Chapter 286 Only Anger

The former entrance to District 14 has now been remodeled and the gate has been removed.

But old, shabby and noisy is still the theme here. Chen Banxian felt a familiar atmosphere before he even got close.

It's Aigwei's.

He was a little dissatisfied. Why did he go so far for nothing? There was nothing in the house.

He walked upstairs with a sullen face. He couldn't find the key and planned to violently push the door open.

The so-called door lock is just a joke.


Suddenly, his chest felt hot, the temperature radiated from the scales of the dragon.

The two qi of black and white are flowing above it, and it is almost completely integrated with the two qi.

"Well, it's a bit inappropriate to burst into a girl's room like this."

He understood what Jiaojiao meant, thought about it, and knocked on the door gently.

"Bang bang bang."

There was a knock on the door, but there was no answer inside. Chen Banxian knocked again, but it was still quiet inside.

Aigwei didn't even move. Perhaps the knock on the door was not as loud as the noise outside.

The ninth soundproof formation had already been moved to his new residence.

The dragon trembled for a moment, and Chen Banxian understood: "Something is wrong. Let's open the door and have a look."

He crossed the space to find the door handle and gently turned it open.

The scene inside the house suddenly came into view.

The floor was spotlessly clean, the furniture was neatly arranged, everything was just as he had placed it.

There was a little person, lying carefully on the ground, with wet tears still on his face, holding an old book while he was looking through it.

"Plum Blossoms"

That was the first book he gave to Aigwei, and it was also the main knowledge he taught her.

Somehow, Chen Banxian's heart twitched hard, and all the dissatisfaction, anger and rebuke disappeared silently, leaving only strong heartache.

The scales swayed slightly on his chest and slapped him.

He leaned down and wanted to pick up this thin girl, but he didn't know how to do it. He hadn't seen her for a while, and this child had grown up a lot.

He closed his eyes and thought about himself, wondering if he had done something wrong.

Aigwei is a very mature girl who never lets him worry. She is always well-behaved and seems to have never made any demands on him.

The tasks assigned by him were also completed diligently and conscientiously.

It seems that this is exactly like the neighbor's kid, excellent in everything.

But think about it carefully, how old is Aigwei?Which of the other children is not acting willfully and rebelliously at this time?
He originally had a pure heart, but when he calmed down, he discovered details that he could not usually notice.

He brought Aigwei back from the original world and didn't seem to care much about it, but the child is not something that can grow as stubbornly as a weed if you give it a mouthful of food and a little water.

All kinds of past events and shortcomings arose in his mind. Chen Banxian gently carried her to the sofa, not daring to disturb Ai Gewei. He thought for a moment and left the room.

He moved lightly and made no sound.

Aigwei seemed to be very relaxed in this room, without the slightest alertness, and the monk's spiritual sense was almost useless.

Chen Banxian's eyes were unclear. He knew his shortcomings, but how could Aigwei change so much in more than a year?
He quietly hid in the mezzanine of space and continued to wait.

It took about two or three hours before Aigwei finally woke up. She was still a little unaccustomed to being on the sofa all of a sudden.

"Did I drift off to the sofa by myself?"

As soon as she got up, she straightened the sofa and wiped away her tears and the spots stained by her shoes.

Then Egerwei went to the bathroom to tidy up her clothes and hair, and practiced smiling in the mirror.

It wasn't until the melancholy in her eyes was completely covered up that she carefully left the room, as if with more strength, the place where the dream was held would be like a bubble being punctured.

At this time, school was over. Aigwei threw the torn clothes into the trash can and returned to Shen Qinghe's shop.

"Miss Weiwei is back?"

There was only one assistant in the shop: "Uncle Shen has to go on a mission, and time is a bit tight. I'll make you whatever you want to eat."

"No need, Brother Lu, I can do it myself."

A standard smile appeared on Aigwei's face, and she ran into the kitchen to do some work on her own.

"By the way, Brother Lu, have you eaten? I'll cook it for you."

"Weiwei is so good." The assistant smiled and said, "I have eaten, and I will close the stall after you finish."

"Ah, I'm so sorry. I'll come back quickly next time."

With the collision of pots and pans, the aroma soon filled the air, and Ai Gewei took her own fried rice and started eating by herself.

After eating, the assistant hurriedly closed the stall. He still had things to do. Chen Banxian looked at the time in the mezzanine of the space.

It's 18.55 now, and Aigwei's school doesn't finish until 18.00.

In other words, in 55 minutes, she had to return to the shop from school, cook for herself, and finish eating.

Time is running out, and even Jiaojiao may not be able to make it in time.

He took out his notebook and wrote down this Assistant Lu. After the other person left, Aigwei just slept in the shop.

When she was alone, the little girl said to herself: "You have to come back early tomorrow. It's always a bad idea to trouble Assistant Lu."

However, just such a sentence made Chen Banxian tear the page into pieces.

His heart twitched, what a sensible little girl!
He quickly opened a space and found Assistant Lu, who was discussing matters in a transport vehicle.

"The management methods of this area outside the city still need to be changed. The security after dark...

Suddenly, Assistant Lu looked up and saw a big hand in the air, slapping him hard!


Assistant Lu screamed, and most of his bones were broken, especially his mouth, where not a single tooth was left.

It will take at least half a month to recover.

Chen Banxian took back his hand. He originally wanted Shen Qinghe to take action himself, but he couldn't hold back.

Poor little girl, he stayed overnight while Aigwei first reviewed books on hexagram theory, then completed her homework perfunctorily, and finally meditated.

It wasn't until dawn that she slept lightly for three hours and hurriedly carried her schoolbag to school.

Other schools may delay the time, but the Fourth School, which has always regarded itself as the best school in Baihu City, starts classes at 7.00:[-].

Many people there are powerful, and they are basically the children of extraordinary people or officials and dignitaries. Only these children can take a flying car to school in the morning.

Aigwei walked there by herself, the distance was not too close, and she was already out of breath when she arrived.

"Hurry up, we're going to be late!"

There were some children from poor families with her, and the reason for being late was basically because they were too far away.

They walked to the classroom with the bell ringing. Chen Banxian felt heartbroken when he saw it. Ai Gewei didn't even eat breakfast.

Just because she looked at the selling prices of mobile steamed bun vendors on the way, but did not find any black coins.

Does she have pocket money?

He suddenly thought of this question. According to this child's character, he would definitely not ask for pocket money from Ninth and others.

As the largest shareholder of Baihu City, his children actually have no money?
Is it ridiculous?
He followed him all the way to class, and everyone was reading in the morning and reciting yesterday's lessons.

"The Relationship between the Mythology and History of Daxia and the Revival of Heavenly Dao"

"Flexible Response to Ethical Issues"

"Basic Concepts of Psychic Mathematics"

Wait, everyone recites it to the group leader.

Aigwei was okay at first, but when she recited "The Relationship between the Mythology and History of Great Xia and the Resurrection of Heavenly Dao", she made several mistakes.

The group leader patted the table: "The teacher has said it several times, Emperor Yan is Emperor Yan, Shennong is Shennong, it's not Emperor Yan who tastes hundreds of herbs, it's Shennong who tastes hundreds of herbs!" "Egerwei, you are a stranger, you should know how to memorize us. History, so that you can live in our world. If you don’t want to study, go back to your other world!”

Aigwei moved her mouth, and she saw a note in someone else's textbook: Myths are not uniform.

But she did not refute, but finally nodded and said: "I understand."


Suddenly something sounded in the classroom. Everyone looked around curiously, but found nothing.

That was the sound of Chen Banxian's fists about to be crushed in the interlayer of space.

But not only that, the team leader finally wrote down Aigwei’s name and gloated:

"You are going to be asked to be a parent. You skipped class yesterday and can't memorize your homework today. How angry do you think the class teacher will be?"

Aigwei trembled, but she did not speak, she just kept reading the book of myths and history in her eyes.

Some say that Emperor Yan is Shennong, while others say that the two are not the same person, because mythology is inherently a thing without standards.

Ai Gewei was so distraught that she went to the office after class. The teacher had no expression on her face and only said one sentence.

"Before school ends today, notify your parents to come over."

Aigwei grabbed the corner of her clothes and turned around silently to leave.

The head teacher said with disgust in his eyes: "You are such an adult and you can't say anything in three sentences. I don't know how your parents teach you."

She was really tired of this alien with the lowest grades.

He even joked: "Do you think people from other worlds are stupid? Otherwise, how could they be defeated by us humans on earth?"


There was another crisp sound, and dark clouds gathered in the sky. The sky was clear one moment, and the city was about to be destroyed the next moment.

Chen Banxian stared at the teacher, who shuddered and felt a little flustered.

"Did you eat too much Hanling Fruit yesterday?"

Turning his eyes, Chen Banxian followed Eggwei to the classroom.

He couldn't wait to take action now and wipe Baihu City directly from the world.

But he held back because he wanted to see how many monsters and monsters there were.

At the end of class, a child named Dong gave Aigwei breakfast.

But it’s almost noon, what kind of breakfast should I get?
He followed him out to take a look and heard Dong Mo proudly teaching his younger brother:

"I have already sent people to observe that Aigwei has not eaten breakfast. She must be very hungry now. Even if I give her food now, she will be moved even if she doesn't eat it."

"You guys should learn how to capture a girl's heart. The icing on the cake is not as good as the icing on the cake."

"Brother Dong is awesome, awesome!"

The younger brothers boasted for a while, and Chen Banxian was keenly aware that the latter had the aura of a priest.

He should have a close relationship with a certain priest.

He held back his temper, but what happened next was that he couldn't hold it in any longer!

A girl, also with a clerical aura, looks fair and clean, with a cute and delicate face.

But she scattered all the breakfast on Aigwei's table, and her words were full of insults and abuse.

"Slave, you should be destroyed along with your world. Who gave you the face to sit with us? Aren't you ashamed? Isn't it a good idea to take an early break from school?"

"It's not like you didn't know when your world bullied us. Why do you still have the nerve to stay in the same school as us?"

"The air on your body is smelly and disgusting!"

All the students looked on with gloating, because Zhang Sushi was right.

But they usually have a hard time talking because of their face, but Miss Zhang is different. She has no problem even if she demolishes the school building.

The teachers had to put on a smile and say: "Good job."


Thunder rolled in the sky, and the teaching building trembled imperceptibly.

Zhang Sushi raised her head and said, "It's going to rain. I don't want to get wet the dragon leather shoes my father gave me. This is the skin of a big dragon, and it can't be measured by money."

"Oh, I forgot, you don't have a father."

Zhang Sushi smiled and left with her girlfriends, leaving only Ai Gewei with her head deeply buried under the desk.

She tidied the table in spite of the strange looks from her classmates. The books and papers were already dirty.

Therefore, during class in the afternoon, she was often scolded by the teacher: "Your notebook is dirty, why aren't you dirty?"

"Tell me, are you dirty? Are you dirty? You must be serious and solemn about your studies. You can study because the soldiers of Baihu City have created a good environment for you with their blood, sweat and tears. Everyone has experienced it. You must cherish the first days."

He insinuated: "Of course, some people from other worlds may not realize it. I see, they just suffer less."


As he finished speaking, the thunder outside the window finally poured down, overwhelming the sky and tilting like the end of the world.

But this was not enough to extinguish Chen Banxian's anger.

Putting himself in the shoes of the entire school and Baihu City, he took on the role of Egerwei.

There is no place to stand, and it is out of place.

Even the air seemed to be carrying needles, which hurt. It was hard to imagine how this child spent more than a year.

But Aigwei lowered her head. She was used to dealing with everything with silence. As long as she didn't speak, her teachers and classmates would eventually ignore her.

This was the case until the last lesson.

None of the teachers even greeted her, and not being disgusted was their greatest respect.

The head teacher waited outside the classroom early and responded to messages on his mobile phone.

"Don't worry, I will invite her parents today. Don't be angry, Mr. Zhang. Mr. Dong will be yours sooner or later."

"Yes, you are in the same class. When her parents come, I will ask her to go home and suspend school for observation. Then I will arrange you and Young Master Dong to be together...

She waited until get out of class was over with a flattering look on her face.

After class, Aigwei was indeed stopped.

They were in the corridor, and the head teacher's face was mean and bitter: "Where are your parents? Where are the parents I asked you to invite!"

"You are really stiff. You don't finish your homework and behave badly. Look at other people's books. How can they be as messy as yours?"

"You're still skipping class, and you're still in love early. If your parents don't invite you here today, you won't be able to go home!"

She had a stern look on her face, ignoring Aigwei's trembling body: "You're still mute? I don't have class tomorrow, so I just want to spend time with you here until your parents come."

Aigwei's whole body was cold, and it was freezing to the bone. She couldn't invite the parents at all.

Everyone was busy, and she didn't have time to invite her parents.

I had no choice but to close my mouth, bury my head deeply, and let the teacher insult me.

Some of the surrounding students stayed to watch the show, while others were videotaping. Except for those who needed to go home from school to help, the rest had no worries about food, clothing, and housing. They had plenty of time.

"Tsk, tsk, I got scolded again."

"I scold him a little for three days and scold him a lot every five days. I really don't know why you are still in our school."

"Everyone knows about people from other worlds. How normal is it to be scolded?"

"I'll upload it to the campus network, wait for me to tinker with it, and broadcast it live."

"Oh, tell dad when you go home. Dad will be very happy. His legs were broken by people from other worlds."

Their remarks were sharp and harsh. Aigwei felt that her heartbeat was gradually slowing down, and the heat of the dog days had no warmth at all.
It was so cold that she grabbed the sides of her pants with both hands.

However at this time...

A warm and strong hand gently held her.

(End of this chapter)

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