There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 284 Arriving at Lake City

Chapter 284 Return to Baihu City

"What is [World]?"

Ninth asked the first question.

"Administrator permissions are required to obtain information, and 10000 world points must be paid."

Ninth frowned and asked again: "What is the purpose of your existence?"

"Requires administrator privileges and pays 100 world points."

Ninth doesn't have a single world point on his body, and he doesn't have any so-called administrator rights at all.

He asked again: "What is the future of the earth?"

"You need to activate administrator rights and pay 1 million world points to query."

"Ding, warm reminder, the first mission is about to begin, the countdown is
Please get ready. "

"Last question, what can World Point do? What benefits can I get by joining [World]?"

Guangqiu finally answered this time: "You can choose to use world points to exchange for props, skills, cultivation, bloodline, lifespan, etc. As long as you complete the task, [World] can help you become stronger quickly."

No wonder, although those so-called managers seem to be very strong, and each of them is said to have a cultivation level of Hedao or above, in fact, they appear to be "insufficient" in the same realm.

He understood clearly that everything in this so-called [world] requires permissions and world points, and forcing tasks to be done is just a tool for profit.

After pondering for a moment and confirming that he could not obtain any more information, he decisively chose to cut off the connection with his soul and disappear from the world.

Baihu City Ninth opened his eyes and obtained the information about his differentiated soul.

The so-called world is a trap!
It will only make people sink deeper and deeper. Only by completing tasks can they obtain world points, which can be exchanged for strength. However, those are cultivation levels that are exchanged for world points. After all, they are not cultivated through hard work.

"The upper limit of such an exchange has already been determined, and it cannot become stronger."

He talks to himself, peeking into the world's shortcomings.

And the person or thing that created the world must be planning something.

A large number of world origins have too many functions.

He compiled these materials and sent them to Shen Qinghe and some trustworthy senior officials, and then ignored those so-called "reincarnations".

Ten days later, the mission time of the reincarnations came. Many people died on the spot, and many others relied on props to survive. They made a vicious oath:

"Just wait, we will come back, and we will bury you with us when the time comes!"

After the threat was over, these people turned into light and disappeared.

This made Ninth Brow frown even more: "It's not a real body, it's similar to a temporary body. Their upper limit can be determined and completely locked."

People without cultivation qualifications might be able to go in and make plans, but those with talent would undoubtedly be seeking death.

What is the upper limit of [the world]? Their upper limit is this kind of power. It is nothing to worry about.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number subconsciously, which has become one of people's after-dinner entertainment projects.

What if it gets through?
Far away from Baihu City, Chen Banxian was holding a jar, even closer than his wife.

"We have entered the signal range of Baihu City." Die Yunfei breathed a sigh of relief. Even he was worried along the way.

Some existences were really too terrifying, and he wasn't sure he could fight them.

Master Chen was mentally disturbed, and he suspected that the latter had a fetish.

"Oh, jar, my jar."

Chen Banxian hugged her tightly, kissing and touching her, and those who didn't know thought he was holding a delicate fairy.

"Jingle Bell."

It wasn't until his cell phone rang that Chen Banxian barely recovered from his strange state. He glanced at it casually and saw that he didn't recognize the number.

"Hey, am I so famous? Why don't you call me before you arrive?"

At this time, in a smelly ditch outside Baihu City, there was a person looking desperate.

He owed more than 300 black coins, and the interest doubled every day, and now it amounted to tens of thousands.

He did not dare to go back, fearing that he would be found and sent to the construction site to build Baihu City, but he was worried that his sister would not survive.

She was only five years old, and he owed that money to treat his sister who had a high fever.

"How to do?"

He was very anxious, but had no choice but to wonder how his sister was doing now.

He took out his cell phone and kept checking bounty missions, or dangerous jobs with high rewards.

For example, exploring an unknown world for five hundred black coins at a time. Such tasks have always been popular.

But the death rate is too high, does he really want to explore the road?

"Forget it, let's complete the daily tasks."

He sighed, but still didn't dare.

The so-called daily tasks are searching for people, making phone calls, or accumulating popularity on the mobile phone, etc., which are not of high value. Apart from the phone call, the black coins obtained can only be used for food and clothing.

He dialed out of habit and waited for the end of one minute.

"Beep beep..."


Suddenly, a voice came from the other end, and the man trembled.

Incredulously, he picked up the phone and confirmed the call.

Yes, he entered it correctly, it was really that phone number!
"Hello?" The voice on the other end was nice and he asked again.

"Ah! I got through, I'll send it!"

A harsh voice came from the other side of the phone, accompanied by wild laughter, causing Chen Banxian to cover his ears in a hurry.

"Fuck, you're crazy."

He hung up the phone and was about to curse, but soon another call came in.


He still asked one word, and then an earth-shattering scream came from the other side.

"Hey! Got through!"

Next, his cell phone kept vibrating and ringing, with calls coming in every minute.

Chen Banxian's face darkened and he patted his phone. He was a little confused and looked around the phone in confusion: "Is there a system bug?"

The phone is still ringing, and each call is different every second. A new call comes right after hanging up.

"Is it broken somewhere?"

He thought he might have traveled through several worlds with him, encountered a catastrophe, etc., and accidentally crashed it somewhere.

Die Yunfei's face froze, and he patted his head.

"Damn it, why did I forget this!"

He regretted it endlessly: "Oh, such a big black coin was given away to others!"

"What the hell?" Chen Banxian looked confused, but Die Yunfei didn't say a word about it.

"Be careful, I'll hit you with a can!"

He raised the jar in his hand, thought about it, put it down reluctantly, and held it in his arms.

"Forget it, you don't deserve it."

"Boy, this jar is an imperial weapon, not so squeamish."

The sword spirit ran over from nowhere, but was immediately kicked away by Chen Banxian.


He is still angry.

"Can the Jidao Emperor's weapons be used casually?" He reprimanded the sword spirit for his extravagant and wasteful behavior, then held the jar and wiped it with his clothes.

"You've wiped this jar until it's reflective." The sword spirit was a little annoyed: "We agreed to let me play with it, but you ended up holding it all by yourself and wouldn't even let me touch it."

"I worked hard to get it based on my ability, why should I give it to you?"

Chen Banxian refuted him, and then took a glass of juice from a jar.


The juice was just the most ordinary water with effervescent tablets, but he drank it and it felt like a century-old wine.

"Don't tell me, the juice from this Jidao Emperor's weapon is just delicious."

"Really? Let me have a taste?" The sword spirit came up again, his evil intentions still lingering.

"Get out!" It was the same word, and they finally arrived at Baihu City after making noisy noises all the way.

Outside Baihu City, the huge Daxia dragon bird landed. Even the residents of Baihu City who had seen it before continued to sigh.

"Great Summer Dragon Bird! This is the latest model of Great Summer Dragon Bird, it's so beautiful!"

"It's so majestic. I must pass the driver's test!"

"The Great Xia Longque, which can travel thousands of miles in an instant, is said to be equipped with a dark matter engine entangled with psychic technology. It can enter the dark plane at the cost of self-destruction and travel through space in an instant."

"Tsk, tsk, I have never experienced the feeling of traveling through space in my life. It would be great if I could experience it once."

They talked incessantly until the Great Xia Dragon Bird landed, and the topic changed again.

"Who do you think is inside?"

"Who else could it be? It must be the Twelve Gods!"

"I heard that they are negotiating with the God of Luanjian Mountain, 16 miles away. He should be back."

"I don't think it's that fast. When has the Lord God gone out for more than ten and a half days? I guess they are important people in the Psychic Technology Park. They are worthy of the Dragon Bird."

"Why didn't you say it was the city lord and the others?"

While people were talking, they saw a few unfamiliar faces coming out of the fighter plane in the distance.

"Hey, why don't I have any images?"

Some people raised their mobile phones and magnified the camera in exchange for a clear view.

They found that none of the people inside could be named.

"That guy just looks familiar."

Someone pointed at Die Yunfei and said, "I always feel like I've seen him somewhere."

No, I'll take a screenshot and scan it to identify it.

They took photos and entered information for identification.

Soon, the photo was displayed, and the characters in it made their eyes widen.

"Damn it, it's Die Yunfei!"

"What? The only extraordinary space butterfly Yunfei? Does such a character still need to use Daxia Longque when going out?"

These people were shocked: "Damn it, I didn't expect it to be this big shot!"

"He was walking in front and seemed to be leading the way for the pretty girl behind him. Is she his girlfriend?"

"Your girlfriend has an Adam's apple? It's okay. Let me scan to see who she is. Anyway, I paid for it, so the scan function is free."

Soon, three words appeared next to the man.

Chen Banxian.

"Who is Chen Banxian?" They asked the name in confusion.

Suddenly, a person next to the onlookers' pupils widened: "Wait, is it him?"


Everyone was curious and wanted to know who that person was.

"You people in other districts probably don't know. The higher-ups deliberately suppress the news."

The man kept his mouth shut tightly: "Anyway, everyone should be careful these days and maintain relations with those officials and the Twelve Priests."

He seemed to be in a hurry. After saying that, he hurried down from the height and took out his mobile phone to send a message quickly.

"He is back!"

At this time, Chen Banxian breathed in the long-lost breath in the air.

"The smell of industrial waste gas is still nostalgic..."

He sighed profusely and found that he couldn't live without this familiar smell.

"What's the good smell of exhaust gas?" Yu Feng whispered, but he didn't dare to say it for fear of being beaten.

This man was so handsome, but he didn't even let go of the sword when he moved his hands.

And the one he was holding in his arms...

Yu Feng stared so hard that his eyes almost popped out.

The ultimate imperial weapon that sells for over a trillion in the world!

The strings of zeros were enough to make his eyes dazzle.

"Brother Xian, do you want to take a rest or go find Shen Qinghe?"

Die Yunfei licked his face and asked tentatively.

"It's not impossible to rest, but the wait over there in Miancheng is a bit urgent, and the time is a little rushed. In a few days, it will be the big day for Jiuding division. If we go late, we may not get the best tripod. If there are more take a break……


Chen Banxian waved his hand to stop him: "If you don't want me to rest, just say so, don't beat around the bush like that."

This is just like a man receiving news that he went out for a drink, and then asked his wife if she would agree.

The sentence is (Brother, just agree.)
"Let's rest for a long time. I haven't been home for a long time."

He stretched and slapped the sword spirit away at the same time.

"Don't get too close, or I'll suspect you are coveting my jar."

"Let me see where Aigwei is."

He was still thinking about the child and went to find the child immediately.

Baihu City, No. 4 School.

As one of the first four schools established, it has the best quality teachers and is also one of the schools with the largest building area.

At the same time, it is also one of the schools that produces the most talents each time in Baihu City. It offers many majors and is completely different from traditional universities.

In other words, it combines high school and university, where you can choose the courses you like.

"Egerwei, do you want to go to dinner together after class?"

Several girls gathered together, playfully inviting her.

"It's better to say goodbye." Aigwei thought for a while, with a sad look on her face.

"Are you still worried about Mr. Dong?"

Lan Meimei grabbed Aigwei's hand: "Actually, it's not a big deal. If Mr. Dong likes us, I will send myself to his bed that day!"

"That's you, I don't want that."

Egerwei shook her head, her eyes melancholy and said: "You go ahead, I don't want to eat."

After they left, she was left alone in the classroom.

"Asshole, you promised to take me with you, but you are nowhere to be seen all year round."

She still remembered that a few months ago, it was said to be the Chinese New Year in this world. All her friends and the whole family would have dinner together, visit each other, and visit relatives.

It was just her, all alone.

Uncle Jiu was busy all day long, and Uncle Die was even invisible. He only said a few words and left after seeing him.

The classroom was silent, and Aigwei dragged her chin and looked at the sky outside the window.

"It's better for Sister Jiaojiao, but I don't know where Sister Jiaojiao has gone. That bastard didn't even send me a message, and I can't even get through on the phone."

She missed the food cooked by Sister Jiaojiao.

The food in the canteen is not delicious at all.


The teacher's door suddenly opened, and a fat boy walked in carelessly from the door.

Behind him were seven or eight classmates, all of whom seemed to be his younger brothers.

"Oh, my Bai Yueguang, why didn't you go to the canteen?"

Dong Mo walked into the teacher and saw the lonely Ai Gewei at a glance.

"It's not good to skip meals."

He took out a food box from his hand: "Egerwei, I heard that you have no appetite, so I specially brought you Hanxin fish soup. This is a rare thing that can only be caught from a deep pool of more than [-] meters."

"Thank you Mr. Dong, but I've been here recently and it's not suitable for me to eat cold food."

Aigwei politely refused, and she stood up as if she wanted to leave the classroom.

(End of this chapter)

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