There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 508: Forcibly digging graves and robbing people

Chapter 508: Forcibly digging graves and robbing people
"Brother, believe me, I can save this old man!"

Chen Banxian shouted, his voice leaving a long tail in the space.

"What are you talking about?"

Seeing that he could not catch up, the holy monk looked like he had seen a ghost, but he still shot out a divine light.

There is a four-sided cube in the light, which is very fast. When the wind blows, it will surge and cover the sky and the sun.

It was as if a star had fallen, trying to kill Chen Banxian alive.

"Wait a moment!"

Jiang Taixu rushed over and stretched out his hand to intercept: "You will hurt Senior Gai if you do this."

The Saint Realm expert was horrified in his eyes. His full-strength attack was unexpectedly intercepted. The God King's body was really terrifying.

"Then what should we do? The people from the Taikoo Royal Family have probably come to kill us. Senior Gai is in a very bad state right now."

Jiang Taixu did not answer, but raised the Hengyu furnace and chased Chen Banxian.

The wind blew in his ears, and the space folded and spread like a kaleidoscope, and Chen Banxian kept walking through the middle of the kaleidoscope.

"Put down Gai Jiuyou!"

Suddenly, a voice came to his ears. Jiang Taixu, dressed in white as snow, was standing next to him. No matter how fast Chen Banxian accelerated to break through the space, he could not escape.

"I can really save Senior Gai!"

Chen Banxian insisted on his words and actions, with firm eyes, and would not give up even if the Dacheng God King was by his side.

The scorching heat of the Hengyu furnace has even reached his back, and only one flame can completely burn him.

Jiang Taixu did not take action, but looked into Chen Banxian's eyes.

The rich Taoist rhyme was intertwined in it. At this moment, Chen Banxian, who was carrying Gai Jiuyou on his back, was horrified, and all the Tao in his body was almost stagnant.

One look made him lose almost all power to resist?

This is definitely not the realm of the Saint King!
Even if you reach the Saint King realm with a complete God King body, it is absolutely impossible!
Oops, miscalculated.

After all, there is still a discrepancy with the original work. The God King in White was trapped in the Purple Mountain and completed his divine body. Now more than 4000 years have passed, and he is still in the realm of kings. Is he a ghost?

Everyone was deceived by the pretense that he was weak when he first came out!

The God King in White is the God King in White. He did not take action at this time, waiting for an explanation from him.

If Jiang Taixu really only had the King Realm, Chen Banxian would definitely not reveal the slightest information, but now that he knew the opponent's strength and the Hengyu Furnace Emperor's soldiers on his side, he had to change his plan.

Above the king realm, the limit of the mortal world!
He is a great sage, but in Qingxuan Realm, he is already considered a quasi-immortal.

This was not something he speculated on his own, but Chen Changsheng told him accidentally.

After meeting the ruthless man, he came to Zhetian World and said with emotion:

"The Great Sage is a quasi-immortal. I really don't know why the quasi-emperor and the great emperor appear in the mortal world. This is a... half-exalted world."

Chen Banxian gritted his teeth and said decisively: "I have immortality!"

Even if he uses the only two strands of immortal energy left to activate the Heaven-Swallowing Emperor Jar, he probably won't be able to do anything good. The white-clothed God King holding the Hengyu Furnace is enough to fight him.

Most people may not know about immortal matter, but Jiang Taixu is different. He knows some secrets.

Those beings in the restricted area seek this most.

The coldness dissipated a little, but it was still not completely removed. Chen Banxian gritted his teeth and said, "Come with me and see it with your own eyes."

Although he didn't know Jiang Taixu well, he could only gamble that the other party wouldn't be greedy and covet his things.

At worst, when the time comes to find a ruthless person, I believe she will be willing to change the location of the underworld.

"it is good."

The god-king answered this word and followed him all the way.

But not long after, a giant golden pillar slammed down from the sky!

It's an ancient imperial weapon, the ultimate golden weapon!

It's so unexpected. The power of the Jidao suppresses all directions. The king of the Golden Clan comes with revenge. The power of the ancient emperor's soldiers is about to smash the entire Northern Territory!
Chen Banxian grabbed the imperial jar with his backhand and had no time to react. At the critical moment, Jiang Taixu took action.

The Hengyu furnace burned blazingly, spitting out the divine light, and restrained the terrifying power.

At this time, the God King held the Hengyu Furnace with one hand and cast the God King Technique with the other hand to intercept and kill the Golden King!
The God King is worthy of being a God King, and every time he strikes, it is a fierce killing move.

As soon as the sky cleared, it turned out that the two had left the Northern Territory and entered space.

All that could be seen was the terrifying fluctuations coming from nine days away in the Northern Territory. Two terrifying beings were fighting, and the battle was extremely fierce.

Chen Banxian gritted his teeth and ran away like crazy. He couldn't see clearly at all.

The training time is too short. Compared with these thousands of years old monsters, he can only be considered immature and has just started.

Give him a little more time and the situation will definitely be reversed!

"TMD, people in the future won't come back to help our ancestors?"

He cursed and fled towards the space of the earth.

He was unwilling to give up on Gai Jiuyou and encouraged him: "Wake up, old man! As long as you can open your eyes, we will be safe!"

The shadow of the famous human tree, whenever Gai Jiuyou touches his finger, can scare the ancient tribesmen into throwing a rat weapon.

Last time was the best example, but this time, the old man's condition was really bad.

He called for a long time, but the old man's breath was suppressed in his throat, neither rising nor falling. He almost lost consciousness completely, and everything was dry.

Chen Banxian held the imperial jar tightly, fearing that the ancient royal family would arrive.

However, no matter which pot was not opened or lifted, the ancient royal family still came.

A gourd was waiting for him in front. Looking at the look of the gourd, Chen Banxian knew it was from Yuanhu Lake.

"Humans, stay with Gai Jiuyou!"

There was a majestic figure intercepting him from the front, tall and vast, holding the blue clouds in his hands.

"Go away!"

If the other party was not Jiang Taixu, he would not reason with him, so Chen Banxian directly sacrificed the emperor jar, wasting his immortal energy!
When he comes back, he must ask Gai Jiuyou to make up for him with all his strength!

Inspired by the immortal energy, the emperor jar was completely revived, and the figure of the emperor could be vaguely seen fleetingly.

Look again, the Emperor Jar is still the Emperor Jar, but it spits out a stream of fairy light, which makes the ancient emperor's gourd fly upside down.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Banxian ran forward some distance.

"What a beast, your methods are amazing, I don't believe you can keep blocking him!"

The man from Yuanhu Lake recalled the gourd and took action again. The second time, it might not be that easy. He was too passive. No matter how talented he was, he couldn't withstand thousands of years of skill.
Chen Banxian's scalp was numb and he could only grit his teeth and hold on to hope.

The worst ending is to die once and go to the underworld to find Gai Jiuyou's soul.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a shrill scream came from nine days away, and a charred figure covered in blood fell from the sky.

The god king Jiang Taixu's shirt was blown to pieces and his white clothes were stained with blood, but the god king behind him was majestic to the world and was the true god of the universe.

The God King stretched out his hand to grab the people in Primordial Lake, and without saying a word, started another battle!
A wisp of flame escaped the control and fell on the earth, immediately turning into a mountain of thousands of miles of flames, killing all things.

The white-clothed God King was so domineering, and the battle was so violent that he attacked the second man non-stop, making people almost think they were seeing the Great Emperor reborn.

Chen Banxian is still running away, but if he runs like this, he probably won't be able to escape the blockade of the ancient royal family and the royal family.

At the critical moment, a mirror appeared in front of him. Silently, gossip circulated, and time and space were forcibly reversed.

The head of the Ji family, Ji Zi, stood on both sides of the mirror.

"Are you also here to stop me?"

Chen Banxian was carrying the Emperor Jar, and his whole body was exuding terrifying energy fluctuations. He had no time or energy to hide it.

"We believe in Senior Gai Jiuyou's vision."

Ji Zi looked at Chen Banxian calmly. They were both of the younger generation, but he was very different. He was ashamed of his status as a descendant of the Void Emperor.

"The opposite side of the Void Realm is your destination. There are special rules there."

Chen Banxian could tell if it was a trick when he stared at Ji Zi's eyes carefully.

Ji Zi closed her eyes: "Hurry up, people from the ancient Qilin tribe are coming too, and you won't have a chance by then."

"Open your eyes." Chen Banxian grinned.Ji Zi opened her eyes and saw only ripples on the void mirror.

They didn't lie to themselves.

When Chen Banxian appeared again, he was already in the sky of Chenyun Cave, very close to the earth.

"Senior, we are almost there!"

Chen Banxian cheered up and ran towards the earth quickly.

But the moment he reached the entrance, he stopped traveling at top speed and began to brake slowly.

Someone was blocking the front, and the ancient phoenix chariot flew across the sky.

The ancient royal family, Blood Phoenix Mountain.

Chen Banxian rolled his eyes and shouted loudly: "Everyone, be careful, Gai Jiuyou is right behind!"

While shouting, his speed became faster and he rushed directly to the card.

"Little fellow Taoist, this trick won't work."

A strong man in the saint realm smiled and spoke, reaching out to grab Chen Banxian.

"Stop, put down Gai Jiuyou, we won't make things difficult for you."

That hand imprisoned everything and grabbed Chen Banxian. If he didn't stop, he would directly fall into the trap.

But Chen Banxian didn't stop. His black and white eyes opened completely.

The transparent Dao pattern that had broken through Jiang Taixu before reappeared, coercing him to pass by this powerful man in the Holy Realm.


A strong man from Blood Phoenix Mountain noticed the problem and it was too late to stop it.

Chen Banxian passed through the chest of the Blood Phoenix Mountain Saint Realm without any hindrance.

Looking back, he was already standing on the earth.


The strong man in the Holy Realm fell down under his gaze, his energy and spirit completely dissipated, and his chest was twisted and spun into pieces all over the ground.

"you wanna die!"

Killing the holy realm instantly with one blow, this is just a killing method!
The strongest person on this trip to Blood Phoenix Mountain was so angry that his beard trembled: "If you dare to kill my people, you will be dead as a human being!"

"Ha ha."

Chen Banxian smiled shyly and turned his back to Gai Jiuyou.

"I'm going to the highest peak in this world. If you want revenge, just come over."

"By the way, it's okay if you can call your relatives and friends. I'll wait for you at the top of Mount Everest."

The strongest person in Blood Phoenix Mountain pointed at him angrily, but did not rush in rashly.

"Elder of the clan, let's kill him!"

Someone in the chariot suggested: "He killed Huang An, we want revenge!"

"Do not."

The strongest man shook his head: "The ancient imperial soldiers of our clan are not here. The old clan leader will come, so don't rush in."

He knew that this world seemed so fragile that even a holy realm could be destroyed.

But as long as you go in, all your strength will be suppressed.

"That human beast looks weak, but after we enter, the realm is suppressed. When the time comes, we may not be able to defeat him."

The old strong man of this tribe suppressed his anger: "He dares to declare war with such arrogance, let's go back and call for help!"

He really wanted to call his relatives and friends, and not only that, he also wanted to call other ancient royal families.

At this moment, blood rained down from the nine heavens.

Pieces, little by little, mottled, the whole world became red.

The clouds turned into pieces of burning clouds. The white-clothed god king Jiang Taixu was holding the Hengyu furnace, but the primitive lake powerhouse was nowhere to be seen.

He arrived at the earth passage in one step and looked directly at the elders of the Blood Phoenix Mountain clan and the others.

When he saw the corpse of the powerful Saint Realm man on the ground, he almost fully understood what happened.

"God King..."

A group of strong men from Blood Phoenix Mountain lowered their proud heads, shocked by the fighting spirit in this human being.

It was so huge that it shot straight into the sky, making the stars tremble.

The flames burning in the Hengyu furnace became much more intense. If you look carefully, there seems to be a corpse inside that is used as fuel.


The God King spoke, and the clan elders and others looked angry, but they did not dare to speak at this juncture.

The Golden King attacked, and he was captured for nine days and severely injured. Now he doesn't know where he fell.

The original people from the lake were directly and violently suppressed. This was a terrifying, fiery, and exuberant umbrella of protection for the human race.

The God King in White left. He did not pursue him into the earth, but went to the Nine Cities in the Ancient Forbidden Land.

Some people from the Taikoo tribe are unwilling to follow the rules.

On the ancient phoenix chariot, the old man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled bitterly.

"Gai Wudi fell down, and God King Jiang Taixu rose up. This human race is really a tough nut to crack."

Among all the ancient races, the human race was originally among them, but why did they separate later?
Just because of this race, if they don’t follow the rules, they can’t be suppressed.

Whenever there is a strong person from all races who wants to destroy this race, a few amazing characters will always pop up.

First, there was the Celestial Being from the mythical age, who suppressed the heaven and the earth.

Later, there were the holy bodies from the ancient times, one after another, forcibly continuing the broken path of the human race.

Later, in the void land, Emperor Hengyu and others made all races powerless.

The clan elder stared deeply at the earth: "Fortunately, he has only grown up in too short a time and is still too young."

If not, it is very likely that he will be another emperor of the human race.

"Let's go! Go back and shake people."

The chariot flew across the sky, and he rationally chose to retreat.

Earth, Chen Banxian looked back from time to time with surprise.

"It's strange that I didn't catch up."

He beheaded a strong man in the holy realm in front of the other party and almost broke off one of their fingers. It was unreasonable not to pursue such a big enemy.

"Tsk, tsk, what a pity. I thought I could just kill a few of them."

Chen Banxian carried Gai Jiuyou on his back and no longer hid, heading towards Mount Everest.

On Mount Everest, he came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

When I set foot again, there was already an angry girl waiting for me.

"You still know that when you come back, leave me a coffin and then leave, don't you know it will scare the death god!"

The priesthood of Mount Everest: the high heaven and the earth, the virtues, the enlightenment, the benevolence, the kindness, the power, the great compassion, the great love, the compassion, the Holy Mother of Snow.

Referred to as Xiaoxue.

"I'm going to save people."

Chen Banxian carried Gai Jiuyou on his back: "Stop talking and take me down quickly."

As a priest of Mount Everest, Xiaoxue knew the roads well, and the place Chen Banxian was talking about was naturally a dangerous place.

In the underground space, patches of light are steaming, hazy like the moonlight, and full of unknowability.

There is a bronze coffin below the light, and the things steaming inside are not weak at all.

(End of this chapter)

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