There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 287 Aigwei, call me master

Chapter 287 Aigwei, call me master
Aigwe lowered her head and saw that the hand was flawless, as if it were the most exquisite work of art in the world, beautiful and strong.

He held himself hard, instantly dispelling the cold and bringing endless warmth. For an instant, it was like being in a hot spring ocean, and he just wanted to make people unable to help but be intoxicated.

A magnetic and soft voice was above her head, and a person walked out of the space.

"Egerwei, your parents are here."

In an instant, Aigwei's originally weak hands stiffened. She wanted to raise her head, but she didn't dare, for fear that it was a dream.

Even if this is a nightmare, it's worth it for these last words.

Chen Banxian crossed the space and appeared in front of the class teacher, staring at her quietly.

"Are you her parent?"

There was avoidance and fear in the eyes of the class teacher. She didn't know how this person appeared, whether it was psychic technology, magic, invisibility, etc.

As for the extraordinary ability to travel through space, she didn't believe in it. That kind of divine power could only be achieved by a priest and two almost faceless extraordinary beings.


Chen Banxian's voice spoke again: "You are looking for me. Did Aigwei do something wrong?"

He stopped the child, giving her more warmth, while also blocking the teacher.

"While you still have time, tell me all the mistakes Igwei has made. If I can't refute any of them, I'll let you go."

"Who are you to let me go?"

The head teacher pointed at himself: "I am a teacher in the fourth school. It is a sacred profession. Not only is the school owned by the government, but behind it is the pillar of the clergy. Let's talk about the parents of the whole class. They are also my backing!"

As she said this, the woman seemed to have found the confidence and became even more arrogant: "You are such a proud parent. You can't get any invitations all year round. Are you hiding somewhere to have babies?"

"Neither boy nor girl, right? If the adults don't learn well, no wonder the children are so hopeless."

She completely ignored Chen Banxian's cold eyes:
"Since you said there is something wrong with Aigwei, I will tell you."

"One, skipping class.

Second, do not complete your homework.

Three, be late.

Fourth, he beat his classmates, and the one he beat was Zhang Linyue’s daughter.

[-]. Misbehavior, falling in love at a young age, rumors spread on campus...

She said a lot in one breath, and finally sneered to see how Chen Banxian would answer.

The most shocking thing about this scolding was the fight.

"She actually beat up Zhang Priest's daughter?"

The students were shocked and subconsciously moved away from here.

They were afraid of getting involved. If they were even a little involved, they might end up dead without even knowing it.

Moreover, it would definitely involve the whole family.

Some classmates who had exchanged a few words with Aigwei on weekdays immediately stood up to clarify themselves. They quickly stood directly opposite Aigwei.

"I just said that she doesn't talk on weekdays, so she has a lot of bad intentions!"

"Okay, sure enough, aliens are aliens, so they are so bad."

"A dog cannot change his eating of shit, and a barbarian cannot be civilized!"

"Why isn't this parent's face red? Aren't he ashamed? Could he also be from another world? Is he a spy who has been infiltrated by the enemy into our ranks?"

"There must be a big wolf cub behind the little wolf cub. I suggest that the higher-ups conduct a strict investigation!"

Many people began to call their mobile phones to report the crime, but the head teacher said with a cold face:
"Say, refute? Don't you want me to look good? Look at what I said, which one is wrong?"

"You want me to look good? You don't want to do that either...forget it, I'm a teacher, I'm a lecturer on morality. I'm different from a barbarian and stupid person like you."

She has sharp teeth and a sharp tongue, and soon some teachers gathered around and blocked the place.

"Then, isn't that the tail of a young dog?"

"The parents of the students who are holding us back are actually here?"

"This is a good show to watch."

Ai Gewei's body trembled again. She still didn't dare to look at Chen Banxian. She just held the hand with all her strength, for fear of him leaving.


Chen Banxian waited for her to shut up before starting to refute.

"One, skipping class. Why don't you adjust the monitoring? Why did you skip class? Your clothes were torn by others and you didn't go home to change them?"

"Two, if you don't complete your homework, if you only memorize one of the guesses about the relationship between Shennong and Emperor Yan, then why don't you complete your homework? Why won't others count?"

"Third, being late. When did Aigwei not go to class at the right time? Do you know how far away her home is? Just because your teacher goes to the classroom first, the students who come in later are considered late?"

"Also, she was bullied by others on the road. Is your school responsible?"

"You're talking nonsense. Your parents live so far away and are so incompetent, yet you still blame us..."

"To shut up!"

The words Chen Banxian spoke shook the space, and the woman couldn't catch her breath.

He continued: "As for the so-called beating of classmates and misbehavior, instead of punishing the troublemakers and pursuers, you blame Aigwei? You have really learned it in your bones to bully the weak and fear the strong!"

"One slap can't make a difference!" the teacher yelled angrily: "Won't she refuse?"


Chen Banxian slapped her with his backhand!

"Tell me, does this slap ring?"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, and he retorted all kinds of things to the teacher, which made her speechless. She could only keep saying: "You are sophistry, you are sophistry!"

"Just wait, you actually assaulted the teacher. People from the Law Enforcement Bureau are coming soon. Just wait and investigate!"


Chen Banxian sneered: "I also want to investigate how many people are bending the law for personal gain."

"But not now. Now I have a breath in my heart, and it's uncomfortable to hold it in."

He tried to lift Egwe's head.

"Egerwei, tell me, who has bullied you?"

Egerwei's mouth moved, and the long period of concealment and silence made her not sure how to speak or how to answer.

She was even a little afraid to identify it.

Chen Banxian raised his hand, his eyes getting colder.


Another slap, but not to anyone, not to Egwe.He beat himself.

A loud voice came from above her head, and Egerwei finally raised her head, staring into her big eyes, which were already covered with bloodshot eyes.

She didn't cry, she was used to being strong and disguised in the eyes of those close to her.

A wisp of blood left from the corner of her mouth, Chen Banxian smiled and rubbed her head.

He made a summary in his previous rebuttal to the teacher.

"But it's all because of me."

"I founded the school, but my children were bullied."

"Teacher, it's not your fault!"

Aigwei felt distressed and blamed herself: "It's all my fault. I'm useless. I can only memorize the Yili you taught me and can't apply it in my life."

She hated herself for being useless and not smart enough.

"Children are really like adults."

The school's alarm minister arrived. He was a complete fourth spirit and was in charge of the entire fourth school.

Only the top-ranked schools in Baihu City can obtain such protection.

"The attitude of self-blame is not bad, but you hit someone in school and broke the law. Come with me."

"Seeing that you have a good attitude, I hope you will be conscious, otherwise I will enforce the measures."

The student stepped back again, fearing that he would be accidentally injured.

But they didn't leave. What they saw and heard today was so rare, it brought fresh life to boring studies.


Chen Banxian only had one word: "If you bother me again, your soul will fly away."

That tone, that stern look, and the momentum revealed in it made the fourth realm furious.

But when he wanted to take action, he felt a little wet on his back and water dripped from his forehead.

"What's wrong with me?" He stopped: "Why is my body sweating?"

And there is still cold sweat, which is the body's instinctive fear.

His extraordinary ability is the perception of danger, but since Tiandao's resurrection until now, his body has never been like this.

It was not so exaggerated in the first calamity.


The thunder was still thundering outside, but it was not raining, but how could the thunder compare to the anger in Chen Banxian's heart?
"Ai Gewei..."

Chen Banxian suppressed his anger because it was not good to kill someone in front of his children.

He smiled and said: "Forgot again? Call Master."

"It's not your fault. It's everyone's fault but not you."

He carried Aigwei up into the air to gain more views: "Look, if there is anyone here who has bullied you, point them out."

"Don't worry, Master will remember it."

Aigwei choked with sobs, tears gathered in her eyes and blurred her vision, but she refused to shed tears.

She thought about all the experiences she had experienced in the past year, and her fingers kept moving.

"He, she, and her, him, and those teachers over there, those gangsters..."

She said a lot in one breath, as if the repression of more than a year was being vented with these instructions.

Can you give me some advice on how to punish the villain who made the bullets?

Chen Banxian gently covered her eyes with one hand.

"Egerwei, close your eyes and count to three. When you open your eyes, all the suffering will disappear."

"Master said it, I promise."

Aigwei closed her eyes and said 123 tremblingly.
After counting, Chen Banxian let go, as if nothing had happened.

But all the teachers and classmates in the school opened their mouths and widened their eyes, afraid to speak.


Disappeared bit by bit. Those classmates and teachers disappeared from the feet up like sand.

It's right in front of them, unstoppable.

Even the two priestly children, Zhang Sushi and Dong Mo, disappeared together.

And this also alarmed their parents - the priesthood.


Suddenly, a roar came from the distance, spanning countless spaces. This was the activation of the priest's regular ability to return to Baihu City.

"It's Dong Yun, the God of Hungry!"

"It's Mountain Mother Zhang Linyue!"

The students recognized it and felt that disaster was imminent.

Yun Fukong's face turned pale, as if he was already in hell.

The two clergy children, Dong Mo and Zhang Sushi, died in front of him. He couldn't understand it at all, and he couldn't stop it. It was too fast.

As the air girl counted down, it was so fast that he couldn't even use his trump card.

"Who killed my child!"

The two priests were furious, and then looked shocked: "If you don't even leave your soul behind, who is it! I will kill your whole family!"

The priest was furious, and Baihu City was suddenly covered in blood. They soon saw Chen Banxian holding Eggwei in the air.


Aigwei was a little nervous, and she also knew how scary the priesthood was.

"I said, from the moment you open your eyes, there will be no more suffering."

He waved casually, pulled out a plaque from the deep water below Baihu City, and inserted it directly in front of the two priests.

The earth was cracked and trembling, less fearful than the two priests.

"It's you!!!"

they exclaimed, anger replaced by pallor.

(End of this chapter)

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