There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 282 Who threw the broken jar!

Chapter 282 Who threw the broken jar!


"Good head!"

I don't know who said it. Chen Banxian covered the back of his head and slowly squatted down, feeling his whole body buzzing.

"TMD, fortunately, the labor and management are passive, thank you very much."

He who hits someone on the back of the head will eventually get hit on the back of the head.


He closed the corners of his lips, and tears fell down. He subconsciously groped around him, and it took him a while before he grabbed the jar and recovered.

"Who threw the broken can!"

He picked up the jar on the ground and cursed angrily: "What's the point of a sneak attack by a sinister villain? If you have the ability, you can confront him head-on!"

His face turned blue and white, and the back of his head was swollen.

But that's not the main thing. He was arrogantly talking in front of countless people just now, and the next second he died in front of everyone. This tone...he couldn't swallow it!

"Broken jar, labor and management broke you!"

He looked at the jar angrily and threw it to the ground.


The can is really elastic and tough. After hitting the ground, it bounces up and makes a crisp muffled sound.

"Why does this jar look familiar?"

A blurry picture flashed through Chen Banxian's mind, as if he had seen this thing somewhere.

Yu Feng, who was watching not far away, straightened his eyes.

Brother, it’s surprising that you resisted, but you’re so good, why did you throw it down!

The jar was floating in the air, its mouth facing Chen Banxian.

An extremely familiar imperial power filled the air.

At this moment, Chen Banxian realized.

"I asked why it looks so familiar. It turns out to be the magic jar that chased me to the mezzanine of space before."

He remembered.

He remembered!

Chen Banxian screamed, then turned around quickly and was about to escape across space!

But the can's reaction was obviously faster than his, and it quickly sprayed out the divine light in the opposite direction, not to hit people, but to accelerate.

It spanned a large distance in an instant, and caught Chen Banxian off guard and hit him hard on the head!


Chen Banxian screamed, feeling a splitting headache and tears streaming down his face, unable to control himself.

The mask used to cover up was instantly shattered into powder, leaving not even a single fragment behind.

A good-looking face should also have temperament. At this moment, Chen Banxian's eyes were filled with tears. Where could he still have temperament? He traveled through several spaces one after another, but was caught by the can.

"For a while, the people in Liucheng only heard the sound of "dang-dang-dang" coming from the space, but there was no sign of anyone."


Chen Banxian found a temporarily safe place to put down Lei Fang and Zhou Xiaoming: "You guys wait for me."

He can't run fast while carrying two people!

But this jar seems to have a tracking radar, so it can't escape no matter what. It's also very vindictive and insists on hitting the back of the head!

"You don't hit people in the face!"

Chen Banxian went crazy, but the jar came to him again!
"I'm already very excited, but you're still here!"

He tried his best to escape and went to the place where there was a terrible priest.

In the distance, a cloud god covering the sky and the sun woke up from his slumber and looked in the direction of one person and one jar.


He was furious: "You deserve to be damned for disturbing my dreams."

This cloud god is very scary. All the clouds in the sky are under his jurisdiction. The cloud domain is densely covered with rules and is a restricted area for living beings.

He is waiting, and as long as one person and one jar arrives, he will activate the domain rules and wipe them out.

Let him leave no trace of dust behind!
But the next second, Yun Shen realized something was wrong: "So fast!"


One person crashed into his domain first, all rules were invalidated, and he was cut down by the fairy light.

He is terrifying. Although he is only a human being, the aura he exudes is more dangerous than him!

The human pierced his body and fled far away.

"You can run fast!" Yun Shen said hard, but soon he couldn't be hard anymore.

The jar that followed was even more terrifying. Divine light condensed on the mouth of the jar, and the speed of spitting increased. Poor Cloud God was bombarded by the aftermath of the tail flame, and the rule field was shattered into pieces.


Chen Banxian was beaten again!
He stopped running away and came back to his senses.

"Tsk, it seems not as powerful as expected."

He squinted his eyes. The current jar was still terrifying, but it was completely different from the previous power that easily destroyed the world and crushed the small world. It was like...

Excavators and toy excavators.

"Oh~ I see!"

He looked suddenly enlightened: "This is the earth, and you don't dare to completely let go of the restrictions!"

ha!So what is he afraid of?
He became angry when he thought of the miserable appearance of being chased before, but now he woke up and suddenly couldn't care less!

He no longer ran away, but chose to turn around, with terrifying black light condensing in his hands.

"Sutra of Summoning Magic!"

He poured all his strength into a strike and made a big hand seal. The power of the divine pattern appeared, and instantly a hand seal bigger than the Cloud God was covered!
Yun Shen was shocked, and he could only escape subconsciously.


Yun Shen shattered half of his body, and the jar, which was originally so fast and terrifying, actually trembled and slowed down.

"It turns out to be a silver pewter spear head!"

After a successful attack, Chen Banxian struck again. This time his body glowed with fairy light, covering the jar, and he fought at close range!


The jar trembled violently, and seemed to turn into three in the vibration. The jar that originally suppressed Chen Banxian was suppressed.

"It's not over yet!"

In the excitement of fighting, he shouted, and a small boat rushed out of his body, controlled by martial arts will, and hit hard!
At this moment, the space was shattered. Cloud God was torn to pieces, unable to escape. Tens of thousands of miles around were shattered by the aftermath, and the mountains, rivers, and vegetation turned into dust under the sweep of energy.

Yun Shen is not dead, but he has been severely injured, almost fatally. He tightly hides the last bit of his divine power, hiding in his priesthood, and does not dare to recover.

He was afraid that once he recovered, he would be targeted again.

The jar was hit by the boat and turned into a stream of light flying backwards in the direction it came from. Chen Banxian chased after it and finally left here.

Yun Shen trembled and climbed out of the ground.

"You guys beat me!"

He cried and cried: "If you have the ability, go fight somewhere else! How can you bully a little god like me!"

He is no longer arrogant or arrogant, only aggrieved.

"Why, why is it me? Are you still being unreasonable?"

"It's not a good choice to fight anywhere. You have to choose me here. What happened to me...


He was still complaining, but the person on the other end appeared again. Chen Banxian wiped his body and was smashed into the ground. His shirt was shattered and he was in a mess.

"Bah! Bah!"

He went thousands of meters underground, and groundwater mixed with mud rolled out. Before he could react, the jar fell again.

One blow after another, non-stop!
Thousands of meters, one hundred thousand meters, hundreds of thousands of meters...

"md, careless!"

He was arrogant before, thinking that he could suppress the jar, but he didn't know that this thing suddenly burst out with imperial power. Only a trace of it caused him to lose control.

Just in this gap, he was attacked hundreds of times, with critical hits and real injuries every time. It was terrible to watch.

Seeing that he was about to enter the lava if he hit again, he became fierce and his dantian condensed with a terrifying light.

When the jar was about to hit him hard again, two thumb-sized light spots instantly erupted in his Dantian! "boom!"

The dazzling energy shot into the sky and exploded underground, impacting the jar and flying high into the sky!

At this moment, the light overwhelmed the sky and the earth, making it dim and dull. This was Chen Banxian's fourth realm!

Ultimate energy destruction!
The jar was blinded by this light. It was comparable to the Young Emperor and was also suppressed under this light.

The terrifying energy and divine power are simply a concentrated burst of accumulation.

Chen Banxian followed closely behind the Divine Light of the Four Realms and pursued him. The door to the essence of the inner and outer heaven and earth was completely opened, and an endless stream of essence was swallowed and spilled, allowing his demon-summoning sutra sea to recover with the flying fairy light.

His method of recovery can be described as plundering. Everything in his path withered and the soil lost its nutrients.

But the effect of this is gratifying. Now it is easy to switch between offense and defense, and it becomes a can that is suppressed and trapped in a hard control of combos.

"Ah! Hit, hit, hit!"

Chen Banxian struck out with all his strength, each punch touched the jar deeply and passed through the sky above Liucheng!

The entire Liucheng shook, and the extraordinary beings who had not dispersed were dumbfounded.

"Where did this great god come from!"

The Fourth Realm couldn't hold it in any longer: "Didn't it say that the strongest one on earth is the Fourth Realm? I've touched the ceiling. Those two - what are they!"

Their defenses were broken and they all suspected that they had been deceived.

"The fifth realm is not so scary!"

The top experts in Liucheng speculated: "These two things are on steroids, are they illegitimate children of heaven?"

"It's unscientific. If the labor and management report someone for cheating, they will die!"

This affects the balance too much.

People scolded, but more worried.

Perception has been refreshed.

But they soon realized they had said the wrong thing.

One person and one can rushed out from the ground. Passing by the person who just talked nonsense, they all took action.

There was a crackling sound of slaps, and in his busy schedule, Chen Banxian used time to retrace his steps and reach out to hit someone!
"Let you call, let you call!"

"A rookie is just a rookie, and if people are not good enough, they will blame the uneven road!"

These extraordinary beings screamed in agony and did not say anything about fighting back. In the blink of an eye, the man and the jar were no longer even visible.

Yu Feng swallowed. He tremblingly found a beverage shop and ordered a glass of boiled water.

He held up the cup tremblingly and took a sip, but half of the boiled water had already been poured out.


He still couldn't suppress the fear in his heart, and he was really on the verge of death several times today.

Whether it's the jar or Chen Banxian who wants to investigate, they are all so scary. I can't stay in this [world] anymore. The rankings are about to be re-calculated. I'm already crazy.

The mortality rate of managers is skyrocketing.


A cocktail was placed in front of him.

Then, a magnetic and clear male voice sounded in Yu Feng’s ears:

"This is more effective in suppressing shock. Let me meet you. My name is Die Yunfei."



The war in the distance is still going on, and the world is about to be overturned by both.

Chen Banxian tried his best and found that he could only suppress the jar, but could not completely suppress it.

"Worthy of being an imperial soldier!"

He felt the rich imperial power inside, but it was suppressed by heaven and earth and could not exert its due power.

I wonder if the sword spirit can do something about it?
He pulled out the sword spirit that was pretending to be dead and tried to knock on the jar.

The Jidao Emperor's soldiers counterattacked!


In an instant, the surface of the sword spirit was covered with cracks, and there was even a priestly aura. He swallowed up the former hard-core soldier Dinghai priest.

"Ouch, my mother!"

The sword spirit was furious and escaped from his hand with a swish, repairing the cracked sword body.

"You damn heartless thing! Master Jian, I am not a weapon, do you understand? Master Jian, I am not a weapon!"

"It hurts grandpa so much, you little bastard, don't you know to say something before you hit me? You want me to hit this hard... bump?"

"Damn it, Imperial Soldier!"

The sword spirit went crazy, and he exclaimed: "You use your labor and wages to kill the emperor's soldiers?"

"You use your labor and wages to kill the emperor's soldiers!"

He flew at least two kilometers away in a whoosh, and then yelled loudly from a distance: "You actually used your labor and wages to kill the emperor's soldiers!!!"

"You bastard whose ancestral grave was blown up! I am Cao#d%@#...

These words were extremely sharp and made Chen Banxian's head bleed, but he couldn't refute them.

Because he did that and almost broke the sword spirit into pieces.

He seized the opportunity, hugged the jar, and suppressed it with all his strength.

Despite his violent behavior, his tone was very weak, and he retorted in a low voice: "I don't think you have an amazing background, so I want to give it a try..."

“Labour and management can hear it!”

The sword spirit was angry, but still did not dare to get close, and shouted from a distance: "Labour and capital are the origins, but labor and capital have already said that I am not a weapon! Damn, the origins of labor and capital are all in my head, and now I am still in the fourth realm!"

"Labour and capital are only in the fourth realm. You let labor and capital kill the imperial soldiers without damaging them!"

He was really angry and stopped calling himself Lord Sword. He kept working hard one after another without stopping.

"Stop talking nonsense, who knew you were so fragile."

Chen Banxian asked: "Think of a way, these are imperial soldiers!"

He couldn't let go of such a good opportunity.

Once you master it, you will be able to walk around the world at a right angle of 90 degrees, not just sideways.

"Think shit!"

The sword spirit was furious: "There is no other way, just throw him back."

"No, Brother Jian, Master Jian, you are the most powerful, you are knowledgeable, you are the best swordsman in history...

Chen Banxian held the jar and acted coquettishly: "Master Jian, please help me. When the time comes, each of us will control the jar with one sword, and we will smash whoever is unhappy. Wouldn't that be nice?"

He showed emotion, acted rationally, and grinned, all because the jar couldn't control it.

The sword spirit still didn't answer, but said: "I'll think about it."

consider?That’s fun!

"Master Jian, please think about it first. I'll find a way to hold it down."

Chen Banxian didn't care anymore. Seeing that he couldn't control the jar, he simply closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"Conscience remains intact!"

Endure it.

An unsightly scene suddenly occurred, and the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers could not escape the infection of conscience.

"Boy, let me make you embarrassed first."

The sword spirit began to draw certain lines in the void, and he cursed: "My old waist, my old feet, damn, use your labor to kill the emperor's soldiers..."

"Master Jian is so angry!"

He didn't dare to get close to the small one-meter area, and kept arranging it. At some point, he even controlled himself and made an incense burner out of clay.

Shen Qinghe used his method to transform into a human form, and he could do it, but the sword spirit didn't like the human form.

This painting took three days and three nights.

He temporarily used his divine power to pull Chen Banxian away. The latter's eyes were haggard, and he was obviously wasting a lot of energy.


Chen Banxian, who was freed from the influence of the force, exclaimed, and then quickly hugged the can that was about to escape.

He is really dedicated to the imperial soldiers!

(End of this chapter)

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