There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 514 The fate of accepting a disciple

Chapter 514 The fate of accepting a disciple
"Don't ask me, who covers this mountain?"

Chen Banxian shook his hand: "Cai Xuan Clan? Which green onion? I had never heard of it during the competition for Mount Everest and the Kunlun gathering. Why are you so arrogant with me?"

Cai Mingran had a splitting headache, and the man put his foot on his head again.

This slap can only lift that hundred-foot boulder?

What a liar!This slap can at least destroy the sacred mountain under your feet!

"stand up."

Chen Banxian took away his feet, and the latter staggered up. He did not dare to lie down.

So strong, this person can't be in the eighth realm.

Unless he is an existence like the young master of the ancient clan!

"Who the hell told you to get up left foot first?"

The next second, Chen Banxian came up and kicked Cai Mingran hard in the ribs again.


He spit out a large mouthful of blood, the pressure in his body was unbalanced, and his internal organs were exploded.

"stand up."

The devil's voice echoed in Cai Mingran's ears again.

He trembled all over, his white leather armor was covered with dust and dirt, mixed with little bits of blood. This time he tremblingly raised his right foot first.

"Who told you to lift your right foot first?"

What he got in exchange was another blast!
The young man had been watching blankly. At this time, Chen Banxian walked up to him, pointed at Cai who was on the ground and looked as embarrassed as a dead dog, and said clearly:
"Can this thing even threaten you? Didn't I tell you, Xiao Gai, that I tell you to practice more on weekdays, but you just don't listen. Do you know the benefits of practice now?"

"Look at me, I practice seriously on weekdays, and I am diligent and don't dare to slack off for a day, so I can stand here now."

He kicked again, causing Cai Mingran to scream and squirm on the ground. This kick hit his soul so hard that it was unbearable.

"Look, this is the result of not practicing well. If you go out and get beaten, you can only scream."

The young man nodded thoughtfully: "Brother Chen, you are right, but... I also want to practice, but Grandpa Zu won't let me practice."

Chen Banxian, who was lecturing, had a look on his face. He almost forgot that Gai Jiuyou was looking for precious materials to sort out the bloodline qualifications of his grandson in the next generation, so he never asked him to practice.

The method of covering the sky has been laying the foundation since the beginning of the sea of ​​suffering. Once the foundation somewhere is not good, it will become the main culprit for the collapse of high-rise buildings one day in the future.

Even among the extraordinary beings in Baihu City, those with extraordinary abilities are better qualified than those without extraordinary abilities.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

Chen Banxian's expression remained unchanged: "Then today this person is trying to teach you a lesson. I hope you will practice more diligently in the future and don't waste your qualifications... It seems that you don't have much qualifications."

He looked back and saw Cai Mingran crawling hard on the ground, trying to escape while talking.

"Do you still want to run?"

Chen Banxian gently covered the boy's eyes.

There was a soft sound, and then the two of them walked towards the top of the mountain.

"Brother Chen, did you kill him?"

"Children ask all day about whether it is good to fight or kill. If you have nothing to do, just copy the Void Emperor Sutra a few times. Your ancestors spent a lot of effort to get it. It will be very useful to you in the future. Big help.”

The young man looked shocked: "Brother Chen, there are more than 16 words!"

"Oh, it's only 16 words."

The young man cried and wanted to show off, but Chen Banxian slapped him on the buttocks until he screamed!
The Caixuan clan is just an interlude, and the days of seclusion on Mount Everest are endless.

Chen Banxian practiced step by step every day, and the speed of comprehending ten thousand ways with Gai Jiuyou's Tianxin Seal was greatly increased. Occasionally, Jiaojiao would come with the sword spirit to bring him food.

According to her, the food outside is not clean, but it is better to make it yourself, which is delicious, natural and pollution-free.

When he has time, he will also think about divination, lose all his spiritual power and extraordinaryness, and make calculations as an ordinary person.

Emperor Fuxi intervened in the cause of the hexagram, and Chen Banxian's knowledge of the hexagram result was profound and he needed endless time to study.

On this day, the enlightenment of Tianxin Seal ended, and Gai Jiuyou stepped into the vast universe, not knowing what to do.

Xiaoxue hid in the mountains and ate hot pot, while Chen Banxian felt something.

He picked up a branch from the ground and threw it into the sky.

"Hey, the hexagram of Huotian Dayou?"

All this was done subconsciously. When I regained consciousness, the branch had already fallen to the northwest.

It is a high place to leave the bishop and unite the heavens, and it is also for him.

Is this the fate of enlightenment?
Chen Banxian touched his chin: "Am I going to take on a disciple?"

This is a rare thing, he has only accepted one Aigwei so far.

But fortune-telling is about to bring blessings to the soul. Although Aigwei has obtained some of his true stories, there is still a long way to go before he can reach the gods.

Chen Banxian originally thought that he would never accept a disciple.

He put the matter aside and thought about it in his mind.

Did he take the initiative to manifest the image just now, or was God using his hand to create the image?
Was it his own doing, or was it God's intention?

He had an intuition in his heart. If he understood this, he would get the true biography of Emperor Fuxi.

"Brother Chen, what are you thinking about?"

Xiao Gai ran over, but he glared at him: "Have you finished your homework?"

He ran back dejectedly.

Can't figure it out.

The state of Fu Zhi's mind before was even more spiritual than Enlightenment Tea. It was a state "above enlightenment" and you couldn't catch it by force.

"If a talented person like me learns so hard, who can be the leader again?"

He shook his head and sighed, clicking his tongue.


It was night, and the sound of climbing came from the foot of Mount Everest.

"It's confirmed, this one is buried on the top of Mount Everest, and the other one is buried in the Great Trench outside the Eastern Wasteland."

Four or five teenagers were climbing up the mountain with difficulty, carrying another teenager who had passed out.

They were panting from exhaustion, but still refused to give up!

These people climbed up from the side closer to the earth. After finally reaching the top of the peak, they chose a location to quickly dig a hole and bury people, all in one movement!
In the end, a few people stepped on the dirt hard.

"TMD, you guys are not single yet, so you're looking for a wife? I can't pamper you!"

Five or six people vented a few words and then ran down the mountain in a hurry.

They had just returned from the Great Trench.

"Isn't the sixth child awake?"

They were still worried and discussed on the road.

"Don't worry, my medicine can fool the demon clan. No matter what, Lao Liu will have to sleep for several days. When he wakes up, we won't know anything."

"It's not good to find anyone. If you're looking for someone from outside, you have to have a good memory!"

"It's buried so far this time. Let's see how he can find anyone."

"It's not good..." A relatively thin boy felt sorry: "After all, it was Lao Liu who chased someone twice, and it finally happened. Will it be very sad?"

"Instead of being sad, it's better to think about whether he will be eaten by monsters."

"What the heck, fast lanes have been opened here, and there are Nine Cities warriors who have been punished and imprisoned by the priests everywhere. It is very safe. If there is any danger, we have already eliminated it."

"The other side of the trench is also a tourist attraction, and there are people watching it."

A group of young people just said a word to each other and left the buried person behind.

Three days later, Tukeng suddenly stretched out a hand and crawled out of the ground.

"Fuck! Fuck! You're suffocating me to death!"

Li Liu climbed up from the ground. He kept patting the mud on his body: "MD, it's really buried!" He couldn't believe that his roommate who lived together day and night would really bury him.

"Isn't it just that my confession was successful twice? My perseverance moved God!"

Knowing this group of bad friends is really a bad luck for eight lifetimes.

"You guys are jealous!"

He cursed loudly on the top of the mountain, took out his mobile phone from his arms, and opened the map.

"Nima, so far?"

He quickly contacted Ke Anna, and the result showed that the other party's phone had been turned off.

Cruel, so cruel!
Inevitably, he yelled again.

"Stop calling."

At this moment, a person slowly walked down from the top of the mountain: "You have awakened me from my sweet dreams. Hiding so high, you can't avoid the noise of the mortal world."

"Who are you?" Li Liu took half a step back, "Are you also a soldier who was punished to plant trees here?"

"No, I'm on vacation here."

Chen Banxian walked around him twice, but he didn't look like his apprentice.

There is a thread between the two sides, connected by fate.

"You look so stupid."

Chen Banxian was a little disgusted and planned to go against fate.

Just collect it tomorrow.

"No, wait! Old man, don't walk so fast."

Li Liu was still very scared on the mountain alone. He stepped forward and grabbed Chen Banxian's sleeve: "Let's walk together, I'm a little scared."

Chen Banxian stopped and took off a piece of white plastic from the back of his clothes.

It was very small, only as long as a finger. He put it in the palm of his hand and twisted it, and the place where the plastic piece was touched turned into white powder.

He knew this stuff. It had become popular on the black market recently. It was a new type of intoxicating drug.

It only needs to be attached to the victim's body and within a few minutes, it can silently invade the victim's body, affect the central nervous system and brain, and cause coma.

They are usually sold to entertainment venues such as bars, or to monks who are out on missions.

"Hey, brother, what is this thing on your hand? It's quite fun."

Li Liu asked first, the expression on his face was full of curiosity, as if he didn't know what it was.

"I don't know." Chen Banxian smiled lightly, "Let's go, I want to go back to the top of the mountain. If you want to come, just follow me."

"Ah? That's just on the way. I also want to go to the top of the mountain to enjoy the scenery."

Li Liu was filled with joy and took out some candies from his arms.

"Brother, I don't bring any snacks when I go out. Why don't you try a few?"

Chen Banxian glanced at it and didn't refuse. He picked it up and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It tastes good. I haven't eaten strawberry-flavored candy for a long time. The ones here are not authentic."

Seeing Chen Banxian eating, Li Liu's expression remained unchanged, and he opened the topic intentionally or unintentionally.

"Brother, how old are you this year? Are you also studying in Jia City?"

"I'm from the Chen'an branch of Jia City, and I'm currently a sophomore in college."

"Oh, I'm at Liangcheng University, I'm almost in my third year, I haven't graduated yet."

Chen Banxian smiled as he recalled a period of time long ago.

Until now, Liangcheng University has not issued him a certificate. Strictly speaking, he has not graduated yet.

"Liangcheng? Is it a new city? I don't know much about it."

Li Liu recalled it and found that he had indeed never heard of this name.

However, due to the massive increase in population, the Nine Cities have spread out early, and many big cities have been established. It is normal that you have never heard of them.

He thought it might be some cities that merged with Yan State.

Influenced by the Nine Cities, Yan State, the only nearby big country, emerged from feudal society 200 years ago and integrated with Baihu City.

"Brother, do you live here?"

Li Liu was a little surprised when he reached the top of the mountain. He only saw an ordinary thatched house with bright light from the front and back, and he could tell what was inside at a glance.

Not even a computer, so barren.

However, if you look to the right, you can see some digging sounds coming from the woods, and you can see Jiucheng's warriors shuttling inside. They are obviously the unlucky ones who have been punished.

Until now, Jiucheng has not figured out this mountain.

"Yes, this place is cool in winter and warm in summer, so it's not bad. Come on, come in."

Chen Banxian invited him into the room for a cup of tea. Li Liu's expression remained normal, but he refused:

"Forget it, I still have some scenery that I haven't checked in yet, so I won't let you go yet."

He took out a few more candies from another pocket: "Brother, you like to eat candies, I'll leave these to you. The shelf life is tomorrow, but be sure not to expire."

After saying that, he ran towards the warriors and stopped at the edge of the priest's planned range.

Maintain a state where you can run in at any time.

The soldiers glanced at him and looked away, silently counting the days until they would be released after serving their sentences.

It wasn't until Li Liu was out of sight that Chen Banxian looked back and pinched the candy in his palm.

"Hmm...well, I kind of like this guy."

He talked to himself, from the drug he first came into contact with, to the strawberry-flavored poison pill later, to the antidote and amnesia pill now.

Li Liu?Worthy of taking up six characters.

He reached out at random and grabbed someone from the ground. Who was it if it wasn't Xiaoxue?

"Oops, don't pull my hair, I just did my hair style!"

Xiaoxue looked unhappy, "What are you doing? Do you want to treat me to hot pot?"

"You do me a favor."

Chen Banxian took out a book from the imperial jar and moved his fingers to create a flow of light:

"Did the student who came down the mountain see it? Give him the book and tell him to read it carefully. I will inspect it in three months."


Xiaoxue rolled her eyes: "Are you able to hold on after eating enough?"

"What does it mean to be full?" Chen Banxian said angrily: "I told you to look at your phone less. You have been spoiled by the trend on the Internet."

He stuffed the book and said, "Hurry up and do it, don't let me confiscate your phone!"

"Hmph! You know how to bully people."

Xiaoxue reluctantly picked up the book and walked down the mountain.

Teaching people, right?I asked you to teach!
He ran his fingers across the book, and the order of the writing on it was suddenly reversed and scrambled.

He has also read this book, but it is purely boring. The way to start hexagrams is to feel first and then act.

But in this confusion, He acted first and then felt, putting the cart before the horse.

"Hmph! Bad guy, you are tormenting me every day, but you are not a domineering president!"

He used a random trick, and the book drew a beautiful arc from the sky and hit Li Liu hard on the forehead.


"Fuck!" Li Liu picked up the book and looked around: "Who? Who is littering:"

(End of this chapter)

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