There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 519 Qi Refining Period No. 1 Bold Li 6

Chapter 519 Li Liu, the most daring in the Qi refining period
"Alright Raikage, don't embarrass the masses."

Zhuo Xun came up to stop him: "We are here to arrest, not to play."

He bowed to Chen Banxian: "Sorry to bother you."

"Everyone, return to the battleship and continue tracking."

If it really enters the earth, then the severity will rise several levels.

"Goodbye everyone."

Chen Banxian put away the small book he had just taken out. If it were a little later, he would let Lei Ying know what a backstab from a high-level person was.

By chance, Zhuo Xun, who was on board the battleship, saw this scene.

He was shocked and wanted to look again, but the battleship's hatch was already closed.

is it him?
It shouldn't be such a coincidence, right?
"According to quantum entanglement tracking, the suspect did enter the earth."

The intelligent system abided by the prompts of its responsibilities and simulated a path, which was exactly the direction of Li Liu and the others.

"Boss, the man on the mountain must know something. It's very suspicious. Maybe I can get more clues if I ask again."

Raikage was still unwilling to give in. If it weren't for the captain's words, he would have made a meritorious service.

"I'm afraid that after a while, we won't be able to find the tail of the suspect we are tracking."

Table Xun pushed the engine: "Everyone, follow up and set off...Earth!"


Twelve warships passed through the sky, and the wind pressure brought down a large number of trees on Mount Everest.

Xiaoxue's cheeks bulged again, extremely unhappy.

In fact, if they really wanted to take action, Zhuo Xun and the others would not be able to defeat him at all.

As a priest at the highest peak on earth, Xiaoxue's status is on the same level as great gods like Longhu Mountain and Roushan Empress.

But this child lacks hands-on experience and always feels that others can kill him.

Especially when Lei Ying said that he could level Mount Everest with three or four slaps, his expression was angry, scared, and extremely aggrieved.

"Let's go and clean up."

Chen Banxian went into the house and got some things: "Let's go to Earth."

"I haven't been back for a long time. I don't know if the Yinggou clan misses me or not."

"Ah? Didn't we agree to watch a show?"

Xiaoxue was puzzled, why did this person change his mind?
"Which hexagram has not changed?"

Chen Banxian rolled his eyes: "[Tianji] has been tracked by Zhulong. They can invade our nine cities silently. They are so brave."

There were fewer ancient tribesmen killed at the beginning, and my mental strength had not been used for a long time, and it was almost getting rusty.

At this time, the earth has blue sky and white clouds, and layers of clouds are clearly visible on the earth.

After just a few hundred years of cultivation, this apocalyptic planet has completely returned to life.


The shuttle swayed and finally hit the cliff hard.

This made Li Liu and Lan Yanxin so angry that they were stunned. Li Liu went to see Lan Yanxin immediately.

"Baby, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Lan Yanxin's hair was messy and she covered her head with one hand: "Let's get out of here quickly. Such a loud noise will definitely attract enemies."

"I'm sorry for damaging your shuttle."

Li Liu was full of self-blame, but immediately confidence appeared on his face: "It doesn't matter, as long as I give you the best fight until tomorrow!"

"The latest Night Owl iteration III battleship launched by Baihu City, do you like it or not?"

"Just brag." Lan Yan smiled carelessly, thinking that the latest fighter jet was obviously the Zhuotian series.

But Li Liu is just an ordinary person and does not know these secrets.

They entered the forest from the cliff with difficulty, but Li Liu was thinking that this silly girl didn't know that she was no longer her former self.

Let her be surprised when the number of Zhulong No. 1 is refreshed tomorrow.

Otherwise, he would not dare to bring his beloved girl with him.

"Be careful, there are thorns everywhere here."

Li Liu used his few spiritual energy to clear the obstacles and planned to survive until dawn the next day.

However, crises always come very quickly, and when the two of them were walking through a swamp, they both fell into it.

"Don't panic, I'm in the early stage of Qi training and I can break free easily."

Li Liu's waist trembled, and he circulated his spiritual energy to break away the soil that was adsorbing him.

However, what surprised him was that the swamp was like a sea, and the silt that had just been shaken up immediately closed up again, even making him sink deeper.


Li Liu's expression changed. He promised that he would not die within today, but Lan Yanxin did not. Turning his head, Li Liu saw that most of Lan Yanxin's body had already entered the mud.

Oops, what to do?what to do!
He panicked. There was no focus around the swamp. The only thing he could hope for was that someone would come to rescue him.

But this is the earth, and there are ancient ferocious beasts everywhere...

But when he saw Lan Yanxin staring at him quietly, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's a waste!"

At worst, I'll make a wish tomorrow and find a solution.


The hoarse cry for help echoed through the forest.

Chen Banxian, who had just entered the earth from Mount Everest, turned dark. Lan Yanxin had just sent a message to tell him that Li Liu was trapped.

Well, a small swamp can kill his apprentice who just got the golden finger.

Lan Yan's heart is also there, but she still has two lives. This is the result of not cultivating well, and she has the same virtue as Xiao Gai.

"let me see."

His eyes penetrated thousands of mountains and rivers, and saw where Li Liu was.

It is the territory of the Lingsen clan, the ancient clan of Jingxu.

Forget it, the Ancient Clan will be the Ancient Clan, and they won’t be killed directly.I saw him hooking his fingers, and unknowingly started the avenue.

The Lingsen tribe is located in the forest, not far from where Li Liu and the others are. Chen Banxian used a little trick to make Li Liu's cry for help reach the ears of his tribe.

A girl from the Lingsen tribe pricked up her ears strangely when she heard the sound.

Her hair hangs down like buds, dark green blood vessels show through her white and delicate skin, her figure is slender, and she has a swan-like neck.

The girl from the Lingsen tribe followed the sound and walked towards the mountains, climbing over several mountains without realizing it.


Li Liu's voice was hoarse from shouting. Suddenly, he saw something shaking in the forest.

A girl swinging from a tree vine landed in front of them.

"Yeah, two aliens."

The girl looked around, then tore off the vine and threw it at Li Liu and Lan Yanxin, who had almost only their heads left.

"Hurry and grab the vines and I'll pull you out."

Although the girl was small, she was surprisingly strong and quickly rescued the two people from the mud.

"Which tribe are you from? Why are you so careless? This is a life-threatening swamp."

"Spirit Swamp? This name is really vivid."

Li Liu rolled his eyes. This girl didn't seem to know that they were human beings.

So he lied casually: "We are a featherless tribe. You see, we don't have feathers on our bodies."

"Featherless Clan? Never heard of it."

But the girl still greeted the two of them warmly: "Your clothes need to be washed. Why don't you go to my house and change your clothes."

Lan Yanxin quietly pulled Li Liu, "You can't go here. There are no good people in the ancient tribe."

However, Li Liu did the opposite.

He lowered his voice and said: "Nine Cities must be looking for us now. Hiding in the Ancient Clan, they will definitely not think of it."

This is called darkness under the lamp. The most dangerous place is the safest place.


Lan Yanxin quietly passed this information to Chen Banxian.

"This kid! He's too courageous!"

Chen Banxian was shocked. Why should he, a young monk at the second or third level of Qi refining?

"I know, I know. Like a teacher, like a son. Old Chen, you were so brave back then to challenge so many ancient tribes by yourself."

Xiaoxue hurriedly raised her hand: "This is the operation of the protagonist of the novel. Many fantasy novels are written this way."

"Who are you calling Lao Chen? No one is big or small!"

Chen Banxian was speechless and still watched the changes.

"Zhulong, hurry up and plan the route. Try to go to [Skyrim] in the morning. Let's go back to eat hot pot and watch a movie in the evening."

"Okay master, Zhulong is using quantum computing power to strive for the most suitable route."

Chen Banxian squinted at Xiaoxue: "Why have you become obsessed with novels recently? You are a girl, why would you read fantasy if you don't read romance?"

Xiaoxue raised her eyebrows: "Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. It's because of our career."

"Popularized by career?"

Chen Banxian's expression changed slightly: "Don't get into this profession. The number of people who starve to death in this profession every year could circle the earth twice!"

"Okay, okay, you'd better look after your apprentice."

Chen Banxian looked back, a little worried, he was someone who had been here before.

No one voted for monthly votes or recommendation votes at all.


At this time, Li Liu and the others had climbed several hills and arrived at the girl's residence.

"We Lingsen people generally live separately. These mountains are only within my range."

The girl fetched water: "You guys wash up first. There is a stream in the backyard. I haven't finished my work yet."

She entered the forest humming a song and actually gave the house to the two of them.

Li Liu quickly washed away the dirt on his body, and asked Lan Yanxin to wait while he went to see the ancient tribe.

"She must have gone to report the news. I'll go and have a look. If that's the case, I'll kill her."

He had promised that he would not die today no matter what, so he dared to go up. Otherwise, he would have run as far as he could on weekdays.

Li Liu thought in his mind that no one would be found here unless there was a spy.

After killing the girl, they can spend a wonderful honeymoon here.

It's exciting to think about it.

Following the path the girl took, he soon heard a burst of singing.

Soon, the girl appeared in front of him, with a small stream flowing through her.

I saw that the girl did not report the news, but continued to dig out pieces of flesh and blood from her body.

She frowned and endured the pain. When the flesh was dug out, it turned into seeds, and her body quickly recovered.

She planted seeds on the ground, and when they were sprinkled in the stream, plants grew, including trees, vines, and fruits.

The stream water reflected on the girl's face, sparkling and shining.

"Ah! Why are you here?"

The girl sensed this and turned around to see Li Liu with a panic on her face, and subconsciously covered the wound on her hand.

"What are you...doing?" Li Liu pointed at the newly appeared plants.

"Ah?" The girl dodges her eyes: "I just think this place is too deserted, so I plant some plants."

"Look, doesn't it look much better?"

Something is wrong, very wrong. The ancient tribes in the textbooks are so evil. How could they be so kind and care for the environment?

(End of this chapter)

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