There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 503 Chen Banxian: The treasure should be kept by the virtuous.

"Is it the tall one?" Kua Chengfeng asked: "With his handsome appearance and extraordinary appearance, it's no wonder he could give birth to a descendant like you, Xiao Ke."

"No, it's the short and fat one." Zhang Xiaoke's words shocked people, her eyes were suspicious:

"My father said that he didn't grow taller because he didn't have enough food when he was a child. Now it seems that he is probably lying to me."

Everyone looked at Zhang Xiaoke up and down. This girl was indeed not tall, but her appearance was delicate and small, and her eyes were big and bright. She couldn't be compared to the short fat man.

But having said that, if they were the descendants of these two people, no wonder Zhang Xiaoke would know the information about the treasure.

It's a pity... I took advantage of that murderer.

Two people from outside Xiaoshi Town have already walked in. There was some conversation just now. The taller one is called Mei Chunsheng and the shorter one is named Zhang Haomin.

As soon as they entered Xiaoshi Town and turned the corner, they saw a large table with dozens of people and hundreds of eyes staring at them.

Mei Chunsheng's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he subconsciously looked at himself.

"Hey, where's the banquet?"

He smiled awkwardly and avoided looking at everyone.

Everyone at the table nodded in unison, their eyes sending shivers down Mei Chunsheng's spine.

Zhang Haomin quietly pulled Mei Chunsheng's sleeve: "Chunzi, do you feel that they are staring at us?"

"Don't talk and pretend you don't know. The shyer you are, the more arrogant they will be, but as long as you are confident, they won't dare to do anything to us."

Mei Chunsheng said in a low voice: "You know, this is called conservation of energy. When yin is strong, yang will be weak, but when yang is strong, yin will be weak."

Zhang Haomin nodded: "I don't understand what you said, but I think it makes sense."

"Isn't that right?" Mei Chunsheng's voice became much louder: "That's a wise saying that I saw in a solitary book. Most people are not even qualified to know it."

"Stop talking and find the baby quickly!"

The two started working, and Bai Haoyan quietly looked at Chen Banxian. To be honest, he wanted to see the original copy, and he was a little moved.

I plan to "borrow" it and take a look.

Not only him, but many people were also interested, and it was inevitable that there was a hint of malice in their eyes.

Zhang Haomin also discovered this problem, and he whispered: "Chunzi, you just talked about the secret book, and these people heard it. What if they steal it?"

"What should we do?" Mei Chunsheng sneered: "Lang Zao, we are all fifth-level extraordinary people. We also go out with dark technology armor and merge in two. Ordinary sixth-level people have to bow their heads when we see them."

He said loudly on purpose: "The fifth level is a major cultivation of dragon transformation, and the sixth level is half-step to great power."

Sure enough, the eyes on Xiaoshi Zhenshi's table changed and became a little surprised.

"Oh, a group of mortals."

The two of them were confident and began to explore arrogantly.

Everyone on the stone table was indeed surprised.

"Is it only the fifth realm?"

Zhang Hu lowered his voice: "Xiao Ke, is your ancestor so weak?"

This table is full of people. Have you seen anyone below the eighth level?
Not to mention anything else, with this combat power, he can just walk sideways throughout the Northern Territory. As long as he doesn't enter the life restricted area and doesn't go to the ancient royal family in the holy land where the emperor's soldiers are there, there is no problem at all.

"I feel a little unbalanced." Kua Chengfeng lay on the table: "Forget about others, two little minions just took away the treasure we have worked so hard for a year?"

"Hey! Who do you think is the minion?" Zhang Xiaoke refused. She is also in the eighth realm, okay?

"Xiao Ke, that's not what I meant." Kua Chengfeng quickly changed his words. After knowing her identity, everyone here was frightened.

Her father is a powerful figure in the futuristic group. If he is offended by the conservative group, he will be hunted down. If he is offended by the futuristic group, he will be demoted if he wears small shoes.


There was indeed no gain in the past few days. These two people were running around in Xiaoshi Town just like them.

But in the next few days, the two men began to search all over Xiaoshi Town without missing any detail.

It can be as big as the word "Xiao Shi Zhen" at the entrance of the town, or as small as the name of the kiln under the pickle vat.

Everyone watched them running back and forth after busy work. Not to mention, it was really rewarding.

On the 11th day, Mei Chunsheng found an ancestral temple according to the guidance of the old people at the door.

The golden statue in the temple had not been repaired for a long time, and it looked ordinary. But after they completed the repairs, the golden statue moved its base, and a note appeared underneath.

"That note has a history of at least ten thousand years."

Chen Banxian could see clearly that it read: "Solving the fertility problem of the Qingrong people."

Damn it, no wonder, they were all wrong from the beginning.

"Wait a minute, I've killed the Qingrong tribe, what should I do?"

Chen Banxian looked embarrassed, but before they could say anything, the place was already shrouded in fog and was about to jump in time.

"Hehe, it's a piece of cake."

Mei Chunsheng was so proud that he held the note and was so happy that he didn't pay attention to Bai Wu at all.

"Look, I just said that I was right. The methods in the secret book are very precious."

"Yeah, right, right." Zhang Haomin gave a thumbs up: "You still have to look at my brother Chun's awesome writing. Brother Chun will live forever!"

"It's too early to speak." Mei Chunsheng smiled, and the familiar heat hit him the next second.

"Let me see where this Qingrong tribe is."

They began to search in this area under the scorching sun. Regarding the appearance of the white mist, they took it for granted that they had been tested and moved to another place after completing their mission.

"There is a shitty Qingrong tribe here."

Everyone on the stone table looked at Chen Banxian. If the Qingrong tribe was still there, they should have gone there at that time.

However, the members of the Qingrong tribe have been beaten into scum by this vicious man. How can they "help solve fertility problems"?
"If there is a way, there will be a way." Chen Banxian avoided his eyes. This was a living example. It was too violent.

They watched the two wandering around for several days, but could not find the Qingrong tribe. Instead, they were dying of thirst. But in the end, they found a big bow underground.

There are no arrows, but there are words on the bow.

“Sacrificing the most important thing can turn into an arrow.”

"It's strange, why wasn't it there when we came to look for it?"

Lan Qingfeng realized that things were not simple: "Is it possible that this secret realm knows that we are people from the future, so it deliberately prevents us from knowing the truth."

The bow was in a ruins, and the two of them couldn't find it quickly.

"No, we have been scanning with divine thoughts or dark engines, so we can't find it."

The child team calmly analyzed: "And they searched inch by inch with their hands. The previous mission in Xiaoshi Town was also completed in this way. This is the reason." It's not their fault that they couldn't find it, but that the question maker was too cunning.

"What kind of villain did this? When I get better later, I have to teach him a lesson!"

Chen Banxian took out his small notebook and immediately wrote down this revenge!
Zhang Xiaohai didn't say a word when he saw this scene. He looked at his name and made sure it was √, so he felt relieved.

Of course, this is also what everyone wants.

"But what are they going to shoot?"

Zhang Xiaoke was confused: "The most important thing is that each person only has one arrow. It's really cruel."

After the words fell, everyone looked at the two people.

I saw that Mei Chunsheng's face changed, and he seemed to have made a lot of determination.

“We’ve come this far, there’s no way I’m going to give up!”

He bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and something pulled away from him, condensed into a gleaming arrow, and then shot out fiercely.

After one arrow, Mei Chunsheng's face turned pale, his lips were bloodless, and he fell softly to the ground.

"Haruko! Are you okay?"

Zhang Haomin ran up worriedly and saw Mei Chunsheng's eyes turned white and a strange happy smile on his face.

"I'm ready."

After answering with three words, Zhang Haomin's face twisted, as if he understood something.

"That's really the most important thing."

The sun in the sky suddenly went out.

Zhang Haomin also drew an arrow and shot an arrow.

The second sun disappeared, and he fell softly to the ground.

The bow turned into particles and disappeared.

There was only one sun left in the entire world, and the heat dissipated instantly, completely violating the important laws of light and heat propagation time.

"Wait, what did they shoot?"

Zhang Xiaoke couldn't understand, "Their organs and consciousness fluctuations are not lacking."

"You do not understand."

Chen Banxian patted her head and said, "Children will understand later."

Zhang Xiaoke: "Huh? But...oh~~"

╭( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Some people may grow up in just one second.

The next second, the world was gradually shrouded in white mist.

"My gut feeling is that the big ones are coming out."

Zhang Hu warned everyone: "Be careful, or you may give up the mission."

After the white fog, everything was surrounded by sky and white clouds. It was impossible to see how high the sky was. The ground under their feet turned into a floating island, and it was also a sky when they looked down.

In the middle of the island, a stone statue actually opened its eyes and started to move.

The stone skin on its body cracked, revealing its true appearance underneath.

"I didn't expect that so many people would figure out the mystery."

The vast ancient words came out of the stone statue's mouth and echoed around. At this time, the two protagonists screamed in shock.

"Damn, what a treasure, this aura, this pressure, so powerful!"

"Yes, yes, Lao Zhang, we are going to send it out! We have passed the test!"

"I want young models in the club, I want! Ten! Together!"

The chirping sound made the stone statue slightly dull.

"Then let's see how you solve the puzzle."

The stone statue spoke to itself, and pictures appeared in its eyes, which were all secret realms.

However, the experience of cracking six of the eight secret realms was not normal.

The stone statue moved its gaze to look at Chen Banxian who was silent.

"You are so brave!"

This scolding was like thunder.Not only did it make the shoulders of Mei Chunsheng, Zhang Haomin, and everyone on the stone table tremble, but it also made everyone's hearts sink.

"It's over, it's over!" Kua Chengfeng was horrified: "I said there would be problems if you interfere with time. Who the hell told the murderer that there is a treasure here? It's fine now. The master is angry!"

Not to mention the treasure now, even they are in danger.

"Ahem." Chen Banxian coughed dryly: "What, let's keep the voice down, there are so many people watching."

The stone statue roared angrily: "If you pass the test of being opportunistic and arrogant, I won't give it to you even if I give it to these two little guys!"

Mei Chunsheng and Zhang Haomin looked puzzled: I'm a minion?

Chen Banxian slapped the imperial jar on the table: "Say it again!"

"Even if you give them the reward, I can still snatch it away. The treasure belongs to the virtuous!"

"Brother, stop talking, you will die!" Bai Haoyan begged in a low voice, not daring to speak loudly for fear of being remembered.

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Banxian was confident and confident.

"He set up a test and delayed me for so much time. Shouldn't the treasure be given to me?"

"A virtuous person lives here? You slaughtered the Qingrong tribe, dug people's graves, used others, and destroyed the maze, do you deserve to be called virtuous?"

The stone statue completely fell off the base, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

But Chen Banxian took out his mobile phone and opened the photo with the sword spirit.

He pointed to the word "virtue" on it: "Look, am I virtuous?"

The sword spirit of Baihu City: "Ah!"

"Which bitch is talking about labor?"

(End of this chapter)

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