Chapter 293 Tianjiao Gathering
Finally, there was a response in the clear sky of Jinghu Lake.

A figure walked slowly from the distance of Jinghu Lake at his feet. Wen Tianxiu looked carefully and looked a little regretful after discovering that it was a female figure, not that of his father.

The woman got closer and closer, and somehow, she seemed to appear on the mirror, but also seemed to be inside the mirror, reversing time and space, and for a while it was impossible to tell which mirror was the mirror.

"Young Master, now is not the time to open the mirror lake sky."

The woman was wearing an animal skin and grass coat, her hair was messy, and her eyes were very gentle as she looked at Wen Tian's writing.

"I know it's not the time, but I've got a problem."

Wen Tianshu looked ugly: "Now there are weapons outside that do not belong to this era, and I can't resist them."

He told the story about the Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers outside, and at the same time, he also expressed his own thoughts.

"If I can integrate our totem into the destiny of people in this world, Jinghu Mingkong will have a chance to be truly recognized by heaven, and we can even replace this world."

"How can luck be so easy to control?"

The woman's eyes were kind: "The clear sky of Mirror Lake exists in the mezzanine. Those who don't know the truth and falsehood are no different from those in the real world. What you want is too risky."

"I know you are afraid that I will expose Jinghu Lake to the sky."

Wen Tian wrote, "My father didn't come to see me, it must be for this reason, but I beg my aunt to tell my father, please give me a powerful weapon so that I can have the capital to try."

"If I fail, I will bear the consequences myself."

Facing the determined Wen Tianxiu, the woman looked complicated and nodded.

"Since you say so, I will give you a heavy weapon."

She took off the belt on her straw clothes: "This is the "Mingxin Silk", which is made from the big sinews of a real dragon. It can be trapped by anything. It may be difficult to fight against that thing, but it is still feasible to contain it or wrap it around your body to protect you." "

"If you want to seek luck, the dragon energy on Mingxin Silk can help you."

"My dear, thank you, auntie!"

After taking it, Wen Tianshu bowed happily and looked up again. The mirror lake disappeared, the blue flame went out, and the mountain was completely dark.

The medium between reality and illusion seemed to be broken, everything was confused, and it took a lot of effort for Wen Tianxiu to wake up.

"Alas..." He sighed deeply: "Father, after so many years, I can never see you again."

"My child will definitely make you proud!"

He had a firm look on his face, and covered his whole body with silk to weave armor, but he did not enter Cotton City immediately.

He was waiting for an opportunity and did not rush forward rashly.

If the jar destroyed Jiuding in anger, then he wouldn't need to go to such trouble.

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while, and the reincarnators kept asking [the world] for the reason, all while waiting.

It seems that there is a bug in the defense task in phase one.

This situation lasted until the third day, when Chen Banxian learned that the sword spirit had conveyed the news that he could come back.

He put away the jar and quietly returned to Cotton City.

The meteorite's extraordinary shielding became his most natural protection.

The jar in the sky suddenly disappeared at a shockingly fast speed.

"What on earth is that!" There were so many doubts in Mu Yun's eyes that future generations might not be able to figure it out.

As for the jar, is it the one Chen Banxian holds every day?
Impossible...absolutely impossible.

He wouldn't even have the slightest thought, it would be as absurd as if he had been playing with you every day and suddenly told you that he was the illegitimate son of Father Ma.

"Open fire, suppress the aliens, and cover the compatriots entering the city!"

He immediately ordered: "Send the elite out of the city to meet the geniuses of each city."


"Have you figured out a way?"

On the city wall, Chen Banxian rushed into the room excitedly and saw the old sword spirit there with a smile on his lips.

That is a proud smile, that is a proud smile, that is Chen Banxian's smile that can be called Master Jian.

"Master Jian, please tell me, please elaborate."

"Bring the jar and take a look." The sword spirit smiled proudly.

Chen Banxian hurriedly handed over the jar: "Master, take your time and take a look."

"Well, that's not bad." The sword spirit looked at it carefully and said, "I once experienced a world where there was something called "Yun Dynasty"."

"By building up the world, luck is enhanced, and luck infuses and deepens the cultivation of the people above the court. The stronger the people's cultivation, the stronger the luck, and the construction of the world becomes more vigorous, forming a virtuous cycle, especially for the master of luck, It’s as scary as an immortal.”

"Of course, I'm not talking about this method, but the technique created by the Lord of the Yun Dynasty. Unfortunately, he tried to build an immortal dynasty, and eventually angered the Cangtian Immortal, and the entire Taoist tradition was destroyed."

The sword spirit talked eloquently: "And the Lord of Fortune only needs to modify it and replace it with Jiao Jiao. Isn't this the current solution?"

He lit the scales on Chen Banxian's chest: "I will teach her the techniques of the Lord of Fortune. Then you can hide the scales in the cauldron, and you can naturally "change your appearance" quietly during practice."

"It's just kid, you have to be prepared. If you are discovered by the immortals practicing this technique, you may be targeted. Maybe the earth will be the second destiny dynasty to be destroyed."

The stakes were clearly stated by the swordsman, and Chen Banxian was also a little worried: "What will it mean for the Yun Dynasty to be destroyed?"

The sword spirit realized the imperial pattern on the jar: "It's very simple, just kill everyone in the Yun Dynasty, every citizen, and everything related to luck."

"Because luck, as long as one person is still alive, will not be completely cut off."

"That's it."

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up: "In other words, if I don't die, my luck will not be destroyed?"

"Yes." The sword spirit confirmed.

"Then what are you waiting for?" He said enthusiastically, "Hurry up and tell Jiaojiao how to practice, and I'll hide her right away."

It's too late, all the geniuses have entered the city.The three or two kittens outside really can't stop the ferocious earthlings.

The sword spirit informed Jiaojiao of the technique, and his black and white Qi scales kept trembling, comprehending the Taoist charm in it.

I have to say that the sword spirit is really powerful. He held the jar and said, "I'm going out."

Obviously, He wanted to test his power.

But the strange thing is that as soon as he flew a few hundred meters away, the jar flew back to Chen Banxian's arms.

"Boy, you are not trustworthy!"

The sword spirit roared, flew back and was so angry that he was about to hit him.

"It's none of my business, it flew back by itself."

Chen Banxian was speechless: "It is said that the Jidao Emperor's soldiers have spirits. Apparently they recognize me."

"TMD, bad luck!"

The sword spirit felt that he had been cheated on.

"Okay, okay, from now on, if you get along with Gu Gu more and develop a relationship, maybe they will agree to it?"

Chen Banxian persuaded him and turned around and went downstairs.

Xiao Xi had just informed him that the others had arrived in the city.

"finally reached."

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up, and he was rushing towards Jiuding at a fast pace.

After three days of hard work, the nine giant cauldrons, which were several dozen meters tall, were still warm, which proved how rare his casting materials were.

Under Jiuding, Mu Yun is the leader, followed by Bai Di in Baicheng, Han Li in Wucheng, Li Changxiao in Nancheng, Tian Qingyan in Qiancheng, Sleepless in Jinchengyu, Bubai in Jiacheng, and Qingyi in Ningcheng.

These people are all the people who "carry the tripod" in the city, the best, the best among the best, and they are all different in temperament.

For example, Li Changxiao, with his beautiful face and beautiful face, seems to be the center of the world, making people who see him involuntarily convinced and subconsciously want to follow him.

For example, Wei Qingyi was reclusive and independent, with a tall and slender figure, handsome appearance, eyes like the sun in the water, and divine power flowing through him.

Or Tian Qingyan from Qiancheng. Although she is a woman, she still has the style of a female chairman in society. Her words and deeds are majestic and majestic, which always gives people the illusion.

When she puts on Tang Dynasty clothes, is Wu Zetian reincarnated?

Of course, some sleazy looking guy... The world is always diverse, isn't it?

He was sizing them up, and they were naturally sizing up Chen Banxian who was coming later.

Two words appeared in everyone's eyes: stunning!

It can only be described as stunning, because this man's appearance is too perfect.

People who don't understand may think it's beautiful, but everyone is a genius and has a lot of knowledge.

Appearance is what you are born with and is basically difficult to modify. Any changes you make are equivalent to plastic surgery and you can detect them if you look carefully.

But this person is not.

The eyebrows, eyes, bridge of the nose, lips and jaw all echo the rhythm of heaven and earth, which makes you feel mesmerized and comfortable.

"This is... Shen Qinghe from Baihu City?"

Jincheng's Yu Bu Mian was the first to speak: "We had another contact before the end of the world. It's better to hear about it than to see it. It really deserves its reputation."

"Ahem, you got the wrong person." Chen Banxian was slightly embarrassed while holding the jar: "Shen Qinghe is on vacation in Baihu City, so I can help him temporarily."

There was no embarrassment on Yu Bu Mian's face, and he changed his words and said: "It turns out to be another genius. Just by looking at his aura, he is extraordinary. Shen Qinghe asked you to come, obviously he has great confidence in you."

Worthy of being a genius.

This thought arose in everyone's mind, and Mu Yun took the initiative to introduce everyone to each other.

It's a familiar face, so everyone knows some details.

The remaining nine people are all masters like myself. It will definitely not be easy to win the tripod later, and it will be very tiring.

"Everyone, please cut it short and talk about your own deeds. From the first calamity, I see that none of you have any clerical status. You are obviously extremely confident in yourself."

Han Li spoke at this time, hoping to get some more information.

"Ah, yes, yes!" Bai Di was the first to agree.

"Since the two brothers have proposed it, why don't you come first?"

Mu Bubai from Jia Cheng was graceful and extended his hand to signal.

"Let's start right away. To show my sincerity, I won't hide it."

Bai Di was the first to speak: "I kept pouring nuclear waste into the other world in advance, causing tens of thousands of miles in the other world to be infected areas. The spiritual chaos was comparable to the poison, and I successfully survived the disaster."

"Brother, tell me about your wonderful deeds."

Mu Bubai gave a thumbs up: "You are awesome. My city is close to the East China Sea, which means that we have conquered the fellow monsters in the sea to fight against the enemy together. To be honest, the battle was quite tragic."

"what about you?"

Everyone asked one by one and each told his own method.

Han Li was a bit exaggerated. He said something awesome in a calm tone: "Three hundred aliens came to Wucheng during the first calamity. I used a little trick and ran with Wucheng for three days and three nights, and successfully evaded them."

"You call this a little trick?"

Everyone looked at each other and gave a thumbs up.

You deserve to be called Han Li.

(End of this chapter)

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