There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 512 The Secret of Soldiers

"The plot line has changed."

On top of Mount Everest, Chen Banxian shook his cattail leaf fan and watched the sunset slanting over the mountain.

After Gai Jiuyou became emperor, all the ancient tribes held their tails between their legs and dominated the world.

The life in Baihu City became peaceful in an instant, and no ancient clan dared to oppress him again, because the number of people who once protected Gai Jiuyou and brought him to the ancient forbidden land increased.

It looks like a good situation.

People ushered in precious stability.

"Boy, come here and realize the truth."

Half of Mount Everest is in the Eastern Wilderness and half is on the earth. Gai Jiuyou's voice came from the Eastern Wilderness.

"Come on, old man!"

Chen Banxian ran over with a chuckle. In today's Eastern Wasteland, who has a bigger background than him?

The current emperor became enlightened because of him!

During this period, Gai Jiuyou gained enlightenment from the Tianxin Seal, and called Chen Banxian to help him realize it.

In the words of Mr. Gai:
"I can't defeat you, but luckily labor and capital have become the emperor."

The imprint of Tianxin contains ten thousand ways of covering the sky, which are presented to the two of them in a straightforward textbook manner.

Emperor Jiuyou is comprehending the deeper Tao, while Chen Banxian is observing on the superficial level.

This looks like hundreds of years.

Chen Banxian's cultivation is improving every day, making continuous progress towards the ninth realm.

When he understands all the ten thousand ways, he will reach the eighth level of Great Perfection and enter the ninth level.

If you practice the method of covering the sky, you are constantly climbing the steps of the Immortal Platform. If you practice the method of Qingxuan, you are using your body to match the Tao, and go into the void to find the Tao that belongs to you.

Chen Changsheng searched for all the eight ways and realized the way of the word "Zhou Yu" in one.

Alas... Chen Changsheng is also his backer.

At this moment, Chen Banxian suddenly had some fighting spirit. His backer was so hard, what else was he trying to do?

Youhu, Gai Jiuyou walked out of the Tianxin Seal: "You are really right, I still have a bloodline still in the world."

"I prefer the days when you call me husband."

Chen Banxian sounded extremely awkward. After all, the Jiuyou Emperor was still a quasi-emperor and was about to die of old age.

But now, I call myself Lao Tzu just because Emperor Jiuyou has returned to his prime.

"Wouldn't it be too old for me to still call me old man? It just so happens that my disciple has found my bloodline. Why don't you accompany me for a while?"

"Give me the fortune teller first." Chen Banxian stretched out his hand: "I am a half-immortal who charges for fortune telling, and not just any cat or dog is qualified to default on my account."

"Cough cough..."

Gai Jiuyou squinted at Chen Banxian, "You kid actually dare to be disrespectful to the emperor. I'm sorry you are No. 60 five times. I, the emperor, have a lot of them."

He reached into the void and touched it, and took out two tea leaves from the Ancient Enlightenment Tree: "It's just ripe, just what you need."

Chen Banxian:......

He wanted to have something else, but he couldn't say it. The two tea leaves turned into light and disappeared in front of Gai Jiuyou.

"Ding: Obtain the secret of military characters."

Ninth Secret Chen Banxian’s second harvest.

Yes, he is worthy of being an emperor, he can always bring out good things.

Chen Banxian could remember Gai Jiuyou's feat of controlling the ancient emperor's soldiers with the Secret of Bing Zi. When he became more advanced, he would be able to be so powerful.

Emperor Jiuyou led the way and took one step to change the world. The two of them were no longer in the East Wasteland.

"This is Middle-earth."

This burly man walked in front: "You haven't met my disciple yet, have you? You happen to have no girlfriend, how about I help you match her up?"

The emperor's words will be followed, and if Gai Jiuyou really wants to speak, it might come true.

"do not!"

Chen Banxian immediately refused: "I don't like other people's arrangements for freedom of marriage in this era!"

"That's a pity."

Gai Jiuyou smiled slightly and wiped away the disguise on Chen Banxian's face.

The latter did not know it and came to the Emperor Worship City in Central Continent together.

The City of Worship was named after the Emperor of the Void who once came there. There are temples of the Emperor of the Void in many places in the city.

"This is the place where I first rose to prominence, and I also fell in love with so many women."

"I miss you so much. I didn't come back very often. I didn't expect that my bloodline still remains."

Gai Jiuyou walked in front, all the supernatural powers on his body were restrained, and he looked no different from a middle-aged ordinary person.

But along the way, everyone looked at them blankly.

Chen Banxian took it for granted that it was normal for the emperor to travel.

He had to sigh from the bottom of his heart: "As expected of the Great Emperor, he is the center of the world wherever he goes."

This time I was lucky enough to experience [the ordinary life of an emperor].

"Boy, let me tell you, my disciple is so beautiful. Some people praise her: her hair is shiny, her skin is like snow, her lips are red and her teeth are white, her eyes are like black crystal, she is so handsome that she is almost evil."

Chen Banxian said "Oh": "I'm tired of hearing this kind of talk."

Nowadays, it is fashionable to return to one's original nature. He prefers the feeling of freedom without anyone watching. What is the word?

Beautiful soul!
"Then let's find an ugly woman to fuck you with?" Gai Jiuyou sneered: "If you do, I'll find one for you right away."

"do not!"

In an instant, Chen Banxian's face changed: "I'm warning you, anyone who is not as good-looking as me is not qualified to be my significant other!"

These words made Gai Jiuyou turn around and look him up and down.

Then he commented: "You kid, you are going to be alone all your life."


The City of Worship is an ancient city. It has prosperous towering buildings, all built with mortise and tenon joints of sacred trees, as well as dilapidated private houses, which are unremarkable.

The two of them arrived at the quaint four-box house.

The green tiles were dripping with rainwater. It had just rained heavily.

However, the emperor did not dare to disobey when traveling to heaven and earth, and the heavy rain dissipated the moment Emperor Jiuyou came.

Not only that, the sky is covered with red clouds and rainbows guard the city, like a portal to the gods.

Among the people living in the Qingwa Courtyard, the owner walked into the courtyard and looked at the scene and couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise:
"What a beautiful celestial phenomenon. Ancient books record that the last time such a celestial phenomenon occurred was the day when the Great Emperor of the Void came to earth."

"Sir, my wife has asked you to have breakfast."

A young servant came over with his head lowered. He was a servant of this rich family. Because his parents died early, he was sold to this family named Wan.

"I understand, sir, I want to see the sky again. Wan San'er, go and tell Madam and ask her to eat first."

Mr. Wan didn't look back and continued to enjoy the scenery.

Wan San'er didn't leave, so he asked cautiously: "By the way, Master, does the boy in the pig shed really don't care?"

"What the hell." Mr. Wan got angry when he talked about this: "I exchanged five taels of silver to bury my father, but after entering the house, I didn't know how to do this or that. Now I have a bad cold, and I'm going to die." .”

"Master... Wan San'er wanted to say something else, but she quickly stopped when she saw Master Wan's face darkening.

If he keeps talking, he will probably be punished too.

He had better go back and tell his wife the master's orders, and then he went to the dining room to make a bowl of vegetable porridge.

Wan's family is not considered a wealthy family, and a mouthful of gruel is enough.

Wan San'er didn't drink, but walked towards the pig shed with the bowl in hand.

From a distance, I could smell a strong fishy stench. When I got closer, I saw a young man lying under the eaves outside the pig shed that could barely cover the rain.

Thin clothes, shorts that exposed her calves, and a pair of straw sandals.

A dozen days ago there was a powerful fight outside the city, and the climate dropped to freezing point overnight. This is how the young man caught a cold.

He had no thick clothes and passed out from the cold that day.

For more than ten days, he even gave the boy food in the first few days, but later the master thought he was wasting food and left him to fend for himself.The boy is dying.

Wan Saner sighed and put the bowl to the boy's mouth.

"Brother, there's nothing I can do about it. It's torture for you to live. Just eat this bowl of rice and hit the road."

For the poor, such a bowl of rice porridge is very precious.

In many places, they can only eat grass roots and chew tree bark.

Especially after the fighting in the past few days, a lot of rice and wheat outside the city were destroyed, which made the poor people even worse.

The boy was motionless, as if he were dead.


Wan Saner sighed and left slowly.

He didn't know that as soon as the front foot left, the boy on the back foot twitched all over and suddenly woke up.

"Ahem, I'm not dead? Who would have thought that I, Ye Changan, am not dead?"

He stood up and sat up, taking a closer look at himself.

"Merging with the soul of an ordinary boy, tsk tsk, it turns out he was bullied by the landlord."

"Forget it, I will avenge this revenge for you."

He sat up with difficulty and looked at the porridge with dissatisfaction. This landowner was so inhumane. Who could eat such a little porridge?

After drinking it in two gulps, Ye Changan felt something in his stomach. After sitting down, Ye Changan began to adjust his breath and meditate.

Once you recover a little bit of cultivation, you can kill Master Wan and his family.

At this time, Mr. Wan, who was completely unaware, shivered all over and tightened his clothes:

"Alas, the weather has not improved even though we have been fighting hard for the past few days."

Forget it, let's go back to eat. We can't get enough of watching the sky.

At this moment, a boy came to report: "Master Wan, there is someone outside the door asking to see you. A middle-aged man, ordinary, but the other one is so good-looking!"

The boy was incoherent: "Oh my God, I have never seen such a beautiful person in my life. She is more beautiful than the princess of our country!"

"Oh, is it really what you said?"

Mr. Wan narrowed his eyes: "Take me to see it quickly!"

The two of them hurried to the gate of the house and opened it. At first glance, the person in front was ordinary, but the person behind made Mr. Wan unable to look away as if he had been cast with a restraining technique.

"The world...there is such a beautiful color in the world!"

Mr. Wan kept nodding: "Okay, okay!"

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes and realized that something was not right.

He quietly pulled Gai Jiuyou's sleeve: "This is your bloodline, isn't it a bit too rough?"

This is an insult to your name as Emperor Jiuyou!

Gai Jiuyou's face didn't look very good either. He was disappointed that his descendants were so virtuous.

At this time, a person walked out of the door, cold and frosty, so handsome that he was almost evil.

"That's why I didn't identify myself."

The person who came was none other than Gai Jiuyou's disciple, Xia Jiuyou.

Chen Banxian looked at her, who looked away and said to himself:

"This Wan Dahai is a small landowner nearby. He usually bullies others and is stingy. The servants at home cannot eat any meat for months."

She had been observing for a long time, and she was very disappointed by the descendants of her master.

But as long as she was Master's descendant, she didn't hide anything and left everything to Master's decision.

"Yeah." Gai Jiuyou found that Wan Dahai was still looking at Chen Banxian, looking like he was in a trance.

"My man!" Chen Banxian told him, and the latter nodded subconsciously: "A man is good, a man is good."

"What are your descendants?" Chen Banxian touched his face and cast an accusing look at Gai Jiuyou.

"How about killing it and rebuilding it."


Xia Jiuyou stared at Chen Banxian: "You are not allowed to make up stories about Master's descendants!"

She had a strong tendency to take action, and her eyes were fixed on Chen Banxian's face.

"All right."

Gai Jiuyou's mood was waning: "Forget it. Seeing that he is doing well, let's forget it."

He gave up the idea of ​​cultivating this virtue. Even if he practiced it, it would not go far.

"Master, he also has an heir."

Xia Jiuyou stared at Chen Banxian and said, "Maybe master can take another look. After all, he is considered your descendant."

"Then let's see."

The emperor spoke and directly entered the Wanjia mansion.

"Beauty, wait for me!"

Wan Dahai ran over licking his face and finally regained some sense.

"My name is Wan Dahai. I am a landowner with thousands of acres of land in my hands."

"Beauty, I don't know where your home is. How many people are there in your home?"

Chen Banxian couldn't help but wanted to ignore him, and kept staring at Gai Jiuyou with resentful eyes.

He'd be a fool if he didn't understand what was going on.

This damn old man didn’t know when his disguise was broken. What a bad idea!

I guess I still want to bring him and Xia Jiuyou together.

Looking forward, you can see Xia Jiuyou with his sword drawn, staring at him.

The hand holding the sword had no strength at all, and the other party had no desire to take action.

Youhu, there is a boy approaching them in the corner!

Chen Banxian curled up into a smile and stretched out his hand to touch him.

The boy couldn't move and his expression changed drastically!
Who is that?He actually sealed the space around him with just one finger!
In his previous life, Ye Changan was in the realm of great power, and his soul was extremely powerful, but he couldn't break through?

He saw several people approaching the courtyard and found a child about three years old.

Wan Dahai hurriedly said to Chen Banxian: "This is my dog, don't mind. When we get better later, I will divorce my first wife and you will become the eldest wife."

Even if it was a beautiful thought, she actually wanted him to be my concubine.

Even if Chen Banxian lost his mind, he still couldn't find any possibility.

He simply used one hand to imprison the latter.

Xia Jiuyou drew his sword and finally said nothing.

She also felt that Mr. Wan was a little too disgusting, but after all, he was the descendant of the master, so he still had to give him some face.

"Not very good qualifications."

The girl went up to check it out and said, "It may be Master's bloodline when you were young. Not much has been inherited in such a long time."

"No problem."

Gai Jiuyou didn't care about this. Compared with Wan Dahai, this child was much more pleasing to the eye.

He is the Great Emperor, so there is no problem in reversing his qualifications.

The group of people left calmly. As they left, Chen Banxian glanced at Ye Changan with a flash of light in his eyes.

For some reason, Ye Changan's soul trembled when he saw these eyes.

What is the background of Wan Dahai, and why do such terrifying and beautiful people appear?

He didn't know that Chen Banxian had already informed the underworld at this time.

"What should we do? A monk's soul has been lost in the world? Why don't you hurry up and catch him!"

Emperor Fengdu personally ordered that the Huangni Road extended to Wanjia almost in the next second. A large number of ghosts rushed to take action, not daring to disobey the order!
(End of this chapter)

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