There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 502 An unexpected treasure!

Chapter 502 An unexpected treasure!

"I think we can directly refine Xiaoshi Town with weapon fire outside Xiaoshi Town."

A devil raised his hands to vote: "I have already mentioned this idea to the boy team, but the boy team is too soft-hearted and just refused to agree."

"Qian Chaoyang, are you crazy?" The boy team was frightened. If Chen Banxian really listened, it would definitely lead to the destruction of Xiaoshi Town.

"This is a good suggestion. Does anyone have any examples?"

Chen Banxian did not express any attitude. He looked at the remaining people and said, "Everyone please speak enthusiastically. Don't worry about anything."

"After all, as long as the treasure is found early, everyone can go home and sleep."

Zhang Hu muttered: "Whether I can wake up or not is another matter."

"Why don't we just advertise it to the world? A few of us can't find it, but there are so many people in the world who can't find it?"

Lan Qingfeng made a useful suggestion: "As long as we stay outside Xiaoshi Town, no matter who finds it, we can ask him to hand over the treasure."

"good idea!"

Chen Banxian slapped his hand: "Don't bring it up next time."

He didn't want a protagonist to suddenly appear and the treasure to be gone, and no one would be able to find it.

Such examples were not only found in novels he read, but also heard a lot from TV and gossip.

Just ask around, which powerful monk has never experienced this kind of thing?

"How about uploading the information here to quantum intelligence. Through algorithm analysis, we should be able to find the correct way."

What Luo Tao said is quite pertinent. To be honest, current quantum technology has great overperformance.

The development of human science and technology is still difficult to catch up with these high technologies, and the next few thousand years will be in the "learning era".

Someone raised an opinion, someone refuted it, and the table was noisy. Fortunately, the fog dissipated.


Chen Banxian raised his eyes, and bright sunlight hit his face.

"Damn it, it's so hot!"

This sunshine is different from ordinary sunshine. I just feel a stream of boiling water pouring down from my head. First, I feel that all the coolness in my body is melted, and then it feels hot from the inside out.

"Look at the sky!" Someone pointed to the sky. When he raised his head, he could see three huge suns hanging in the sky in a Z-shaped shape.

Waves of scorching heat swept across the earth, and the small stone town here was scorched black. It turned out that it had been burned dry long ago.

"There's someone ahead."

Zhang Hu's sharp eyes saw a few dark things lying on the ground, which seemed to be human-shaped.

Really human!

Everyone looked at Chen Banxian.

"I gonna go see."

Chen Banxian stood up. The air was really hot. Every time he breathed, it was like there were flames burning into his nose and lungs.

He snapped his fingers, intending to cool off the dark clouds.

Unexpectedly, it was just two white eyes floating in the sky.

The air here has no moisture at all.

"What era is this here?"

He frowned and no longer mobilized the way of heaven and earth. Instead, he drew energy from his own body and created an ice shed.

The ice spread along the ground for miles, and its thickness was astonishing. It blocked the sun and insulated the heat. Chen Banxian was worried that the prisoners on the stone table would be roasted to death.

The cold air sank to the earth in wisps, hitting the groups of people on the ground, restoring some vitality to them.

"Cough cough..."

Zhang Xiaohai became slightly conscious and felt that his boiling body temperature was gradually lowering.

"Has the secret realm been transformed?"

"Finally converted?"

Zhang Xiaohai is about to cry. He has been here for a long time. He was able to switch to the secret realm at the beginning, so he didn't stay here for long.

But for some reason, the rotation time of secret realms became shorter and shorter, and the number of times I entered other secret realms became less and less. In the end, I simply jumped repeatedly between this two secret realms and Xiaoshi Town.

He only knew that if he was lucky he could go to Xiaoshi Town for a day, but if he was unlucky he could only stay here for hundreds of years.

The last time I drank water was more than 200 years ago. The dark technology headquarters cannot be connected here, and the energy of the dark engine is completely exhausted.

"Tsk, is it so miserable?"

At this moment, Chen Banxian walked slowly over and handed him a bowl of water.

Can synthesize hydrogen and oxygen substances, and can synthesize energy!
Zhang Xiaohai drank big gulps, and his body began to rejuvenate. This bowl was also strange, no matter how much he drank, there was always no shortage of water.

In the past, Zhang Xiaohai would have been suspicious for a moment, but now he really doesn't care so much and just wants to survive!
"Ding, take in energy and the dark system will be reactivated."

"It is detected that the master's body is on the verge of death, and the repair function is activated."

Along with the beautiful sound, Zhang Xiaohai's body quickly regained its vitality.

"The people of the future are so nice. If you drool, you won't die."

Chen Banxian's face was full of emotion, technology really changes the world.

In just a few breaths, Zhang Xiaohai was resurrected with full blood. He finally stood up from the ground again and cried before he could see the person clearly:
"Thank you, thank you very much, I saved my life!"

His eyes were red and he couldn't bear to shed a tear. His face was twisted and he was crying and happy: "I'm so happy, I will definitely repay you!"

"You're too happy."

Chen Banxian sighed and put down the bowl, first took out a small notebook from his arms, wrote and drew with a pen, and put a √ behind Zhang Xiaohai's name.

Only then did Zhang Xiaohai see clearly that the person in front of him was still an acquaintance.

"It's you?"

He was surprised and delighted, and he noticed some writings on the notebook.

For example: In the ancient times, a certain Saint King level holy body threatened me.

For example: Li Ergou, tell me to bargain for ten yuan...


Chen Banxian closed the small book with a snap and approached him without saying a word.

"Eh?" Zhang Xiaohai was confused, but Chen Banxian's fist was not.

Soon, the sound of punches and kicks came from here, the sound was so loud that the eyelids of dozens of people on the stone table were shaking.


Zhang Hu, Luo Tao, Kua Chengfeng and Wu Ketuo looked pale, seeming to recall some of the good times.

The cold feeling behind my back must be due to the ice shed above my head... right?

"Ah! Ah!"

Zhang Xiaohai's screams were endless, and Bai Haoyan set up a pen on the stone table, watching the movement of the shadow and writing and drawing.

Finally he concluded: "Two hours!"

Yes, Zhang Xiaohai is the worst.I was beaten for a full two hours.

There were several people lying on the ground, but they were also activated by the cold air at this time. They saw Chen Banxian's atrocities and his colleague Zhang Xiaohai who was the victim.


One person stood up and shouted: "Stop!"

Chen Banxian punched his fist, revealing Zhang Xiaohai with a bruised nose and swollen face.

Really stop?
The man just shouted, where did he have the strength to stop it?

"You get up and talk first."

Chen Banxian gently handed him a bowl of water.

A few minutes later, the man was resurrected with full health, and he felt a little embarrassed.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground with his toes, murmuring in a low voice: "Since you saved me, I can't say anything, just forget about it."

"It doesn't count." Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes: "If you haven't killed enough chickens, how can you respect the monkeys enough?"

The latter raised his head in surprise and saw Chen Banxian raising his fist!


Number of people screaming x2.

There was another person who was trembling and pretending to be an ostrich on the ground, but how could Chen Banxian let her go.

He casually threw away the two future disciples who looked like dead dogs, and walked towards the last person with water in hand. "It's all here."

He advised: "Drink."

"No! I won't drink!"

The person was still a girl, and her tone was soft but firm: "I don't know how to drink. You might as well just kill me and I'll do it!"

If you drink water, you will be beaten.

She didn't want to be beaten, it hurt so much, and she regretted it so much. If she had known earlier, she would have promised her father that she would have a civilian job.

Who knew the cost of using a cool dark technology engine would be so serious!

"Be good. Only obedient children are lovable."

Chen Banxian's tone was gentle, as if he was the same person as the devil just now.

But Zhang Xiaoke didn't believe it at all. She had already witnessed the process of her companion just now. He just wanted to save herself so that he could vent his animal desires for a long time.

"You die with this heart!"

Zhang Xiaoke closed his eyes tightly and was ready to fail the mission.

However, Chen Banxian stood up coldly and slapped his hands together:
"Candle Dragon."

"Master, I'm here." Zhulong came over and saw Chen Banxian pointing at Zhang Xiaoke: "Invade her system and cure her!"

"Good host."

Zhulong put his arm on Zhang Xiaoke's body, forcing him to invade the opponent's dark engine.

The opponent's dark engine has long since run out of energy and cannot resist at all.

Something entered the body.

"Ding, our respected host's temporary engine, Zhulong, is now online and the treatment system is enabled."

Zhang Xiaoke: "Huh?"

In less than 1 minute, she felt that she had fully recovered.

"Ding, the temporary engine Zhulong is leaving its host. Thank you for using it."

After the words fell, she raised her head and saw Chen Banxian's smiling eyes.

"You are a devil!" Zhang Xiaoke roared, but it was of no use.

Chen Banxian's fist fell.

"Wait a minute!"

She said in a panic: "Don't hit me, I'll tell you everything!"

"I didn't ask you to say anything." Chen Banxian was about to continue his routine.

"No! I told you, believe me, I know where the treasure here is!"

Zhang Hu:!
Boy Team:!
Everyone: ! ! !
Chen Banxian: What an unexpected surprise!

His eyes widened, and he quickly changed from fist to support: "Oh, my little sister, please tell me earlier, come on, come on, sit here."

He led the latter to sit down: "Champagne or red wine? How about something with soy sauce flavor?"

"My dad doesn't let me drink. Is there any drink?"

Zhang Xiaoke couldn't accept it for a while, so Chen Banxian opened a bottle of coconut wood for her.

Looking at the strong pattern on it, Zhang Xiaoke's face turned slightly red and he took a sip.

"Go ahead."

Chen Banxian waited for her to speak.

"My dad told me that there was a flaw in this thing."

"and many more!"

Chen Banxian interrupted her: "Who is your father?"

"My dad Zhang Chuanshen."

"I don't know, continue."

"Oh." Zhang Xiaoke rolled his eyes, not knowing what you were asking.

She continued: "The time here changes constantly. In fact, there is a puzzle at every point in time."

"Only when the puzzles at each point in time are solved, the real treasure will appear."

"In other words, our IQ is not enough, right?"

Finally he had a direction, but Chen Banxian was not very happy.

He did guess some, but not that there were puzzles at every point in time.

"Wait, how did your father know?"

Chen Banxian frowned: "Why didn't he tell everyone who came to you Futurists? Instead, he asked others to die?"

Zhang Xiaoke was frightened by Chen Banxian's frown, and she shook her shoulders: "My father said that thing is a treasure, and he didn't let me tell others. He asked me to get it quietly and go back."

Bai Haoyan couldn't help but sigh after hearing these words: "'s really not easy for your father."

"I also think it's not easy for my father." Zhang Xiaoke said pitifully, "His old man has to take care of so many things in a day, and his subordinates make him very angry every day."

"All right."

This kid is kind of silly.

Chen Banxian stopped her from continuing: "Go and do it on the table. Now that you know the method, we can speed up the time to obtain the treasure."

After saying this, he suddenly raised his head and looked directly at the three suns high in the sky.

The thick ice layer he created had melted to less than a few centimeters, and the heat came again.

Zhang Hu coughed dryly: "Anyway, I have to take a closer look to see what kind of thing this is that makes us spend so much trouble."

Then, they saw Chen Banxian strengthen the ice shed, transform it into an igloo, and sit down.

He took out the wooden table, which contained Bai Haoyan's collection, picked up the chopsticks and started chewing.


Facing everyone's confused looks, Chen Banxian smiled lightly.

"Now that we know this thing needs to be decrypted, we will wait here. The protagonist will always come to decrypt it."

He was confident: "Isn't it a year? Let's wait for him for a year. I can still afford this time."

In fact, he has destroyed eight time points until only two are left, either here or in Little Rock Town.

After almost 300 days, the white fog started again. When he returned to Xiaoshi Town, he took a table of people to the entrance and sat down. When the fog started, he left Xiaoshi Town to ensure that Xiaoshi Town was always within their sight.

So there is a wonderful scene in Xiaoshi Town.

A large table of people watched the other people eating wine and food. The food was also up to par, and it had not deteriorated even after a year.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are many more people on the stone table than a year ago.

There were dozens of people and it felt quite lively.

On this day, there was noise outside the town. Chen Banxian, who was drinking, finally moved his chopsticks and ate the last piece of Tencel cicada wings.

Crispy in the mouth and lingering aroma.

When the tip of the tooth breaks, it shatters into pieces, as if a flock of seagulls are flying around the tip of the tongue.


This year, the only person on earth who is not from the future.

Before the pedestrian even got close, the sound came.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"I'm sure and sure!"

"Crossing a distance of almost an entire Eastern Wasteland, you never thought it was fake?"

"I tell fortunes, don't worry!" The voice was calm and confident.

"This is a serious out-of-print material. It is said that I got it from an insider in the Zhouyi world. When did you miss me when you saw me in the month you got it?"

" won't be allowed to do it after one month. Others say your novice protection period has expired."

"Then my hexagram was also calculated during the novice protection period!"

The sound came from far away, and two people, one tall and one short, were talking and approaching, attracting everyone's attention.

"Hey, that man looks like my father!" Zhang Xiaoke's bright eyes lit up and he looked carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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