Chapter 294
They spoke to each other concisely and concisely, but if you think about it carefully, you will know that it is by no means as simple as it sounds.

Except for the white flute.

It is peace that was truly bought at the price of blood.

"Then... let's divide the tripods."

Mu Yun's eyes flickered: "This Jiuding has not been inscribed yet, it is up to you to do it."

The brief introduction before was actually just to let everyone get acquainted with each other, so as to avoid direct conflicts later.

"What kind of inscription method?"

Mu Bubai raised his head and touched the cauldron with his hand.


Mu Yun smiled and said: "Each of the nine tripods is inscribed with a word, they cannot be the same, and the effect of each tripod is revealed after the inscription."

"There are a total of nine kinds of luck effects in this Jiuding. Each tripod has its own one. After the luck is connected, this one will dominate, and the others will occupy the auxiliary."

Han Li heard this and asked: "What is the specific effect of Jiuding?"

"Suppress! Attack! Control! Speed! God! Cultivation! Enlightenment! Spirit! Forbidden!"

"Among them, suppressing means suppressing, weakening the strength of the foreign races in the Jiuding domain, attacking means attacking, and the force of the human race is increased due to luck."

"Control means control. It is easier to use weapons under luck. And speed means speed. There is no need to say more about this aspect."

"Shen is the soul, the soul, and the soul is naturally stronger than other people. Cultivation is to increase the speed of cultivation."

"Understanding the master's understanding, the total amount, quality and range of spiritual energy are greater. The last taboo is taboo. There is a chance that more uncontrollable factors will appear in the luck."

When it came to other things, Chen Banxian only had a look of interest on his face, but when it came to the last forbidden cauldron, the light in his eyes began to flow.

Whether it's psychic technology, dark matter, or the newly recruited Zhou Xiaoming's body modification, they all fit this word.

Speaking of individuals, which one of Ninth Lin Tian is not an expert in forbidden categories?Even he couldn't use common sense to judge it.

The demon clan is in Baihu City, even if it is called Zhenzi, other tripods will definitely have an impact. He wants this forbidden tripod very much.

Everyone looked confused, and Chen Banxian believed that everyone already had the answer in their minds.


They raised their heads and saw the nine great cauldrons. The effect was unknown without mentioning anything. It was time to gamble on their luck...

"Crash." The sound of rolling dice suddenly sounded on the field.

Everyone looked around and saw Chen Banxian meticulously shaking the dice with a jar.

"Don't look at me, I'm just trying my luck."

That’s how jars are used.All the geniuses suddenly realized in their hearts.

"Then...start the inscription?"

Bai Di looked at the huge Qiang Dao on the field, hugged it, and planned to be the first to eat the crab.

"Wait a moment."

At the critical moment, Wen Tianshu reached out to stop him.

"Brother, what's going on?" Bai Di pretended not to know, "You are all thinking, let me try it first."

"Don't be too thick-skinned." Wen Tianxiu reached out and patted down the several-ton sword with ease, causing the ground to tremble.

"There are ten of us here, how do we divide the Nine Sacred Cauldrons?"

"And among the nine cauldrons, is there a main cauldron? Which one is the main cauldron? What is its effect?"

He asked for details, which made Mu Yun narrow his eyes slightly.

He didn't invite the man named Wen, who heard the news from nowhere and came here.

Wen Tian wrote angrily: "Maintaining the tripod is no small matter. You are the one who made the tripod. Don't tell me that you don't know."

He was very cunning: "I suggest that everyone should write the inscription first, and then discuss who should own the Jiuding according to their needs."

"What if everyone falls in love with the same cauldron?" Yu Bu Mian said, his eyes slightly displeased with Wen Tian's writing.

He is too straightforward and too sharp.

"Then let your fists do the talking." Wen Tian wrote with a confident smile.

"Crash..." The sound of shaking the dice suddenly stopped. Chen Banxian raised his head and spoke with his fists?Then he won't be sleepy anymore.

"Let's vote by a show of hands." Mu Yun did not explain which one was the main cauldron. He just said: "I will choose the last one to show fairness."

But he changed the topic: "Jiuding is not a trivial matter. There are people from ten cities here, so we need to exclude people from one city."

"I am the founder of the tripod. I have been working on the plan for so long. This person cannot be me."

Isn't it just playing football? Who in Daxia can't do it?
Originally, Mu Yun wanted to discuss it with everyone, but Wen Tian's words and deeds immediately made him unhappy, so he gave up the idea.

"It's my mother-in-law's, do you still have a choice?"

Chen Banxian put away the dice and saw that everyone's atmosphere was getting worse and worse, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"You can survive the first calamity even with your level of thinking. What's going on? Are your brains knocked stupid?"

His words were extremely sarcastic, which made these people look ugly.

"Brother, what you said is too much. Now everyone knows that if there is one more person in Jiuding, there will be one less person. How can we divide it?"

"Isn't this simple?" Chen Banxian pointed at Wen Tian and wrote: "Whoever is not invited can just leave on his own. There are so many things about mothers-in-law and mothers."

"What do you mean?" Wen Tian wrote that he was not happy to see the blame falling on him: "Jiuding is a matter for all mankind, why can't I participate? I want to ask why I am not invited."

"Is there any reason why I don't invite you?"

Chen Banxian sneered: "The tripod made by others was not made by you."

"But this luck belongs to all mankind. I think besides me, we need to invite more people. It's best to invite every city."


Chen Banxian answered him directly in four words: "Are you pretending to be stupid or are you really stupid? In this situation, can you really invite everyone to every city? Why don't you invite me?"

He directly made a decision on this matter: "Wen Tianxiu, get out of here, let's divide Jiuding."

"You are so loud." Wen Tianshuo was furious: "Are you used to being arrogant in your city? You don't know how many heroes there are in the world?"

But Chen Banxian looked at him sideways and said, "A bid-taker."


Wen Tianshu took a deep breath and turned to look at Mu Yun.

He knew that if he really wanted to take action, he would be in the wrong, because everyone was already a little dissatisfied with him, and now, someone was about to be kicked out.

"Brother Mu really invited all kinds of cats and dogs."

He decided to share the disaster equally.

"Tsk, are you so cowardly?" Chen Banxian was still unforgiving. He quickly walked to Wen Tianxiu's side and spoke sharply:

"It's like a seductress, it only looks for its master with its tail between its legs."

This statement is not vivid.

But it happened to fit Wen Tianshu's situation at this time, and his face suddenly turned blue and white, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Chen Banxian, do you really want to die?"

It's time to fight.

Seeing this, some of the geniuses wanted to give some advice, but Han Li pulled him away.

"Haven't you seen it yet? There is something wrong with Wen Tian's writing, and Chen Banxian is irritating him."

Tianjiao's mind was filled with questions: "Where did you see it?"


Han Li only had these two words: "Everyone is not weak in strength. They still retained a certain amount of strength after entering the city. Wen Tian's purpose in writing was too strong and he took the initiative to provoke conflicts among everyone."

"Normal compatriots would not do this."

"No one who can reach this level would do this."

"Hurry up. If you don't take action, I will write the inscription myself."

He grabbed the tail of the Qiang knife in front of Wen Tianxiu and approached the cauldron.

"Jiuzhou Ding, Jiucheng Ding, originally I wanted to use the name of the previous Jiuding, but now it seems that it is more appropriate to use your city." He first walked to Yiding and wrote: Mian.

"Miancheng Ding, give it to our tripod maker first."

Suddenly, the light of the cauldron shone brightly, and a big green and white dragon in the sky had a silk mark, which belonged to Miancheng.

At the same time, the charm of the word Zhen fell, which is Zun Zhen Ding.

He walked to the second cauldron and carved the word Baihu.

"The Baihu Cauldron is mine, you are not allowed to steal it."

There was no other special aura on the cauldron, but a sense of enlightenment rose from the great dragon of luck.

This is the Forbidden Cauldron.

Sure enough.

Chen Banxian put away the dice that counted "five" in his hand.

He continued to depict Jincheng, Qiancheng, and Jiacheng, one by one. When he reached the last tripod, Wen Tianshu finally couldn't sit still.


A golden thread spread crazily from the ground, with a small pendant at its tip, like a ray of light.

The target is Chen Banxian's heart.

As soon as he made a move, Chen Banxian sensed it, and he slapped the Qiang knife with his backhand. As a result, the Qiang knife was swept by the thread and broke silently.

Without moving his eyes, he took out the jar with his backhand and smashed it hard.


The Jiuding vibrated, the luck was trembling, and the two unrestricted treasures were actually entangled together.

This scene made everyone's pupils shrink.

They immediately recognized the smell of this jar. Wasn't it the mysterious jar from before?

He is the one holding it!
At this moment, Mu Yun's eyes were filled with fear, as if he was meeting Chen Banxian for the first time. Only he knew what this meant!
He finally filled one of those unknown big holes!
"It's you!"

His voice trembled, and for a moment it was not clear whether he was talking about the future Chen Banxian or the Chen Banxian in the Emperor Jar City.

"not me!"

Chen Banxian immediately denied it. He had no time to chat at the moment, and his eyes were full of this golden thread.

This thing can actually entangle the imperial soldiers and compete with each other.

It's a pity that the real imperial power is missing. It can only be said that the material is not inferior to the imperial jar.

But this is enough to prove that this thing is extraordinary and can compete with the Imperial Can without actually being revived.

"I didn't expect that the jar was you!"

Seeing that Chen Banxian had not been killed, Wen Tianshu took the initiative:
"Now that there is no jar, let me see what other methods you have!"

He is very fast, and his body has a wild aura, and when he strikes, he carries an ancient power that does not belong to this world!

Wen Tianxiu is very confident. Compared with the current rough cultivation system, the slow exploration of human beings on earth, and the hodgepodge of various cultivation systems, he is completely different.

He has an orthodox ancient system, the most suitable combat skills, and can exert his maximum strength.

His potential continues to accumulate and his foundation is constantly solidified. He is a true genius.

It's not comparable to these newbies from later generations.

Another one, Chen Banxian is so beautiful that he looks like a vase at first glance. Where can he be, no matter how powerful he is?

Therefore, he carelessly approached and put his face in front of Chen Banxian's hand.

The latter took out the stone plaque from the jar and slapped it with his backhand.

"I'll go to you!"

Wen Tian wrote with pride on his face, he still had the heart of the True Dragon Ming wrapped around him, making him innately invincible...


At this moment, Wen Tianxiu screamed, and the stone plaque broke Ming's heart strings and poured him into the earth.

Sorry, Chen Banxian has three weapons that are not affected by the Miancheng Meteor Stone.

One is the Jidao Emperor Jar, the second is the Sword Essence, and the third is this "Fengdu" stone plaque.

The backgrounds of the three of them are incredible and large, and Chen Banxian is very easy to use them.

Wen Tianxiu was photographed falling to the ground. He felt that all the bones in his body were not broken, but his internal organs were hit hard.

Ming Xinsi was unable to block the Shibian's attack.

Chen Banxian looked at him coldly and carved the word "南" in front of him one stroke at a time.

In the last tripod city, the characters have been engraved, which completely disqualified Wen Tianshu.

Chen Banxian quietly put something in, and Wen Tianshu became furious: "You have to pay the price!"

His gloomy eyes firmly remembered him: "I remember you, Chen Banxian, and I also remember your city, Baihu City!"

He turned around and walked outside Cotton City.

"You will be punished for what you did today."

He took two steps but did not move.

Wen Tianxiu turned around and saw Chen Banxian holding a jar in his hand, and the mouth of the jar was swallowing his heart.

"What are you doing!"

He looked uncertain: "I'm warning you, don't try to get something you shouldn't get."

"How can you do such a simple thing when you hit someone and want to leave?"

Chen Banxian was not used to it. The mouth of the jar kept swallowing. There was a dragon's power on the Mingxin silk. It might be suitable to make a weapon for the dragon.

Girls should be suitable for sparkling, long and beautiful things.

Under a stalemate over the same items, he violently stripped Wen Tianshu naked and kicked him out of the city.

"Slow walk without sending!"


Wen Tianxiu was furious, but he had no choice but to follow the shouts of the reincarnators outside the city.

"One came out, he may have Jiuding in his hand."

"Besiege him! The other group is on alert."

"The second phase of the defense mission has begun. Don't fail this time!"

"We can't let go of any Jiuding!"

A huge explosion occurred outside, asking Chen Banxian to write a moment of silence for Wen Tian.

"Thank you."

Mu Yun cupped his fists at him, and Chen Banxian always felt that he meant more than that.

"It's okay, it's a small matter." He nodded: "You should have noticed that although he is also a human being, his soul is not."

"They should be people from the small world." Mu Bubai explained: "There was a gap in an era in ancient times, and those who survived survived by relying on the infinite corridor."

"Brother Chen, be careful. The power in the Infinite Corridor is very deep, and the other party may retaliate against you."

"Tsk, is he the only one worthy?"

Chen Banxian has his own pride: "My enemies are never at the same level, but at a higher level."

His arrogance makes people look at him with admiration. It is a conceit that does not put anyone in the world in his eyes.

"A defeated general is only worthy of following my footsteps forever and cannot stand on the same path as me."

He let Wen Tian go and Hui Yi felt pity in his heart because he was a race that was once on earth.

Secondly, I want to try to see if I can catch some big fish.

In the first calamity last time, he had a hand in the mirror world, thinking that Yinggou's bloodline would come out to cause trouble. Unexpectedly, the other party helped Lin Tian create a golden body of a zombie.

Even if he is uninjured and undefeated in the same situation, he may not be able to knock it off.

(End of this chapter)

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