There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 285: You name this chapter?

Chapter 285: You name this chapter?

"Oh, my Bai Yueguang, you may have misunderstood."

Dong Mo opened the food box, and a strong aroma and spiritual energy spurted out.

"Although this fish is called cold heart fish, it is a rare and good spiritual food that nourishes the body. It is suitable for replenishing qi and blood."

"That's right. The adults in your family are a bit weak and don't understand how precious this thing is. If you try it, you will definitely like it."

"I'm sorry, it's too expensive and I won't accept it." Aigwei stood up and said, "I'm leaving, please get out of the way."

"Don't! I know you may not be comfortable with it, it's okay, I'll leave now."

Dong Mo wisely put down his lunch box and left, always acting polite.

They left the classroom, and Aigwei stopped going out. The boys outside couldn't help but ask Dong Mo:
"Brother Mo, why are you so interested in a foreign girl? She delivers meals and gifts every day. Baihu City is much prettier than her."

They felt it was not worth it: "Which woman can't be bothered by your words? Especially that Han Xin Yu, I heard that one as big as a thumb costs tens of thousands of black coins."

"You know nothing." Dong Mo shook his head, his eyes full of wisdom:
"Compared to her, other girls are not even worthy of carrying shoes. If I win it, I don't have to go out to look for it in this life."

He put his hands behind his back and noticed a few girls coming from the other end. He smiled and left the building.


The door that had been closed just now was violently kicked open, and three women walked in menacingly.

"Egerwei, have I ever said, stay away from my Mo Mo!"

The girl's face was painted with exquisite makeup, but it was now destroyed by anger and distortion. She stepped on Ai Gewei's desk, and the heels of her high heels directly penetrated her homework and desktop.

Ai Gewei frowned: "Zhang Sushi, I never approached Dong Mo from the beginning to the end. It was he who wanted to approach me."

"If you don't seduce him, why would he come to you!"

Zhang Sushi raised her nose and grabbed the food box on the table. After opening it, the chilling smell of fish filled the air again.

"Okay, Han Xin Yu, one fish is worth tens of thousands of black coins. Mo Mo has never given me food before, but he actually gave it to you, a foreign woman!"

She seemed unable to accept that the person she loved deeply liked another person, so she suddenly became angry and splashed the expensive cold heart fish all over Aigwei's body!

"Dirty alien, a beast without parents, I must get you out of school!"

She looked at the book on the table, "Quantum and Future Trajectory", and mocked: "Do you want to publish this thing? Just wait, you will never be able to publish it in your life, go back to your original world! Slave!"

The heart-wrenching words were spat out one after another, and Aigwei was covered in fish soup. She gritted her teeth and did not look at Zhang Sushi.

"You still ignore me?"

Zhang Sushi reached out and tugged at Aigwei's clothes: "It's no wonder you wear so much to please men. You asked me to take off your clothes and put your naked photos online."

"Sisters, turn on the video. I want others to see what this bitch really looks like!"

She actually took action, and her strength was quite impressive, and she had already entered the first level.

Egerwei clenched her fists tightly, protecting her clothes.

She said coldly: "Zhang Sushi, I don't want to do anything, you'd better leave now."

"You still want to do it?"

Zhang Sushi scolded her directly: "Do you know who my mother is? How dare you fight back?"

She used her hands hard and finally tore Aigwei's clothes apart.


Suddenly, Zhang Sushi's two best friends burst into laughter: "Haha, hurry up, there is another layer, Sister Zhang's cowhide!"

Ai Gewei finally couldn't bear it anymore. She punched Zhang Sushi away with her fist and fled the school like wind while holding her clothes.

"Ouch." Zhang Su didn't expect that Aigwei was stronger than her, so she didn't react for a while. When she reacted, she screamed.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to sell you as a slave, you wait, you wait!"

Aigwei turned a deaf ear. He was very fast and ran out of the school ignoring other people's strange looks.

After running for more than ten blocks in one breath, she didn't go to Shen Qinghe's shop, nor did she go to find Ninth. Instead, she ran back to the small room at the door of North 14th District.

This is the place where her memories of this world began, and it is also her favorite place. Although it is small and shabby, the bustling crowds on the street outside are very noisy.

But to her, this is home.

Although she later moved to a bigger house, Teacher Banxian still often brought her here to rest because of convenience.

Aigwei carefully went to the bathroom to wash off the dirt on her body. She couldn't bear to dirty the room that she had wiped clean bit by bit. After changing into clean clothes, she leaned on the sofa and hugged the yellowed book of "Plum Blossoms" 》.

That was the first book the teacher gave her, and it was also the book that taught her the most.

Looking at the portrait of the ancestor above, she seemed to see the teacher. Her nose became more and more sore, and finally she couldn't help but shed tears.

She hugged the book tightly in her arms to prevent it from getting wet with tears, and her throat gradually became choked with sobs:


Her cries were masked by the noise downstairs, and she could cry loudly.

"Why am I an alien?"

"Why am I a slave!"

"Why should I bear this?"

"Why, why do you, it's so good that you let me stay in hell. Now that I have seen heaven, you really let me fall back to hell again!"

"Dad, Mom, why did you leave me..."

Her tears rolled down her cheeks and she couldn't stop them. She fell to the ground and lost the strength to sit up.Finally, I got tired of crying, and my eyes went blank while holding the book.

No matter how strong she acted, she was still a child, enduring the most terrible pain in the world.

She murmured to herself: "How good I am, never telling my uncles how wronged I have been." "No one is friends with me, they all know that my world has killed their relatives. friend."

"I am a slave, I am a bitch..."

Her words were confused, her expression was calm, and finally she stretched out her hand, with the bright light on it, gently approaching her head.

Suddenly, the kitchen spatula fell, and the familiar sound reminded her of Sister Jiaojiao cooking.

She put down her hand as she felt a stinging pain: "If I die, will Sister Jiaojiao be sad?"

"I'm afraid of pain, but I want to die."

She cried softly and dissipated her aura, or maybe everyone was deceived by his appearance. They don't know what the seemingly strong Aigwei has been through.

Death of parents, aristocratic slaves, oppression, discrimination, being in a strange world, a strange environment, being bullied at school...


"What? Igwei isn't in school?"

At the Fourth School, Chen Banxian frowned and asked about the situation in the office.

"Yes, I was there in the morning, but I don't know where I went in the afternoon."

The head teacher looked at the computer screen with disgust in his eyes: "You parents don't know how to control your children. They are so willful and have caused a lot of trouble to our education."

She continued to add: "Furthermore, my classmates said that she behaved inappropriately and didn't speak in class. When I asked her questions, she was silent."

At this point, the class teacher also called up Ai Gewei's report card: "My grades are always at the bottom. I haven't read enough books, so I just want to publish a paper by myself. It's strange if I can pass."

"I'm really curious about how you parents educate your children. You don't know how intense the learning progress of our class is. There is a school performance evaluation every half term. Our fourth school has always been among the best in Baihu City."

"Aigwei has seriously lowered the average grade of our class. As a class teacher, it is also difficult for me to do."

"You just happened to be here. What I suggest is that you take Aigwei home, ask her what she thinks, and then send her to school after communicating with her, okay?"

The head teacher pushed the glasses: "Of course, I also have some connections. If our class is not suitable, you can send her to a smaller school. It's no big deal to spend some black coins."

After what she said, Chen Banxian was a little annoyed because he didn't know the specific situation.

"Why is this child so disobedient?"

He bowed his head and apologized to the class teacher: "I am dizzy and I must educate her well."

In his opinion, Aigwei can get whatever she wants in Baihu City, whether it's from the Monster Clan, Ninth, Die Yunfei, Shen Qinghe, etc. For his sake, he will never deny Aigwe anything. Require.

But this child's grades were already at the bottom of the class, which made him wonder whether Aigwei's conditions were too good and she was spoiled.

"You are still a child after all, and you have no self-control."

He thought in his mind and sent a message to Ninth and others after leaving the teacher.

He asked where Aigwei usually went.

Now he is actually absent from class, blatantly, and really makes people angry.

He had the illusion that all his hard work had been trampled on and discarded, so he was naturally a little angry.

"I don't know. That child doesn't like to go home. I don't know where to go to play."

Shen Qinghe answered him like this: "What's wrong? Is it a problem with my grades?"

"Don't worry, it's normal for your child to be tired of studying. Anyway, we'll protect her and she can do whatever she wants."

Shen Qinghe was very open-minded: "As long as she grows up, let her play for decades or hundreds of years, and she will eventually mature."

"No, you don't understand."

Chen Banxian was in a bad mood: "I rescued her from the original world and taught her knowledge. Is this how she repays me?"

"The last one in grades?"

He was really angry: "I don't have time, and you don't usually help me take care of it."

Shen Qinghe was speechless: "Brother, we are usually very busy, okay? It's normal for children to be playful."

He hung up the phone, and Chen Banxian had no choice but to ask at the familiar place in his memory.

The mind is confused and the hexagram doesn’t work.

He first found the Yaozu. You Ye was practicing, and it was Lao Gui who received him.

"Ai Gewei? That little girl rarely comes over. The last time we met was half a year ago."

Lao Gui couldn't provide any useful information, but he invited Chen Banxian to stay for a drink.

"Forget it, I'll go look for him again. This kid is too troublesome."

He went to Ninth again and asked if Aigwei was near the statue.

"No, that kid has great ideas. He smiles every time he sees me."

Ninth was a little helpless: "This child is quite polite, but he doesn't like to stay here. He says it's too depressing. He has only been here two or three times in the past few months."

He found acquaintances one by one, but no one knew where Aigwei was.

Because the various information on the mobile phone is too dirty, the child does not have a mobile phone and cannot locate it.

"This child!"

Chen Banxian wished he could run to Baihu City and call her name from high in the sky.

"Wait a minute, there's still somewhere to go."

He followed his memory and recalled some of the houses he had lived in before.

(End of this chapter)

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