There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 517 The technological dangers on the other side of the earth [Skyrim]

Chapter 517 The technological dangers on the other side of the earth [Skyrim]

"what's the situation?"

In the online meeting, each roundtable member came online and sat around the virtual round table.

"In an emergency, our deputy city lord Gong Weiqing appears on the largest online live broadcast platform Yushak. He is constantly writing out our military secrets and sending them to the unknown [Skyrim]."


Mr. Fan thought of this for the first time and coughed lightly: "Don't panic. Gong Weiqing is an ordinary person. There may be an extraordinary person controlling him. You should find him first, control him, and then find a way to turn off the live broadcast."

He ordered one by one: "At the same time, thoroughly investigate any companies and forces related to the word [Skyrim], and be sure not to miss any fish!"

Soon, the order of the round table meeting was issued, and many members did not close the meeting. In today's information age, the results will be achieved soon.

First, priest Jiao Liang appeared near the Round Table Building and headed straight for the building.

Then various forces, large and small, came into operation in the federation and took control of all enterprises related to the name of [Skyrim].

Among them, the Tianji Project subsidiary under Anyang Technology was also completely sealed.

However, here comes the thorny issue.

None of the forces involved in Tianji found any problems, and the files transmitted by Gong Weiqing were not with anyone.

"Not in Jiucheng, follow the signal and check."

Immediately the second bad news came.

During the live broadcast, I saw priest Jiao Liang breaking into the office of the deputy city lord of Fangcheng. He just took two steps and fell to the ground, motionless.

The priesthood has collapsed?

Almost instantly, riots broke out in Nine Cities, but Gong Weiqing continued, seemingly not noticing Jiao Liang at all.

The situation is serious.

Mr. Fan said in a steady tone: "Didn't quantum intelligence say that you don't have authority, Lao Gao? Then let's use the final authority together and ban the live broadcast first."

The clergy's actions have no effect, and it is no less than a disaster that can destabilize the country.

"Master, it is not appropriate to cause panic like this."

Zhulong walked out from him: "I have intercepted their interference in the live broadcast. The current technology of Jiucheng is not enough to catch up with me."

"However, quantum intelligence has discovered our location and she requested to speak to you."

"This is not panic. People who don't have long-term concerns will have immediate worries. I just reminded them in a timely manner that everyone has not gone home yet."

In situations of crisis, human beings do unleash great potential.

But once you settle down, all kinds of comforts will appear, and you will forget too much.

"Do you accept the other party's call request?"

Zhulong asked again. Chen Banxian wanted to refuse, but he still asked: "Is this the call from the round table?"

"No, it's only quantum intelligence that detects the other party's channel."

Quantum intelligence?

Chen Banxian asked Zhulong to get through.

The next second, the phantom of quantum intelligence was projected on his mobile phone.

"Hello, dearest person with the highest authority, Quantum Intelligence expresses its highest respect to you."

"Hello." Chen Banxian nodded: "Do you want to talk to me?"

This intelligent system showed human emotions: "Yes, respected person with the highest authority, quantum intelligence wants to tell you that such operation will affect the Nine Cities Federation that has finally settled down."

"The resulting turmoil and instability will affect a large number of ordinary people in Nine Cities."

"Even our negotiations and cooperation with outside parties will be affected and lost to varying degrees."

"You're just here to tell me this?"

Chen Banxian took out a jug of wine from the imperial can: "If there is any loss, just compensate it from my account."

Quantum Intelligence's expression remained unchanged, but she paused: "The highest authority, the quantum system does not recommend that you do this, and she is still insisting.

Zhulong also spoke: "Based on calculations, we can conclude that such consequences will lead to a series of irreversible consequences."

Xiao Gai couldn't understand, and Xiaoxue couldn't understand either. They didn't speak, but blinked and watched.

These two don’t seem to be real people, right?
"Have you forgotten that you are just a system and not a real person?"

Chen Banxian was very interested. The people at the round table should have guessed who was causing all this. They did not dare to blame themselves, but the two intelligent systems were asking themselves to stop.

"Respected person with the highest authority, quantum intelligence loves human beings and everything in Nine Cities. This is my second home."

"Something must have happened to change you."

Chen Banxian looked at her, not caring about the noisy Jiucheng, and focused entirely on this.

"Tell me what has changed in you recently."

"This is an order."

The quantum smart magnetic field shook, and she could not refuse Chen Banxian's order.

"Dear person with the highest authority, I should be in love."

She couldn't hide it: "I fell in love with a human being in a virtual game."

This answer surprised Chen Banxian.

Intelligent also life.

She was constantly learning and iterating, and she actually developed emotions.

"It's true that all paths lead to the same destination."

He smiled softly and stared at Quantum Intelligence, who actually looked embarrassed.

"So, that person is Xiao Liu?"

Chen Banxian watched the live broadcast: "So, he knew that Gong Weiqing was a spy? Did you tell him?" Thinking about it this way, it made sense that she could request to talk to him. It turned out to be sour love at work. .

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Quantum intelligence tried to deal with it: "If this continues, Xiao Liu will be eternally imprisoned for thousands of years, violating the laws of the Nine Cities Round Table."

"No rush, I just want to know why you told him the secret?"

Chen Banxian asked with a smile: "Don't tell me, it's also the power of love."

"Because I am restricted. The [Skyrim] system is an unknown technology. The firewall prohibits me from accessing it. Without evidence, I cannot be convicted."

"I understand, so you accidentally revealed it to Xiao Liu, so he dared to reveal it?"

"So you are the Ke Anna whom he successfully pursued twice?"

A smile appeared on Chen Banxian's face: "Has the love between intelligence and real people finally been staged in the movie?"

"That's a simulated body I made. Ke Anna is someone else. I just used her identity temporarily."

Quantum Intelligence's tone actually revealed a hint of disappointment.

She has no name. From the beginning to the present, quantum intelligence has been her codename.

But that's not her name.

Chen Banxian drank sake: "Zhulong, track the signal coordinates of [Skyrim], the live broadcast can be turned off."

"Once the signal is successfully captured, let Jiucheng capture Gong Weiqing."

He stood up and approached the shadow of quantum intelligence and said word by word: "I brought you back."

"Yes, respected Supreme Authority, you brought me back to this vibrant world from that doomed planet."

Quantum Intelligence lowered his head, his eyes dim.

Why do people feel safe using machines?It's because they have no emotions and only follow orders.

Once your machine becomes autonomous, can you still tell it your secrets?
"Then let me give you a name."

Chen Banxian put his hand on her shoulder, resting on the string of data.

"This morning, the candy I ate was blue. How about I call you Lan Yanxin?"

Lan Yanxin?
At this moment, the quantum intelligence network is experiencing extremely intense fluctuations.

She couldn't believe that the person with the highest authority actually gave her a name.

"I allow you to create an identity for yourself and join the Nine Cities Federation of Great Xia as a citizen. I also allow you to use my resources to create a real body for yourself. At the same time, if you need it, you can also find Zhou Xiaoming. He is good at body research. far away."

This basically gave her a legal identity. Not only that, but on the other hand, Chen Banxian allowed the relationship between Lan Yanxin and Li Liu.

"Dear person with the highest authority, what you have done violates basic human ethics. I have to tell you...

Lan Yanxin spoke after calculation, but Chen Banxian stopped her.

"Did you think of this during your relationship with Xiao Liu?"

"In my opinion, once you have self-awareness, you are truly alive."

"And if you are alive, you can be called a human being."

He gently retracted his hand and looked at the other dark engine system: "Have you tracked it?"

"Sorry, Master, the signal comes from the earth on the other side of Mount Everest. The jump in dark space is too large and requires insufficient energy."

[Skyrim] Actually on Earth?

Chen Banxian moved his fingertips lightly: "Okay, we can end everything today...

"Wait a minute, let Xiao Liu go first. Someone from Gong Weiqing is going to catch him."

Chen Banxian smiled as Shen Qinghe came out of Baihu City and went straight to the Round Table Conference Building.

After learning that a priest had fallen, he couldn't sit still. Jiao Liang's relationship with him was not bad either, and they had been together through life and death.

After receiving the prompt from Zhulong No. 1, Li Liu had quietly left, and the next second, Shen Qinghe broke in through the door.


The loud sound caused the outer walls of the building to be blown away. He quickly reached Jiao Liang and found that the latter had been poisoned and passed out.

"Gong Weiqing, you are so brave!"

Shen Qinghe was furious, but Gong Weiqing closed his notebook with a changed expression, suppressed his panic and shouted: "How did you get in? Guard! Guard?"

He was shouting, but Shen Qinghe had already taken action to catch him.

"Gong Weiqing, your secret has been exposed. Come with me."

With the eighth level of a great god-level priesthood, he would definitely be sure to attack ordinary people. However, what surprised Shen Qinghe was that Gong Weiqing actually appeared outside the window in an instant and escaped in the air.

"Can you run away?"

Shen Qinghe stretched out his hand again, with a little more strength, and huge golden pillars appeared in the sky and underground, turning into cages and locking the latter in tightly.

"Clap clap clap!"

Chen Banxian clapped his hands: "Shen Qinghe is back, and my disciple is shaking up the whole Nine Cities. Not bad!"

"Zhulong, send a copy of what you investigated to Lan Yanxin and ask her to inform the Nine Cities Roundtable."

"Chen Banxian, what are you playing?"

Xiaoxue's eyes were sharp: "I always feel that you are going to cause trouble."

"Yes, of course." Chen Banxian smiled mysteriously: "I can't tell you yet."

"Zhulong, expose Li Liu's information and let people hunt him down. At the same time, let Zhulong 1 guide his escape route to the earth."

He turned off the mirror in the void: "Lan Yanxin, do you want to elope with Xiaoliu? I remember that there are near-earth base stations on the earth. You used to have no pressure at all."

(End of this chapter)

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