There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 297 The resurrection of the dragon

Chapter 297 The resurrection of the dragon
Blood vessels began to grow on the scales of the dragon, and then a little bit of flesh and blood emerged.

The life crystal dew of the sword spirit drips on it, constantly providing energy for living beings, reincarnating the living beings, and reshaping the bodies of the dragons.

"Hurry! Now is the time when luck has just come into being. Hurry up and recite the Dharma of Luck!"

The sword spirit reminded him that there were little dragons jumping on the scales of the dragon, and he was constantly reciting the fortune-telling method, contaminating the luck and imprinting his own body into it.

"If you want to win that auspicious position, you have to pay the price of nine deaths!"

The dragon merged into her luck, and her flesh and blood veins continued to grow. Finally, she successfully restored her previous shape.

It has four claws and horns on its head. Except for one missing toe, it is no different from a real dragon.

The dragon whimpered happily as it swam in the water, clinging to Chen Banxian and not letting go. His figure was the only thing in his eyes.

The emotion in those bright yellow eyes made Chen Banxian's heart tremble.

He stretched out his hand to touch it gently, but the dragon avoided it.

Black and white aura emerged from her body, and her scales also had a hint of chaotic gray as she rushed out from the bottom of the water.


With a roar that shocked the world, this big dragon became ten thousand meters long and roared at the sky.


The rolling thunderclouds condensed, and she... was about to transform into a dragon!
She traveled across space to stay away from everything, fearing that it would affect Baihu City. Many sophisticated facilities could not withstand damage, and terrifying thunderclouds slid down from the sky and were about to tear the earth apart.

"You bastard, something is wrong."

The sword spirit discovered the problem immediately: "The dragon carries the two qi of black and white, and also carries the luck of the nine cities. It is so well fed by you."

"She is now a god of luck, a man-made fourth realm. If she transforms into a dragon, she will at least be in the fifth realm. At this point in time, you cannot withstand the erosion of foreign races."

For the earth, every breakthrough is a catastrophe.

Every time, there are always aliens coveting, they want to get things that belong to humans, and they want to covet the treasures of the earth.

Chen Banxian frowned, this was indeed a difficult problem.

"No, where is she going?"

Suddenly, one person and one sword saw the dragon entering another world.

Hidden Cang Realm!
She wants to survive the tribulation in another world, so that when she returns to Earth, she will not break through the ceiling of the world and buy more time for mankind.

"This kid is always so self-righteous!"

The sword spirit was cursing, but his face was full of anxiety: "Why are you still watching? Follow me and save people!"

"That's the Dharma-ending world over there. A dragon that has transcended tribulations is enough to make some beings go crazy."

The sword spirit opened his mouth, but saw that Chen Banxian did not follow him immediately.

what is he doing

He... is shaking people!

"Chen Changsheng, help!"

Chen Banxian quickly called his cell phone and informed him of the situation. Chen Changsheng, who had not called out even when he was under siege in another world, called at this moment.

It can be seen that he is really careful. Not only that, he also called the sect master of Shen Yun Dongtian and some other relatives and friends.

After confirming that they were here to help, he carried the "Fengdu" stone plaque and the jar into the Zangcang Realm.

At this time, the Zangcang Realm was turbulent, with lightning and thunder, and the whole world seemed to be in a doomsday.

Thunderclouds kept falling, erupting with terrifying power.

Chen Banxian sensed his situation, and the whole world felt "hungry".

The energy in his body has a behavior of flowing backward and feeding back to the world. It is uncontrollable. It is the wail of the whole world.

He is crying, trying every means to repair the damaged self, and wants to go back to the past.

Chen Banxian's behavior shows how pathetic the monks in this world are.

"The rules of heaven and earth are not obvious. This girl has lowered her qualifications. Even if she can transform into a dragon, it is not complete. She will suffer another calamity in the future."

The sword spirit was helpless, but the conditions on the earth did not allow her to transform into a dragon.This is a helpless move.

"Fellow Taoist, is this a nurturing game?"

Chen Changsheng arrived silently. The so-called restrictions in the rules of heaven and earth were caused by him, let alone have any effect on him.

He stared at the dragon in the sky and already saw a lot of things.

Then he looked at Chen Banxian, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Fellow Taoist has found the path to the fourth realm. Now he has also found the gate to the fifth realm. He has completely embarked on his own path. I am very happy and congratulated."

"Nowhere can I compare to you."

There was business talk, so Chen Banxian congratulated him: "I don't know what your state is, but I see that there is a black evil spirit lingering between your eyebrows. You must be going through a catastrophe."

"You discovered it." Chen Changsheng sat down and said, "After the Eighth Path, my cultivation is getting stronger and stronger day by day, and my cultivation speed is also getting faster and faster. I can't suppress it anymore."

He was very worried: "I will overcome the tribulation as soon as possible. By then, I will definitely cultivate into Mahayana, and it is very likely that I will directly break through the space and ascend to the immortal world."

"You are worried about Taoism. After all, you have caused quite a lot of trouble."

Chen Banxian made the point and took out two eight-sided dice from his pocket with great interest.

"Do you want to count it?"

"Right on my mind."

They sat down cross-legged. Chen Changsheng took a few glances at the jar in his arms and found that he couldn't see through it, so he threw it away.

He dropped the two-sided dice, and then the hexagram became a hexagram.

"The mountains and rivers are covered with mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers are damaged."

"There is danger and danger hidden under the Gentu Mountain. But the river turns into gold, the mountain is ventilated, and the weather is unfavorable. This danger has existed since ancient times, and others are not affected. How can the Taoist sect suffer any losses?" "

He interpreted the hexagrams and saw Duijin shining in his eyes, and said with a smile: "There will be a woman who will play a big role in it and rise from the snow. No worries."

"Haha, then I'm relieved."

Chen Changsheng handed out a talisman from his arms: "This is the divine talisman I refined. After you activate it, you can call upon my magical powers to fight against powerful enemies."

Chen Banxian took it with a smile.

"Ding, understand the rules of time and space."

He felt that in an instant, his understanding of space and time became deeper and deeper, and the time retrieval time that had been maintained at six seconds was greatly lengthened, from six seconds to ten seconds.

Don’t look at this little time, it’s enough to predict and discover too many things!With a sudden thought, he started to look back in time.

He rewinded to ten seconds ago and took over Chen Changsheng's talisman.

It's a pity that it turned into hexagram gold and the loophole was not exploited.

However, Chen Changsheng noticed: "It is gratifying and congratulatory for my fellow Taoist to improve his cultivation."

Everyone has the ability of time and space, and once anyone moves, they can detect it.

"Congratulations, just give me another piece of that divine talisman."

Chen Banxian is thick-skinned and loves to be a gangster.

Chen Changsheng's face darkened: "This thing is special, I can only make one."

That's a pity.

"Your dragon is about to turn into a dragon."

Chen Changsheng suggested, and the two of them looked and saw that the high-altitude dragon was about to turn into a dragon.

But in the end, all the thunder tribulations in the world disappeared. The dragon flew down from high altitude and actually interrupted the dragon transformation tribulation.

The robbery failed.


She roared to pieces and voluntarily gave up her qualifications.

"Oh, this is right!" The sword spirit was very happy on the contrary: "It is better not to transform into an incomplete dragon. After passing through the calamity and accumulating foundation, sooner or later it will transform into a nine-clawed golden dragon."

He began to talk about himself: "As expected of my teachings, all of them are geniuses. This first dragon will be hers sooner or later. It is best to survive the tribulation under the watchful eye of heaven."

In the distance, a dragon flew from high altitude, quickly became smaller and got into Chen Banxian's arms.

"woo woo woo woo."

"Why can't you speak yet?" Chen Banxian teased her, but there was another near miss.

"Strange, is it due to luck?"

Without a few fights, he would really feel uncomfortable.

He guessed that it might be that Jiuding's luck took effect, which made everything easier.

"It's getting better."

Finally, he bid farewell to Chen Changsheng and returned to Earth with Jiaojiao.

Once on earth, it is his territory, the safest place.

The matter of Jiuding Sacrifice was left to Shen Qinghe, and he brought Jiaojiao to Aigewei's school.

At this time, the fourth school was obviously completely different from before.



Two Fourth Realm security guards at the door bowed to Chen Banxian with a very low posture.


The courtesy was reciprocated, and Chen Banxian greeted him with a smile. He walked into the school and quietly went to see Aigwei.

He was still a little worried.

Before he got close, he heard exclamations one after another coming from the class.

"Ai Gewei, you are so amazing!"

"Egerwei, is there anything else? Tell me quickly!"

The students gathered around a table where Igerwei was collecting money.

"We agreed to test everything and ask questions once, and we can't ask too many questions."

She told fortunes in the classroom and won the favor of many classmates.

At first, everyone had no idea what Aigwei’s family was doing.

After all, Chen Banxian's matter was disgraceful, and he should hide it if he could. But with the subsequent deaths of the priest's children and Chen Banxian's appearance, everything changed.

First of all, people carefully explored Aigwei's family relationship and discovered that the murderer turned out to be her master, and her uncles were Die Yunfei, Shen Qinghe, gods of the Ninth Religion, and masters of the fourth realm, etc.

Many big shots in important institutions in Baihu City were friends of her master.

It’s amazing, the Crooked Dragon King is right next to me!
Instead of hating Chen Banxian, the students began to blindly worship him. Gradually, Egerwei got to know more and more people, and more and more people came to her to get to know him.

After the irresponsible teacher died, he was replaced by a real teacher.

She used to be a teacher at Liangcheng University. After hearing about this incident, she volunteered to take care of the children of this former student.

Teaching by a real teacher is indeed different. Aigwei's performance has improved greatly in a short period of time.

"Dong dong dong."

Chen Banxian knocked on the door: "Ai Gewei, someone is looking for you."

Ai Gewei turned around in surprise when she heard the sound and saw Chen Banxian rubbing his eyes, thinking it was a lie.


The dragon poked its head out of his arms, surprising Aigwei.

"Sister Jiaojiao!"

She quickly abandoned all her classmates and rushed over to hug them tightly.

"Sister Jiaojiao~" Her voice was filled with tears: "I miss the food you cooked."

"Oh~" Jiaojiao patted her head gently and glanced at Chen Banxian.

"Okay, I miss your food too, so I'll ask their teacher for a leave."

Chen Banxian smiled, with a trace of worry hidden in his eyes.

The Jiuding is completed, and the earth has been ranked on the world monument.

3013th place.

Not low, but...this is the list for the fourth realm.

(End of this chapter)

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