There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 283 Chen Banxian: Sword Master I drafted Grandma

Chapter 283 Chen Banxian: Sword Master I drafted Grandma

"My jar!"

He hugged his hands and crossed his legs tightly, pressed his chin on the mouth of the jar, and then turned to look at the sword spirit:
"Master Jian, do you have a solution?"

"of course."

The sword spirit smiled coldly: "Give me your phone first. The energy may be destroyed when the energy explodes. This will affect our return to Baihu City."

"Thank you Master Jian."

At this time, Chen Banxian's mouth was as sweet as he wanted, and he didn't notice the narrow eyes of the sword spirit at all.

"My formation will take a few more days, so you can delay it."

The sword spirit signaled Chen Banxian to continue to activate his conscience.

"Okay Master Jian, I can definitely do it Master Jian."

The latter activated his abilities again, smiling so cutely that it made the sword spirit Xinsheng feel guilty.

"No! Don't be deceived by the appearance of this black-hearted boy!"

Jian Jing unswervingly opened her phone, entered the password she had peeped from, and then turned on video recording.

"You black-hearted boy, don't blame Mr. Jian for my cruelty. If you want to blame, blame my grandpa for my cruelty. I'm not a saint yet."

He ended the recording, chose to save and back up, and then encrypted the file password. After thinking about it, he sent it to Die Yunfei.

Die Yunfei, who was chatting with Yu Feng, received a notification and took out his mobile phone: "Hey, there is still Internet in this poor place? No, it should be other mobile terminals."

Even if there is no total quantum signal tower, as long as the distance between the two terminals is not very far, they can still communicate with each other.

Similar to an enhanced version of a super long-distance walkie-talkie.

He clicked on it, and it turned out to be from Chen Banxian. There was a video above.

"Brother Die?" Yu Feng was confused. The two of them had a good chat just now.

"Don't disturb me yet." Die Yunfei stretched out his hand to stop him, his face solemn and his eyes unblinking.


After completing a set of operations, the sword spirit continued to outline the formation patterns.

"If you can take advantage of the way of heaven, Master Jian, I am really brave."

After waiting for another six days and six nights, the sword spirit pulled Chen Banxian out of his state of conscience.

"My jar!"

Still saying the same thing, Chen Banxian quickly hugged the Dao Emperor Soldier, his expression and movements were exactly the same as six days ago.

This guy is so greedy.

"Grandpa Jian, are you okay?"

"Okay, kid, get ready later. There may be an emergency."

After the sword spirit finished speaking, he activated the formation patterns.

He said to himself: "Anyway, I haven't been beaten to death several times. Let's give it a try."

The next second, Chen Banxian and the jar glowed.

This light shot straight into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds with a sense of divine power.

"Grandpa Jian, why do I feel something is wrong?"

Chen Banxian was a little worried, but he still hugged the jar tightly: "Is there going to be any problem?"

"Don't worry, there's no problem at all." The sword spirit assured him firmly and backed away thousands of miles.

"No, why are you so far away? Chen Banxian's sense of foreboding became more and more serious. He was a little flustered and hurriedly shouted: "Are you sure there's nothing wrong? "

"Master Jian, can I still trick you? It's definitely no problem!"

The sword spirit creates an illusion a thousand miles away, and then retreats another two thousand miles.

"Really?" Chen Banxian was still shouting. He felt cold sweat starting to form on his forehead and wondered what was wrong with his body today.
The jar trembled violently in his arms, trying to escape, interrupting his train of thought.

"Not allowed to move!"

He felt that the formation patterns around him had fully exerted their effect. Wait a moment, wait a moment.

Greed is almost overflowing in his eyes, this is the Supreme Emperor Soldier!
The thought of being able to have one right away...


There was a sudden thunder in the sky. He raised his head and saw something vague that seemed to be an eye.

A feeling of impending disaster spread, it was the aura of heaven.


For a moment, Chen Banxian seemed to have thought of something in his mind, and his expression changed drastically!

He roared to the sword spirit thousands of miles away: "Master Jian, are you taking advantage of the way of heaven?"


The projection of the sword spirit thousands of miles away was crushed by the power of God. His true body was no longer three thousand miles away, but tens of thousands of miles away.

"Damn it! Death Sword Master, my boss and I were praising you just now, but you actually cheated me!"

Chen Banxian panicked, and the power of God was strong. He hurriedly threw away the jar: "I don't want the jar anymore. Come back quickly and help me remove the formation pattern on my head!"

They were locked by Tianwei and could not escape at this time.

The shaking jar was originally thrown out by him, but now it unexpectedly went uncharacteristically and took the initiative to get into his arms.

"Fuck, get the hell out of here!"

Chen Banxian pulled it again, but the jar seemed to be coated with super glue and would not go away.

The more you push, the tighter it becomes.

"Mud play Kai!"

Chen Banxian was going crazy, and a bolt of thunder struck down from the sky.


He and the jar trembled together, and then thunder struck down from the sky!
"Sword Spirit, damn your grandma!"

Chen Banxian looked at the formation patterns. They were all curses, but lacked a theme. The main character was the activation word that the sword spirit finally carved on their heads.

"The Way of Heaven"! ! !
Screams quickly spread from the lightning, and Chen Banxian began to scold him back. He returned the words that the sword spirit scolded him intact, and then assembled his own vocabulary to add novelty.

But soon, he was in too much pain and couldn't think, so he could only repeat the three-word mantra.In the lightning, he saw the jar glowing, and a headless body seemed to emerge, but he quickly shrank back and hid under him for shelter.

"Nima, show off the backbone you used to hunt down labor and management!"

He jumped up and down and was chopped so hard that the outside was charred and the inside was tender, and several layers of skin fell off.

He is being beaten!
From the perspective of Liucheng, thunder struck in the distance for three days and three nights...

The little person was beaten to death inside, his skin and flesh were torn, and he was like a turtle with his head in the pot. He dared not resist even a single blow.

In the end, Chen Banxian shed at least a dozen layers of skin and lay panting in a deep pit that was unknown many miles away.

Lei Jie finally left. He didn't want to move, and he didn't even pay attention to the jar beside him.

If you want to leave, just leave. If he doesn't want it anymore, it will be ruined.

Don't be too greedy. Today, he was taught a lesson that he will never forget.

The Death Sword Spirit is lingering tens of thousands of miles away, still refusing to get close.

But the jar was surprisingly honest, motionless and stuck to his body.

It seems that this is the only way to feel safe.

In the end, Die Yunfei fumbled around and brought Yu Feng over.

"Master Chen!"

He was a little panicked, and saw the man in the distance lying naked in the center of the battlefield, only using a jar to block key positions, and then he kept adding fairy light to himself.

"You got the wrong person."

He muttered, then quickly found some clothes to change into.

"How can you admit the wrong person!" Die Yunfei said desperately: "With just one look, who would forget you?"

"It is said that you have identified the wrong person."

Chen Banxian crossed the space and wanted to run.

Who knows that Die Yunfei is not slower than him: "Everyone is waiting for you. Miancheng has proposed some plans to unite mankind. Shen Qinghe has been looking for you for almost a year because of this matter."

"Oh." Chen Banxian responded, and then realized: "I'm not Chen Banxian, you got the wrong person!"

"I didn't say Master Chen's full name." Die Yunfei took out his phone and clicked on the video uploaded by Sword Spirit.

"Is this you above? I found it based on the video. What happened here? Why does it look like it has been baptized by hundreds of nuclear bombs?"

The more he spoke, the darker Chen Banxian's face became.

He waved his hand: "I'll tell you who this person is in the video. Come here, I know where he is."

Then, he raised the can and greeted from afar, with a cute smile on his face again: "Grandpa Jian, come and see the imperial soldiers we got."

Die Yunfei came over and said, "Are you really not?"

The sword spirit also flew over in a hurry. He could actually travel through space. At this time, he looked at the jar closely and sighed:
"Emperor's soldiers, damn, oh, these are imperial soldiers!"

"Haha." A sneer filled the air.

Ren Yijian raised his head to look at Chen Banxian, but at this moment, the smile and cuteness on his face turned cold.

"Death to the Lord!"

He stepped on Die Yunfei, then picked up the jar and hit the sword spirit hard.

"Death Sword, you bastard, you all will die!"

A big explosion occurred here, and the aftermath shocked Liucheng again.

Half a day later, Chen Banxian found Lei Fang and Zhou Xiaoming.

He untied Lei Fang and patched up the wounds on his soul, followed by the bruised and swollen Die Yunfei and the crooked sword spirit.

Well, Yu Feng was there, too, with a bruised nose and a swollen face. He suffered a disaster simply because he followed Die Yunfei and took a look at him.

He swore that he would never look around in this life again.

"Let's go back to Baihu City." Chen Banxian held the jar and wiped it with paper towels.


Die Yunfei grimaced. He found the Daxia Longque where it had been parked when he came, and took a few people back to Baihu City.

To this day, he doesn't understand why he still gets beaten.

He could only look at the sword spirit. Perhaps this thing made Brother Xian angry, and he just suffered an unreasonable disaster.

In fact, he got half of it right...

In Baihu City, Shen Qinghe got news from Die Yunfei that Daxia Longque had brought that man back.

He breathed a sigh of relief and sent a message to Ninth.

"How are you over there?"


Ninth only had these two words, and after interrogating a large number of people, he finally found a way to enter the [World].

Some people were still impressed.

For example, after he taught someone Zhou his system, he successfully gained a fan. But for some reason, Zhou called his system:
"The Unknown Cultivation Method of Force Majeure".

After answering, the ninth thought moved, and the whole person glowed, entering an unknown space.

The sky here is nothingness, and there is light settling on the earth, condensing and not dissipating.

He first saw countless small grids, streets, and markets, and then he landed in a small grid.

There was nothing inside the grid, only a dark ball of light.

"Reincarnation, welcome to [the world]."

The sound came from inside the light ball. Ninth frowned and looked around carefully.

He felt that there must be at least a place to sleep here, right?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished his thoughts, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed according to the bedroom in his memory.

"Creating a residence for the first time is free, and you can spend world points to modify it later."

The ball of light continued to make a sound: "If you have any questions, you can ask me."

(End of this chapter)

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