There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 298 Chi Ming and Gu Bing Stars and Luck

Chapter 298 Chi Ming and Gu Bing Stars and Luck
In the old little house, the sound of pots and pans came from the kitchen, and the food was sizzling with oil.

The scent penetrated through the cracks in the kitchen and entered the waiting noses.

Chen Banxian and Ai Gewei ate until their stomachs were full, and the dragons on the dining table kept whining and laughing, enjoying themselves happily.

Ai Gewei had to go to bed early. Chen Banxian and Jiaojiao drank some wine, and the latter fell into a deep sleep.

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes, opened a space in the night, and came to the bottom of the water alone.

The huge Baihu Cauldron was placed steadily under the water. He touched the cauldron and closed his eyes.


When he opened his eyes again, he was already in a special space.

There is no light in the sky here, only endless stars, and there is a huge monument of unknown size in the distant sky.

World monument!
There are terrible laws intertwined on the world monument. The closer you get, the clearer it becomes. The distance between them is too far and it is very blurry.

It is like a "little way of heaven". Although it is small, it is specific enough. It is really hard to imagine what potential and cultivation it will have if it grows on the world monument.

He looked at his feet and saw a shrunken shadow of a star, carrying their footsteps and shapes. Looking forward, he saw a brown ancient star, and looking back, he saw an ice-white ancient star.

Not only him, Mu Yun is also here.

In other words, as long as you come into contact with the great cauldron of luck, you can use the cauldron as the key to open the door to this place.

"You came later than I thought."

Mu Yun looked at him: "People from the other seven cities have already come, and you are the last one."

"Is that the World Monument?"

Chen Banxian looked at the huge ancient monument high in the sky. The stars beneath his feet were no more than dust. As long as he looked up, he could automatically understand his ranking.

In the fourth realm, the earth is ranked three thousand away, and above the overall ranking of world monuments, it is - not in the mainstream.

Without even counting, there are countless majestic worlds.

"When you come here, you can understand it at a glance."

"The World Monument is the aggregation of all the worlds in a certain area. I don't know who set up the means to make this rule manifest."

Mu Yun also looked up at the World Monument: "It's amazing. If we can enter the ranking above, there will be unimaginable rewards."

He pointed to the red ancient star in front of him: "See, this is the goal we want to catch up with. If their luck is broken down, their luck is 423.656."

"And our luck is 420.872."

Mu Yun pointed at the white ancient star behind him: "Their luck is 400.657."

Accurate to three decimal places, Chen Banxian used his martial arts will to sense that the total amount of luck was almost the same, and it was indeed more detailed to express it in numbers.

At this moment, there was a stream of light rotating on the ancient red star in front, and a life form wearing a battle armor and a face as sharp as a knife appeared.

His body was glowing with metallic luster. He first looked up at the World Monument in the distance, showing serious longing, and then looked at Chen Banxian and the others.

"Are you a new race?"

"Hmph, as soon as I advance, I will be ranked behind me, Chi Ming Gu Xing. I have great potential."

"It's a pity that you should never choose to do it at this time."

His eyes were bloodthirsty: "Self-proclaim your destiny, otherwise, Chi Ming's iron hoof will make you completely decline and be short-lived."

"Tch, you think we are scared?" Mu Yun sneered: "It's best to hide your luck, or else be careful about us taking it away."

The Chiming alien snorted coldly: "We have already prepared an army to fight against the tower star ahead. Since you are looking for death, let me practice with you first."

He disappeared from the ancient star, and Mu Yun sneered: "Brother Chen, get ready quickly, we are about to start a war."

He was not joking: "The ranking connection between the two worlds is enough to open the space door. At that time, either we will conquer the other world, or they will conquer us!"

He also disappeared here, leaving only Chen Banxian alone, still staying here to observe.

The huge World Monument was dark and mysterious. He wanted to get closer, but the planet under his feet not only carried him, but also restricted him from moving here.

He could only see the stars in front and behind.

Suddenly, a person appeared on the ice-white star behind him, with white skin, beard and hair, wearing some kind of thick clothing with down.

It should be that the star is too cold.

"I noticed a change in the ancient roads of the world, but I didn't expect that there would be a new ranking of the world monuments engraved with stars."

This person spoke in a softer voice, and looked like he was female. He was saying hello to Chen Banxian.

"Hello, my friend from Xinchen, Gu Bingxing greets you."


Chen Banxian nodded. It seemed that this road was not all blood and fire.

But soon, he found that he was wrong.

After saying hello, the woman performed a standard challenge etiquette: "Our world will open a channel with your planet in three days. At that time, we will launch a challenge to your world. I hope you understand."

Her words were soft, but the information she spoke made people look ugly.

Chen Banxian looked at her in confusion: "Why is there a war? Wouldn't it be better for everyone to sit down and work together to make progress?"

Unexpectedly, the woman frowned: "If you can cultivate to this level, you shouldn't be so naive."

"Which race does not emerge from the battle of blood and fire? Natural selection, only if you are strong and can keep up with the times will you not be eliminated and can you prosper forever."

Her eyes seemed to be looking at something very strange: "You should be very well protected at home, and you haven't seen too much cruelty."

"Ha ha."

Chen Banxian answered these two words. He had seen so much darkness.

"Everyone is stupid."

He took out a bamboo tube from his hand, with all 64 lottery numbers in it.

"Girl, we are destined to meet each other. How about we make a fortune?"

He introduced himself with a smile, saying that everything you want about marriage, love, career and wealth has been fulfilled.


The woman smiled: "Well, what will the result be if we calculate the two realms of you and me?"

She stretched out her hand and pointed: "Let's take the third one from left to right."

No contact, only watching from a distance.

Chen Banxian took out the hexagram stick: "The hexagram of Zefeng Daguo, the outer hexagram is gold, the inner hexagram is sunda wood, and a pair of gold scissors are used to cut the grass from outside. Be careful to cause verbal trouble, and the grass roots will not sprout."

"Friend, you should give up." He put away the fortune teller and said, "Listen to my words, give up your immediate desires, and retreat to safety."

"Oh, it's ridiculous."

The woman shook her head: "There are no rules and no fluctuations in destiny. You call this fortune telling."

She disappeared and left: "Treat you with courtesy. You are indeed playing tricks on me. See you on the battlefield."

"The hexagram gold hasn't been tied yet."

Chen Banxian watched her leave without holding back.

His eyes turned cold: "It was only taken back on the battlefield."

Sure enough, as Mu Yun said, there are no allies here, only enemies.

He left the earth's shadow and needed to prepare for war.

He still doesn't quite understand the form in which the other party will come.

But this does not affect him at all. "Baihu City is no longer the weak one it once was, but a real behemoth. There is no reason to wait for others to bully it."

Chen Banxian returned to Earth and used his status as a major shareholder to notify some people for the first time.

Various priests, Shen Qinghe and others, as well as the former city lord, the chief administrator of the Baihu Military Region, and the leaders of the major extraordinary forces.


On this day, someone received a strange letter with a seal and a name they were not familiar with.

As a new team of extraordinary beings, Team Zero is a rising star because their captain "Zero" is not a powerful extraordinary in the early stage.

In the beginning, he could only make some small things lose their original quality. At that time, he was only in the first level, and he was not even as good as the Qi and Blood method that others practiced casually.

Later, in the second realm, he was able to make some large items lose their quality or restore them. He was responsible for transporting them during migration and began to reveal himself.

Later, in the third realm, extraordinary abilities could finally be used in battles. His reputation became more and more glorious day by day. The humiliation he had suffered was washed away by him, and major forces rushed to invite him.

But now in the fourth level, his strength is out of control. He can take away the enemy's quality in an instant, which is terrifying. He has overthrown the leader of the team who was originally atrocious. He became a "zero contract" based on the suggestions of his teammates. The leader of the squad.

The original name of Zero Yue Team was Kari Yue.

Snack finger and middle finger held the invitation, and came to a beautiful park in Baihu City. There were some soldiers stationed around to prevent anyone from approaching.

He looked at it for a few times, and suddenly his eyes became solemn when he saw his nemesis, the captain of Fang Mu's team.


Fang Mu turned his head and looked unhappy when he saw this person.

"Fang Mu!"

Zero's tone was also unpleasant: "Are you, a beast, qualified to receive an invitation?"

"You can come, why can't I?"

Fang Mu sneered: "You say I'm not qualified, as if you are qualified. Who hasn't done anything like an animal?"

They were bickering when suddenly, a stream of light flew from a distance and landed in the park.

The streamer didn't even look at the two of them, revealing the true shape of a man, but Ling and Fang Mu took it for granted.

"Priesthood, he's here too?"

"It's Zhang Han from Xihu Mountain." Fang Mu waited until he was far away before he dared to speak: "Who is so proud that he can even invite the priest?"

"No, have you noticed that he stopped flying when he came to the park? It gave the inviter enough face."

Zero has been crawling around at the bottom since the end of the world, and he is the best at recognizing people: "Let's stop arguing first, so as not to bump into people we shouldn't mess with. Let's take a look first before talking."

While the two were talking, they walked into the small park and looked carefully. There was not even a flying car in the sky.

This is so abnormal. What is going on?

Moreover, not only Zhang Han from West Tiger Mountain, but also Luo Shishi from East Luoshui came, walking leisurely behind the two of them.

This made the two of them feel like they were sitting on pins and needles. They couldn't walk faster or slower, and they were complaining in their hearts.

In the past, they used to be aloof and make others uneasy. Now that their roles have changed, they feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the small park is not big. They came to the square in the center of the park, which was more strict.

There is a post every three steps, a sentry every five steps, and there are soldiers hiding in the woods, setting up heavy weapons.

That black armor is extremely rare dark matter armor, and it takes many days to refine it.

After the most rigorous defense, the vision suddenly opened up.

A long stone table was placed in the square, covered with red cloth and lined with stools one after another.

There were already some familiar figures sitting on it. Zero saw the general administrative post of the military region, the city lord, the priesthood, and even some powerful leaders who were often in newspapers, news and television.

Among them, a woman with a paper bag head sat above and glanced over.

She has her own nameplate on the front: "Ninth Army Supervision"

In addition to her, there are also "Minister of Information", "Priest Luo Shishi", "Lord of the Monster Tribe You Ye", "Ninth God"...

Such an exaggerated nameplate is at the front.

They look for their nameplate, which can be seen at the end of the stone table.

"Captain Fang Mu" "Captain Zero Appointment"

Fortunately, it has their names on it.

Following the names, they sat down, their backs straightened, and they couldn't help but look to the top.

Even the priests and city lords can only sit on both sides. Who should be the official leader?
No one has arrived yet, and we can see that there are three locations.

Several priests arrived without a glance, waiting for the person's arrival.

As time passed, more and more people arrived.

Even Chun from the Ministry of Agriculture attended the meeting.

The two of them were right next to each other, with their heads lowered, but their eyes were constantly glancing around.

They also saw a young boy coming, who had been on the news once, and was said to be promoting cultivation.

It didn't match my own strength, so I didn't pay attention.

Finally, someone came.


The sky roared and the dragon roared.

A black dragon, a terrifying giant with white edges on its scales, fell from the sky and kept shrinking.

The terrifying power is frightening. You can see it from the fear in the eyes of several priests.

Who is He?Everyone was a little unfamiliar with it at first and didn't dare to ask.

It just looks more familiar the more I look at it.

After a while, a person hurried over from the other side of the forest.

Everyone is familiar with this person, and many people rub their eyes in disbelief!
"Shen Qinghe!!!"

These three words were deeply imprinted on their hearts. Didn't this legendary figure already die in the first calamity?Why did he appear suddenly?
Not only that, the aura on his body revealed that he was also a priest!
Also, Shen Qinghe's team members have inherited most of the priesthood. If he didn't, it would be somewhat unjustifiable.

There is one last person left.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all wondering who it was.

At this moment, a person stood up next to the "Ninth Army War Supervisor", and Shi Shiran took the last seat.

He... When did he come?
Everyone was afraid, but they didn't notice it at all.

If that position wasn't so eye-catching, they wouldn't even be able to notice that there was one more person.

"Cough cough."

Shen Qinghe sat at the top and spoke first.

"I believe everyone is familiar with me, so what I say should still have some authority."

"Yes, what Boss Shen said is certainly authoritative!"

One of the leaders had a fanatical look on his face. He was the first to answer the question and was a fan of Shen Qinghe.

When Shen Qinghe died, he was sad for a long time. Now that his idol has been resurrected, no one is more excited than him.

(End of this chapter)

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