There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 300 Is he going to die?Cool!

Chapter 300 Is he going to die?Cool!

"Look at me!"

Luo Shishi pointed out with one hand, and a monstrous flood appeared out of thin air, suddenly roaring from a distance and sweeping across the entire city.

This is just the first step.

Amidst the shrill cries of the entire city, the floods continued to swallow up, flooding and spreading everywhere. Then, the lake water instantly condensed into ice.

The clerical domain enveloped the city, and the glacier buildings turned into real collections. The faces of countless people inside were still in horror.


Deep in the ice, there was a roar, and then everyone saw strong luck rolling into the ice.

"Who killed my wife and children?"

The alien went crazy and kept hitting the ice with his fists, making Luo Shishi frown slightly.

"My field can't hold it down."

As soon as she finished speaking, the ice cracked and a white shadow rushed out in an instant, intending to kill Chen Banxian and others.

"I kill you, I kill you!"

He looked crazy, his face was distorted, and he was dominated by huge anger.

“Perishment must precede madness.”

Dong Yun smiled lightly: "His ending is already determined."

The other party roared and charged in alone, with astonishing momentum, no less powerful than any other priest.

A single priest cannot win in a single round, but he is facing tens of priests.


Dong Yun took action, and the terrifying Hungry God Rules surrounded a big seal and fell.

"Open it for me!"

The genius of Gu Bingxing kept alternating his fists to resist the big seal, and finally broke away from the restraints and came to the front of the ten people in an instant.

"Gu Ji: Kill the evil!"

Energy was billowing in his hands, and he shouted to increase his momentum and deliver a terrifying blow.

Luo Shishi was carelessly touched, and half of her body was immediately frozen by ice, and she decisively cut off the other half of her body.

The divine power was intertwined, and that half of the body was repaired, but it was obvious that Luo Shishi's divine power was severely exhausted.


Her face turned ugly: "We will decide quickly. We don't need to fight him."

"Let's fight quickly." The other priests no longer hide their clumsiness, and the talents from other worlds deserve their attention.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Tianjiao was suppressed, his limbs were broken in an instant, he was shrouded in the rules of divine power, and most of his soul was penetrated.

"Suppress them first, then bring them back to Earth to kill them."

Zhang Linyue spoke condescendingly, without any emotion in his eyes.

"Next place."

They continued to move forward according to the planned route.

Just one genius is not enough, and it is not worth sending out more than a dozen of them.

"Let me imprison you." Chen Banxian pulled out the black coffin that had not been used for a long time from the space. It was used to hold things before, but now that he has a storage magic weapon, he doesn't use it much anymore.

When this alien prodigy was imprisoned, he was still struggling wildly, trying to use his severed hand to bite off a piece of Chen Banxian's flesh with his teeth.

"My parents, wife and children have a blood feud and we will never live together!"

"I'm going to kill you. I swear, if I don't die, if there is an afterlife, I will kill the whole family!"

"Then just wait for the next life."

Chen Banxian covered the coffin, and the group of people crossed the space one after another and kept moving forward.

Soon, they came to the second big city, which was a hollowed-out mountain that made a pleasant sound like wind chimes when the wind blew.

But the sound of the wind chime was destroyed, and with the surprise of the first city, ten priests took action together, the mountain collapsed, and everything shattered and collapsed in the blazing divine energy.

The two streams of light quickly escaped, escaping into the dark world.

They are very smart and know that they are no match for the earth, so they choose to protect themselves wisely.

"Let me come."

Die Yunfei walked out gently, without any emotion on his face.

No matter how he moved, the entire space of heaven and earth was folding, constantly collapsing towards them.

Dun Guang, who had already gone away, was approaching quickly, and everyone could even see the desperate look on the latter's snow-white face.

Finally, as the space shattered, the two of them were suppressed by Die Yunfei's hand and concentrated in his palm.

The priests were moved and fearful in their hearts.

Since Dieyun flew to Japan, he has always been a leader, not a warrior. Everyone knows more or less about his combat prowess.

The space transcendent is very powerful, but he has little actual combat experience. People subconsciously think that he can only tear apart space and cross space.

But seeing him show his prowess at this time, folding the world space with one hand, and shrinking the talent in such a way is frightening.

They can also tear apart space and travel, but to do it so delicately and so horribly is simply a fantasy.


The latter moved his fingers lightly, and the space of the two people in his palm was confined and compressed, and they were severely injured in an instant.

Their bodies were breaking abnormally, energy was exploding crazily, and they tried to break through the restrictions but to no avail.

He threw the two of them into Chen Banxian's coffin, and Die Yunfei rarely said anything.

Chen Banxian closed the lid. As he continued to cross the space, the ten priests became more and more arrogant.

"Haha! Another city!"

"Aliens deserve to die. They still want to invade our world with such little strength. It's just wishful thinking."

"So this is what aggression feels like? No wonder others like to bully our earth. It turns out it's really fun!"

Energy exploded in their hands: "Die, die!"

"Run away, run away."

The priests created floods and fires, and the sick pleasure of watching those alien races struggling to survive was intoxicating.

Finally, Shen Qinghe took action and wiped out the lives of all living people.

"Boss Shen, why are you in such a hurry? We haven't had enough fun yet."

Zhang Han complained, he had just created an abyss of ten thousand meters.

"There is no need to waste too much time here. We have slaughtered six cities. I think the other party should also react."

Shen Qinghe found an excuse, and there was some unbearable look in his eyes.

"Hurry to the next city as soon as possible."

There are one or two children of destiny in every city, so this trip has been worthwhile.

"Before the opponent reacts, attack one more city and then we will return to Earth."

Shen Qinghe spoke and made a decision.

"You have been deeply influenced by the clergy. You should pay more attention to self-cultivation, otherwise you will have big problems sooner or later in the future."

"Boss Shen loves to joke."

Na Baiyi twisted the beads in his hand, and with a smile, everyone set sail again, breaking through the space.

Die Yunfei was familiar with the road, but suddenly, his expression was strange. Chen Banxian noticed it and realized it after sensing the fluctuation in space.

"It was discovered."

He spoke calmly, and 13 people stopped in the space passage and got out of the space.

At the same time, time and space ahead are shattered, and violent explosions stir up chaos. If you continue to move forward, you will definitely be torn apart by the turbulence.

"The response is pretty quick."

A female voice sounded, and four people walked out of the space.

All four of them are women, and their looks are surprisingly the same. No, they may be the same person.

A person with a different soul.

Chen Banxian frowned. These four people were the same people he had seen in the World Monument Space before.

"You are so brave, you dare to invade our world." The four of them spoke together, their voices as cold as ice, just like this dead and hopeless ice world.

Dong Yun laughed when he heard this: "Only four people dare to stop us?"

"We say we are bold, but I think you are more courageous, and everyone has to learn from you, don't you think so?"

He spoke to Chen Banxian and others, causing some people to laugh.

"They are just a few weaklings who take shortcuts to control the rules."

The woman didn't take Dong Yun seriously at all. She only had Chen Banxian in her eyes.

Mutual induction between strong people.

"My name is Gu Qinqin."

She said indifferently: "The ancient surname is the surname of the master of this world."

"Chen Banxian."

He walked out from the crowd with a spring breeze on his face.

He seemed to be melting the ice and snow of this world: "The surname Chen is one of the hundreds of surnames. There is no surname in our world."

"In our world, every surname is the owner."


Gu Qin commented on these two words and then issued a death notice to them.

"I'm here. It's a pity that you can only stay here forever and bury with me the people of Six Cities."

"When the girl says this, she looks down on the world's heroes too much."

Chen Banxian proposed the "Fengdu" stone plaque and hid the imperial jar, "I won't bully you, I'll give you a chance."


Compared to Gu Qin's plain aloofness, his aura was so overwhelming that it could only be described as arrogant.

The priests consciously shut their mouths and hid their dissatisfaction.

"One is more arrogant than the other, and one is more conceited than the other."

Die Yunfei and Shen Qinghe stood together, sensing each other's aura. It was undeniable that the strength of this woman from another world was terrifying.

They raised their heads, and their fortunes collided with each other. There was a big green dragon soaring into the sky above the other's head.

She alone represents one-ninth of the luck of the human race on earth!
It can only be described as terrifying.

Looking at Chen Banxian again, the latter's head was peaceful, without wind or waves, and his luck was like a pool of stagnant water.

Is this a downfall?

of course not!

"You take action first." Chen Banxian said as a gentleman: "If I take action, you may not have a chance."

Gu Qin said calmly: "I have been practicing for hundreds of years and have never failed. Since the emergence of Ice Star in ancient times, I have been galloping all the way up the world monument rankings and never failed."

She was so arrogant that she actually extended her hand as well: "You are a guest, please invite me, otherwise I'm afraid you won't want to go to the road to death."


Chen Banxian glanced around: "You are calling for people and want to intercept all of us. It is really whimsical. Time delay is of no use to me."

He saw that Gu Qin was stalling for time.

But he still didn't take action because he was also waiting.

Waiting for an opportunity to catch all the geniuses from other worlds.

When the earth swallows up the luck, there will inevitably be a big transformation.

"I just don't want you to run away."

Gu Qin, the four, and the other three blocked the surrounding area, leaving only one person to confront them.

"Brother Xian, things will change later." Die Yunfei looked uneasy: "We must end the battle as soon as possible. If Chiming invades, it will be unjustifiable."


Chen Banxian nodded, feeling a little regretful.

They did waste a lot of time, so he slowly danced the stone plaque.


He finally took action, and the stone plaque disappeared from his hand in an instant.

Appear again!Already in front of Gu Qin, the hair on the latter's face exploded, sensing danger.


She stretched her hand forward, and her delicate arm actually blocked the stone plaque.

The air exploded, and endless fine cracks exploded at the contact point like water waves. This made Chen Banxian feel excited in his eyes.

"Okay! You are worthy of being a genius from another world."

The stronger he gives a thumbs up, the more excited he gets.

Gu Qin's indifferent expression changed, and almost as soon as Chen Banxian finished speaking, he could see the muscles in Chen Banxian's arms beating.

Without thinking, she punched the enemy almost across the concept of time.

At this moment, Chen Banxian appeared again. In an instant, the sky and the earth collapsed, creating a huge spatial rift.

The void was struck out, and the stone plaque had been waved thousands of times in the blink of an eye, but Gu Qin actually followed suit and resisted each one.

The space was exploding, and Die Yunfei's complexion changed drastically. He condensed the space several times in a row before smoothing out the cracks that were constantly spreading in this direction.

"It's so scary." Luo Shishi's bright eyes were shocked: "This is no longer the strength of the fourth realm. No wonder that woman has the confidence to stop us."

He and she looked around worriedly. The other three, exactly the same as Gu Qin, had not yet taken action.

"Are you afraid?" Shen Qinghe glanced at her: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

When these words were spoken, Luo Shishi was slightly shaken.

Once upon a time, they were close comrades-in-arms with Shen Qinghe, a life-or-death love who could turn their backs to each other.

It is precisely because of this that they can be trusted by Shen Qinghe and given the priesthood.

But I don't know when, this trust was covered up by something unknown, making her almost unable to see herself clearly. Now that she saw a more powerful enemy, Shen Qinghe's words "I am here" seemed to reawaken the brightness in her heart.

Because that's what he said to them before: "I'm here."

Shen Qinghe walked forward and blocked everyone behind him, just like before, just like before, just like in the first calamity.

The priests were silent, looking at the backs in front of them, not knowing what they were thinking.


A sudden loud noise broke the air and brought them back to their senses.

The ground in front of him was cracked, with countless cracks more complex than spider webs. Chen Banxian's hair was disheveled, and his upper body clothes were shattered.

He holds the stone plaque in his hand, and his unbridled momentum dominates the world.

"Get up and fight again!"

He shouted arrogantly, and his eyes seemed to stare into the ground with divine light.


Under the ground, a white line that almost ran through the entire sky and earth cut through the dark world and instantly penetrated Chen Banxian's body.

Gu Qin followed the white line closely, and the snow-white ice light lit up in his hand. It was a sharp blue ice blade, which should be a terrifying magic weapon.

Her hands were stained with blood, her skin was torn, and her bones were exposed. She had obviously suffered a heavy loss in the previous confrontation.

But she has been hiding her clumsiness and brewing dirty tricks, which are effective almost instantly.

Chen Banxian was indeed pierced through her body by her secret technique. Immediately afterwards, the terrifying ice blade cut across his body, and the thin white lines covered almost all parts of his body.

"You deserve to die for killing my people!"

The woman's face was already as white as snow, but now it became even paler, and the light from the sword gradually dissipated.

All the priests' expressions tightened as they were horrified by the sudden surge of divine power that suppressed the rules.

If it were him, he would have been killed instantly.

Is that arrogant man going to die?
Not sure what they were feeling, everyone was staring closely at the battlefield.

Chen Banxian's body remained motionless, and fine drops of blood gradually appeared, oozing out from everywhere on his body.

But he suddenly smiled, with ferocity and excitement on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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