There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 299 It’s better to invade proactively

Chapter 299 It’s better to invade proactively
Of course, there are also people who look unhappy.

The faces of the various priests looked as if they had eaten flies. They once forced Shen Qinghe to abdicate and rule Baihu City themselves.

This was indeed the case after that day, and they always thought that Shen Qinghe had been completely ignored by them.

But today's meeting served as a wake-up call for them to realize that this is not the case.

That is the power that has been accumulated since the end of the world has not yet begun, and it is still the same now. As long as he speaks, everyone can come without hesitation.

When they received the invitation, they had no intention of coming because they didn't want to give that person face.

But that person almost killed the Salt Lake priesthood, Fang Ziang, on the spot.

It was just a slap, everyone saw it. Just a simple slap, and Fang Ziang died at home. It was their combined efforts that saved his life.

Everyone looked at the person who sat down last. In addition to fear, there was also hatred in their eyes!Intense hate!
As long as he exists, people like them cannot be lawless.

Because - he is even more lawless.

"Everyone be quiet."

Shen Qinghe gathered momentum and thought about his words: "I have called everyone here today to tell you a very unfortunate thing."

Everyone looked calm, waiting for his next words.

Shen Qinghe continued: "That is - the days of peace have passed."

"Following the first calamity, our Baihu City will enter a state of war readiness again. Unlike the first calamity, this war will last for a long time. I hope everyone can be mentally prepared."

"We are all leaders and basically represent the top forces in Baihu City, so I hope everyone can make arrangements. During the war, I don't want any forces to retreat."

Shen Qinghe talked about this fate battle: "There is no room for turning around. Either we die or they die. There is not much time left for us."

He talked about the world monument rankings and how recently everyone clearly felt that he was favored in the rules of heaven and earth. These all came at a price.

"Boss Shen is awesome!"

A leader boasted on the spot: "Although Boss Shen retired, he still did so many great things quietly. Boss Shen deserves to be you!"

"Calm down." Shen Qinghe laughed and cried. This was something he didn't expect.

If the blow continues, this person will be suspected of being her drag.

"Chief Administrative Officer, would you like to express your opinion." After speaking, Shen Qinghe looked at Liang Jian.

When it comes to fighting, he still wants to learn from the experience.

"Now we can see that our opponents are enemies from two worlds, Red Star and Ancient Bingxing. According to luck calculations, there should be not much difference in our strength."

Liang Jian stood up, wearing a straight military uniform. He looked around: "I have experienced such a battle before. Attacked from both sides, it was very uncomfortable."

"But our ancestors left us precious tactics. I suggest that we divide our troops into three groups and proceed at the same time."

"First way, go to the Red Star and attack in the style of the Ancient Ice Star."

"The same goes for the second route, go to Ancient Bingxing and follow the Red Star plan."

"The third route is stationed at the entrance where the opponent comes, and the battlefield must be pulled into the opponent's territory to avoid damage to the earth."

Today's wars are not as good as in the past. The clergy and the Fourth Realm's attacks will cause the earth to collapse and cause the life of a place to be cut off for hundreds of years.

Just like the previous Minshan Lake, the lake god was roasted alive by Chen Banxian. Now there is only an endless pit and cracked ground left in that area.

The Imperial Pattern Dao Yun is permeating the air, and it will take at least several hundred years for it to dissipate.

The emperor pattern fire character is also destined that the creatures born there will have the same characteristics.

Unless someone is willing to go to the trouble of clearing away the Tao marks, it will be difficult to dissipate.

In other words, it is a different kind of nuclear pollution.

It's just not as deadly as nuclear pollution.

"I agree with the administration."

The city lord raised his hand. Under pressure, the two of them were united.

"I agree too." Jiaojiao from the Holy Mother Cult raised her hand in agreement: "We cannot put the battlefield on Earth and stir up discord at the same time. This will give us a favorable situation."

"Changing passivity into initiative is a brilliant move." A priest applauded:
"But I have one more thing to add."

"Please speak." Shen Qinghe motioned for him to speak.

"Invasion from another world is not something we, the human race, should do. I suggest that we unite all forces that can be united to fight against foreign enemies."

"For example, we can try to contact the demon kings and clergy of various parties. I believe they will also be very interested in the invasion from the outside."

"It's not a bad idea."

Shen Qinghe nodded and looked at Liang Jian: "What does the chief administrator think?"


Liang Jian even drew inferences: "Why don't we ask the demon clan to come forward, and ask Luo Shishi to take charge of the priesthood?"

"Good to say."

Luo Shishi nodded slightly and glanced at the Jiao without any trace.

There was confusion in her eyes. It was obviously the aura of a priest, so why wasn't it a priest?Very strange.

The next meeting was to discuss the forces and routes of all parties, as well as to request resources from the Academy of Science and Technology.

"I heard that there is already a lot of dark matter. Why don't you equip my men with equipment first?"

The leader of the Yuanzhu team rubbed his hands: "You also know that all members of my team are long-range systems. Once someone is attacked in close combat, they are basically useless and will be killed."

The director of the Dark Matter Research Institute smiled and said: "It's easy to say, easy to say, we will try our best to allocate it."

But the old fox said nothing about the specific allocation.

"Miss Liu, I heard that the sixth generation of psychic armor has come out, that...


Liu Yeqing refused directly: "The sixth generation psychic armor is prepared for soldiers who perform special tasks. You can take your number and line up." Unlike the old fox like the dean of dark matter research, she refused directly and it was much more straightforward.

"You have big breasts, you are right."

Others could only sigh.

Finally, all the arrangements were completed, and everyone discovered that Shen Qinghe had always been talking, while the other one, Yi Long, seemed redundant and a bit "watching the show".

Noticing this, Chen Banxian spoke slowly: "Everyone, this battle is destined to be difficult. The enemy's methods will not be weaker than ours, and everyone's life is at risk."

"I will do divination for you and tell you the good and bad dates. You can avoid it if you can."

"Anything like this?"

Someone was pleasantly surprised and came up to tell fortunes with great interest.

"Thanks for your patronage, I will give you ten thousand black coins."

Chen Banxian had a smile on his face, which made everyone stunned.

"It's so dark."

But no one chose to give up. The fact that the other party was able to sit at the top explained some problems.

Some people have already guessed his identity, and they feel anxious, afraid, and expectant.

They can't tell what it feels like, it's very complicated, but this kind of contact makes them very excited.
Who knows, the boss who kills people and kills gods is right next to me. He just told my fortune and read my palm.

Thinking about it carefully, this 1 yuan seems to be well spent.

By the time Chen Banxian finished his calculations, people were already gone.

The ten priests are still staying here and have not left. They were deliberately left behind by Chen Banxian.

Like sitting on pins and needles.

Die Yunfei and Shen Qinghe also stayed.

"Everyone." Chen Banxian spoke first: "You must be very nervous if I leave you here."

It made the ten priests feel uneasy, and others thought they were dreaming when they found out.

But the ten priests know that this is reality.

"Brother Xian, if you have something to do, you can give me your instructions." Luo Shishi changed from his usual mother-in-law demeanor, lowering his brows and smiling.

"take it easy."

Chen Banxian smiled: "I'm not a scourge, the main thing is that I have an idea."

"Look, the difference in luck between everyone is not that big. Why should we wait stupidly for them to knock on our door?"

"Why can't we take the initiative and nip the danger in the bud?"

He said in a leisurely tone: "We are all elites. If we kill the other party's Son of Luck first, half of the war will be won!"

Such a proposal is indeed exciting.

“How do we enter each other’s world?”

Maybe Chi Ming and Gu Bing are familiar with the world, but Earth is still a novice after all. It's the first time and I don't know how to operate.

"This is going to take a lot of hard work from my Jiaojiao."

He stared at the dragon with a smile. The dragon, who was sitting drowsily and wanted to sleep, suddenly became energetic. She groaned softly, and the dragon's tail opened the space.

Opposite is an icy world, which is the ancient ice star.

As the totem carrier of Kowloon's luck, Jiaojiao can use luck to achieve things that others cannot.

For example.

The expressions of the ten priests changed. They are the ones who can sense luck best and know the benefits of luck.

Otherwise, why was there no objection at the meeting?It’s not all about the profits.

"Then... let's try it?"

The ten priests are eager to try, and the destruction that can be carried out at will is exciting to think about.

"Everyone, wait a moment, we still need to find where the other party's son of luck is."

The composition of luck in each world is quite different.

For example, people of great influence are generally children of luck. They have achieved great things and can bring beneficial improvements to the world.

Whoever improves more will have more luck.

Just like the mirror world they encountered when they moved to Baihu City in Liangcheng and crossed the river, their way to seize luck was to kill the children of luck from other worlds on the earth, so that the world would continue to grow stronger.

Jiaojiao senses the luck and creates a space in the place where the opponent's luck is strongest.

"Everyone, go have some fun."

Chen Banxian laughed and stepped into the ice and snow with the jar in his arms. His hexagram gold was not so easy to obtain, and only the dead would not receive the hexagram gold.

This is a world of ice and snow. The sun is so dim that it is difficult to see clearly. It is not much bigger than the stars.

The earth is covered with solidified ice, snow and carbon dioxide, similar to the scene on the wandering earth. Buildings collapsed and traces of civilization were buried.

But in such a world of ice and snow, a city of ice sculptures stands, and you can see ancient ice men wearing thick leather coming and going.

These people have white beards, hair, eyebrows and eyes, and their population is not large. Everyone has a cultivation level of about the second level.

Newly born children all have a first realm. The difference compared with the earth should be that quantity is exchanged for quality.

"It's not surprising that such a civilization can be on par with us."

Sun Ya, the priest who burned the volcano, said: "There are not many people. Let's destroy them quickly and force out the opponent's children of destiny."

(End of this chapter)

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