There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 507: Digging out Gai Jiuyou

In the evening of that day, Chen Banxian packed up his bed all night and rushed back to the Eastern Wasteland from Earth.

The terrain of Jiudeng Fengming was very strange, but Gai Jiuyou didn't hide it this time, so he quickly determined the direction.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

In the dark space, Chen Banxian kept urging, while Zhulong was piloting the spaceship.

"Master, we are already at the fastest speed. We expect to arrive in 22 days."

"TMD, you won't be able to catch up, right?"

Chen Banxian was worried, not sure if anything would happen if Gai Jiuyou was dug out midway.

If the half-man and half-corpse comes then, the old man will probably be so angry that he will be beaten up.

But there is no rush, the entire Northern Territory is too big, and if he uses his ability, he may not be faster than a fighter plane.

The terrain of Jiudeng Fengming is between Central Continent, Western Desert and Northern Plains, so he has to cross the largest Central Continent to reach it.

At this time, many people have visited this area.

Someone from the Jiang family came, and God King Jiang Taixu came forward.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at the little dirtbag with a sigh in his eyes, and then displayed the Jiang family's Hengyu furnace in a grand manner.

Even though it was unlikely that anyone would take action, they still had to be prepared just in case.

Someone also came from Yaochi, it was an old monster, expressing their attitude.

It is said that the Ji family has also sent people and they are still on their way.

"Gai Jiuyou was invincible all his life, but he never imagined that he would be so miserable in his later years."

Some people left tears: "It's because we are useless that the old man can't let go until he dies, and his soul is scattered to guard our last journey."

"You don't pick up green and yellow."

The old monster from Yaochi sighed, if the human race has a pillar, why should the old pillar be covered with new mud?
Many old people are in a semi-self-proclaimed state, lingering on in order to prevent the ancient tribes from suddenly taking action against the human race.

Their destiny is basically for the final battle.

lose, die.

Win...or die.

"Another generation of invincibility comes to an end. It's really sad."

Someone has come to Wanlong's Nest, come and pay homage.

His words were often disrespectful, but this is normal. Wanlongchao has its own pride. They are a royal family and are qualified to comment like this.

The human race dares to be angry but dare not speak. The Jiang family has not spoken yet, and Yaochi has not spoken either. They are not qualified to interrupt.

Unless you've had enough of life and want to die.

"Look over there, the Qilin Royal Family is coming." Someone looked into the distance, and it turned out to be a member of the Qilin Royal Family.

They did not stop, but said loudly: "We will come to pay our respects when our fellow Taoist comes out of seclusion."

As soon as the words fell, the Qilin royal family drove away in their chariot.

People come every day, and people leave every day. After all, Gai Jiuyou is not really dead yet, so just take a look and show respect.

At this point in time, the Taikoo clan is unwilling to leave any clues. What if this old man can’t figure it out and wants to kill them before he dies?
He composed his own immortal song of transcending tribulations that is comparable to the emperor's scripture. What a person, what talent and talent.


In the end, only a few major holy places and people from a few major families of the human race guarded it.

The Hengyu furnace burns blazingly and will last forever, deterring all incoming enemies.

No one dares to be bold enough to cause trouble. Even if they do, they will choose a date when Invincible is about to leave seclusion, so as to cause maximum damage.

However, the arrival of a stream of light exceeded everyone's expectations.


The dark space was torn apart, and the Night Owl fighter jet directly tore through the sound waves and air, and plunged into the earth.

It has been scrapped. It is overloaded under the control of Zhulong and will be scrapped if it stops properly.

Chen Banxian held the imperial jar in his hand and rushed towards him fiercely.

"Senior! Don't die!"

At a glance, he saw the small dirt bag in the distance and the Hengyu furnace suppressing everything at high altitude.

The God King Jiang Taixu was dressed in white clothes and was sitting in front of the earth bag quietly sipping tea.

He noticed it as soon as Chen Banxian arrived. He knew this young man.

He is Gai Wudi's junior, he is known as his little friend, and he has become very close recently.

He has come all the way, and he really has his heart.

"Senior! Hold on!"

Chen Banxian rushed forward quickly, holding a shovel in one hand.

Apparently, he was planning to dig out Gai Wudi?

Jiang Taixu gently stretched out his hand to stop him, and the space in front of Chen Banxian turned into an indestructible iron wall.

If he didn't take action, the old monster from Yaochi would also take action, and it might hurt Chen Banxian.

"Senior Jiang, let me in!"

Chen Banxian was a little anxious. He didn't respond after shouting for so long. He couldn't be dead, right?

"Gai Wudi is undergoing transformation. If you break the terrain now, you will never be able to find another terrain after you break it."

At this time, a descendant of Yuantian Master also agreed: "It is indeed true. I am afraid it will be difficult to find another place in the entire Northern Territory."

"Little baby, if you dig out Senior Gai, he will wither very quickly without the terrain to keep him alive."

"I have a way to extend my senior's life!"

Chen Banxian didn't want to see this old man die in the end, a human being, a ghost, and a ghost.

Even if he dies, he can help him in the underworld and reincarnate him again without any shame!

"Unless you have the elixir of immortality." Jiang Taixu asked him, "Do you have it?"

Of course Chen Banxian didn't.

But he knew that there was one in the ancient restricted area, as long as the divided elixirs on the holy mountain could be combined into one.

However, it was left by the ruthless man to Mark, and he couldn't take it.

The bronze coffin cannot let these people know that there are many people watching here.

Chen Banxian gritted his teeth and said, "Let me in quickly, I can really save Senior Gai!"


The old monster from Yaochi said these two words: "Your level is too low. If anything happens, can you bear this responsibility?"

What should I do if they don't let me?
Chen Banxian thought for a while and then raised the imperial jar.

This jar made the old man regain his composure and made Jiang Taixu put down his tea cup.

Everyone knows what he has in his hand, but his identity is still uncertain.If Gai Jiuyou hadn't protected him, they would have killed him.

If the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique is passed down to others, everyone will get it and kill it.

"I say one last time, get out of the way."

Most of Chen Banxian's mind was still on that little bumpkin. They had been making trouble for so long, but the old man really didn't get up and take a look, but nothing happened.

A faint heat spread over the surface.

The Hengyu furnace rotated to prevent Chen Banxian from making a sudden move.

"Child, listen to me. Senior Gai Wudi has completed the Nine Lanterns to suppress life, and he still has a thousand years."

Jiang Taixu advised him softly: "If you destroy it now, he will die, and he will die soon."

"I said, I have a way." Chen Banxian was also serious: "I won't let him die."


Still refusing, Chen Banxian's eyes turned slightly red: "In that case, don't blame me."

In an instant, he directly activated the imperial jar, allowing it to revive a hint of imperial power.


The Hengyu Furnace fell and completely blocked it. Chen Banxian did not use the immortal energy. What he wanted was a chance to get closer.

"It's useless."

The successor of Yuantian Master has a very good vision: "Even if the emperor's soldiers fight, you can't break the God King's ban... huh?"

He was speechless.

Chen Banxian's eyes were closed, his brows were vertically opened, and black and white colors crossed.

There are thousands of intertwined paths, that is his trump card!

I saw a ray of colorless light shooting out from it, shining hard on the restriction. With one stroke, the restriction of the white-clothed God King was actually broken.

Jiang Taixu stood up suddenly. He was now in the realm of the Saint King. With his divine king body fully completed, even a great sage could fight.

However, Chen Banxian broke through his restriction with Dao Dao Killing.

He didn't expect that in such a short period of time, he had used a shovel to dig out the small dirt bag that covered Jiuyou.


The old man from Yaochi hurriedly took action and hit Chen Banxian on the vest.

However, the figure he hit dissipated, and the other Chen Banxian had completely dug up the small dirt bag and dug out the old man with his eyes closed inside.

"Digital Secret!"

The successor of Master Yuantian exclaimed: "It's incredible, the number secret has been born!"

"It's over!"

The old monster in Yaochi let out a low cry, saying that he could never do anything again. Chen Banxian dug out Gai Jiuyou, the terrain failed, and the result of Jiu Lan's life-suppressing effect was completely destroyed.

Not repaired.

"You white-eyed wolf!" He roared angrily: "If Gai Wudi hadn't protected you, you would have died! Why do you want to harm him!"

"Jiang Taixu, why did you hold back just now? Why didn't you directly urge Hengyu Furnace Town to kill him!"

Chen Banxian did not answer, but quickly put his fingertips on Gai Jiuyou's neck.

One breath...two breaths...three breaths...

Suddenly, he felt a faint beating on his fingertips, and he was overjoyed!

"Hold on, senior."

He carried Gai Jiuyou on his back and ran towards the earth quickly.

He hid it just in case.

"Don't go!"

The old monster took action to intercept Chen Banxian, but at this moment, Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows and shot out colorless light again.

The old monster who intercepted hurriedly stopped, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"What is this? It actually makes me feel in danger?"

He wanted to give chase, but was stopped by Jiang Taixu.

"Fellow Taoist, prepare to fight."

Many eyes that looked at this point disappeared.

Not giving up but they have started taking action.

Gai Wudi failed to suppress his life, but was dug out by his own people and stabbed in the back by the person he trusted the most.

"Haha, let me just say that he is the successor of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique. He probably wants to devour Senior Gai Jiuyou to achieve his own goals."

There was a loud laugh from the Blood Phoenix Mountain, and they were extremely happy: "Okay, okay, the human race must be lucky!"

It was truly an unexpected surprise. Within the Golden Clan, the Golden King who was originally beaten to death by Gai Wudi appeared again.

"Kill one of my clones, and you will pay with your life today!"

Many forces have set off. This unexpected appearance really caught people off guard.

Chen Banxian didn't care about this. He was riding a small boat in the invisible sea.

This is the ocean of space, in which the boat travels hundreds of millions of miles every second, at the cost of a crazy loss of energy in his body.


From the beginning to now, he has never stopped swallowing the spring water of life to restore his divine power.

The Dao of Space is operating at overload, and it seems as if a god can be seen in the sublimation of Dao Yun.

"Senior, wake up!"

Chen Banxian was worried. Gai Jiuyou's fire of life seemed to be extinguished, but there still seemed to be a little spark left.

He used his extraordinary ability to seal his last breath and turned it into a stream of light in the sky.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Don't run!"

At this moment, there was a cry from behind that someone was intercepting him.

"Put down Senior Gai Wudi!"

He was a human being in the holy realm, and he didn't know what his background was that made him let go of Gai Jiuyou.

Those who are not in the Holy Realm cannot even catch up with Chen Banxian.

Even so, this man had a hard time chasing after him, and was barely on par with Chen Banxian.

(End of this chapter)

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