Chapter 515 Three Hundred Wishes

After yelling for a while, Li Liu looked at the thing in his hand, and then realized that it was a book.

Open it and look at "Easy to Count Plum Blossoms".

What the hell?

It seems to be some kind of small book with some color.

He put it away subconsciously, spent a few days walking to the foot of the mountain, and spent a few more days waiting for the shuttle bus and taking the car home.

I saw him throwing the black coins into the shuttle bus cash box, and after passing through, he pulled them back with a string and put them into his arms.

"Hiss, you are the stingiest person I have ever seen."

Suddenly there was a voice, and Li Liu hurriedly turned his head to check.

"Who! Who's talking?"

He looked around and saw that he was the only one in the entire shuttle, driven by artificial intelligence.

If it were not for picking up the soldiers on Mount Everest, this bus would not have come.

I remember that at the beginning, the travel company made a lot of money from this project, but later the price was too expensive and the round trip time was too long, so no one came.

"What a ghost." Li Liu muttered, feeling terrified in his heart. Isn't this deep in the mountains and forests contaminated with something unclean?

He touched his body and took out the book.

This is all that was brought from the mountain.

He threw the book on the back seat and didn't want it anymore. It was unlucky.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Li Liu felt something in his arms. When he took it out, he saw that it was the book he had just thrown away.

What the hell! ! !

He was horrified, dropped the book on the ground with trembling hands, and wanted to get out of the car.

But at this time, the vehicle had already started running, giving him no chance to get out of the car. All the doors had been welded shut.

"You... what are you!"

He screamed in panic and pressed the smart call system.

"Stop! Stop! There is a ghost in this car!"

At this moment, Li Liu thought of many horror movies he had watched, including many Shuttle movies like this one.

The protagonists and dozens of people were in the car. Because the intelligent system failed in the wilderness, they accidentally entered a hostile place and the entire army was annihilated.

The shuttle bus will not stop. You cannot perform other operations during the dark space jump. You can only watch one by one die and then it is your turn!
Li Liuqi remembered the one last night, in which everyone died in the end, and the shuttle returned to human society with that thing.

"No? Isn't that a movie, but a documentary?"

Li Liu recalled that movie as if it was his own city.

"Dear passengers, what do you need?"

The artificial intelligence projection walked up to him and made standard etiquette inquiries.

"Stop the car quickly!" Li Liu shouted in panic, but the artificial intelligence told him:
"Currently, everything in the itinerary is normal. According to the regulations promulgated by the roundtable, we are temporarily unable to accept your request. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you."

"Damn artificial intelligence!" Li Liu smashed the tables and chairs: "I told you to stop the car! Did you hear that? I am a consumer! I am a student!"

"Sorry, no itinerary has been detected yet, please...


Li Liu was so angry that he had no choice but to try to destroy the book himself.

He took a deep breath and recalled the teachings of his magic teacher. The spiritual energy in his body circulated, and he outlined the talisman in the air with mysterious gestures.


There was a soft sound, indicating that Fu Zuan failed.

"Why did I fail at the third level of Qi training?"

Li Liu was unwilling to give in and sketched Fu Zuan again, but the result was still a failure.

"Damn it, I've been successful before, why can't I do it today?"

He kept taking deep breaths, planning to try again.

But at this moment, the book flew over: "If I were you, I would choose to increase the spiritual energy input at the sixth stroke of the talisman. You are too stable, and the weak connection cannot carry the talisman and talisman." .”

Damn it, the book is really talking!
Li Liu screamed: "Artificial intelligence, look, look, it's this thing, it's going to hurt me!"

Phantom walked over again and looked around: "Sorry, dear customer, no other dangerous items have been detected."

"You are blind! Such a big book!"

Li Liu persisted, only to receive a cold reply from the artificial intelligence.

"Dear Mr. Li Liu, if you insist on causing commotion, we will contact the law enforcement bureau and mental institution at the destination to provide you with help."

"do not!"

Li Liu shut up immediately. Ghosts are indeed things that humans cannot see, and artificial intelligence is no exception.

"I'm not a ghost."

A person also walked out of the book, looking like a girl: "The technology level of this train is not high, so it cannot see me."


Li Liu barely adapted to the current situation and asked his soul: "What are you?"

"I'm not a thing, I'm the Dark Engine: Candle Dragon No. 1, your personal assistant."

"Personal assistant?"

Li Liu had no idea he had any personal assistant.

His family's conditions make him unable to hire a personal assistant, even one with artificial intelligence.

"My job is to help you understand what's in this book."

As Zhulong No. 1 continued to explain, it took a long time for Li Liu to understand.

"In other words, someone wants me to understand the content in the book. If I don't understand it after three months, something terrible will happen?"


Zhulong No. 1 answered seriously: "Three months is too short. According to your IQ test, the possibility of failing to complete is as high as 64%. It is recommended that you start learning now and race against time."

"I disagree!"

Suddenly, Li Liu seemed to have thought of something. He pointed to his mouth: "I'm hungry and can't study mentally."

"The assistant will solve it for you."

Along with the energy fluctuations, large pieces of barbecue, fruit, and rice actually appeared on the book. "Please enjoy."

Can you really conjure these things?

Li Liu took a taste, and his years of experience told him that it was not poisonous. Although it didn't taste good, it could really fill his stomach.

"I also want a whole head, my neck is uncomfortable."

"Okay, assistant is at your service."

A soft pillow appears.

"Damn it! Amazing!"

Where is the ghost here?This fucking thing is Aladdin’s magic lamp!

He tried to ask: "Would you like this car to drive slower?"

"Okay, the vehicle control system has been hacked. The assistant is at your service."

The vehicle stopped slowly and actually jumped out of the dark space.

At this time, you can see the scenery outside. The mountains are receding below your feet, and the clouds are hanging high in the sky.

A ferocious beast could be seen, looking up at them.

"Fuck... trough~"

Li Liu carefully picked up the book: "Baby, can you change my girlfriend again?"

"Sorry, you have not completed today's task and cannot continue to use this system."

Zhulong No. 1's answer made him dumbfounded.

"What is my mission?"

"Please recite ten pages of the book and write them silently."

Li Liu's eyes were stunned: "He feels that he has already been tricked by the negotiation."

The next day, while the vehicle was still driving, Li Liu recited and silently wrote the first ten pages of "Easy to Count Plum Blossoms", and then he couldn't wait to make a wish.

"I want all my brothers in my dormitory to appear in front of me!"

"Okay... Zhulong stuck his shell for a moment, and then said: "Yes. "

On Mount Everest, Chen Banxian received the message from Zhulong 1 almost at the same time.

That is a subsystem separated from the Zhulong engine, and it communicates through the connection between the two systems.

To move the population remotely and on a large scale, the subsystem cannot do it.

"Okay, I'll take action."

He still remembered several children burying someone not far from the door that night.

So he pinched the secret with one hand, opened a space to the left with one hand, revealing the positions of several people, and traced the roof of the shuttle bus with the other hand, tearing open a gap in the space.

Turning his left hand, a space passage appeared at the feet of Li Liu's roommates.

The next second, Li Liu screamed in the transport vehicle, really seeing his roommates appear in front of him.

"what happened!"

"Why am I here!"

The boss of the dormitory saw Li Liu at a glance: "Did you bring us here?"

The roommates were panicked, and Li Liu quickly changed his words: "Throw them back!"

On the top of Mount Everest, Chen Banxian's face darkened and he directly chose to reverse time.

He kept the latter memory and was too lazy to go to all the trouble.

"That's awesome! Zhulong No. 1, is there anything else you can't do?"

Li Liu felt like he was about to lose his temper.

"Technically, I'm just a reading assistant."

Zhulong No. 1's self-understanding is very clear, but Li Liu is not so clear.

He made his third request!

"Now, immediately, immediately, get 500 million more black coins in my card!"

"Ding, the amount remitted to your account: 5000.000.00 black coins."

Li Liu took out his mobile phone and removed the two dimes and cents at the end. It was really 500 million black coins!

He was jumping and screaming in the car!
On Mount Everest, Zhulong promptly reminded: "Master, according to the recommendation, this will destroy a person and fail to cultivate a qualified successor."

Chen Banxian smiled slightly: "If he is ruined like this, he is no longer worthy of being my disciple."

"Besides, there are still several gaps between my disciples and my successors. This position is not for him."

Even Aigwei doesn't have this qualification.

"Keep watching and see what other wishes he will make tomorrow."

Three wishes a day, the requirement is to recite and write ten pages of a book silently.

After three months, there are one hundred pages and three hundred wishes.

He wanted to see what would happen to Li Liu in the end.

"What if Li Liu made a wish to become an immortal?"

Zhulong asked him: "We cannot fulfill this condition."

"Then we can only use the phantom."

Chen Banxian spread his hands: "You reminded me. I'm going to pick a piece of Enlightenment tea leaf first. You can help me take a look first."

He took a step forward to an unknown distance, but it was still too far to reach Zhongzhou.

If he had Gai Jiuyou's strength, he could reach the edge of the universe in one step. Now he was rushing in the Northern Territory, and it took him several hours to get there with his mobile phone navigation.

The restricted area of ​​life, the Mountain of Immortality!

The place where the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment took root was once designated as the Shengya Dojo by the Great Saint Body.

Chen Banxian stopped in front of the Immortal Mountain, glanced at the huge stone peaks of the Immortal Mountain on both sides, and walked in swaggeringly.

No one stopped him, and even if he tried to stop him, he wouldn't be able to get in.

Most people would definitely not be able to find the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment, but he was different, he could tell fortunes.

(End of this chapter)

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