There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 510: Cover 9 You plays with the Supreme

Looking at the orchid-shaped tea leaves floating in the wine glass, Chen Banxian picked it up and looked at it carefully. It was genuine.

"When did you get the good stuff?"

He still couldn't help it, why didn't he take it out before he had such a treasure?

Mr. Gai drank wine and tea and said casually: "I was going to die before, and I planned to put him in the tomb with him."

Now that he doesn't have to die, he is in a good mood, and the burial objects don't have to be left in the coffin to gather ashes.

"Boy, your body is too complicated. I suggest you sort it out after drinking it to determine which path you want to take."

Gai Jiuyou was surprised by the Taoist charm around Chen Banxian. He had never seen such a genius before.

Even the legendary chaotic body only evolves thousands of ways and requires a process of transformation.

Chen Banxian was holding the tea. There was a faint aroma of wine that contained the aroma of Enlightenment tea. This wine was no ordinary wine.

His reflection in the tea and wine is rich and handsome, and his eyes are like a clear sky.

"I think there are many methods that can be used..."

There is still a secret in Chen Banxian's body, that mysterious space, the mysterious blood spring, no matter how many reincarnations he goes through, he will return in the blink of an eye.

His understanding of Tao allows him to practice at a much faster speed than others.

"Your road is dead."

Gai Jiuyou tapped the table with his fingertips: "This is not based on my personal knowledge, but based on the thousands of years of experience of a quasi-emperor, the future emperor."

"I, Gai Jiuyou, have experienced countless stains in the world of mortals. I have seen so many sons of gods and saints, even the sons of emperors."

"There are people like you who dream of taking this most difficult road, but in the end their longevity dries up and they die on the road to immortality."

Gai Jiuyou used them as an example to persuade Chen Banxian to be sensible and not do such meaningless things.

"Perhaps after you become emperor, you will see Wan Dao with another perspective and vision, and it will be easy to understand."

At that time, after becoming an emperor and merging with the Tianxin Seal, the essence of ten thousand ways will be right in front of you, and it will be very easy to understand.

"Old man, please stay out of my business."

Chen Banxian drank the wine and tea gently: "Besides, if one person becomes an emperor and the entire world's path is suppressed, I won't be able to reach the level of becoming an emperor."

The fragrance of Wu Dao tea overcame the smell of alcohol in his mouth, and his brain began to think rapidly. This was just the beginning.

Gai Jiuyou's eyes flickered: "I'm not enlightened."

Five words, Chen Banxian's arm froze. The weight of these five words is probably heavier than the whole world.

"Old man, if you are not enlightened, some people are enlightened. As far as I know, Ye Heizi on the trial road is the person you like, right? By the time I reach that state, he will probably have already become enlightened."

The protagonist is no joke. A great holy body is looking at him, and ruthless people are supporting him behind the scenes. Ye Hei cannot be justified if he does not become a Taoist.

"He is the Great Holy Body and will not affect your enlightenment."

Gai Jiuyou explained that he took Chen Banxian more seriously.

This old man didn't waste his life saving him in vain.

Chen Banxian still shook his head and looked at Gai Jiuyou with a smile: "If you don't become a Taoist, the road to immortality is open. Who will stop you when darkness and chaos come?"

There are still some things that he dare not say out for fear of being noticed by those beings.

This sentence almost sealed all the remaining words of Gai Jiuyou.

Dark turmoil, the eternal disaster that covers the world, those beings graze all living beings just to extend their lifespan.


Chen Banxian closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, with an extremely confident tone: "When I become enlightened, nothing can stop me, and all ways are facing me. Who dares to block my way?"

A surge of pride rose from the bottom of his heart, and the Enlightenment Wine and Tea began to take effect.

Thousands of paths are combing around his body, and a fiery red sun rises on Mount Everest, which is the external manifestation of the great avenue in his body.

The reflected flowers burned the snow, and strings of fiery bubbles rose into the sky.

This path is called the Great Sun.

In the next second, the red flames dissipated, and ice and cold covered the mountain. Heavy snow fell on Mount Everest.

The wind is biting, the air-conditioning is dense, and thousands of mountains and rivers under the floating Mount Everest are covered with white frost.

This way is called Great Cold.

But in an instant, the snow on the bare Mount Everest melted, and strange rocks sprouted.

Patches of green plants and flowers cover the Everest Mountains, with golden lotuses surging on the ground and fire pools filled with smoke.

Grass grew around him, flourishing, and unknown flowers bloomed.

This path is called creation.

Chen Banxian slowly opened his eyes, and there was still the fragrance of Wu Dao tea in his mouth, but there was no effect of Wu Dao tea.

"Three ways."

Gai Jiuyou commented: "A precious enlightenment tea leaf can only allow you to realize the three paths, from the first glimpse to the small success."

"This is still far from ten thousand miles away. Do you think you can really go on?"

The old man said sincerely: "Your innate understanding is the only one I have ever seen in my life. If you had just chosen one path to realize it, you would probably have entered the third or fourth minor realm of the Three Soaring Heavens of Sendai by now."

This is a metaphor. The system practiced by Chen Banxian is actually different from the Heaven-shading method. The third and fourth small realms are compared with the aura of enlightenment.

For a quasi-emperor, it is not difficult.

"Three are pretty good."

Chen Banxian is very satisfied: "As long as I am making progress, I will be the best."

Not afraid of distance, just afraid of stagnation.

When he saw Mr. Gai and wanted to say something, Chen Banxian immediately stopped him.

"You know it's difficult for me to understand, so please contribute more!"

He stood up directly, grabbed the remaining few enlightenment tea leaves, and stuffed them into his mouth.

"You are a quasi-emperor, so you won't care about these gadgets."

Doesn’t the quasi-emperor care?

Gai Jiuyou suppressed his words and silently hid his storage space.

This kid Chen Banxian doesn't know the boundaries between people at all.

On that day, Mount Everest was surrounded by colorful clouds and auspicious clouds. Countless spiritual beasts on the earth they passed through had their spiritual wisdom activated.

A dozen pieces of tea leaves, Chen Banxian's enlightenment 46/10000.


Of course, this is just a function word. There are more than ten thousand avenues?
"I can't persuade you."

Gai Jiuyou shook his head, silently calculating in his mind to refine some divine source liquid, seal it in when he was about to die, and then release it when he found the real path to becoming an immortal.

As everyone knows, Chen Banxian also has his own method.

He will start implementing it after he returns to Earth. The countless worlds in the space of the World Monument are the real help for him to realize the ten thousand ways.

It's true that one person can't do it, but what if there are thousands of them?
Five days later, Gai Jiuyou took Mount Everest into the universe and went straight to the depths of the wasteland near the ruins of the universe.

Nine days later, this thousands-year-old quasi-emperor completely pushed his strength to the pinnacle and attained enlightenment at the edge of the universe.

On this day, the strong power of God swept across the entire universe. All living beings felt that a disaster was coming, and a sense of sadness originated from their souls.Everything is trembling, the world is shaking, and the clouds of calamity rolling over the universe are gathering crazily from all directions.

"Is this the Emperor's Tribulation?"

Chen Banxian clicked his tongue, the Great Emperor's calamity was too terrifying.

Among the thunder clouds, the thunder calamity has not yet appeared, but there are people walking out in some places in the universe.

From the ancient mine of Taichu, a mysterious man walked out, half of his body was missing. He took one step out, only to reach the edge of the universe.

A figure also walked out of the Immortal Mountain. No one could see it clearly, but the terrifying aura was frightening.

"That seems to be a great emperor?"

They couldn't believe it. The emperor walked out of the restricted area?
Forget about this sudden Emperor's Tribulation, why would the Emperor still appear?
These people don't know what happened and why it happened. The world has become a lot stranger.

Someone in an ancient holy land saw that the famous hall was a supreme being who killed himself for the emperor and continued.

"Ah? That's still the Emperor!"

The universe was shaken, caught off guard by the sudden changes!
The two mysterious figures soon arrived at the edge of the universe and attacked Gai Jiuyou from a distance.


The Jingshi Shen Ze exploded, Gai Jiuyou's whole body resounded with the immortal song of transcending tribulation, and waves of ripples swept away the two attacks.

"Gai Jiuyou, you are not dead yet."

"Looking at your aura, I can't believe that you have lived a second life and are living towards death. You really have great perseverance."

The Supreme Lord of the Immortal Mountain is wearing a mask and cannot see his face clearly, but his tone is very serious:
"Gai Wudi, if you were still a quasi-emperor, none of us would care about you, but you are not allowed to become an emperor at this time."

The crippled Supreme also spoke: "Stop overcoming the tribulation, we can pretend that nothing has happened. If you overcome the tribulation and become invincible, the human race will probably die in an instant."

Supreme made a move.

They don't want to see the Great Emperor appear, especially at this critical period.

The road to becoming an immortal is about to begin. You want to become an emperor and dominate all walks of life. How are you going to let them live?
"The Great Emperor's Tribulation has stopped?"

Soon someone in the universe discovered a problem: "Why did the person who transcended the tribulation pause?"

"Insects in the restricted area!" Gai Jiuyou snorted coldly: "I am going to survive the tribulation today. If you want to fight, then fight!"

So what about the Supreme?He believed that he was at the peak of his quasi-emperor status, that he had obtained the immortal material and regained his youth. He was invincible for the rest of his life. How could he be restricted by these old immortals who were still lingering?

The roar of the Tribulation-Transcending Immortal Song, which is comparable to the Emperor's Sutra, is like a clanking iron cavalry attacking the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation. Gai Jiuyou is truly invincible!
"Still too young."

However, facing Gai Jiuyou, whose momentum had reached its peak, the incomplete Supreme One was not afraid.

He put his hands behind his back: "Gai Jiuyou, you were one step away from becoming an emperor, but you still didn't know the difference between becoming an emperor and not becoming an emperor."

As soon as he pointed it out, all the pressure collapsed, and Gai Jiuyou's Tribulation-Transcending Immortal Song was actually disintegrated one after another.

"Comparable to the Emperor's Scripture?" The Supreme Being smiled lightly: "Which of us does not have the Emperor's Scripture? Your comparison is only comparable."

As soon as the words fell, the Supreme took action, and the universe trembled under this big hand.

"Boy, let me lend you the imperial jar!"

Of course, Gai Jiuyou will not be captured without hesitation. His body has already regained its burly shape, his black hair is flying, and infinite divine power is rushing out of his body!


The imperial jar completely revived in his hands and turned into the figure of a woman.

Swallow the Great Emperor!

This is the manifestation of the complete recovery of the Sky-Swallowing Demonic Jar. The ruthless emperor's former imperial body reappears, making the universe silent in an instant.

A quasi-emperor combined with the ultimate emperor's weapons can suddenly unleash the mighty power of a great emperor!

"This is...the devil!"

The crippled Supreme's eyelids twitched fiercely. They were all afraid of that ruthless person. Even the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers she left behind were so difficult to deal with.

"I'll go and contain the imperial soldiers, and you go and kill Gai Jiuyou."

The Incomplete Supreme took action, while the other Supreme launched a murderous intention towards Gai Jiuyou.

"Well done! Let me fight the Supreme and become enlightened!"

There was no fear at all on Gai Jiuyou's face, only a fighting spirit soaring into the sky.

The clouds of calamity that filled the sky suddenly dissipated.


The charging Immortal Mountain Supreme discovered: "You can't induce the Great Emperor's Tribulation at all. Without a fight of blood and fire, you can't become a Taoist!"

He understood that this was a game. Gai Jiuyou had known for a long time that they would take action, thus fighting against him and others to achieve enlightenment!

"Okay, okay, you are so brave, you even dare to plot against us!"

The Supreme Being of the Immortal Mountain was surprised and sighed at the same time. Gai Wudi was really not a simple person.

"If I can be crowned as invincible, how can I not be feared by others?"

Gai Jiuyou laughed loudly, and the immortal song of transcending the tribulation echoed for nine days, singing and advancing!
He continues to use magical skills to fight the Supreme.

"How could I be fooled by you?"

The Supreme Master pulled away. They were not as young and vigorous as Gai Jiuyou. Their energy and blood had long since declined and they could only survive in the restricted area of ​​life.

A single activity will allow life to flow through without restriction. Now that Gai Jiuyou has not really overcome the tribulation and become an emperor, of course he will not be so stupid.

But how could Gai Jiuyou let him leave? He hurriedly entangled him.A war breaks out in the universe!
Chen Banxian couldn't see clearly and couldn't quite understand. He only saw the stars dimming continuously, chaos, earth and rocks growing out of the water, and strong winds blowing randomly in the void.

In such a battle, the avenue he understood was extremely seriously disturbed, and he could not use it and could only move with his own body.

"Woooo! It's scary!"

Xiaoxue was stunned. He had never seen such a big scene of battle.

As soon as a fairy sound flew out, the star field exploded.

All the people and forces in the entire universe who had the ability to observe this battle felt deeply trembling. In the starry sky, all the trial roads stopped fighting and were deeply shocked.

"Is this the Quasi-Emperor's battle?"

It’s so scary, it feels like the whole universe is about to collapse!
They saw a divine light streaking across the sky, and all the stars and planets exploded along the way, making it unstoppable.

During this battle, Chen Banxian hid on Mount Everest holding a coffin and Xiaoxue for more than 100 days.

The universe was really destroyed, with ruins and debris everywhere, and the fluctuations of the universe never stopped.

Gai Jiuyou lived up to his reputation as Gai Invincible and fought against the Supreme Being as a quasi-emperor for so long.

Finally, all the fluctuations gradually subsided.

Gai Wudi walked back from the universe and returned the emperor jar to Chen Banxian.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Banxian took it, not knowing what the situation was.

He was worried that Gai Jiuyou was actually about to die now, or that he was dead and just came back with a breath.

"I almost didn't want to let them run away."

Gai Jiuyou sighed, a quasi-emperor said it was a pity to let the two supreme beings run away?
Damn it, those were two great emperors who had killed themselves. With their expressions, Chen Banxian thought they were letting the delicious food escape.

(End of this chapter)

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