There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 506 Nine Lights Seal the Life

Chapter 506 Nine Lanterns seal their lives
"Okay, then I'll use this thing as a scabbard for you."

Chen Banxian threw the eight-bead sword scabbard to the ground and the latter let out an "ouch".

But it quickly stopped making noises. The weapon spirit seemed to be very afraid of being discovered by the sword spirit.

Chen Banxian turned around and fought back, grabbing the sword spirit with one hand and pushing away the coffin with the other.

Just stuff it inside.

"Are you really giving it to me?" The sword spirit was suspicious, and as he turned his eyes, he saw the scene inside the coffin.

"Ms. Ganlin! I'll ride on the horse!"

He screamed in surprise, struggled wildly in Chen Banxian's hands, and actually broke away and flew for more than ten meters.

Fly a little further and you'll be flying onto the street.

"You brat, you white-eyed wolf, you want to kill grandpa and me!"

He cursed and did not dare to come near: "Push me in there, there is...

"No wonder you are so kind and agree so simply, so insidiously!"

The sword spirit endured it for a moment and then said: "Master Jian, I was almost crippled!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to use this thing as a scabbard?"

Chen Banxian smiled shyly: "Master Jian, come and see what's inside."

"You kid, stay away from me. Don't come close to me." The sword spirit flew over slowly, extremely cautious, for fear of being caught by Chen Banxian and stuffed in.

"Labour and management will decide for themselves."

He moved closer to the coffin and looked down.

"Ah, this thing is amazing."

After a few glances, the sword began to jingle against the coffin, as if to verify the material.

"Incredible, incredible!" He said in surprise: "This coffin has a great background. At least it is made of top-notch god-level materials, enough to be used as an imperial weapon."

"Don't look outside the coffin." Chen Banxian said anxiously: "Look inside, what's inside!"

"What's interesting about the things inside?" The swordsman wandered around and observed the bronze coffin: "I can't understand it, so why are I looking at it?"

"You can't even understand?" Chen Banxian was a little frightened. How powerful is this excavated bronze coffin?

"Nonsense." The sword rolled his eyes: "I must have understood it before, but now, it's like seeing flowers in the fog, and there's always a layer behind...

This sword sighs with age, as if it had truly had its glorious years.

"Just blow it, I'll try it myself."

He roughly pulled away the sword essence, then picked up the eight-beaded sword scabbard and went into the coffin to explore.

It doesn’t require much, just touch that layer of white air.

This caused the Eight-Jead Sword to fall out of its sheath, causing it to struggle wildly.

"Ahhh! I'm going to die, I'm going to die! Help!"

"Brother, you will die, don't test it on me!"

Just when they were about to touch it, the sword spirit finally flew over.

"Wait a minute."

After all, the scabbard was pleasing to the eye, so the swordsman stopped him:
"What kind of test can you do? This scabbard is not simple. It is the second best thing to destroy it. If there is an explosion and the contents of the coffin are spilled...

He didn't say anything further, but Chen Banxian understood that Baihu City was probably going to be removed from the Nine Cities.

After all, this thing is not of mortal level.

If it weren't for the bronze coffin, where would his role be?


Jiaojiao came over, looked at the bronze coffin, seemed to have thought of something, and found a piece of celery from the kitchen.

Use chopsticks to hold it and gently stretch it inside.

"No movement?"

Several people looked at each other and saw that the part of the celery that entered the white air disappeared directly, and the white air was so transparent that nothing could be seen.


Jiaojiao tilted his head and picked up the celery.

The missing part slowly appeared again, and then, an extremely rich spiritual energy erupted.


This spiritual energy overflowed from the celery, creating a huge spiritual wave that caused the furniture in the room to stagger and collide wildly.

The window shattered with a crash and exploded directly. Not only that, whether it was a person, a scabbard, or a dragon, they were all exploded at the same time.

"TMD, this ordinary celery has directly turned into a precious medicine?"

Chen Banxian held down his spiritual pressure and swallowed the spiritual waves before looking at the celery.

The half of the celery looked like jade-carved ice crystals, flawless, while the half that had not been immersed in the white air looked ordinary, even a little dull.

However, as part of the precious medicine was rendered, Yanba's parts were also rapidly plumping and undergoing transformation.


Jiaojiao cheered and ran into the kitchen with the celery. After a while, the sound of ticking on the cutting board was heard.

It looks like I’m going to eat fried meat with celery later.

Chen Banxian thought for a while, then hung an improved apple on a rope and dipped it into the coffin.

Nothing could be seen below the thread, but gravity told Chen Banxian that the apple had not disappeared.

A minute later, he moved his fingers, set up a formation, and pulled out the apple.


The familiar spiritual energy exploded, but was quickly swallowed up by Chen Banxian, whose eyes were fixed on the apple.

The ordinary apple that just tasted good now has completely changed its appearance. It is golden and exudes the fragrance of "if you take one bite of me, you will become an immortal".


The sword spirit fell hard to the ground and cried.

"Why can't I eat?"

Chen Banxian washed the apples, and the water turned directly into spiritual liquid. In an instant, the sewer was filled with various mutated microorganisms.

They climbed up along the spiritual liquid, forming clusters and clusters, exuding rich spiritual energy.

But Chen Banxian waved his hand casually and was rushed away. He picked up the golden apple and took a bite.


Like biting into metal, the apple not only looks like gold, but also tastes like gold, and is even much harder.

Chen Banxian made an unpleasant squeezing sound every time he chewed a mouthful.

After a few mouthfuls, the energy level in his body skyrocketed.

With just this one bite, the strength increased again, and the apple was only put in for 1 minute.

"Good baby, good baby!"

He stuffed the apple in his hand and rushed into the kitchen the next second and opened the refrigerator.

A few minutes later, the outside of the coffin was covered with dense threads, and Chen Banxian started timing.

Pull one every minute on average and observe the difference every additional minute.

But the results left him confused.

Some ingredients, like golden apples, contain a lot of spiritual energy.

But some withered, or even completely decayed, leaving only a wisp of ashes when taken out.

Some even transformed directly and gave birth to spiritual energy.

The sword spirit kept crying, hating that he couldn't eat. He watched Chen Banxian experiment with enhancements.

The amount of spiritual energy contained in that body frightened Jian.

After studying until evening, Chen Banxian brought up the last thread.

It feels empty in the hand as if the hanging objects have turned to ashes or disappeared.


The thread suddenly turned its head and swung it towards him.

There were densely packed teeth on one side of the line, which actually left a red mark on his body.

"Hiss." Chen Banxian quickly held down the thread and beat him to death several times. He was still frightened.

"You've just opened me up in the ninth realm and you've almost caught up with me in a long time?"

This bronze coffin was truly a fairy. He thought about it, created a clone, and manipulated it to put his hand in.


The clone exploded like a bubble, scaring Chen Banxian so much that he stepped back.

Damn it, this thing doesn’t seem to make sense at all!
But at that moment he also saw something.

The extremely rich spiritual energy, and even the more terrifying fairy energy, is a vast and boundless space.

"Are these really fragments of the Immortal Realm inside?"

Chen Banxian couldn't calm down for a long time. If this was true, then there must be extremely precious immortal matter in this thing.

But he doesn't need it now.

Chen Banxian frowned, thought for a while, and thought of someone.

But...he didn't dare to confess in the Eastern Wasteland, so he rushed to Earth overnight while editing a letter.


Brisk music spreads in some corners of the campus, classrooms are located, and occasionally the sound of teachers' lectures is heard.

"By introducing spiritual energy into metal, we can calculate the formula y__bu+. Remember, the larger the result, the better the conductivity, and the smaller the result, the greater the resistance of the spiritual energy...

The students were studying hard, and when the bell rang, the students ran out like crazy, while an old man with declining vitality and blood walked slowly at the end.

He is not a teacher, he is a student. Gai Wudi and Gai Jiuyou once dominated the world.

"There's not enough time."

The old man looked inside the secret realm inside his body. The mountains withered, the rivers dried up, and the springs could no longer seep water.

There are strips of spiritual energy traveling in various secret realms in the body, but as soon as they arrive, they are absorbed by the dry body, which is a drop in the bucket.

"The low level of this system is not enough to repair my body."

The old man glanced at the teaching building with nostalgia and slowly walked outside the building.

When he was in Fuyu, the divine thoughts of him and Emperor Fuxi burst into full power at the same time. At that time, nothing could be seen, and they were hidden for those behind the scenes to see.

But afterwards, the deity of Emperor Fuxi wandered down the yellow mud road and disappeared, and he was still lingering.

If the power hadn't exploded at that time, maybe we could have waited until the day when the Qingxuan Realm's cultivation method could feed us back?
Gai Jiuyou's cloudy eyes were a little black, and his old organs seemed to be useless.

His body was motionless, and his breath was fading rapidly.

"I can't die yet."

Youhu, the old man opened his eyes and forcibly raised his energy and blood to maintain a certain level.

"The human race doesn't have a backbone yet, so Ye Fan needs time to grow before the strongest trial path is opened."

He muttered these words and slowly raised his head: "The road to immortality is about to begin, and the darkness... is not far away."

He cannot fall at this time.

Gai Jiuyou's body was hunched, and he slowly walked to the bus stop step by step, and then took the bus to the Skytrain.

He wanted to leave Baihu City and exchange a favor for something.

Something just enough to keep him from dying when the moment comes.

Even if it becomes like a human or a ghost later on.

"Grandpa, sit down."

The sky train was overcrowded. A little girl under five years old stumbled to her feet and slowly spoke each word clearly. She stretched out her soft little hand to pull Gai Jiuyou.

The Skytrain is very stable, like walking on flat ground. What is unstable is the flow of people coming and going.

A twilight, a new life, a smile appeared on Gai Jiuyou's face.

"Good boy, you sit down, I won't sit down."

He gradually fell in love with this place. Different from other places, the people here were more silly.

“What a great place to retire.”

After getting off the skytrain, Gai Jiuyou finally looked back at the city. This old man who had worked hard all his life could not live where he wanted to live.

"Please wait a moment ahead!"

Suddenly, someone stopped him: "Is this Mr. Gai?"

This is a messenger, or a newsboy, who has practiced a special technique.

As long as you don't hide it deliberately, you can track the targeted person and deliver letters or items to the other party.

He is certified. He took the exam for a full year and successfully beat 90.00% of the candidates to get this certificate.

But the benefits are huge. One is that you can use the tracking technique in Nine Cities with a certificate, and the other is the reward.

For example, on today's trip, the other party directly gave him eight thousand black coins.

He looks like a young man. He is really rich. He can get [-] black coins without blinking an eye.

"My surname is Guy." The old man replied, stopping in his tracks.

"I was asked to deliver a letter to you."

The deliveryman handed the letter to Gai Jiuyou, took a picture on his mobile phone, and then the eight thousand black coins were directly deposited into his account.

"Damn it, it's like a dream, I have the down payment for the house!"

The young man left in a hurry for fear of something going wrong.

Gai Jiuyou was stunned. He didn't tell anyone about his departure.

How could someone still send me a letter?

The old man opened the letter tremblingly. There was not much content, only an address and the child's words.

"It's good, come quickly!"

"Haha, this kid." Gai Jiuyou smiled and put the letter in his arms.

"I'm afraid I can't come."

He knew very well about his body that if he went to Earth, he would most likely not be able to come back.

On this day, Gai Jiuyou's aura suddenly exploded, alarming Donghuang.

There were commotions among many Taikoo tribes.

"This goddamn old man is still alive. What is he trying to do with this outburst of anger? Provocation?"

"Gai Wudi is indeed Gai Wudi, but it's a pity that he was born in the wrong era."

"Tsk, tsk, the chasm between Gai Wudi and Jiuyou Emperor is still bad luck after all."

Every time we talk about this person, the ancient clan cannot help but feel a sense of regret.

Someone looked into the distance and watched him go somewhere.

"You're too old. Your energy and blood are almost gone. Why bother? Can't you just wait for death?"

Someone could tell the truth at a glance, and he was really invincible and didn't hide it.

He went straight to Zhongzhou, stayed in Qishi Mansion for a while, and then continued his journey.

Everyone could see clearly that in the end the old man found someone.

The two descendants of the contemporary Yuan Tianshi found a place.

"Is that... the Nine Lanterns' fate-sealing terrain?"

Someone recognized him and said, "Is this old man finally going to die?"

"Haha, what a happy event!" The ancient clansmen checked carefully and confirmed that Gai Jiuyou had indeed settled in the Jiudeng Fate Land, and the descendants of Master Yuan Tian had buried him in it.

In this kind of terrain, people only need to be buried in it, and they can come out after 99 days, but the people who come out are no longer alive.

His body will rot uncontrollably. Once it is finished, his soul will be gone and nothing will remain in the world.

And this time can be as short as hundreds of years or as long as a thousand years, and death is inevitable.

Moreover, as long as the body is lost in the process, you will die faster.

The news spread throughout the Northern Territory almost the next day.Many people came to watch, including the ancient tribe and the human race.

No one took action, and it was not worth it for a dying man to lose his action.

You only need to wait for a while to see a powerful enemy fall, which is really satisfying!
The news spread really fast. After more than ten days, Chen Banxian, who was waiting for no one to come, also knew about it.

"I'm sorry, are you going to die at this critical moment, old man?"

(End of this chapter)

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