Chapter 511 The emperor’s name is Jiuyou!

"It's still a little short of becoming an emperor."

Gai Jiuyou regrets that he cannot lead to the Emperor's Tribulation. He needs a life-and-death battle, and needs to continuously accumulate ten thousand auras and sublimate them to the extreme.

"How can it be so easy to become an emperor?" Chen Banxian comforted Gai Wudi. The Quasi-Emperor is already very powerful at the ninth level, so don't put such a heavy burden on your heart.

Gai Jiuyou shook his head and suddenly asked: "Boy, are you free these days?"

"Yes... yes there is..."

In fact, Chen Banxian had been enlightening during this period and was reincarnating in the blood spring in his body. There was nothing important.

"Then just wait another four or five days."

The old man patted the back of his hand and said, "I'll lend you your imperial jar when the time comes."

These words made Chen Banxian feel something was wrong. He opened his mouth, feeling that something was not normal.

The four or five days for Mr. Gai are four days plus five days.

Nine days later, thunder clouds filled the air during the Emperor's Tribulation.

Familiar power enveloped all directions, and a supreme powerhouse walked out of the sacred ruins of the restricted area of ​​life.

The moment he saw the other party, Gai Jiuyou smiled and borrowed Chen Banxian's imperial jar.

After a few breaths, the calamity cloud dissipated and the Supreme God of Shenxu cursed angrily:
"Gai Jiuyou, are you sick and just want to have a fight with me?"

Then, Gai Jiuyou roared into the sky full of fighting spirit: "Don't run!"

Chen Banxian realized it and quietly watched another riot in the universe.

More than 60 days later, the riots subsided, and the Supreme One withdrew, intent on launching a dark turmoil.

But Gai Jiuyou arrived in time, and the other party had to return in frustration.

Half a day later, Mr. Gai's enthusiasm waned: "Oh, it's still close."

"My little friend, how are you doing recently?"


After taking the imperial jar that came back again, he heard the latter's voice again.

"Let's play with me for another four or five days."

"Okay." Chen Banxian was slightly numb.

Four plus five days later, the familiar imperial power fluctuated, and the universe boiled again!
This time, here comes someone who is said to be the Supreme Being in the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

"Boy, use the imperial soldiers!"


Chen Banxian watched the imperial jar fly away. He slowly took out his mobile phone and played an offline solo with the primary school student.

"you lose!"

Chen Banxian said proudly: "This game is really fun."

"It's not fun at all!" Xiaoxue angrily pulled him to sit down: "Come again!"

"You lost again."

"This time I let you!"

More than 80 days later, Gai Jiuyou came back: "Alas..."

"Not even close." Chen Banxian put down his phone to add the rest of his words.

Mr. Gai laughed and was about to open his mouth when Chen Banxian immediately responded: "I have time recently."

"You already know what I'm going to say, haha, then...

"Let's wait another four or five days."

Chen Banxian rolled his eyes: "Old man, can't you just say Jiutian?"

The old man was not angry at being robbed of his words. His eyes showed that he had seen through the vicissitudes of life:

"Four, five days, and nine days, people will always choose the shorter one."


Nine days later, Chen Banxian was having hot pot with Xiaoxue.

"Look, I said you can only rinse this horseradish a little bit, half a second at most. Now it's fine. You rinsed it for [-] seconds. It's spicy now."

"Hiha, siha...not spicy!"

Xiaoxue was stubborn, Chen Banxian slowly picked up the imperial can and prepared to take a sip.

"Boy, let me borrow the Emperor's Jar!"

A familiar voice came, and after a few breaths, the thunder calamity rolled!
As the saying goes, again, again, twice, never again, this time the people in the restricted area learned the lesson and stayed still, thinking that Gai Jiuyou was deceiving them.

In the ancient mine of Taichu, there are voices communicating.

"He has overcome another tribulation."

"Mostly just pretending, this is the third time." Another voice replied angrily: "md, he just wants to lure us out, establish an invincible fighting spirit, and sublimate it to the highest level."

They had long seen Gai Jiuyou's tricks.

"Oh, it's so difficult to become an emperor. It's impossible to accumulate invincible experience without killing the ancient road across the stars. If everyone ignores him, his plan will naturally be shattered."

The supreme beings in the restricted area of ​​life will never be fooled again, after all, every time they go out and lose their lives, they will lose their lives.

The Road to Immortality was in poor condition when it was opened. It is very likely that tens of thousands or millions of years of waiting will come to nothing.

Chen Banxian thought so too.

Until a thunderstorm that penetrated the sky and the earth broke out in the universe, crossing tens of thousands of stars and the endless void, and struck Gai Jiuyou hard.


Chen Banxian's chopsticks holding his hairy belly slipped from his fingers.

"Old man, are you serious?!!"

In an instant, supreme beings appeared in several restricted areas and fiercely attacked Gai Jiuyou.

"Damn it, you actually used a trick to defeat Jiuyou. You are in vain!"

They were deceived, and the story of the boy who cried wolf actually came true for them?

A total of three supreme beings appeared and attacked Gai Jiuyou who was under the thunder tribulation.


The thunder calamity that shocked the universe suddenly dispersed.

At this moment, the divine power of the three supreme beings was slightly stagnant, and an idea came to their minds.

It's fake again!

"Gai Jiuyou!" One person roared: "You have been playing tricks on us again and again, so you have nothing to do!"


A war breaks out again in the universe!

Chen Banxian picked up the fallen piece of hairy belly with chopsticks, thinking too much.

Mr. Gai is really...naughty.

He admitted that he was frightened when Lei Jie fell and swept, and Mr. Gai pretended to be successful.

Therefore, he was very indifferent when the fourth, fifth, and sixth thunder disasters appeared.

He even generously handed the imperial jar to the latter: "It's annoying to ask me to borrow it every time I shake. Let's go back first, and you can play slowly."

With ruthless people around, he didn't worry about losing the imperial jar at all.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth thunder tribulations, Gai Jiuyou pretended to look more and more like him. Each time it seemed like a real emperor's tribulation, with thousands of forces pressing against him.

At first, there were still two or three people running out of the penalty area, which shocked the world. Later, the thunder and lightning struck for several days before the supreme leader came to see the situation.

On the tenth time, the supreme beings in the penalty area didn't believe it at all.

"Here we go again, damn this human race is really full and has nothing to do!"

"How about we go out together and beat him to death? The life essence of a quasi-emperor is enough to make up for our consumption."

"No, the imperial weapons in his hands are not simple. We can't do anything if we hide in them for a while, unless they are extremely sublimated."

At this time, none of them can afford it.

But dozens of days later, the thunderstorm was still striking, and they were a little panicked.

A Supreme Contacted the Immortal Mountain: "Do you want to send someone to take a look?"

"dont see!"

Immortal Mountain refused decisively: "You have forgotten that Gai Jiuyou's Immortal Song of Transcending Tribulation is no different from the Heavenly Tribulation. Most of them are still fishing."

There was complete silence in all the restricted areas. One Supreme sneered: "Let him pretend, let him pretend. We are just like watching a monkey, watching him act."

"That's not right. Will he be struck down by lightning and injured while acting?"

"That's right. In order to attract me and others, Gai Jiuyou even committed suicide."

A few days later, the phantom of the Great Emperor emerged from the thunder tribulation.

"No, this seems to be true!"

There is supreme concern.

"What are you afraid of?" The other supremes sneered: "He has just improved his cultivation. You see, this old guy pretends to be quite similar."

A few days later, a Supreme in the Taichu Ancient Mine felt something was wrong: "Look, are those things the elixir of death? Ordinary people can't imitate this stuff."

"And Gai Jiuyou's current state really seems like he's in a bloody fight."

"That's the effect of his Tribulation-Transcending Immortal Song. He created his own technique that is no less than the Emperor's Sutra. It's incredible."

"So what if he survives the Great Emperor's Tribulation? There are so many of us, it's a big deal."

With that said, the restricted area fell silent again.

But one day later, the Tianxin mark fell and was held by Gai Jiuyou in his palm.

He opened a space door lightly, revealing Chen Banxian's figure.

At that time, Chen Banxian was relocating Mount Everest to the earth and cultivating a batch of Mianyang. It is said that the castrated Mianyang meat is particularly delicious when made into hot pot.


He was startled and turned around to see Gai Jiuyou with flowing black hair standing behind him.

"My little friend, give me back the imperial jar."

Gai Jiuyou smiled and held a string of luminous things in his hand.

"what is that?"

Chen Banxian asked curiously. He guessed that it might be a treasure snatched from a certain Forbidden City Supreme.

"Oh, this thing is just ordinary, just the Tianxin mark."

Mr. Gai said casually.

"Oh, Tianxin Seal..."

"What? Tianxin Seal!!!"

He widened his eyes and looked at Mr. Gai carefully, only to realize that he was different.

When I closed my eyes again and felt, the suppression of Wan Dao was stronger than ever before!
"Oh my god! Master, you have become enlightened!"

His heart was beating violently, he couldn't believe it!
It's over, it's over, the situation has changed, and the old man has actually become enlightened?

"I thought, I thought...

His speech was incoherent, and I thought for a long time.

"Do you think that I am still increasing my combat experience, waiting for the ultimate sublimation, and using it to deceive those supreme beings?"

Gai Jiuyou sneered: "I have already done these things 8000 years ago."

The old man smiled lightly, and the light of Tianxin's mark reflected his majestic face.

"Nearly 8000 years ago, I failed to attack the Great Emperor, but I also gained a certain amount of experience. Therefore, by becoming an alternative, I already had the capital to be promoted to the Great Emperor."

"I, Gai Jiuyou, only spent more than 1000 years to become a quasi-emperor, and then spent the remaining 8000 years waiting for the Qing Emperor's path to dissipate. Unfortunately, in the end, my energy and blood declined, and I no longer reached the peak, and there was no way to make another ultimate leap. "

The Tianxin Seal was integrating into his imperial body, and the old man trembled: "I finally waited for the opportunity, and took the ultimate leap!"

This is Gai Jiuyou.

Chen Banxian was moved in his heart. He had been waiting for more than 8000 years just to realize the truth.

"Boy, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to obtain immortality to make up for the shortcomings of my body."

Gai Jiuyou patted his shoulder: "I'll come back to you after I deal with some causes and effects."

Chen Banxian nodded numbly, and the emperor patted his shoulder.Be sure to post it on Moments later to show off!

He returned to Baihu City and met Sword Master Duanwei, who was having a supper on the pedestrian street.

No one can resist the charm of modern life, not even the Juggernaut!

A few days later, the entire Northern Territory was shaken!

The Golden Clan of the ancient royal family was wiped out, the Primordial Lake was almost destroyed, and most of the Blood Phoenix Mountain was destroyed!
There is no news about the initiator of all this. Some people think that Gai Jiuyou may have passed the Great Emperor Tribulation. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can now see how serious Wan Dao's suppression is.

But the restricted areas were like dead without saying a word.

The emperor in his prime!Who dares to provoke?
Emperor's name: Jiuyou!
(End of this chapter)

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