There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 292 A group of dragons without a leader, the mirror lake is clear and empty

Chapter 292 A group of dragons without a leader, the mirror lake is clear and empty

Surrounded by the world as usual, Chen Banxian woke up the next day and started writing and drawing on the desktop.

The sword spirit glanced at it and didn't care. Isn't it the Qianzhiyu hexagram?

"Master Jian, you are busy first."

He walked down the city wall and approached the Jiuding.

The tripod culture of the earth has been handed down since the mythological period. The three legs represent heaven, earth and people, and the two ears divide yin and yang. It is an important ritual instrument.

Also known as a treasure with three legs and two ears, it combines five flavors. According to myth, it was forged by Dayu to control the floods and collect nine gold from the world. It was cast in Jingshan Mountain to suppress the luck of the nine states.

The former Jiuding was: Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Liangzhou, Xuzhou, Yuzhou, Yongzhou, Qingzhou, Gunzhou, Jizhou, the tripod of Jiuzhou.

However, historical data are just historical data, and there is nothing magical about the Nine Cauldrons excavated by history. Mu Yun himself also used incredible means to collect the world's gold and cast it into the Cauldron of Luck.

When he got closer, he saw nine large cauldrons with a height of tens of meters placed in the city, occupying a large area, and the high temperature of the bronze pouring on them had not yet cooled down.

No one can stand within a radius of tens of meters. The nine blue and white dragons of luck are revealed by the scorching smoke.

After getting closer, a simple and profound charm filled the air. On top of the cauldron, there were three legs that determined the sky, the earth, and the people. They were the three talents.

The two ears are marked with yang characters and the other with yin characters, which are yin and yang.

The belly of the tripod is mixed, which means unity. The nine tripods are engraved with images of the earth, flowers, grass, mountains and rivers, the Kunlun River, the Great Wall thousands of miles away, and two rivers protecting it.

This is the Jiuding belonging to Daxia!
Only the tripod body is lacking something, a "belonging".

The nine tripods seem to be the same, but they also seem to be different from each other, and there is no inscription on them.

"A group of dragons without a leader..."

Chen Banxian raised his head and suddenly remembered something. He left here and quickly came to the city wall. Through the people of [World], he counted the forces that came here.

Wucheng, Baicheng, Nancheng, Qiancheng, Jincheng, Jiacheng, Ningcheng...

There are seven cities in total, plus the two cities of Baihu City and Mian City, they are nine cities, which seems to be consistent.

But...there were ten teams of people coming.

He stared at the last team. For some reason, he felt a little awkward looking at that person.

Just like if a person with cool colors wears warm-toned clothes, they look a bit inappropriate no matter how you look at them.

He chanted those words again: "A group of dragons without a leader..."

The hexagrams show people that the two hexagrams of Qian and Kun are not mutually exclusive, and changing the hexagrams means they are different.

The hexagram of Zeshui is above Qianjin. It is deceived by the powerful and powerful in the sky. It is arbitrary and has the appearance of cutting off the dragon's head with a knife. I'm afraid... it is not good for luck.

He looked at the group of enemies from [World] outside with disdain in his eyes.

To put it bluntly, he can sweep it all by himself, so the crisis cannot come from these things.

Those who are trying to undermine others may have some strength in the same realm, but if they really meet the genius, they are really not enough.

He pays more attention to potential dangers.

Chen Banxian raised his head. High in the sky, clouds covered the sun. There seemed to be something hidden on the clouds.


He said coldly and stopped looking.

Gently shake the jar in your arms, and a stone plaque inside jingles.

Outside Cotton City, a group of more than a dozen people were sitting cross-legged in the woods with their eyes closed.

They are also practicing, but in a strange way. They first enter meditation in strange postures, so that the spiritual energy slowly enters the whole body.

This is the force pointed out by the four-person Mahjong team, written by Wen Tian.

It is suspected that ancient souls are reincarnated in this life.

The so-called Wen Tian wrote at this time that one leg is straightened, the sole of the foot is pointing to the sky, the hands are raised forward, and the Dantian is clasped inward. The cheekbones and jaws are prominent, the forehead is flat, and the limbs are slender.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes under his high eyebrows, his expression not very good.

"what happened?"

Wen Tianxiu's cultivation pause interrupted the qi movement here, causing the others to open their eyes.

"I feel like someone is spying on me." Wen Tianxiu raised his head: "It's not from those mayflies outside Mian City, but from inside Mian City."

He described the feeling: "It was as scary as if an evil beast appeared next to my pillow."

"Wen, are you sure about your perception?" The others frowned: "The threat to you in the current world should not be so great. This is not realistic."

"We are not reality."

Wen Tianshu looked gloomy: "Everyone, be careful. There may be some unnecessary changes in the plan. If necessary, we can open the gap in the mirror lake sky in time."

"Are we going to expose Jinghu Mingkong now?"

The other person frowned, not wanting to take risks: "Young Master, the current degree of recovery in the world is great, the Heavenly Dao Annotation is uniquely powerful, and other forces are likely to appear."

"If the backlash comes too early, it is likely to be overly focused and targeted, which will be detrimental to us."

"So what if it's too early? This world is no longer the world of old monsters like it used to be. It's the world of geniuses."

Wen Tian wrote with his hands behind his back: "I have embarked on the road to the top. I have reached the extreme in every situation. I will never fall behind anyone or any genius!"

He looked at Miancheng: "Is it an evil beast on the pillow or a late-night snack? Who knows?"

But a dozen people didn't notice that there was a breeze blowing in the forest behind them.

Han Li quietly returned to his team, an ordinary-looking young man.

"Han Li", the leader of Wucheng, nodded when he saw this: "Have you finished using the toilet?"

"I'm done. I feel so comfortable. I've been holding it in for three days."

Han Li pretended to be relaxed and walked into the team.

It's just that his expression is cloudy in a place that no one can see.

"The person surnamed Wen didn't reveal which city it is from. There is indeed a problem. It seems to be related to the ancient cultivation forces. No, we have to change direction and stay away."

Soon, "Han Li" claimed to have found a better position to break into Cotton City and led his team members away quickly.

However, they didn't know that the traces of the group had already been seen by Bai Di.

A group of people in Baicheng Tuzhong followed Tudun.

Bai Di sent a message: "They cannot leave the position where they have been stationed for several days without any reason. There must be something going on. Please be careful."

Jiuding is not a trivial matter. It is a major event related to the distribution of luck in the future and the future of the human race. They cannot help but ignore it.

It's best not to have any changes at all.

On top of the city wall, Mu Yun waited quietly for time. As soon as the twelve o'clock bell rang, all the predetermined special bullets would be fired, causing devastating firepower to all foreigners in the sky.

"The barbarians and the idle people will also destroy my destiny in Great Xia!"

Mu Yun sneered: "Let you, these bedbugs, know what I mean by the wrath of Miancheng!"

Time ticked by, and no one knew that a person had quietly left the city wrapped in the energy of the Demon Summoning Sutra.

He had to go out for a breath and refresh his weak state. He took out a pocket watch from his arms to check the time.

Twelve o'clock, here we are.

At this moment, the entire city wall of Cotton City flashed with fire, and the light spots exploded, reaching high in the sky almost instantly.

Just as promised, the reincarnations of [World] counterattacked, no, or they attacked, because the two attacked at the same time with almost no time difference.

"Interesting." Chen Banxian looked up at the sky, holding the jar and observing carefully.

I saw the technological weapons formed by those reincarnations twisting the space, which should be similar to neutron cannons, and smashed into Cotton City.

But the meteorite is terrifying, all energy is failing, and in the end the neutron cannon leaves only a trace of charred black.

But the situation for those who reincarnated was miserable. Most of them were hit by bullets and shells before they could dodge. They were severely injured on the spot and could not even be treated in time.

"Under the Meteorite Stone, all living beings are equal!"

He vaguely heard someone's roar coming from the other side of the city wall.

Massive amounts of ammunition continued to be unleashed, and the Samsaras had no choice but to dodge and were constantly suppressed. Even those who lacked information were beaten so badly that they were almost wiped out by the group.

"Fuck, fuck!"

The foursome hid at the end and luckily escaped a missile. They were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat.

"Is this a defensive mission? Or is it the first phase?"

"Let's just call it an evasion mission. If you can't evade it, you'll die."

They realized it when they found that all means could not affect the shells.

"It's the effect of that special substance. Damn it. I really want to steal a few pieces."

And with such a good opportunity, it was natural for the extraordinary beings outside Cotton City to seize the opportunity.

"The opportunity is here!"

Wen Tianshu spoke immediately, stepped on the ground with bare feet, and kept approaching Miancheng.

They were not within the locking range and were about to seize the opportunity to enter the city at a very fast speed.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise!

The clouds were blasted through by the sound waves and shattered into circles of annular clouds, wrapping the battlefield.

All the bullets were knocked down, and all the extraordinary and reincarnated beings were also knocked to the ground.

"what is that!"

Someone suddenly looked up, but could only see the dark sky. No, that was not the dark sky, but the inside of something.

An upside-down jar has a mouth that is larger than Cotton City. The sound wave just now was emitted from the inside of the jar.


The sound wave hit the ground, forcibly creating a moat around Cotton City.


The foursome were [-] miles away in an instant.

"Jidao Emperor Weapon!" x4!

The four of them said in unison, sweating.

"I won't play anymore, I won't play anymore, there's something wrong with me." The reincarnation player who was winning consecutively in mahjong shouted:
"With the Ji Dao Emperor's weapons in his hand, he is already invincible. It is impossible for him to be able to make an enemy. He is invincible by nature."

They believe that unless there is an immortal weapon from the extreme realm, nothing on earth can be shaken.

"Chen Banxian may not be reborn as a future emperor."

They think so, otherwise they would not be able to explain these strange behaviors.

How could a normal person in the fourth realm master the ultimate imperial weapon?
Chen Banxian was high up in the sky, his hand holding the stone plaque was trembling. He looked at the knocking points of the two. It was very good. There was no dust on the stone plaque, and there was no mark on the jar.

Even if the two are not of the same level, the materials should be similar.

Whether it was Cotton City, Samsara, or the extraordinary geniuses in major cities, they were all shocked. The conflict was briefly delayed, and neither of them took action for a while.

"What's going on?" Mu Yun raised his head and stared at the sky, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"The biggest mystery in the past life is how the unknown jar appeared at this point. Shouldn't it have appeared on the battlefield before and after the World Monument was branded?"

According to records, in the previous life, the earth entered the world monument ranking, shared the favor of luck, and was besieged by the worlds ranked before and after.

How can the earth, which is already messy and weakened by the wind, stand up?Whether it was population, cultivation, or technology, there was a huge gap in every aspect. In the end, it was about to be destroyed, and right there, a huge jar flew from outside the territory.

With just one blow, half of the top-ranked world was shattered and other enemies were intimidated, giving the earth a chance to breathe.

Unfortunately, the jar has never been seen since, leaving it a deep mystery.

But now, he didn't expect the jar to appear again.

Different from the previous life, this thing is preventing him from killing the reincarnations in [World].

"The jar controls [the world]?"

"Or maybe these reincarnators can't die here?"

Various speculations flickered in Mu Yun's eyes: "Or is there some ulterior purpose?"

"Still...can't fate be changed?"

He had thought a lot, and now that the plan was exposed, those bastards were already mentally prepared, and the chance of a sneak attack was slim.


There was an uproar from the Samsara people. The jar was too big and they couldn't see clearly what it was. Someone tentatively dropped a neutron bomb into it.


The sound wave rolled down again, and the depth of the moat doubled again, but the shooter didn't say a word, and was shattered into blood mist.

Not even his soul was left, it was completely destroyed in an instant, leaving no trace of armor behind.


For a moment, no one dared to speak or take action.

Wucheng Hanli thought for a moment, then went to the mountains to quietly catch a few strange beasts with little intelligence, and then released them in the direction of Miancheng.


The circular sound waves smashed the flesh and blood of the alien beasts into the ground, making no distinction between friend and foe.

Chen Banxian smiled lightly and promised that he would not lose any time for the sword spirit until he came up with a good method.

A group of dragons without a leader is equivalent to the fate of Daxia without a leader. It would be a joke if such luck could succeed.

Mu Yun's method was right, but after all, he was only one person, and he still lacked some knowledge, and in the end he could only make a defective product that was almost the same.

"Do all reborn people have the same virtue?"

Chen Banxian thought of the stupid things Shen Qinghe had done before, and this Mu Yun was not much better.

Wen Tianshu immediately ordered his men to retreat and hollow out the belly of a mountain.

More than a dozen people held a mysterious ceremony around a totem. With the sacrifice that was half dance and half fighting, the burning totem pole was stained with blood, and the original orange flame was gradually replaced by blue.

Then, the flames burned into the ground, burning the earth into a mirror, in which a clear reflection of the sky could be seen.

Wen Tian wrote and waited quietly.

The mirror trembled slightly under their feet. Look carefully where is the mirror?It is clearly a salt lake and a mirror lake.

"Mirror Lake Bright Sky"!
Seeing no response for a long time, Wen Tianshu frowned and said, "Father, please see me."

There was still no movement. Wen Tianshu thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and dripped his soul blood from the burning position of the totem pole.

As the soul blood dripped, his face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted again:
"Father, my child, please see me."

(End of this chapter)

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