There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 518 Gives people on earth a little shock

Chapter 518 Gives people on earth a little shock
"Give the people of Earth a little shock."

At the top of Mount Everest, Chen Ban was sitting and watching the storm, while Zhulong was broadcasting the battle situation in real time.

"Well... Earthlings, we are not considered Earthlings now."

"According to your proposal, Master, Lan Yanxin has joined Li Liu."

"Well, what about Jiucheng?"

"Nine Cities dispatched an elite force, all of whom are eighth-level extraordinary beings, led by Zhuo Xun."

Table hunting?

Chen Banxian let out a sigh. He hadn't heard this person's name for a long time.

"Is he a descendant of a swordsman family, Zhuo Xun?"

"Yes, he is the one leading the team this time. Zhuo Xun has now joined a swordsmanship sect and has been practicing for more than 200 years."

Zhulong quickly created a real-life simulation. There were twelve dark engine warships flying across the sky, and the blazing energy baked the void and made it blurry.

Zhulong said one by one: "Because of your poison threat, Master, this time the Nine Cities Federation was really angry. The leading warship was the Gushan No. [-], the fastest in Nine Cities, in a wind-breaking formation. The remaining eleven The ship is Night Owl Iteration III."

"It can reach Mount Everest from Nine Cities in 10 minutes. It requires the blessing of the eighth realm cultivation level to use it."

"So, my disciple is in a very dangerous situation now."

Chen Banxian didn't panic at all: "Where is Xiaoliu now?"

"He's down the mountain."

Another holographic projection appeared, it was Li Liu who was climbing the mountain with difficulty.

"Tsk, this direction came to me, he must have guessed something."

He waved it casually and saw that the world around him was like a mirror image with an extra layer covering the original top of Mount Everest.

Everything was normal at the top of the mountain where they were, but when Li Liu arrived, the top of the mountain was empty.

A man and a woman arrived driving an old civilian shuttle that could briefly enter dark space.

This was brought by Lan Yanxin. It was said that it was a shuttle that her family had purchased with a loan decades ago.

They climbed up the mountain with great difficulty, but found nothing.


Looking at the deserted mountaintop in front of him, Li Liu looked a little pale: "Why is there no one? Did I guess wrong?"

"Ah Liu, what should we do now?" Lan Yanxin followed Li Liu closely and asked in fear, "Can we not escape?"


Li Liu gritted his teeth: "Those people don't know the difference between right and wrong. They obviously helped them catch the spy. Even if they don't reward me, they still want to hunt me down!"

"I guess it may be Gong Weiqing's forces at work. Just avoid it."

"Then where are we going?" Lan Yanxin seemed to be confused: "Now the world is full of people from the Federation, and their eyes are everywhere. Where can we escape to?"

"Who said we can't escape?" Li Liu pulled Lan Yanxin onto the shuttle: "Go to Earth. I have read in the textbook that the Earth is now a restricted area for life, no less than a place like the Ancient Forbidden Land."

"On Earth, they would definitely not dare to come. We just need to wait near the channel for the storm to pass."

After finishing speaking, the shuttle made an arc and sank into the other side of Mount Everest.

Li Liu hasn’t seen the earth yet, right?
Chen Banxian was beside them, watching them leave.

"Okay, let's reveal our whereabouts to Zhu Xun and the others."

A smile appeared on his lips, wondering what expressions Zhu Xun and the others would have when they saw what the earth looked like now.

Above the void in the Eastern Wasteland, inside Gushan No. [-], a man with a large golden sword sitting in the cab.

All actions are automatically driven by the intelligent system, and he only needs to give orders.

"Ding dong."

Gushan No. [-] smart reminder: "Traces of suspect Li Liu have been found and the arrest route is being planned."

"The route planning is completed. The suspect is near the two-border passage. The estimated arrival time is 16 minutes and 24 seconds. Would you like to leave immediately?"

"set off!"

"Inform all Night Owl Iteration III types behind that the route has been changed, and the suspect must be caught as quickly as possible."

He unbuckled his seat belt and stood up from his seat: "I'll go to the toilet first."

Don’t monks have to go to the toilet?

Theoretically, there is no need, but he drank a lot yesterday, and energy is conserved. If it doesn't turn into a liquid, it will turn into a gas.

After a while, a figure lit up inside the battleship.

The way Twelve Sou Battleships start a meeting is very unique. It basically achieves 100% no delay. The quantum virtual character can perfectly imitate every micro-expression and look.

"This new feature is really useful."

One person reached out and touched everywhere: "I have been practicing on weekdays, and I finally have a chance to come out and breathe."

"Raikage, you can touch it, but can you please stop shaking it on my head?"

The person who was touched was dissatisfied: "I have fox ears, but that's not the reason for you to touch me randomly."

The embarrassment on Lei Ying's face was gone, and he reluctantly took back his hand: "Why don't you let me touch you in reality? Not even in this virtual one?"

"Okay, Anjia has the blood of the demon clan. Lei Ying, you will create a gap between us and the demon clan."

Another person, Chen Xiong, stopped him: "Wait a minute, the boss of the table will come. Do you believe he will kill you with a sword?"

Speaking of the table boss, Raikage suddenly became a lot more honest.

Although they are also in the eighth realm, there is also a gap between the eighth realm and the eighth realm. "The boss at the table was born decades before me."

He curled his lips and muttered softly.

"Come on, it was those decades that allowed you to survive, otherwise the grass on your grave would be thousands of meters high by now."

"It's exaggerated."

The meeting was a bit chaotic, and no one talked about the mission objectives.


There was a sound of flushing from the toilet, and Zhu Xun came to the meeting with his pants tied up.

"Very good, everyone is due, so in these short ten minutes, I will briefly tell you about this mission."

"First of all, the suspect's strength is not very high. According to the information, he is still in the Qi refining stage."

"Secondly, the suspect's flying vehicle is an older model, so it is not difficult for us to catch up."

"Now that I've said what's easy, let me tell you what's rare. The other party has a way to appear somewhere without anyone noticing. Maybe he can use this trick to confuse us."

"Secondly, the target suspect has mastered a drug that can bring down the Eighth Realm. You have seen the video before, and even the priests have been affected by it, so I hope you will take this mission seriously."

"Don't worry, Boss, we will definitely be careful!"

Lei Ying was full of confidence: "We are all at the eighth level of cultivation. Let alone a mere suspect, we can even explode stars."

"I didn't ask you to perform a mission to cause destruction. You also exploded stars. Can you bear such a big cause and effect?"

Shui Xun glared at him: "The time is almost up, let's clean up and keep the communication open."

The meeting was dissolved, and Zhu Xun took out the long sword from the shelf behind him.

This is clearly a holy weapon, given by the elders of the sect.

He always felt that this arrest was not that simple.

In 16 minutes and 03 seconds, they had reached Mount Everest.

"The destination has been reached."

Following the prompt, twelve warships hovered in the sky, and twelve Eighth Realm statues walked out of them.

"Is this Mount Everest?"

Lei Ying looked east and west: "It's so big, it will take at least three or four slaps to flatten it."

He looked at the top of Mount Everest. Many warriors from Nine Cities were carefully caring for flowers and plants and planting trees.

"Boss, how about we get rid of the priests here first? How can a person imprison us like this be decent?"

"Raikage, don't be too inflated."

An Jia frowned: "The priesthood here is not simple. We in Jiucheng can only negotiate with him on terms not to harm our soldiers."

If it could be solved, we wouldn't have waited until now.

"What a big deal." Lei Ying pointed here: "We have twelve people, twelve deities, eighth level, and the leader of the table leads the team. What kind of priesthood is unfair?" "

It's not that he is bragging, but the combat power here is really beyond the standard.

"Raikage, you haven't experienced any severe beatings, have you?"

At the end of the team, Fei Risheng from the eighth realm couldn't help but interject: "You can also arrange the priesthood? You'd better pray that the priest here doesn't hear it, or he can slap you to death with one slap."

In fact, at this time, Xiaoxue's cheeks were bulging fiercely in another chicken sandwich at the top of Mount Everest, and her chest was heaving violently.

"I'm going to beat him to death! He's so arrogant!"

Chen Banxian glanced at him and ignored him. This little girl just said angry words. The space between him was not strong and could be broken by a casual poke.

"Boss, do you feel something is wrong here?"

At this moment, Anjia noticed something strange in the space.

"I saw it." Zhuo Xun drew his sword and struck Mount Everest fiercely: "Double space, maybe the suspect is hiding in it."

The space ripped open with a tearing sound, and the bulging Xiaoxue was exposed directly under the eyes of the twelve priests.

The Holy Mother of Heaven, who just said that she wanted to beat them to death, quickly closed her bulging mouth and pretended to be nonchalant, hiding in Chen Banxian's arms. behind.

"Chen Banxian, look, they have bullied us into our territory!"


"What's the big deal?" Chen Banxian raised his hand and pointed towards the Earth: "Are you here to arrest people? I saw them running towards the Earth."


Table Xun frowned, but Lei Ying calmly landed: "Hey, who is that? How do you know who we want to arrest?"

He walked around and looked at the two people: "It seems that you are also from the Nine Cities Federation, why don't you stop him?"

"He can charm the eighth-level priest. If I go up to stop him, wouldn't I be seeking death?"

Chen Banxian rolled his eyes: "Why are you hanging around here if you don't want to arrest someone?"

He was watching the show, not participating in it. The way he looked now, it felt like these children in the eighth realm had some thoughts about him.

"You guys come with us." Lei Ying raised his finger: "You have seen the suspect before, so he must be familiar with it, which will help us handle the case."

Chen Banxian was a little troubled: "You are very talkative. I am just a reclusive ordinary person. How can I follow you?"

"Nine City laws stipulate that residents are obliged to cooperate in handling cases!"

Raikage spoke with a straight face, vaguely using the power of the eighth realm.

(End of this chapter)

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