There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 288 The first battle of the Jidao Imperial Soldiers, relatives and friends sacrifice to heav

Chapter 288: The first battle between the Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers, relatives and friends sacrifice to heaven first

Maybe this person is just familiar to them, or maybe they have vague memories of this person.

But when this iconic huge stone plaque appeared, the vague memory became clear instantly. Even if Baihu City deliberately concealed it, it could only deceive ordinary people.

The word "Fengdu" seems to have penetrated deeply into their hearts!

For these top transcendent beings, who doesn’t know about this murderous man?
Trembling and pale, looking at the figures walking further and further away, the two priests couldn't even muster a trace of strength.

Want to get started?

They kept asking themselves, now that they are at the top of the world, they shouldn't be afraid of anyone.

But where did their priesthood come from?He was beaten down by this murderer and Shen Qinghe.

They can even kill the original priest, let alone themselves?
No... Wasn't Shen Qinghe forced to abdicate by them?After all, the third realm and the fourth realm are different, and they are no longer as simple as the third realm.

The expressions on the two priests' faces were uncertain, and they kept thinking and weighing until they could no longer see Chen Banxian's back.

At this moment, the two gods suddenly realized that they were... afraid.

I was afraid of this man and subconsciously weighed the pros and cons for a long time. In fact, I was just escaping from my own heart.

It's just because this fierce god kills too hard, without any threat, and without any mercy in his heart.

You can't beat him if you face him head-on, and you can't even beat someone who plays tricks...

"not good!"

Suddenly, Dong Yun slapped his head: "Where is that fake paper bag head?"

He remembered one thing. Recently, they were surrounding and killing an unruly "loner".

The Ninth Army was proposed and supervised by the evil god. Since the evil god disappeared, the Ninth Army has gradually become corrupt.

At this time, someone took over his responsibility and pretended to be Chen Banxian to supervise the Ninth Army.

But that person was not the real Chen Banxian. He was weak, often seriously injured, and the things he did involved the interests of too many people. After discussion, they decided to eliminate him.

Because that person is related to Ninth and others, he has never been able to find an opportunity. Now [World] has appeared, and the Jiuding Plan in Mian City is about to be launched. It is difficult to seize an opportunity.

Of course they wouldn't let him go and would directly attack and kill him.

Originally, all this was normal. It was just a death. Even if it was related to Ninth and others, it would be unpleasant at most. How could he, who only cares about his faith, go against high-level core members like them?

But they didn't expect that that person would come back!
The meaning suddenly changed completely. If I killed her at this time...

"No, go and stop them!"

The two priests even forgot about the lives of their children. They hurriedly tore open the space and ran in the opposite direction.

They chose to take a detour and did not dare to go in the same direction as Chen Banxian.

At this time, Chen Banxian didn't care about this.

He was holding the jar and holding Ai Gewei's hand. The two priests were quite sensible and not crazy.

Otherwise, he wouldn't mind changing the priesthood.

"Egerwei, let's go meet your uncles."

His smile was warm, but there seemed to be something hidden beneath the warmth.

Aigwei noticed it, but she couldn't decipher it.

But it didn't matter, she soon saw it with her own eyes.

Chen Banxian found Ninth, found Die Yunfei, found Lin Tian and Shen Qinghe.

Four people were invited to Shui'an Restaurant by him.

"Hey, the Waterfront Restaurant seems a bit strange today. Why is it so dark?"

Lin Tian looked around and asked Shen Qinghe: "Old Shen, has your industry changed its style?"

"No, who came up with this idea? It has no style at all."

Shen Qinghe was not very happy: "I turned around and drove him away."

"Don't look, you're not at the Shui'an Restaurant."

At this moment, the world was spinning, a huge sound came from above, and they actually saw a huge face.

"Brother Xian!"

Lin Tian was shocked: "Why did you become so big?"

"No, it's not that I'm getting older, it's that you're getting smaller."

His expression was ugly: "You have heard about Egerwei, right?"

This sentence immediately caused the expressions of the four people to change drastically. Shen Qinghe looked bitter: "Wait a minute, Chen Banxian, please listen to my explanation. She has never told me about this child Aigwei..."

"Shut up, I won't listen!"

Chen Banxian covered the jar with his palm: "And the Ninth Sister Demon, you two, don't even think about escaping through space. These are the ultimate imperial weapons."

After the words fell, the two people's expressions fell, and Chen Banxian said sadly: "In the first battle between the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers, relatives and friends will sacrifice to heaven first!"

Then, he grabbed the jar with both hands and started shaking it vigorously!

"Kill you to death, shake you to death!"

His face was full of anger: "If the child doesn't tell, won't you ask? He's mute!"

"What a wonderful child. There must be a reason why his academic performance has declined so quickly. You are not willing to take a look!"

"I'll scare you to death. You don't act like an elder at all. Haven't you ever taken care of a child?"

Suddenly, his expression changed and he quickly released Lin Tian from the jar.


Lin Tian vomited all over the ground.

After he finished vomiting, Chen Banxian handed him a tissue: "Are you okay?"


As soon as Lin Tian said a word after wiping his mouth, Chen Banxian kicked him into the jar again.

"It's okay, come on!"

Finally, when he opened the jar and released the four people, their eyes kept rolling in circles and they couldn't stand still. Lin Tian vomited and his face was bloodless.

"If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have eaten it!"

He was very envious because the other three people obviously came with empty stomachs and wanted to have a free "big meal".

It was a great meal and laid a solid foundation for them to become astronauts in the future.

"Egwe, let's go!"

After letting out a fierce breath, Chen Banxian took his apprentice, held his head high, and puffed out his chest, and rushed towards the core area of ​​Baihu City without stopping.

The core area of ​​Baihu City is generally the comprehensive management center for major facilities.

For example, the headquarters of the Ninth Divine Religion, or the general office of the hospital, the General Administration of Agriculture, etc.

Likewise, as the school's headquarters, the Ministry of Education is also on display here.

Today, Minister of Education Xi Changshu suddenly received a message that the largest shareholder of Baihu City School wanted to see him.

Education Minister Xi Changshu's first reaction was: Who is kidding him?

The second reaction was: Does the school still have shareholders? Why didn’t he know about it?

The third reaction was to check online, but the results he got made him break out in a cold sweat.

"How could it be him!"

No wonder no one told him that the school had shareholders, and no one told him who the largest shareholder was.

It's that murderous man, the lawless maniac.

In the past, he would just open the door to Xi Changshu's office, but now his hands were trembling when he stood in front of the door.The familiar door has now become very unfamiliar, and the pleasant air conditioner in the corridor has become bitingly cold.

He was uneasy, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead uncharacteristically, and he felt a little urgent to urinate.

The secretary just told him that the shareholder had gone in with a child.

The secretary also told him very competently that the child was the trigger of the incident at the Fourth School yesterday, in which two priestly children disappeared for no reason.

Well, that person did it all, and it’s very consistent with that person’s style.

But this made Xi Changshu even more afraid.

He didn't dare to get close, but he had to get closer. He clasped his hands and prayed to heaven.

"The sky is full of gods and Buddhas, the ninth god. I, Xi Changshu, have never done anything bad in my life. Please don't let me die so early."

"I still have a family to support, so you must protect me."

After praying three times, he tremblingly grasped the door handle with his hand.

The cold touch made him jump, and finally he gritted his teeth and pushed open the door.

In the office, a man was casually flipping through a mythology book and telling Eggwee interesting things in it.

"Look, Dayu passed through the house three times without entering. This spirit is worth learning from. But on the other hand, why don't we take his wife with us to control the floods?"

"Everything is based on the principle of the harmony of yin and yang. If men and women are matched, the work will not be tiring."

He fondly poked Aigwei's little head and said: "Be flexible. Plum Blossom Yishu is not as rigid as other factions. The most important thing is that you develop your thinking, whether it is divination or resolution."

Aigwei nodded: "I understand, Master."

Xichangshu who came in at this time did not dare to say a word, did not dare to breathe hard, and stood in the corner of the door awkwardly.

Chen Banxian glanced at him, and then said to Ai Gewei:
"Just like the situation you had in school before, you can go to Ninth, Die Yunfei and the others. At worst, it's enough to change the environment."

"Isn't it just being rigid if you hold back and don't say anything?"

Aigwei lowered her head and said with a melancholy expression as she talked about the sad thing: "But Master, I am indeed from another world, and my world has invaded your world."

"It is not aliens who invade our world."

Chen Banxian rubbed her head and looked into her clear and kind eyes.

"It's interests, it's capital, it's imperialism, it's authoritarianism, it's the sad law of the jungle, but it's not you, nor the so-called "outsiders."

"You don't understand yet, so you need to study more. Your accumulation is not enough, and your social experience is still shallow. And today, I am here just for this."

He turned to look at Xichangshu at the door: "After standing there for so long and listening for so long, I want to ask, do you have any ideas?"

"I was wrong!"

These are Xi Changshu’s words after careful consideration.

No matter what, as long as you admit your mistake first, you can remedy it.

And the remedy is the chance to survive.

"You're too nervous." Chen Banxian looked at him: "I'm not as vicious as the rumors say."

"Yes, you're right." Xi Changshu's body shook even more violently, and he couldn't control it at all.

It was like facing a hungry tiger, with fear and trembling from the bottom of my heart.

"Come and sit here. I just want to know your views and insights on the current school system, teacher selection system, etc., and whether you can make some improvements."

His eyes were calm and Xichangshu was competent. He had been distracted just now and found that there was no excess in the latter's memory.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his character that he is able to take on such an important task.

The upper beam is straight, and the lower beam is straight.

The Minister of Education sat upright, with only half of his butt resting on the chair, and he did not dare to wipe away the cold sweat.

"I know what happened at the Fourth School is my responsibility. I will conduct a new moral selection of all teachers, and at the same time further strengthen the management of the system within the school...

He talked a lot, foaming at the mouth without realizing it, but the more he talked, the rosier his face became. In fact, this was what he wanted to do in his heart.

Finally, Xi Changshu sighed, gradually forgot his fear, and expressed his difficulties.

"But the resistance is too great. Many teachers are related to the above. Many of the students' parents are strong men in the fourth realm and cannot be offended. Or their parents are engraved on the obelisk and are descendants of heroes. We It’s not easy to start with the school either.”

"Many teachers do not have teaching qualification certificates. In fact, many of them are amateurs who have not become teachers and are engaged in other industries. Teachers of psychic abilities are basically rough people who only know how to practice."

"The main thing is that there are too few real teachers."

Chen Banxian listened quietly. He understood what Xi Changshu meant.

Most of the teachers who truly have great love sacrificed their lives in order to protect students and resist monsters when the resurgence of Heavenly Dao was fierce.

Those were the darkest moments. Not only teachers, but also heroes from other walks of life fell during those years.

Therefore, this creates the illusion that today’s teachers have no moral ethics.

"take it easy."

He said calmly: "You are not required to improve immediately, but you need to keep getting better."

"I will ask the Ninth Army to be your back-up. At the same time, the educational funds you need can be approved directly by me."

His words gave Xi Changshu an unreal feeling. He originally thought that he was in danger, but the result seemed to be different from what he thought.

Where is the disaster?This is clearly a noble person and an opportunity!

"I said, I'm not a bad person." He patted Xi Changshu on the shoulder: "You have done well, both in the past and now, and I hope you will do the same in the future."

"Good people will be rewarded eventually."

Chen Banxian took Ai Gewei away. The next stop was the Ninth Army. Every time he came back, he always had to deal with these cancers.

Xichangshu was left muttering to himself in the office.

"Good people will be rewarded after all..." With tears in his eyes, his mentor also said this to him.


In the next two days, Chen Banxian put aside Shen Qinghe's urging and inspected every member of the Ninth Army.

Basically every member has a cultivation level in the fourth realm, some are strong and some are weak.

Unexpectedly, there are not many members of the Ninth Army who are corrupt and bend the law, and most of them are conscientious and conscientious.

He finally realized it when he checked the memories of those damned people.

"That girl Liu Lexian, she's so... so worry-free."

He remembered the scene he had seen and thought it was just Liu Lexian's impromptu idea.

Unexpectedly, she has been doing this all the time. Not only that, she has also offended many priests.

A warm feeling rose from his heart. He took out his mobile phone and planned to treat this girl to a meal to express his gratitude.


"Um...didn't you get through?"

10,000+ miles outside Baihu City, there are lush mountains and rivers and quiet rivers.

This place was originally a small stream. After the earth expanded, it also expanded more than ten thousand times.

Liu Lexian hid in a gap between a boulder, covering his abdomen, where there was a huge penetrating wound.

Blood kept spilling, but luckily it didn't drip into the water.

"Paper bag head, get out."

A huge sound spread across the creek, and the speaker was a priest, holding a rotating knife wheel in his hand.

"Where did your decisiveness go when you killed my relatives? If you have the guts to kill, don't you have the guts to show up?"

(End of this chapter)

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