There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 296 The Emperor's Resurrection

Chapter 296 The Emperor's Resurrection
This is an alien passage that does not belong to the earth.

There are more and more reincarnations coming from [World]. They show off their cultivation skills wantonly. The monks who enter the Void Mirror are not even qualified to enter.

If we were to switch to the earth's cultivation system, entering the void would probably be...

The eighth realm!
Chen Banxian is only in the fourth level now. Even if he breaks out the fifth level combat power with all his strength, compared with others' countless years of accumulation, he is still too immature.

But at this time, his expression was solemn. After the imperial pattern of fire, he understood the word of water. His whole person was like an ethereal lake, and like the waves crashing on the shore.

The sword spirit did not dare to speak and disturb his current state.

The jars were escaping in the world, most of them being knocked away. Fortunately, the Jidao Imperial Soldiers were not under control, otherwise they would have been captured and pocketed.

Even so, there are still many reincarnations trying to stop the jar.

"The bastard is busy, so let Master Jian give me a taste of what it's like to be a Jidao Imperial Soldier."

The sword spirit's eyes were almost filled with lust. He touched the jar with his sword and squeezed out a drop of life crystal to use as energy.


The imperial jar lit up with traces of lines, and then, a silent black light erupted from the hole.

The light was like waves and particles, wiping across the extreme distance of the sky, and all the reincarnators along the way disappeared silently.

Broken legs or skull weapons clattered down from the edge.

There are terrifying top-grade materials, an indestructible body, and the so-called magical power of rebirth through blood.

All failed and were completely wiped out.


The whole world took a breath of cold air, and all the reincarnations looked shocked and uncertain.

They quickly left the cleared area and took another look at the jar.

"Didn't you say that this Ji Dao Imperial Soldier cannot be revived?"

Someone roared, among the people who just disappeared were his beloved relatives and friends.

"Damn, what happened just now!"

The reincarnations were a little panicked and felt something was wrong.

"He's only in the fourth realm. What can he do to revive the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers?" Some people don't believe in evil.

"It must have been a coincidence just now. It might have been one of us that happened to inspire a little bit of the imperial soldier's divine power."

They convinced themselves that they couldn't believe that Chen Banxian had done it.

It's just a fourth realm, too weak. How can a baby lift the dragon-slaying knife?

"Yes, it's just a coincidence. We quickly took action and shocked him to death in a jar. This Ji Dao Imperial Weapon is now ownerless!"

They kept taking action and still refused to stop.

No one noticed that the inside of the jar was slightly bright, and the patterns were echoing each other.

Wave after wave of Taoist charms permeated the inside of the jar. After hitting the barrier, it bounced back and hit again. The cycle continued, getting stronger and more terrifying.

The inside of this jar is reviving, and there is even a hint of imperial charm.

So meager that it can be ignored.

Chen Banxian slowly opened his eyes.

He held the words "water and fire" in his hand, his expression was solemn and solemn, but his eyes were filled with compassion.

He was still in the state of enlightenment. He looked out of the emperor's jar and said calmly: "Aren't you going to move away?"

The sound clearly reached the reincarnations in the heavens.

"Haha, are you kidding!"

These people laughed: "Back off? Are you beaten stupid?"

"He can't hold on any longer and has started talking nonsense. Everyone, please work harder!"

"The fact that a little ant has been able to persist for so long is enough to brag about in the next life. Remember what strength you have, what you have obtained, and what position you are in. Otherwise you will just die violently again."

Some people even jokingly reminded everyone: "Whoever grabs the Masterless Emperor Soldier will be his, okay?"

"Of course, I agree!"

"I agree too!"

They ignored Chen Banxian and agreed with his words, but they were thinking about the calculation in their hearts.

Wait a minute like how to snatch the jar from someone else's hand.

As for equal sharing or joint ownership?What an international joke!
Once you get the jar, you are basically invincible in the [World]. You know, this is the ultimate imperial weapon!

Maybe the level is not the immortal level, but the power is not inferior to the immortal weapon at all. Things that cover the world cannot be measured in the same realm.

Their eyes were eager and greedy, and they ignored a strange phenomenon.

That is...the emperor jar is no longer knocked away by them, and remains firmly stagnant in the void.


With a sigh, Chen Banxian actually walked out of the jar. He was wearing a hunting robe, and his Taoist charm gradually subsided.

"How dare you come out!"

"Haha, can't you wait to die?"

"Indeed, having been tortured by us, dying as soon as possible is the most correct choice."

Inside the imperial jar, lines one after another are glowing. These lines seem to be like blood vessels all over the inside. All the power is condensed in exchange for a hint of imperial power.

The very thin, very weak Emperor Power flew out from the mouth of the jar lightly.


A reincarnation person discovered the clue, and he shouted: "The jar seems to be revived!"

"What! The emperor's soldiers are revived? Don't lie to me!"

Everyone looked here, and there were also reincarnators rushing here from the distant void. They saw the light behind Chen Banxian.

Pieces of fairy light evaporated from the inside of the jar, filling the air, and a hint of imperial power flew out from the inside of the jar.

Chen Banxian leaned forward, and in an instant the imperial power filled the entire world.

"Since you are not leaving, please let me see what the ultimate path is."

The ultimate way, the ultimate way, the emperor's soldiers, this ray of imperial power is so terrifying, the sky and the earth are silent for a moment, all the ways surrender, time and space are suppressed, the imperial power fills the entire small space.

The faces of those reincarnations were full of horror and disbelief. They wanted to escape, but found that everything was out of order.

[World] has no voice at this time, or in other words, [World] cannot intervene here at all.

When the Emperor Jar revives, who can survive?
It is obvious that there is only a small trace of imperial power, it is obvious that they are just ants in the fourth realm, and it is obvious that they are all figures who have entered the Void and Harmonized Dao, but now, everyone is dying and withering, their flesh and blood are withering, and their spiritual energy is drying up.

All the Tao and principles in this world are being swallowed up and disturbed, and finally they all return to the jar with the imperial power.

The reincarnations all over the sky were cleared away, and not a single one was left. This jar - carried out a annihilation of the world!
Looking at the ancient stars in the sky, there is no trace left.

A wisp of the emperor's power is so terrifying. The emperor's soldiers are only slightly revived. What will happen if they are fully revived, or if the emperor's true form takes action?
Chen Banxian held the jar and wandered in the void.

The White Mist Passage has not been destroyed. This place of connection is terrifyingly strong and is under the jurisdiction of heaven and cannot be destroyed.

He returned to Earth and was even in a trance for a while.

One second, he was being beaten, abused, and ridiculed by the reincarnations. The next second, these opponents had become "old friends."

After actually setting foot on the earth, he felt a sense of security that he had not felt for a long time. He took out the cauldron and shook it.

Why don't two alien races come to snatch it?
No more interference from a few awesome reincarnators?
Or maybe there are two masterminds behind the scenes.

But no, nothing. The aliens didn't even receive the news, and the [World] side was even more terrifying.

There was silence, and a large number of management-level reincarnators died in an instant, causing [the world] to pay an unimaginable price.

After all the reincarnators returned to the [World], they found that there were dense cracks in the sky, the earth was torn apart, and huge ravines could never be seen to the end.Deep in the world, in an unknown space, a person can't see his face clearly and is sweating.

In his hand, a dark ball of light was broken into half, and his heart was bleeding.

But he didn't dare to show it at all, all because of another ball of light in front of him.

It was a bright golden ball of light, floating slowly, with no real information visible.

Soon, the ball of light slowly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Yun..." The hazy figure wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, not daring to say the rest of the words. He took a deep breath and bowed down:
"Congratulations, sir."

If his identity were leaked, it would probably be shocking and unimaginable.

But he was in disbelief, because he didn't even dare to guess the origin of the person who had just arrived.

Why did He come, and why has more than half of his [World System] been shattered since His arrival?
This level of damage would either result in the death of a large number of high-level officials or the invasion by external forces.

"I need to see what happened."

His figure slowly disappeared. Chen Banxian didn't know what happened here.

He just walked to the largest water vein outside Baihu City and cast the Baihu Cauldron.

Follow the method given by Mu Yun, inject energy, draw the luck of Baihu City, and then activate all the water potential to create opportunities in the mountains.

Finally, he lit three incense candles presented by Mu Yun by the water, and the green smoke curled straight into the heaven and earth.

"Grandpa of the Heavenly Dao is above. Today, my earth, nine cities and nine tripods, with nine waters as its veins, suppresses the destiny of the human race, and inscribes the world rankings. Please witness it!"

The incense candle burned, the luck rolled, and a big blue and white dragon rolled, gradually turning into green in his eyes.

"Big blue dragon!"

At the same time, Baihu City was shaken, and the fates interacted with each other. People felt that there was something more in their hearts, but it seemed that there was nothing.

Suddenly, loud laughter erupted from the Psychic Research Institute.

"It's done! It's done!"

Zhou Xiaoming danced and ran wildly in the hospital with joy. He was holding an unknown organ in one hand and a scalpel in the other. His hands were bloody!
"I'm done! Hahaha!"

All the researchers did not dare to get too close to him because what this man did was too terrible.

Although he is a new kid, he has dissected hundreds of extraordinary beings and can make them "alive" by combining them at will.

Behind Zhou Xiaoming, a ten-meter-tall multi-armed monster followed. It was composed entirely of extraordinary beings.

The strength is close to the fourth level!

This monster was made from dozens of corpses from the second realm and several from the third realm.

"What has become of you?"

Someone invited Liu Yeqing. In fact, this child was also brought by Liu Yeqing.

She walked in a hurry. If it weren't for Chen Banxian's request, she would not have allowed such evil human research to be carried out in the Psychic Research Institute.

Even she was under a lot of pressure. If Chen Banxian's name hadn't been removed, Zhou Xiaoming would have had to help build Baihu City on the first day.

"Sister Liu, I'm done!"

Zhou Xiaoming touched the piece of meat in his hand: "I found it, I found it!"

"What are you talking about incoherently?" Liu Ye looked at the piece of meat in his hand, and then his eyes gradually widened.

"You found it? You really found it!"

"Yes, Sister Liu, I lived up to my promise and really found it."

Their confused conversation left others confused.

"What did you find?"

They asked from a distance, but the two ignored them. Liu Yeqing followed Zhou Xiaoming into his laboratory.

Five days later, the Psychic Research Institute held a press conference, claiming that it had found human acupoints and that scientific cultivation of immortality had officially begun.

At the same time, a paper was released that shocked the world.

"On the Feasibility of Artificial Dantian"

Fifteen days later, the first ordinary person to create a man-made Dantian successfully cultivated and incorporated spiritual energy. Suddenly, Baihu City officially announced that the time for everyone to stop practicing cultivation has arrived!

And all of this was just what happened after Chen Banxian put down Jiuding.

There will be more opportunities in the future. He looked at the big green dragon. Kowloon has been unable to gather. It should be that other cities have not completed their tasks.

He was not in a hurry and pushed forward the hexagrams he had predicted before. The hexagram Qian was auspicious and the only shortcomings he had made up for.


Suddenly, the Baihu Cauldron trembled, and the shadow of the second dragon appeared in the distance.

It's Wucheng, Wucheng Ding has fallen!

It seemed that a chain reaction had started, and then another dragon floated in the distance, the cauldron shook, and Baicheng stood up!
Then, Jincheng!Gancheng!Cotton City!A city!Responding one by one, the eight dragons looked at each other in the air.

Everyone looked nervously at the last direction, which was the direction of Ning Cheng where the ninth dragon was.

Wait... Time is passing, and the ninth dragon has been unable to rise.

Outside Ningcheng, the sky was stained with blood.


Countless extraordinary beings roared and fought bloody, with countless wounds covering their bodies.

They attacked crazily, kept pushing forward, and tried their best to enter the Weishui River.

That's where Li Ding is, but that place has always been occupied by foreigners.

"Do whatever it takes to defeat me!"

The general led the charge, and after a while, someone snatched the general's body back.


Another general took action and once again led his troops to charge in, forcefully tearing a gap in the enemy's defense line.

They were not afraid of death and roared wildly.

"Wei Qingyi!"

"Wei Qingyi!"

"Go! Don't worry, leave your back to us!"

An endless stream of extraordinary beings sacrificed their lives just for Wei Qingyi who was carrying the big cauldron!

"Brothers, thank you!"

Wei Qingyi rushed into the bank of the Wei River, only to see that the Wei River was blood red and corpses were scattered everywhere. He shed tears in the blood and fire, mourning and offering sacrifices to Wen Cangtian.

The last big dragon rises slowly, stained with blood.

Kowloon appeared, luck finally came true, and a terrifying force came to support from afar.

Chen Banxian touched his body and felt the flow of luck flowing into Ning Cheng.

There should be a tragic war going on over there, and I have to use the luck I just gathered

But he couldn't control that much, so he drew his sword and plunged into the water.

"Sword Spirit, hurry! Life Crystal!"

In the large cauldron under the water, the scales of the dragon flickered, and the black and white Qi carried the luck of the Nine Cauldrons, and an illusory vein emerged.

He threw out the Mingxin Silk in his arms and let the True Dragon Charm in it infect the dragon. If there were no accidents, the moment she reshaped her body would be the moment she transformed into a dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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