"Funny words, full of nonsense!" The huge stone statue walked step by step, full of pressure, making the island sink a little with every step.

"I want to kill you as punishment..."

He is really going to take action and want to kill Chen Banxian, not only him but also a table full of futurists and conservatives.

"Oops, oops, we're all covered this time."

Zhang Hu lay on the table, his heart trembling all the time. He felt that this stone statue was as scary as a natural enemy.

"It's such a permeating sense of oppression." Boy Dui pretended to be calm, but his consciousness was warning frantically.

escape!escape!run away!
But where can he escape?The stool under their buttocks kept absorbing their spiritual energy, making it impossible for them to even stand up, let alone run away.

"Brother, let us go quickly!" Zhang Xiaohai struggled on the stool and shouted: "Hurry! Let us go and fight the enemy together, maybe there is a glimmer of hope!"

The stone statue heard this and said with disdain: "It's just an ant, struggling to its death."

"No matter how much you come, it's just a slap from me."

The power of his body seemed to condense into substance, dyeing the sky of this world blood red, proving that his anger could not be reconciled and could only be washed away with the blood of Chen Banxian and others.

Zhang Xiaoke could no longer cry. He was so frightened that he couldn't speak properly. He could only look at the murderous man helplessly.

What is that murderous man doing?
He's...he's drinking tea?

After finishing a cup of tea, Chen Banxian poured another cup. He stood up with the yellow tea and faced the stone statue. His face was invisible from the back.

The stone statue stopped in front of him: "Are you pouring yourself a farewell tea?"

"No." Chen Banxian raised his tea cup to the stone statue, slowly tilted it and fell to the ground in front of it.

"This is tea for you."

Death is imminent, is he still showing off?
"Damn it, senior, can you be more reliable and not act like a fool?"

Kua Chengfeng made the table clap loudly: "Isn't this making people angry? There is really no room for maneuver."

"Boss, please let us go. We think we can still save him a little more!"

Bai Haoyan almost burst into tears: "Just because we respect your food, it's okay, let us go."

They were not afraid, nor were they timid, it was this small stone table that tightly imprisoned them.

They could only watch helplessly as the stone statues massacred them without any ability to fight back.

"I would rather be beaten to death by futuristic people than end up helpless like this!"

An old-school man roared, attracting side glances from the futuristic people around him.

"Are you serious?"


The old-school man changed his mind because the man next to him had already picked up the rocks on the ground.

He might really be beaten to death.

The stone statue was angered by Chen Banxian's spilled tea, and his voice was like the vibration of the mountains: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

"I just need to take action gently, and you will disappear between heaven and earth forever."

"Old Biden, if you want to take action, do it quickly. It's been almost half an hour since the beginning. What are you pretending to do?"

Chen Banxian sneered and approached the stone statue under the pressure of a natural enemy under the eyes of everyone.

He lowered his head and revealed his snow-white neck: "Come on, come on, my head is right here, chop it off for me."

Not to mention the people in the future, even Mei Chunsheng and Zhang Haomin were shocked.

"This man is crazy."

"You're not just crazy. You might even be admitted to a mental hospital, right?"

They talked quietly without attracting anyone's attention, just like the stone statue said, just being two little minions.

In their view, Chen Banxian was definitely dead for provoking him like this.

But... the stone statue still didn't take action, but changed the topic: "Forget it, because of your fearless Qi, I will let you go."

"You go back."

After saying this, the sky was filled with blood, and the terrifying power was all gathered together, making it impossible for anyone to notice the slightest trace of the death just now.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone on the stone table relaxed a little.

Save your life.

It was so good and so touching that they decided to go back after the mission was over and never come back again.

This is simply not a task that a normal person can complete. With a vicious old monster blocking them at the source, everything is in vain.

What Zhang Xiaohai was most afraid of here was that he almost made a move on Chen Banxian. If he hadn't been on a whim to let Chen Banxian go to the tenth floor, he would have been recovering from his injuries in the future.

End it as soon as possible without causing unnecessary complications.

This was a common thought among everyone. However, Chen Banxian did not leave.

Not only did he not leave, but he grabbed the imperial jar, his body flashing with dangerous spiritual power.

"You let me go, but I don't want to let you go."

"Just let me see what confidence this mysterious stone statue of yours has!"

In just two sentences, everyone knows every word, but when they are all connected, their brains can't process it.

"There are really people chasing you to death these days!"

Lan Qingfeng lost his guard: "Senior, you should think about us even if you don't think about yourself!"

"Hurry up and apologize. Your Majesty has spared us a lot. Let's not be ungrateful."

"That's right, brother, no, uncle, please stop."

In this short period of time, their hearts were beating wildly, and they felt like their whole bodies were trembling.

Some people even blamed Chen Banxian in their hearts, "What are you going to do? I've really fucked xx times!"
Faced with these problems, Chen Banxian answered them with his practical actions.


There was thunder on the ground, it turned out that he had moved and rushed towards the stone statue!

"You are bold!"

The stone statue roared, his tone already fluctuating slightly: "You are being disrespectful if you don't back down yet."

Chen Banxian remained silent and was almost flying to the stone statue's head. This made the stone statue more and more panicked. He roared with all his strength: "If I take action...

"Then you do it!"

High in the sky, the rolling magic power of Chen Banxian's shoelaces from the Emperor's Jar aroused a trace of Emperor's power, and in an instant, it crashed down from top to bottom.


Just listen to the ground cracking and the stone statue shattering inch by inch from its head.


There were debris all over the ground. The stone statue that seemed to suppress the world was just... shattered?
Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, especially Zhang Xiaohai and Tong Dui. They had seen with their own eyes how terrifying the stone statue was, and its power could not be faked.

"I thought he was so awesome, but he turned out to be a bastard."

Chen Banxian stepped forward and used his feet to stir among the piles of rubble.

Soon, a beautiful scabbard was found. It was inlaid with a dazzling array of gems and emeralds. The scabbard was coiled with dragons and phoenixes. It was really beautiful.

It lay alone in a pile of ruins, like the remaining traces of a broken stone statue.

"Don't hide anymore. If you hide again, I will melt you."

Chen Banxian flicked his toes, and the scabbard was kicked several meters away, making a clattering sound on the ground.

no response?

Chen Banxian frowned, he raised the imperial jar high above his head, and then hit it down hard.

"Since you don't know good from evil, don't blame me, Mr. Chen, for being ruthless."

"do not!"

The scabbard on the ground made a sound and was dragged for seven or eight meters in the ruins.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I was wrong, brother, I was wrong." The scabbard admitted its mistake very quickly and floated in the air.

"How did you see that? How do you know my identity!"

The scabbard refused to give up, and the sound came from the mouth of the dragon and phoenix above.

Strictly speaking, it is the weapon spirit of the scabbard that speaks.

"Nothing escapes me."

Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows and closed his eyes, hiding the black and white reflections.

It turned out that he saw something was wrong with the stone statue from the beginning and found the scabbard at its core.

"Tell me, where is the treasure?"

He didn't care about other people's eyes threatening a scabbard: "What is the secret of time and space!"

This scene made everyone dumbfounded again.

Is this all a bluff?They were played around.

"It's actually a scabbard."

"It's really weird. I was almost scared to death just now, but it turned out that a scabbard was causing trouble?"

Bai Haoyan coughed dryly: "Actually, I found some clues a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be exactly what I thought."

"Tch, just blow it." After some mood swings, these people no longer had the initial hostility.

Chen Banxian held the scabbard in his hand and waited for its next chapter.

"Actually, that was all my fault."

The scabbard did not dare to hide it. He told Chen Banxian that these were its abilities.

"Have you seen the eight gems on me?"

Chen Banxian looked along the gem and saw that the gem was shining brightly, but he really couldn't see anything wrong with it.

At this time, the scabbard continued: "Each gem leads to a point in time. There are eight gems here in total. Now, only two gems are still good."

After saying that, he showed it to Chen Banxian. Sure enough, six of the eight colored gems had microscopic cracks. Only the transparent gems that existed now and the red gems in the hot world were intact.

At this moment, Chen Banxian felt huge regret in his heart and wished he could beat himself to death!

"In other words, I personally destroyed the gems that Wanwang used to travel to six time points?"

When he looked at the gem again, it made sense. No wonder future generations would locate it at this point in time.

It turns out that the time point for Little Rock Town can only be now.

"You see, that's why I'm so angry."

Seeing that Chen Banxian's expression was wrong, he lowered his sword scabbard's voice for fear of offending this person.

"Can it be repaired?" Chen Banxian asked it, "Is there any way to restore these gems? Even if there is a discount, there is no problem."

"I don't know." The scabbard placed itself in Chen Banxian's hand: "Why don't you take a look and see if it can be repaired?"

It's really... weird.

Chen Banxian resisted the urge to destroy it and asked softly: "Then...what's so great about you?"

"If I were powerful, would I still let you bully me?"

Why is this scabbard so cheap?

Chen Banxian had a dark face and used magic power to move the transparent gem.

In an instant, everyone found themselves moving and back to the time of Little Rock Town.

"I'm tired, let's all disperse."

Chen Banxian untied everyone's restraints and looked disappointed while holding the scabbard.

One year in exchange for a broken shell?

Maybe it will be useful in the future, but right now, it's really useless.

"You're going to let us go now?"

Such a dramatic scene made everyone slightly distracted.

"If you don't want to leave, do you still want me to keep you for dinner?"

Chen Banxian's eyes widened, and the momentum of the Ninth Realm counterattack exploded, causing them to lift their feet and leave Xiaoshi Town one after another.

When Chen Banxian left Xiaoshi Town with the scabbard, everything in the town had changed. It was like pressing the fast forward button. Buildings collapsed, brick walls rotted, and the living people aged quickly, or disappeared outside the town.

It seems that this scabbard is the real core, and there are no other treasures left.

He stood at the door, watching the building with the words "Little Rock Town" collapse and turn into ruins.

When it was all over, this place was completely deserted.

"Oh, after so many years, I finally moved."

The scabbard didn't feel any nostalgia at all, but quickly urged: "Take me away quickly, there is no better place than this place where you don't want to shit."

Chen Banxian had doubts in his mind.

"Why are you so anxious to urge me to leave?"

The scabbard dangled in his hand, "Didn't I say that I've had enough of this place? I really don't want to take another look at it."

"I do not believe."

Chen Banxian stood at the entrance of Xiaoshi Town, facing several [-]-meter mountains in the distance.

The mysterious way of creation flows, making mountains "alive".

They turned into five mountain giants, walked up to Chen Banxian and knelt down dully.

Every step makes the streams jump and the fields churn.

Big trees were knocked down, almost changing the ecology of the place.

"Dig it for me!"

Looking at the small animals running around in the area, Chen Banxian could only say three words and pointed at the entrance of Xiaoshi Town.


The scabbard was silent, staring intently at Chen Banxian's face.

"How did your head grow?"

Following the movements of a mountain giant, Xiaoshi Town was rapidly descending, digging [-] feet, when suddenly a mysterious wave filled the air.


A bronze coffin was placed in front of Chen Banxian. It was engraved with birds, animals, insects, fish, and sacrificial patterns.

And at the very front of the mouth of the coffin, the word "stone" is engraved in ancient characters!

With Shi as his surname, this place is also called Xiaoshi Town.

"Xiao Shi, Xiao Shi?"

Chen Banxian dusted off all the dirt covering the coffin and looked at it more carefully.

"Whose coffin is this?" He lifted the scabbard: "Don't tell me that you don't know. If you don't have any use, I will take off the gems from you."

"You too, there is no need to exist anymore."

The scabbard was so intimidated that it trembled. The vision of this later monk was so vicious that he had no choice but to tell the truth.

"This is my master's coffin!"

"Go on." Chen Banxian put the scabbard on the ground.

"I only know that my master once forged me to use it as a scabbard for a sword, but I couldn't bear it and couldn't seal the edgeless sword."

"So, when the master buried himself one day, he buried me in Xiaoshi Town."

"Bury yourself?" Chen Banxian sneered. These four words were well used.

He used the scabbard to stir up the coffin: "Let me see what's in this coffin."

(End of this chapter)

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