There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 516 It takes 2 years to be qualified to learn from me

Chapter 516 It takes 2000 years to be qualified to learn from me

The ancient tea tree of Enlightenment has a total of one hundred and eight leaves.

Its leaves are in the shape of a unicorn, a true dragon, a sword, a spear, a halberd, or a Zhongyue star. Each leaf is different.

Taking root in the Immortal Mountain is the elixir of immortality in the Immortal Mountain.

As soon as he entered here, he felt that the atmosphere was slightly depressing, and there was a faint sense of fear that kept lingering in his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Is the Supreme here...revived?

Chen Banxian shook his head. In this world, he had a lot of trump cards.

Walking forward from the entrance of the Immortal Mountain, you can see ancient sacred trees and strange vines surrounding the sky. Although it is wild and wild, there is very little life. Occasionally, you can only hear some birds chirping, beast roars, and short low calls.

Some places are surrounded by thick fog all year round, and there are some places where light cannot penetrate no matter what. It can be summed up in one word: mystery.

A mysterious area.

The four words "life forbidden zone" are not just a simple name, but a real thing.

Chen Banxian stepped on the ancient road, but the next second the mountain of swords burst into flames, quickly engulfing his figure!

There are mysterious formations and terrifying fields everywhere. If you make a wrong step, you will be doomed.

But Chen Banxian's clothes were melted away, but his body was still flawless, unscathed by the flames of the mountain of swords.

His black hair flew in all directions with the flames, like a wild demon dancing wildly, but in fact all the flames were absorbed by the hair.

When the flames burned out, his aura not only did not decline, but actually increased.

This step was a mistake he made on purpose.

Ten thousand ways naturally include field formations. He considers himself inferior to the great emperor and quasi-emperor, but he is not inferior to any holy realm.

If you look closely, you can see that Chen Banxian's eyebrows are shining brightly, and dense lines are reflected in the clear black and white.

The formation is connected by silk threads, intertwined with each other. If one of them is touched, all the formations connected to this thread will collapse.

This produces various reactions such as water, fire, and divine weapons.

But he could see the gaps in the intertwining threads, and he could avoid them every step he took.

But... why should we avoid it?

A shocking explosion occurred in the Immortal Mountain. Waves of explosions continued to spread throughout the day, causing the nearby area to sometimes be filled with flames and red ground for thousands of miles, and sometimes floods and mountains and rivers to abyss.

Fortunately, there are no living creatures around the restricted area.

Deep in the Immortal Mountain, a pair of cold eyes opened, staring at the ants that were constantly provoking.

But the next second, his eyes looked outside Yu. There was a person with his hands behind his back, meditating with his eyes closed in the center of thousands of black holes, and then slowly closed them again.

"Gai Jiuyou, wait for the road to immortality to open."

Chen Banxian had no idea about this. His steps were precise and elegant, and he came under an ancient tree when the sky was getting dark.

The ancient trees have few leaves, but they have many leaves, so they don't look bare.

It's just that there is no leaf on the ancient tree at this time. If you look carefully, you can see some buds among the branches and leaves.

Chen Banxian took a step forward, and Youhu saw a shadow appearing under the ancient tree, with his back to all living beings, as if holding up the world.

Emperor Wushi.

Chen Banxian bowed slightly to show respect before approaching the elixir of immortality.

Enlightenment of ancient tea trees.

Chashu trembled slightly, as if he was about to run away at any moment, but Chen Banxian took out a bead from his arms.

There is extremely rich Yin Qi inside, which is one of the sacred objects of the ancient Jingxu clan.

"Tea tree, tea tree, I know your origins are not simple. Let's not say those polite words. A pearl is worth a piece of tea for you."

If he talked to a tree outside, he would probably be laughed at as a fool, but here, the ancient tea tree branches swayed and stopped walking.

Chen Banxian placed the orb in the depression of a tree branch to make sure it would not fall.

The next second, the magic medicine shook all over its body, and the essence of the surrounding earth continued to be absorbed.

A bud on the top of its head continued to grow, gradually turning into a round leaf with a spiral pattern.

By the way, this is the correct way to open the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment.

Chen Banxian stretched out his hand to pick it away, but he didn't see the piece running away. It was completely mature.

"Next time, I'll come back to you next time when I have something good."

Chen Banxian's eyes lit up slightly, this was a good treasure, with enough resources to support him in cultivating all the ways to perfection.

But where do the resources come from?
The shadow of a coffin flashed in his mind...

The way back was very peaceful. Nothing came out of the Immortal Mountain to stop him, and there were no accidents even on the way back.

On the contrary, all the monks, big and small, and those in power greeted him with smiles and knelt down.

This is normal. Chen Banxian has not restrained his aura. The aura of the Dao-killing King is telling passers-by all the time——

Come and bow!

A day trip to and from the Eastern Wasteland of Central Continent, and it was only daybreak when Chen Banxian arrived at Mount Everest.

"How is it? What is his wish today?"

The round leaves were put into the imperial jar, and as a pot of boiling water poured down, the aroma of tea overflowed.

"Master, Li Liu is reciting, and there are still three pages left."

Zhulong replied in a low voice.

"Well, that's enough."

I saw Chen Banxian swallowing the boiling tea in one gulp, opening one eye and closing the other.

The closed left eye was boiling, and the aurora, which was only found in the North and South Poles, actually appeared on the entire Mount Everest.

The opened right eye was unremarkable, reflecting Li Liu's figure.

Originally, he thought that this boy would wish to be invincible on the third day, but unexpectedly he suddenly changed from his normal state.

"The first wish is to give me a bottle of medicine that can poison the eighth realm! I want it to be colorless and odorless, so I won't be noticed."

"The second wish is to make me invisible. At least I cannot be seen by anyone for today."

"The third wish is to ensure that I will not die today no matter what."

"Huh? This guy has some ideas."

Chen Banxian waved his hand and came to Daoyun. Not to mention the eighth realm, even the ninth realm might not be able to find it.

He could easily refine that bottle of poison, and he was very curious about what Li Liu was going to do.

I saw that Li Liu did not go out immediately, but wrote down another ten pages of knowledge for tomorrow.

Then he caught the long-distance train and went straight to the round table office in the center of Nine Cities.

The place is heavily guarded and any mosquito that comes near will be killed.

If you have a priest who lives nearby, you can be sure to solve any troubles as soon as possible.

Li Liu sneaked in from the entrance and aimed directly at the office building.

Chen Banxian saw him holding the poison and asked Zhulong No. 1 to ask what he was going to do.

"Ding, may I ask what the user wants to do?"


Li Liu was sneaking in carefully and attentively when he was startled by this sound.

"Don't say anything, you will be discovered!"

But he still explained: "Did you know that there are spies in this Round Table Building?"


Chen Banxian became interested and his eyes were no longer distracted. He had finished digesting the enlightenment tea leaves.

The young man walked straight along the Round Table Building. He did not take the elevator, fearing that his weight would be discovered. He kept taking the stairs, as cautiously as walking on a tightrope.

"Brother Chen, what are you laughing at?"

Xiao Gai came to ask. He only saw Brother Chen's eyes looking into the distance, and the smile at the corner of his mouth never stopped.Chen Banxian stretched out his hand and pointed, and a round mirror appeared in the void, reflecting the scene he saw.


Xiao Gai looked around and saw Li Liu walking through the corridor full of infrared rays.

He had been discovered long ago, and the security system in the building kept alarming.

However, the guards of the security system had already fallen asleep.

As long as no one finds it, it's the best stealth.

In fact, not only the security system, but also everyone who saw Li Liu along the way felt something wrong and their eyes fell into an illusion.

"Wow, Brother Chen, you are so awesome!"

Xiao Gai made no secret of the admiration in his eyes: "Can you teach me this?"

"teach you?"

Chen Banxian thought for a while: "It depends on how far your ancestors can improve your qualifications."

"You know the son of the blue-blooded god who caused a lot of commotion some time ago? He is known as the most talented person in 500 years."

"I know!" Xiao Gai raised his cell phone: "I have access to the Internet. He is so powerful. He is said to be invincible against all his peers."

"If your qualifications are as good as his, it will only take about 2000 years to be qualified to study."


Xiao Gai was shocked, and the ground also let out an "Ah!"

"Why are you hiding?" Chen Banxian teased, it was Xiaoxue who was peeping underground.

"I'm not afraid of seeing your secret."

Xiaoxue pursed her lips, this was so shocking.

The Nine Cities Round Table Conference, the highest institution in the Daxia Federation, was in vain before her eyes.

Some time ago, someone came to see Him because of the hundreds of tree-planting warriors on the mountain.

The man had a terrifying aura and asked him about his attitude. If necessary, Baihu City would wage war on Mount Everest and raze him to the ground.

But at this time, such a terrifying force was actually in Chen Banxian's hands.

He didn't even need to go there in person, he just needed to move his fingers, and Li Liu would be able to access it unimpeded.

"What kind of secret is this?" Chen Banxian didn't care: "Originally I was just playing with Xiao Liu, but since he said there was a spy, let me see how he found out the spy and how he dealt with it."

What seemed like a three-month test actually started from the moment Li Liu was hit by a book.

"He is still going up. I remember that it is already the most confidential level. He is still going up. That is the round table conference!"

I saw Li Liu swaggering up to the round table conference table, sitting down and pretending to argue and discuss national policies. After having a good time, he reluctantly left and came to the middle floor.

"I was scared to death. I thought there were spies among the members of the Round Table."

Xiaoxue patted her chest and unknowingly took part in it.

He has watched too many TV series and novels from Ninetowns recently, and has subconsciously thought that he is from Ninetowns.

According to his words, the nine cities of the Daxia Federation passed from the earth, and he also belongs to the earth.

Moreover, many priests have obtained the status of Nine Cities. He just lacks a written certificate.

When he arrived at the middle floor, Li Liu looked up at the sky and looked at Chen Banxian for a moment.

But he didn't notice anyone looking at him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It didn't stop me. There was nothing unusual. It seems that the mysterious person behind the book is not from the spy side."

After finishing speaking, he climbed up the stairs again and reached the fourth floor from the bottom.

At this level, at least the leader of a city can give orders and have tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of people to carry them out.

As early as more than 200 years ago, the population of Nine Cities exceeded [-] billion.

I've turned it over several times now.

I saw Li Liu pushing open the door of an office. This was the office of the deputy city lord of Fangcheng.

Although it is not a big city with nine cities, it is also one of the first cities to expand, and its prosperity is not low.

There was no one inside, so Li Liu was waiting on one side and began to put on a gas mask, filters, etc. for himself.

In the afternoon, a man with a decent appearance in a suit and leather shoes walked in.

He opened his briefcase alone, took out some documents and started planning, writing and drawing.

Sometimes, he would turn on his computer to issue orders and make decisions.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a spy.

Chen Banxian's smile subsided slightly, and his brows gradually lowered.

Li Liu took out his mobile phone and turned on the live broadcast.

The deputy city lord of Fangcheng switches pages at will in the middle of writing information, which looks no different from the Ninetowns network interface.

However, the content that appeared on the interface was unusual.

I saw the word [Skyrim] at the beginning of the webpage, and then the deputy city lord opened the chat box and recorded what he saw and heard like a log.

At first, it was just some of his own knowledge, but when he wrote later, when the new technology of Nine Cities, the addresses of extraordinary people, and military bases appeared, it gradually became wrong.

Many secrets were written in his writing.

Chen Banxian took out his mobile phone and checked Li Liu's live broadcast.

"Zhulong promoted this live broadcast to me on everyone's mobile phone, as well as virtual projection in various major places."

"Okay, respected master."

Zhulong followed the instructions, and soon, the entire Nine Cities Federation was full of Li Liu's live broadcast.

"Hey, what is that? An advertisement for a new game?"

"Isn't that the deputy city lord of Fangcheng, Gong Weiqing?"

"Yes, it's really him. Is this a live broadcast? Is it so novel to do publicity now?"

"No, what is he doing? If you look at the content on his computer screen, is that something we ordinary people can know?"

After saying this, many people immediately realized that these seemed to be things that could not be seen.

"No, who is doing the live broadcast? Gong Weiqing didn't say a word, as if he didn't even know there was someone behind him."

People's curiosity was greatly aroused, and someone noticed the word [Skyrim].

These two words do not belong to any current public unit, and even if they did, these contents cannot be known by any unit.

Even the safe locations of Qiancheng and Jiacheng were written down.

Many of Nine City's top leaders knew about such a big news almost at the same time. They quickly ordered to stop: "Quick, block the live broadcast immediately!"

The live broadcast platform Yusha was immediately held accountable, and all technical staff were recalled.

There was chaos in the platform headquarters building.

The technicians were so busy that the computer was almost broken.

"Can't turn it off!"

Someone was covering his head, and behind him was the muzzle of a dark psychic gun, pointed at him.

"It really can't be turned off. We don't have enough authority. The other party is too powerful!"

who is it?

As a last resort, a big shot personally went to the quantum system base station and wanted to shut it down manually.

However, what stunned him was that the quantum system intelligence told him: "Your authority is insufficient."

Insufficient permissions?How could his authority be insufficient?
This matter was uploaded until it reached Mr. Fan’s ears.

He was discussing cooperation with a major power in Central Continent, when he suddenly received the news and hurriedly held an online roundtable meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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