There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 505 The suspected immortal in the bronze coffin

Chapter 505 The suspected immortal in the bronze coffin

"No! This will disturb my master's sleep!"

The scabbard tried its best to stop it, and it did its part, but it had no effect at all.

Chen Banxian's brute force resisted its resistance and pressed back on the top of the coffin.

Accompanied by the scraping sound of the bronze card, the interior of the structure, which had not been seen in the light of day for countless years, was finally revealed.

For a moment, a strange rhythm flashed through, and many people in the entire Northern Territory felt it.

There is a tingling sensation coming from deep within the blood vessels.


The bronze coffin lid fell to the ground. Chen Banxian looked at the contents inside with a look of shock on his face.

He saw... immortal!

Fairy!An immortal!Lying in the coffin.

The body is crisscrossed with ravines, mountains and rivers as veins, giant trees as hair, and the exhaled breath turns into clouds, mist, wind and thunder, and settles inside the coffin.

It is only the size of a small coffin, but it is larger than the entire world.

At this time, Chen Banxian felt the panic in his heart, and even instinctively felt humbled.

Take a closer look, where is an immortal here?It is clearly a [world] in the form of a fairy!
Chen Banxian's heart was beating violently. The gas in the coffin was clearly immortal energy!
It was pale white, and he was very familiar with it.


The scabbard cried loudly, broke away from Chen Banxian's hand, and kept tapping on the coffin.

"I miss you so much, I miss you so much!"

It cried sadly and called the being in the coffin its master.

This makes sense. If you are not an immortal, how can you have the ability to stir up time and space?

With a heavy heart, he did not dare to touch the inside with his hands, so he struggled to lift the bronze lid and close the bronze coffin lid.

It can be sure that if it is stirred a little, any leakage of gas from the inside of this immortal coffin will cause an earth-shattering storm.

Maybe the entire Beidou will be destroyed.

When everything was closed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Made, as long as there is anything related to coffins in this world, no one is simple."

He was surprised and delighted. As long as he found a way to use it, this would definitely be the most precious treasure.

What an immortal corpse!

No, maybe a piece of fairyland?

He couldn't figure out how to define it. However, only those who were not defined were immortals.

He continued to dig down 9000 million feet, and after making sure that there was nothing, he bowed to the location of the smoking tomb.

"Thank you brother for your guidance. If possible in the future, I will give you an immortal stone and a resurrection stone."

Without the guidance of the green smoke, he would not have been able to find the coffin.

Without his magic power to sustain them, the five mountains quickly turned into rigid mountains.

On the way back, not a single person from the future could be seen.

The bronze coffin couldn't fit in the imperial jar, so he carried it on his shoulders.

If you get used to it, it's almost the same as the Fengdu stone plaque.

Bored, Chen Banxian asked the scabbard: "You said you couldn't bear that sword. How powerful is that sword?"

"It's amazing!" Scabbard recalled: "I have only seen it a few times, but I was lucky enough to see that sword kill enemies from the lower reaches of the river of time with one strike."

"Kill the enemies in the lower reaches of time? No wonder, your appearance is not worthy of the sword as a sheath."

Chen Banxian was fascinated. He stood on time and killed the enemies downstream with one sword. How magnificent was that?

But even such a powerful immortal is now lying in a coffin, making people sigh.

"That's not right." He realized that the owner of the coffin was probably not dead yet, was hiding somewhere, practicing, or was involved in something.

Maybe, the other party will wake up in the next moment, and then take action to take back his coffin?
"I'm scared of shit."

Chen Banxian curled his lips, this world that covers the sky is not simple, there are people watching.

The worst he can do is go to Earth and fight in the same realm. Regardless of whether you are a fairy or a demon, kneel down before him.

"I'll find you a sword later. Although it's not that powerful, it's more than enough for you."

Chen Banxian muttered, and returned to Baihu City a few days later.

"Stop here!"

Before he reached the city gate, a monk was already shouting at him from a distance.

"Baihu City is closed to air and monks are prohibited from flying around. Please get down to the ground."

"Damn it, it's still hundreds of kilometers away from the city, right?"

Chen Banxian was dumbfounded: "You tell me, can you walk in?"

"Sorry, you can take the Skytrain, which leaves every 10 minutes. The next train will arrive in 8 minutes."

The soldier saluted him and pointed to the entrance not far away.

The concrete floor was dark and dotted with white lines, and metal pillars stood on both sides.

There are boxes on the pillars that are constantly moving up and down, similar to a jumping machine.

"What is that?" the scabbard asked curiously. Chen Banxian also identified it for a while before confirming: "It should be an elevator."

After all, there are several platforms connected to the top. He stepped into the elevator. Unexpectedly, after stepping in, the elevator made a buzzing sound, indicating that it was overweight.

After seeing the service, his eyes were fixed on the coffin, shock flashed in his eyes.

What this man is carrying on his small shoulders can actually make the elevator overweight?
She glanced at the load-bearing kilograms on the elevator, which amounted to one hundred thousand.

100000kg, a weight of one hundred tons, actually pressing on that young man's shoulders?
"Dear passengers, if you are overweight for the ceremony, you can use our special transportation channel."

She pointed to a station entrance more than 400 meters away, with metal tracks on the ground.

"You can check the items with us and fill in the address and we will deliver them to your door."

"is it?"

Chen Banxian glanced at the consignment place and shook his head.

"Forget it, I'll go back."

He gave him everything else, but he couldn't bear to part with this coffin. If something unexpected happened, he wouldn't have anywhere to cry.

He carried the coffin and walked step by step from a hundred miles away to Baihu City.The waiter watched his back looking at the ground without even a trace of footprints, and quietly took a photo with his mobile phone.

For such an awesome person, post it on Moments and add a text.

"A reliable man will not hurt the ground even if he carries a hundred tons of weight on his shoulders."

After a while, several likes came from the phone.

Take a look at the comments: Sister Wang is amazing, sharing amazing men every day.

Sister Wang’s job is really good, I’m so envious.

Iron rice bowl, it would be great if my daughter could pass the exam.


From the landing point to Baihu City, it is forbidden to use any extraordinary abilities.

Unable to use Shrinkage or Daoyun, Chen Banxian carried it all the way back with his body.

Along the way, you can see many heavy-duty trucks speeding past in the express lane, some at low speeds of more than 800 yards.

As for the fast one, he could only see a shadow passing by.

Of course, there are also those who choose to walk like him, heading towards Baihu City due to various accidents or inconveniences.

"Brother, do you want to hook up?"

A man dragging a suitcase approaches.

Chen Banxian was instantly alert: "No, thank you."

Or someone might slow down as they walk and become even with him.

Chen Banxian hurriedly ran in small steps to overtake him.

Simply, someone approached him openly and asked: "Friend, why does the big box you are carrying on your shoulders look like a coffin?"

Chen Banxian immediately pointed his index finger at him: "I'm warning you, don't come close. I have a genetic disease. If I get too close to others, I will hit them!"


The man smiled and had no choice but to avoid looking at him.

Is this person sick?I'm just curious about what it is. It doesn't look light and mysterious.

Take a photo, post it on Moments, and ask if anyone knows what it is.

Soon a bunch of comments came in, speculating.

The number of fans increased by two more.

The man chuckled. If nothing else, ordinary people just like to study the things of their practitioners.

Even a seemingly ordinary bronze box can spark a conversation.

Now that Ninetowns has a larger population, Internet dividends are once again on the rise.

It was dark when Chen Banxian walked to the gate of Baihu City.

"You humans are so weird. You don't have to walk even if you have great abilities."

Scabbard looked at the bustling street and felt confused: "They are just mortals. If it were me, I would kill anyone who is unhappy."

"If you do that, it will eventually cause the city to separate and collapse."

Chen Banxian looked at the pedestrians coming and going and sighed.

"However, you are right. If the monks don't use their abilities, will they still be familiar with it if they really want to fight?"

His gaze seemed to penetrate the entire city.

"Forget it, the military trains every day, and those who are unskilled are just ordinary people and casual cultivators."

If he doesn't worry about that, the priesthood is still in power and he won't think of these problems.

In fact, most of the current classes are fighting for high-end combat power. When it comes to fighting for low-end combat power, mankind is not far away from extinction.

Chen Banxian wanted to hail a taxi, but when he thought about this huge bronze coffin, no car could possibly pull it.

So I still walked, and I had to watch the traffic lights until it was daylight.


Jiao Jiao was carrying a vegetable basket, a shining silver necklace hanging around his neck, and gold crystal earrings hanging from his ears.

It looks shiny and pleasing to the eye.

"I am back."

Chen Banxian was about to put down the coffin when he suddenly thought that without him holding it, the floor would probably be crushed.

Forget it, take it.

"Where's Aigwei? Where's Xiao Jinzi? What are they doing?"

He looked inside the house and saw no one.

"Ugh." Jiaojiao's face looked a little ugly.

"Have you been scouted to become a star?"

Chen Banxian was stunned. Xiao Jinzi looked like a child star at best, right?
"Ugh." Jiaojiao affirmed.

"Forget it, let them play as they like. It's okay to relax once in a while."

"Where's the sword spirit?" He held up the scabbard: "I brought him a gift. He must like it."

"Hey, you piece of shit, you still know how to bring me a gift?"

The sword spirit floated out, and the moment he saw the scabbard, he had a bad guess.

"it is this?"

"Yes, do you like it?" Chen Banxian said with a smile on his face: "Look at this gorgeous appearance, the shining gems, this dragon, this phoenix...

"No!" The sword spirit only had two words: "Is this thing worthy?"

He was very arrogant: "You are not at the level of an immortal weapon, and you are not even qualified to carry my shoes."

His attention was entirely focused on the bronze coffin in Chen Banxian's hand.

"I think this thing is pretty good, and it's just right for me to use as a scabbard."

Chen Banxian realized, this guy was pretending to be confused.

He had long seen how extraordinary the bronze coffin was.

(End of this chapter)

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