There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 291 Jiu Ding’s luck is in the shape of a dragon, right?

Chapter 291 Jiuding’s luck is in the shape of a dragon, right?

Walking around from dawn to dusk, Chen Banxian's most intuitive sigh was that this Cotton City looked the most like before the apocalypse.

Then he regretted: "If I had known better, I would have brought Aigwe here. That child is destined to have a hard life. He will suffer in his early years, rise in middle age, and enjoy happiness in his later years."

Fate is hard to change.

At night, light finally flickered outside, and the people of [World] seemed to assemble weapons.

But they didn't fire. As they said, the mission was: defense!

Rather than attacking, moreover, it is still a staged defense.

After the energy was assembled at high altitude, the foursome retreated further.

"It's time to start, let's be cowardly!"

The winning streaker was careful: "Have you seen the dirt in the woods... No, compatriots from the parallel world? Count how many there are?"

"At least hundreds. According to the introduction of the incident, this time is a big node for the earth to be completely branded as a world monument, and all the elites from major cities are here."

"Look over there, I'm detecting it with a prophet-style detector. I'm pretending to be a country bumpkin, but it's actually Han Li, Han Li, from Wucheng."

"The guy who is hiding in the soil and who can be seen as plotting is Bai Di, the son of luck in Baicheng."

"And that one, the leader with the team, looks arrogant. He really has the arrogance, and is backed by the ancient hidden world. It is said that he is the reincarnation of the ancient soul, and he is only waiting for Wen Tian, ​​who was lost in the womb. Write."

He introduced them one by one, holding up the prophet-level detector, and then introduced:

"There are also Li Changxiao from Nancheng, Tian Qingyan from Qiancheng, Yu Wumian from Jincheng, Mu Bubai from Jiacheng, Wei Qingyi from Ningcheng...

"Where did you get the prophet-level detector?"

"It's not important. In addition, Muyun from Miancheng is a big shot, and there are a lot of children of luck. It's really a good defense."

The more he looked, the more he felt that he didn't have enough manpower here.

"No, keep moving back."

They retreated for more than ten miles again, making some of the Samsara team disdainful.

"Which team is so cowardly? Don't cooperate with them if you see them in the future."

"Isn't that the advance team?"

"Forward team? Is that the one that says: Don't take it personally when something happens, I'll sing for the people in front?"

"Yes, the iconic foursome, you can't go wrong."

"That's no wonder. They are notoriously cowardly. Eight out of ten missions they buy half-price tickets."

The teams no longer took a few people to heart, but cheered each other up: "Get ready, tomorrow at 12.00:[-] will be the opponent's first wave of attacks. I spent [-] world points on this news, please don't let me fail the mission. .”

"Damn it, brother Hao."

Others gave a thumbs up, but unfortunately no one in Cotton City could hear them.

But Mu Yun had already had an idea.

That night, Chen Banxian was arranged to stay on top of the city wall. Firstly, he could have a better view of the scenery, and secondly, he could see the movements of the reincarnators immediately.

Once something goes wrong, he can react quickly.

It was that night that Mu Yun knocked on his door.

Chen Banxian was about to draw his sword when he heard the sound and put down the sword essence.

The two men had nothing to do in the middle of the night. The main reason was that Mu Yun wanted to meet this person who was highly recommended by Shen Qinghe.

Judging from Shen Qinghe's tone, as long as he takes action, Jiuding's affairs will basically be stable.

When most people say this, they would just take it as bragging. How can anyone be so powerful?But Shen Qinghe was rigorous in his work, thoughtful and never joked. His words had to be taken seriously by Mu Yun.

Mu Yun sat down in the room, carefully looked at this person whose appearance was more stunning than the legend, and slowly said: "I heard that you once fucked a whole world by yourself?"

Chen Banxian:......

"What bastard is bragging without my permission?"

He denied this statement: "The only similar situation should be the Zangcang Realm, but that was my friend who helped me fuck."

The current suppression of Heavenly Dao in the Tibetan Cang Realm is becoming more and more terrifying, and all spiritual energy is disappearing, entering the Age of End of Dharma.

When the spiritual stones of those monks are exhausted, the only way is to escape to other worlds, and the entrance to the passage has been suppressed by Baihu City.

The other party also participated in the battle during the first calamity, suffering heavy losses and losing their last chance.

"That's like really blowing up a whole world."

Mu Yun was shocked. Shen Qinghe did not lie.

"Why are you looking for me?"

Chen Banxian looked at him, "It's not good to stay for a long time and let outsiders see you."

"Ahem, actually the main thing is to meet and get to know each other."

Mu Yun smiled and took the initiative to talk about Chen Banxian's questions during the day.

"We decided to attack the group of bugs outside at noon tomorrow and let compatriots from other cities come in."

"How to attack?" Chen Banxian asked at an appropriate time.

"We have a weapon that will have a spell-breaking effect after long-term infiltration by the meteorite. The first covering fire strike is enough to kill more than [-]% of them."

Mu Yun was very confident when he said this, just like the style of Cotton City.

"Then what?" Chen Banxian looked at him eagerly.

"Then everyone divides the cauldron." Mu Yun smiled: "I will tell you how to install the cauldron. It is best to find a Feng Shui master to determine the location, and then lay the roads between the nine cities, using the roads as the veins of luck. "

"By then, the Nine Cauldrons will be completed and the fate of the human race will be established. We will also be able to successfully mark the world monument and enjoy the blessing of the law." "I have a question."

Chen Banxian frowned as he listened: "Can you pack all the nine cauldrons away? In fact, I think our Baihu City can accommodate nine large cauldrons."

Mu Yun's face darkened: "There are not enough people to represent more than 50.00% of the earth's population, and it cannot be branded on the world monument."

"That's a pity." Chen Banxian regretted. He thought for a while: "Our nine cities can represent more than 50.00%? How did you know?"

"Of course I know, you don't have to worry about this."

Mu Yun's tone dropped: "In fact, Nine Cities really has more than 50.00% of the existing human beings."

He did not give a specific number. According to the calculations of later generations, this was the most appropriate time for restoration.

Just after the first tribulation, the earth was not strong yet, and not many forces from all walks of life took notice.

Once in the later stage, the world monument ranking is exposed, and the big forces from all walks of life are greedy for the earth's resources, it will be extremely difficult.

He was destined to change this ending.

He knows which world passage can connect the shortest distance to find the most suitable city, and this is where his confidence lies.

"Then building roads you said is unrealistic. You also know how much the earth has changed now compared to before."

Chen Banxian questioned, thinking he was talking in his sleep.

It would take him several months just to travel to another city, not to mention the distance between big cities?

"Who said roads must be paved with cement?" Mu Yun smiled lightly: "I have confirmed the water veins between the nine cities. They are connected by water veins. As long as the water veins continue, the luck will continue."

"And after the tripod is completed, one water will become the Nine Cities, which is the fate of the human race. It cannot be cut off casually, which is tantamount to overthrowing the entire human civilization. It seems to be the Nine Cities, but in fact, we are one city."

His words indeed gave people hope.

"We still have some time, would you like to visit Jiuding?" Mu Yun smiled and didn't mind keeping Chen Banxian up all night.

"Forget it, I won't go on a date with you tonight."

Chen Banxian saw off the guests and locked the door.

Then, he pulled out the sword spirit again.

Boy, you look like a thief, and you are hiding a lot of evil at first glance.

The sword spirit looked at him sideways: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Hey, Master Jian..." Chen Banxian rubbed his hands and lowered his eyebrows.

"Don't! It's definitely not good for you to call me Master Jian." The sword spirit interrupted him: "If you fart quickly, you won't even let me touch the jar. Don't get too close."

"No, if you do this well, you will have no problem using the jar."

He made such a promise, and the sword spirit's eyes immediately lit up.

"What's the matter? Tell me?"

Chen Banxian looked around, listened carefully outside the door, and used his mobile phone to scan the surroundings to make sure there were no surveillance bugs before lowering his voice and saying:
"I have a bold idea."

"Daxia has a complete set of criminal laws." The sword spirit continued.

"Don't interrupt." Chen Banxian's expression remained cautious, and he lowered his voice again:

"Tell me, does Jiuding's luck have a carrier?"

"Of course there is, otherwise why is it called Jiuding?" The sword spirit rolled his eyes: "The important point is, don't take off your pants and fart."

Chen Banxian's eyes moved restlessly: "Then you tell me, it just so happens that Jiaojiao has no body now, and I think his luck is also in the shape of a dragon. Tell me... is there... a possibility..."

He felt that his meaning was very vague.


The sword spirit was shocked when he heard this: "Do you want to train the dragon into a magic weapon of luck?"

"Bah, bah, bah! Say something unlucky!"

Chen Banxian was angry: "What I mean is that if you let Jiaojiao be the luck totem, just like in the novel, if the luck is not destroyed, she will not die?"

"You are dreaming. The luck totem is usually the first phoenix, the first black bird, the first unicorn, the first dragon in the world...

"These beings who are carried are called luck and auspiciousness, which is equivalent to the gods created by humans themselves. Enjoying the incense and luck is truly the pinnacle of the world."

The sword spirit felt that Chen Banxian was having some wild ideas, so he said regretfully: "Is Jiaojiao the first dragon?"

"Well, it seems that Jiaojiao is really the first dragon..."

The sword spirit suddenly denied his words and his eyes rolled faster than Chen Banxian's: "No, wait, let me think of a way."

What he taught Jiaojiao were all true dragon combat skills. He already had the charm and capital of a true dragon invisibly. Now with the help of the black and white Qi, he might actually be able to do it.

"This is my first time doing this. I guess it will take a long time."

The sword spirit made it clear that he had to be more cautious. After all, he watched the little girl Jiaojiao grow up and taught him step by step.

I don't know how many times cuter than that bastard Chen Banxian.

"Okay, then you think about it." It's good to have hope. Chen Banxian glanced at the reincarnations outside: "Life is really good. I will help you extend your life for a while tomorrow."

Looking at the sword spirit's appearance, it was obvious that he had not thought of it within a day or two.

He had to maintain the current situation in Cotton City. Fortunately, there was no certain date and time for the fall of Jiuding.

Because the day when the fate of the human race was consolidated was the best day for mankind, and it has been since then.

Time flew by like a fleeting horse, and he had to hold the horse and walk carefully. He sent a good night on his mobile phone circle of friends, along with a photo of the jar, and then he fell asleep peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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