There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 295 Wait until I realize the truth first

Chapter 295 Wait until I realize the truth first
This made him understand that there may be good and bad in the mirror world, and the two are not opposites.

But that's not the case with foreigners. They are inherently opposites. Although Chen Changsheng from the Qingxuan Realm has a good relationship with him, they are both geniuses and they cherish each other.

If it were other forces, they would still have thoughts about the earth.

As far as Taoism is concerned, the earth is just lucky.

"Everyone, now that the cauldron has been confirmed, it depends on you."

Mu Yun looked at them: "We in Mian City need to protect the big tripod. You need to successfully escort the Jiuding back to your big city under the siege of the aliens outside."

"The water veins and installation location methods have been told to everyone, please get on the road as soon as possible."

He was worried that [The World] would reveal information to the forces on the World Monument, and then the level of tragedy would at least rise several levels!
"Okay, then let's separate."

Bai Di was very straightforward, picked up the Baicheng Cauldron and ran out of the city.

As soon as he left the city and was no longer affected by the meteorite, he put the cauldron into his arms.
The so-called Meteor Immortal Stone suppresses them, but the physical body that has been cultivated is difficult to completely erase.

"Well, everyone who carries the cauldron, see you later."

The big cauldrons were carried up one by one, and Chen Banxian put away the Baihu cauldron and entered the Jidao Imperial Army.

He was very relaxed, and this mission seemed dangerous, but in fact it was like a vacation for him.

"Let me help you."

He opened the jar and launched an attack on the samsara people in the sky.


The can spewed out light, wiping across the sky like an eraser, causing countless reincarnations to perish, sweeping the world into a clear state.

"Show off..."

The sword spirit was speechless: "Put me in the jar. I want to have an in-depth communication with it."

" lonely..."

Chen Banxian sighed and sat on the jar to find the passage he had crossed.

As long as you reach the opposite side of the passage, you will reach the boundary of Baihu City.

He leisurely entered the white mist and opened his eyes. The world was still as desolate as before. There was nothing different except that the sky was densely packed with people.


Chen Banxian was suddenly shocked. He took a closer look and saw that the sky was filled with reincarnations!
The laziness and comfort were swept away by him. Without saying a word, Chen Banxian hid in the jar!
The next second, dazzling light rain fell, endless rules were raging here, and the extremely terrifying skills were more frightening than the tsunami.

Chen Banxian pressed the Fengdu plaque in the jar and endured it silently.

He controlled the jar and tried to shuttle through the battlefield, but was repelled by an unknown skill and almost fell into a different space.

"TMD, there is a kind of one-on-one solo jumping!"

He swore angrily, accusing the attackers in the jar.

At the same time, he was also deeply worried, what happened to the others?Have you encountered such a horrific attack?

In the other seven space passages, people like Bai Di or Yu Bu Mian didn't look very good.

"Do you feel that something is wrong?"

Their teammates raised this question: "It's too safe. There are no pursuers along the way. So we are forced to carry the Nine City Cauldron back?"

"Yes, this scares me. Where exactly are they setting up an ambush to stop us?"

Han Li's team moved forward rapidly, all disguised as people from other worlds, and their speed had been increased many times in a row.

"Captain, why didn't anyone stop us?"

The team members were confused, but "Han Li" said coldly: "Wouldn't it be better if no one stopped us? Everyone, just relax and go as fast as you can."

The ordinary person in the team lowered his head and kept sending messages with his silver bracelet.

"The Jidao Emperor's weapon is on that person. This is the closest step we can take to the Jidao weapon!"

"Go quickly, don't worry about the defense mission. Where is the fragrance of the Emperor's weapons? The emperor's weapons in the hands of a human are not enough to revive it. Whoever grabs it belongs to whom!"

Such news fills the ears of all reincarnators, with pictures, truth, and videos.

Information publishers only charge ten world points each, which can be said to be very conscientious.

He claimed that he obtained this information at great cost by infiltrating the enemy's interior.

At first the reincarnators didn't believe it, but as more and more people saw it with their own eyes, all the reincarnators went crazy.

Those who couldn't come even redeemed their vacation coupons in person and came to this world just to get the ultimate emperor's weapon.

"TMD, how come there are so many people!"

Chen Banxian is swimming in the ocean of energy and skills. The world has been smashed into powder, and there is no escape or avoidance.

There are endless reincarnations, and he feels that he may have accidentally stabbed the nest of [the world].

However, this is not the main thing. What is even more frightening is that this is not the earth, but a different space.

The descending restriction is no longer bound by heaven, and he dare not come out in the jar.

If you go out, you might be haunted by something.

It doesn't matter if he is dead, if the jar is gone, Chen Banxian can be pissed to death again!
He controlled the jar and hid it in a ruins.

"Where is he!"

Someone quickly locked onto him, and then there were endless attacks.

"Ah! Too much deception!"

Chen Banxian was so angry that he ran away frantically from that position.

He wanted to escape back to Earth, but that road was blocked, or all exits were blocked.

If he is in the jar of the Jidao Imperial Weapon, then this world is a big jar, and everyone is hunting him.

"Who the hell leaked the news!"

He cursed that bastard for giving birth to a son without an asshole!

Han Li sneezed on the road. He immediately searched for the cause and finally thought of a possibility. "The Jidao Emperor's soldiers are enough to protect his safety. It's just a few curses. It's not a big problem."

"Damn it, imitating grandma!"

Chen Banxian went crazy. He fought back in the jar, but the light he shot out couldn't even catch the opponent's shadow and was dispersed by all kinds of huge energy.

"Sword Spirit, think of a way!"

He pulled out the Divine Sword of Germany, and the latter was speechless.

"Think of a ridiculous solution. Unless you can revive the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers with some real power, you're just waiting to be beaten."

He patted Chen Banxian on the shoulder: "Don't worry, this kind of stray force on the World Monument will not always exist. After a certain period of time, it will be ostracized by the world and leave."

"How long will it take?"

Chen Banxian felt like the world was spinning. Someone had thrown a knock-up skill just now, causing him to spin around.

"A few decades." The sword spirit gave a rough estimate.


Chen Banxian cursed. If he hadn't been fooled before, he should have gone back in time and returned to the earth's position earlier.

Now it's too late to go back.

"Don't bully others!"

He roared and took out the jar, which produced a terrifying fairy light.

Several reincarnation statues in the sky were bombarded, but to no avail. There were too many, really too many.

[World] I don’t know how many reincarnations have gathered together, including not only people on earth, but also various races.

He even saw something even more terrifying, looming behind the curtain.

It seemed that he was afraid of something and did not come forward directly.

"Think of a way!"

Chen Banxian's eyes kept rolling as he continued to take jujube pills.

He persisted for more than ten days. If he hadn't relied on the jar to resist, the Mingxin silk to absorb the shock, and the stone plaque to seal it, he might have been cooked.

"Chen Banxian, come out quickly and hand over the Jidao Emperor's soldiers!"

Someone in samsara was shouting and announcing to him:
"We will let you go only if you hand over the treasure!"

"Yes, the end result of stubborn resistance is to run out of gas and light. Even if the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers protect you, you will eventually die because your spiritual energy is exhausted."

They verbally attacked Chen Banxian: "Come out quickly, I promise not to move you, as long as you hand over the jar!"

They really didn't take action for a moment, waiting quietly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Banxian controlled the jar and ran towards the earth in a hurry: "I believe you, you beasts, why don't you tell me who leaked the news!"

He had known that the jar matter could not be hidden, so he did not hide it at all.

But he didn't expect the matter to leak out so quickly, and he already understood that these people were not here for defensive tasks at all.

They're here to grab the can!

"You can't beat me. It won't do anyone any good to waste it like this. Why don't you and I take a step back and let me go back to Earth? I swear not to take revenge!"

Where can the reincarnations be willing to work?They were surprised: "Hey, it's still a rhyme. Just give up. There are so many of us who are at the lowest level of the virtual realm. You have no chance!"

They took action and it was terrible.

This world is collapsing and destroying, and terrible things are being released from the destruction. Those reincarnators dare not approach it, as if there is something terrifying about it.

"That is the evil spirit that can only be born when the world is destroyed. It is different from ordinary evil spirits. It is difficult to wash off this thing if it sticks to it. You'd better stay away."

The sword spirit also warned him in the jar.

There was a tinkling noise outside, and countermeasures were being discussed inside.

"How can we revive the Jidao Emperor's soldiers?" Chen Banxian couldn't hold on any longer, it was too torturous.

"There are several ways. The sword spirit is as talkative as ever."

"Tell me the most likely one!" Chen Banxian gritted his teeth and looked a little haggard.

"You keep accumulating energy, keep storing it, and finally it all explodes, reaching a level that can awaken the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers."

"How long will it take?" Chen Banxian asked him.

"With your current level, it will take about three years."

"Three years? The daylilies are all dry."

"Another way."

Chen Banxian controlled the jar to take off from this place and travel through the vacuum.

The ground has been wiped out a long time ago, and he would die if his real body were even scratched.


The sword spirit gave this plan: "If you realize the Tao, the resonance of the Tao rhyme may cause the Tao rhyme in the jar to resonate together and revive."

"Say early!"

Chen Banxian was furious: "If we talk about such a simple thing earlier next time, we will be beaten here for several days in vain."

"Do you think enlightenment is a simple matter? Some monks spend their entire lives...naughty...!"

The sword spirit saw Chen Banxian closing his eyes and carefully studying the ancient bronze coffin scripture in his memory.

Ye Hei never imagined that someone could imprint the words of ancient scriptures and memorize them.

At first, he had just ordinary insights, but as time passed, a strange Taoist charm began to permeate the air.

He was enlightened again!

The sword spirit was very confused. How could anyone be able to realize enlightenment anytime and anywhere?
(End of this chapter)

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