thin air.

They didn't understand why they were evenly matched just now and were in a crushing posture, but the next second they killed the terrifying three people from the Liu family.

That is the top transcendent at the T0 level in the future.

Only Lei Fang, who did not move from beginning to end, managed to escape with his life.

"I've given them a chance."

Sighing deeply, Chen Banxian got off the boat, looked at Lei Fang and said with a smile: "You are very smart, I did not make a mistake."

"I just want to see the situation again." Lei Fang told the truth, but there was still shock in his eyes.

"What kind of realm is the Fourth Realm? Information shows that they are already at the top of the top, and may even have a priesthood. Why can you kill them instantly?"

He can also spend world points to check some information. This world has an upper limit, which is the ceiling.

At most, everyone's strength has reached the ceiling, and it is impossible for anyone to crush others.

"The upper limit is meant to be broken." Chen Banxian patted him on the shoulder. Not to mention how terrifying he was, just because of the Heaven-Zealing Source Vein he loaded, he had already crushed the fourth realm that was far beyond the same realm. .

Chen Banxian's eyes moved, while Zhou Xiaoming's expression was focused. He was studying the brain in his hand.

From time to time, he would stimulate it, and he didn't know what method he used to keep Xiong Wensheng's brain active.

Chen Banxian saw that the other party's soul was also attached to the brain and did not leave.

He is not dead yet!
But what awaits him must be more terrifying than death.

In Liucheng, there was too much movement here, and the extraordinary people moved quickly to stop Chen Banxian.

There were also people moving outside Liucheng, but they were running for their lives.


The dark can spit out a piece of light and flew out after wiping their bodies, causing a mountain range to collapse silently and finally disappear.

Of the original five, only three were left.

Yu Feng, Yue Shiyu, Xiao Xiaodong.

Miao Miao had been swallowed into the jar, and the emperor's power was completely wiped out as soon as he moved.

In the world of the fourth realm, this jar can't even be regarded as a resurrection, it can only be regarded as a trace of instinct.

This is why they used various trump cards and exchanged various props on the spot to cheat the pot and escape with their lives.

But when all the cards were exhausted and World Point was in debt, Miao Miao died, and the situation of the three of them became increasingly precarious.

"TMD, I knew that the investigation mission actually involved all the managers of our Horned Frog Team. It must not be easy!"

Xiao Xiaodong cursed angrily, and there was another burst of light behind him. He couldn't avoid it and put his arm into the light.

Silently, his arm was gone. Xiao Xiaodong was stimulated by the pain, and his pace suddenly quickened. He was now fighting for his potential!

"Flee separately!"

Captain Yu Feng said: "Only in this way can we have a glimmer of hope. This jar only has vague instincts and may not be able to hunt down the other two."

It is precisely this vague instinct that leaves them with no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

"Okay! Run separately!"

The other two people had no objections. This was indeed the best way.

"Then brothers... see you later!"

They said their final goodbyes, agreed on a time, and suddenly split into three, each running away in one direction.


Jar did not hesitate and pursued Xiao Xiaodong.

The latter's face was ashen, and he was already missing an arm. How could he escape from the jar now?In the end, his potential was exhausted and he was ruthlessly swallowed by the jar.

The can glowed again and chased in the other direction.

It actually determined the direction and remembered the breaths of Yue Shiyu and Yu Feng.

Soon, Yue Shiyu's cards were exhausted and she was devoured and obliterated.

Only Yu Feng was left.

The latter learned that his teammates had been killed through the sound of the bracelet, and couldn't help but feel sad.

I was lucky, I was the last one to be caught up.

But his luck was also bad because he was about to die.

He was about to be overtaken by the can and follow in the footsteps of his teammates.

The world-famous Horned Frogs team is about to fall.

There is a city ahead!

Suddenly, Yu Feng's eyes lit up. He seemed to see hope. Perhaps he could confuse the audience so that the jar could not find him.

Or find a way to attract the top extraordinary beings in the city to help him resist the jar.

But soon, he found that he didn't have to think of a solution.

Because there are densely packed extraordinary beings floating in the sky outside the city. The second realm, the third realm, and the fourth realm are everywhere, filling the sky.

They seemed to be holding three people against each other.

No, not three people, but one person, and that person was holding two ordinary people in his hands.

Who actually provoked nearly a city of extraordinary beings to join forces to besiege it?
But soon Yu Feng realized that he had not expected so much. The jar was behind him, and he must have smashed him with himself.

He was desperate, and the last distance was like a chasm, a distance he could never reach.

He could even see the expressions of those people, filled with fear, right in front of him, and the lines on their faces were so clearly visible.

Closer, the jar was next to him, he closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

"Whoosh~" The can passed over his head and ignored him at all.

Yu Feng:? ? ?
He saw that the jar was hitting the man who was being held high in the sky.

Chen Banxian was very arrogant when he mentioned Zhou Xiaoming and Lei Fang.

Even if there were almost all the top extraordinary people in Liucheng in front of him, he was not afraid at all.

He even went so far as to say, "You can just come forward, but if you step back, I will lose."

"Who do you think the Liu family is? I've already killed one of the Xia family, why are you still afraid of you?"

"If you know what's going on, take the initiative to retreat, otherwise I won't leave any lives if I make a move."

He saw fear in the eyes of those people, as if they wanted to escape and become more arrogant. He did have this strength.

The fear in their eyes was even worse, which was normal. After all, he was Chen Banxian. He was very powerful and the ceiling maker in the world.

"At the beginning, the nine realms besieged me and were completely wiped out by my three-character mantra. Even now, they dare not show their faces. Do you also want to experience it?
As he continued speaking, he suddenly felt wind coming from the back of his head. Chen Banxian subconsciously turned around and said, "What are you kidding about..."


A loud bang!
(End of this chapter)

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