There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 289 The Big Blue Dragon

Chapter 289 The Big Blue Dragon
Liu Lexian would definitely not answer, but his eyes were determined, looking for a way to deal with the enemy.

They chose a good time, and even she didn't expect that they would attack her at this time.

This made it too late for her to call for help. This location would be found soon.

"Don't come out?" High in the sky, the priest sneered: "Don't blame me for cutting off the river and overturning the land."

If he really does that, Liu Lexian will definitely die.

It's not that she can't resist the priesthood, but there are more than one opponent.

She was careless before and was attacked by a priest who suddenly appeared. The penetrating injury to her abdomen was caused at that time.

At that moment, she felt the breath of three people.

The priest high in the sky is her old enemy, Ye Anmin.

Shen Shui was probably the one who attacked her before.

There is another one she doesn't know, but she must be hiding a trump card and give her a thunderous blow, otherwise she wouldn't have not appeared until now.


Suddenly, the mobile phone in Liu Lexian's storage ring rang, and her expression changed. Did Lin Tian receive her request for help?
She opened it, and there were only a few simple words on it.

"He's been notified, it's safe."


Liu Lexian was still puzzled. The next moment, he saw the entire sky shrouded in dark smoke.


The space was torn apart, and Chen Banxian took Ai Gewei out of the air. According to the information Lin Tian gave him, Liu Lexian was located in this area.

He didn't expect that instead of calling Liu Lexian, Lin Tian sent him a message.

After getting the coordinates, he directly crossed the space, first used the Demon Summoning Sutra to control the field, and then slowly found the person.

Not far from here, Dong Lin and Zhang Linyue have not arrived yet. Because they have been unable to contact Ye Anmin and others, they found themselves now.

However, when they saw the dark sky and the familiar atmosphere, their whole bodies became cold, and then they turned around and left.

"I'm sorry, brothers. You didn't answer the phone first. I've tried my best to come to you."

They quickly evaded, fearing that Chen Banxian would see him and hold a grudge.

"Liu Lexian!"

Gao Gong Chen Banxian shouted at the top of his lungs: "Come out quickly, I'm here to find you."

His voice was not quiet, and he did not shy away from Ye Anmin in the air.

"The troublemaker from there." Ye Anmin frowned: "Get out of here quickly, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes and touched the jar in his hand: "I will give you a chance, so get out of here."

"Cultivating a priesthood is really expensive."

Ye Anmin sneered upon hearing this, with an indifferent expression: "Hey, your chance is gone."

After finishing speaking, it’s time to take action.

However, Chen Banxian dropped the jar and shouted:
"Please turn around baby!"

Um?Immortal-killing flying knife?

Ye Anmin was slightly on guard, but saw the jar turn around, face him with his butt, and smash it down hard.

The speed is too fast, invisible to the naked eye, the ultimate way, the ultimate way.

In an instant, Ye Anmin exploded to pieces, and his flesh and blood and soul were beaten to pieces.

However, this was not the end yet. As Chen Banxian controlled the Demon Summoning Sutra Qi, it shattered the space and killed another priest.

This priest had already walked up behind him. He originally wanted to attack him by surprise, but he failed and was killed easily.

In the end, there were still two priests hiding. Chen Banxian thought about it and finally did not take action.

"Forget it, death is not a crime."

He glanced at Aigwei, and after his own investigation, he found that although these people were a little excessive, they were still within the scope of abiding by the law.

I believe that after today, they will restrain themselves, and it will not be too late to take action until one day they completely anger him.

"The earth is no longer worth my war..."

He sighed and staged a scene of being miserable at a high place in front of Egerwei.

"Liu Lexian, come out."

He drifted towards the creek and searched for a long time, finally finding the latter who was already as angry as a thread between the rocks.

Her liver and kidneys were completely destroyed, a large portion of her intestines were empty, and most of her spine was broken.

Such an injury was so serious that Chen Banxian quickly sealed her breath to save her life and carried her back to Baihu City for Ninth Hospital treatment.

Without saying anything else, he stabilized the latter's vital signs, watched the internal organs grow slowly, and sighed:

"Brother Xian, I called you Brother Xian. It's time to go to Miancheng. I really can't wait."

"Why can't you wait?" Chen Banxian was not too panicked: "At worst, we can just go to other cities and snatch the tripod back?"

"Can it be done like this?" Ninth's expression changed, but he didn't object.

"Isn't it good?" He thought for a moment and looked around the room.

"Le Xian has put a lot of paper bags here for me. Do you want to wear them?"

"You really let me snatch it away?"

He smiled bitterly: "Do I look like that?"

Ninth nodded seriously: "Yes."

Chen Banxian:......

"I won't tell you anymore, I'll go right away."

He has the jar of the Jidao Emperor Weapon, which can turn it into light in an instant, so he doesn't have to worry about wasting time due to distance.

"Come on, Aigwei, I'll take you to see other cities."

He held Aigwei's hand, but felt a resistance.

"What's wrong?" Chen Banxian looked at her in confusion, then slapped his head: "Oh, I forgot, it's already 11.00:[-], I have to take you to lunch." "No, Master."

Aigwei shook his head: "I know Master, you want to make it up to me, but you can't bear to let me suffer alone."

"But Master, I know you have a lot to do, and it will be very troublesome to take me with you."

"Sister Lexian was so seriously injured because you took me with you and delayed on the way. Without me, she wouldn't be in such danger."

Chen Banxian's expression remained unchanged and he forced a smile and said, "What are you saying, silly girl? I am very strong and have no rivals on earth. There is no difference between taking you with me and not taking you with me."

"But I know that if you didn't take me with you, Master, you wouldn't have let those priests go easily."

Egerwei pulled away the held hand: "Teacher, I will be an adult in two years, and it is time for me to be independent. You don't have to worry about me."


Chen Banxian shook his head: "I don't need to take you with me to another world, but on earth, I have to take care of you."

He pulled Aigwei forcefully, but the latter smiled and pulled away again.

"Master, if I have something to do in the future, I will definitely contact some of my uncles, as well as the former Minister of Education, Xi Changshu."

She was very smart, until Chen Banxian was worried about something, and the priest reached out on his own initiative: "Uncle Jiu, give me 2 yuan."

ninth:? ? ?
He gave Aigwei 2 yuan with a face on his face. On the surface, his heart was bleeding.

He had just purchased a lot of spiritual stones and materials, and the [-] yuan was reserved for emergencies.

Very good, I stayed here yesterday and went to "emergency" today.

"Look Master, I will respond flexibly."

Aigwei repeatedly promised, and even revealed: "Look, I know that Uncle Jiu has just spent all his belongings to buy cultivation resources, but he can still give me 2 yuan, let alone other uncles. Master, don't worry."

After all, Chen Banxian nodded sadly, this child is too sensible.

Sensible children often have the hardest time.

"Then you should practice well at home and study."

Chen Banxian touched her head: "One day when the earth no longer has a survival crisis, we will go sightseeing with Sister Jiaojiao. I will take you to the amusement park, take you to camping, barbecue, etc. Go bungee jumping.”

"Sister Jiaojiao is still alive?" Aigwei's eyes lit up, and her eyes showed joy!

"Of course!" Chen Banxian was sure: "I'm here, she will be fine, and she will be back soon."

The black and white qi have almost completely merged, and I believe he will be able to recover in a few days.

At that time, you still have to choose which method to use for recovery.

Finally seeing a smile on the child's face, Chen Banxian turned around, took out the jar, and quickly walked away towards the coordinates Shen Qinghe gave him.

The Jidao Emperor Weapon was the Jidao Emperor Weapon. He disappeared in an instant, found the passage, and quickly left.

Master could no longer be seen, so Aigwei returned the 2 yuan to Ninth.

"Uncle Jiu, give it back to you. I lied to Master before, but actually I still have money."

"You keep it."

Ninth smiled, he had learned a lot about this girl in the past two days.

"Liu Lexian still needs a few days to recover. Just take care of her at home and I'll go to school to ask for leave for you."

He walked to the material room in his room and started tinkering, looking for some useful materials.

"It's really hard to guess what's going on in a child's mind. I have to make a child-mother instrument that can sense emotions and bring it to her, md. Chen Banxian's jar is so dazzling."


Chen Banxian galloped all the way and quickly found the so-called small world. After traveling through it, he found the way out within a few seconds.

He jumped out of the small world and had covered an unknown distance.

The jar was put away by him, and it was not far from Cotton City.

Before he even got close, he saw the billowing fortune in the distance.

In the ghost eyes, I saw nine big blue and white dragons hovering over a huge city, majestic and auspicious clouds rolling in.


He pulled out the sword spirit and said, "Come on, let's say a few words of emotion."

"I'm so sorry!" The sword spirit glanced at the Luck Dragon:

"Nine small green and white insects are just a symbol of a city's destiny. If it really represents the destiny of humans on your planet, it must include at least half of the human race."

"Only after most of the human race acknowledges it can we turn into the Cang Qing Luck True Dragon."

"When your human race becomes bigger and stronger, the True Dragon of Luck will transform into black yellow, then into imperial purple, and finally into burning gold into Luck...

When he said this, Chen Banxian's face suddenly fell.

"Oh, it's another training game."

He really wanted to eat it and become a big fat man.

"Boy, let me touch the jar."

The swordsman was very thief, but Chen Banxian sheathed his sword.

"Where did you get so much desire from just one sword?"

He kept moving forward, getting closer to the Qi Luck Canglong, and finally arrived at Cotton City.

Unlike Baihu City's defense of the White Mist Passage, without people like Shen Qinghe, Mian City could only build thick and solid walls to resist foreign enemies.

The dense wounds and repairs prove the weather this city wall has experienced.

This city wall is neither gold nor stone. It should be made of special materials. The whole body exudes a "glazed" texture, and after getting closer, it actually emits a faint sense of oppression, and the movement of spiritual energy becomes sluggish and jerky.

Perhaps this is why Cotton City was able to withstand the first disaster.

But at this time, Chen Banxian found that the gate of the city wall was closed, and there were some people floating in the air outside the city, looking at each other from a distance.

They couldn't get close, but they were assembling something, taking out some parts from the void from time to time.

"[World]?" Chen Banxian glanced at it. He originally thought that this transparent force did not have much interaction with him.

 The high fever of 39.5 persists, but I am still updating! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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