There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 520 Do you want to be the executioner?

Chapter 520 Do you want to be the executioner?
Li Liu's sense of alertness reached its extreme, but this girl did not pose any threat to him.

On the contrary, the girl's secret was exposed and she did not hide it. She pointed to these mountains.

"Look, I planted all of these. Our Lingsen tribe likes the vibrant world the most."

She planted an entire forest.


Li Liu looked strange and wanted to say something else, but at this moment, the clouds in the sky were torn apart.

Twelve gleaming warships were rising and falling in the sky, aiming directly at Li Liu.


He subconsciously hid under the big tree. Are these people born in the year of the dog?He hid it so well and was discovered?
"what is that?"

The girl exclaimed: "What a big bird."

"That's...a battleship!" Li Liu reached out to pull her: "Quickly leave, you can't stay here, you will be discovered."

High in the sky, Lei Ying and others have seen everything on the ground.

"This is the earth. It looks no different from the sky."

"Boss, what's so good about this earth that everyone wants to return to?"

What he heard most in textbooks, elders celebrating the New Year, and discussions after dinner were the four words "Return to Earth".

This also made him have all the beautiful illusions about the earth. However, when he actually arrived on the earth, he didn't feel that there were many flowers and plants on the earth?

"You do not understand."

Zhuo Xun's eyes were full of memories. Humanity originated on the earth, grew up on the earth, experienced various disasters on the earth, and now left.

No one misses home.

"Raiying, don't speak out if you are ignorant."

An Jia's voice sounded: "After you left home, did you never go back?"

"Do you know how many people in the Nine Cities now want to return to Earth, and how many people want to see their hometown again before they die?"

These words made Lei Ying speechless, and he had no choice but to sweep the ground.

"Anyway, there are ancient tribes everywhere now. Look below, there is an ancient tribe's village."

Looking from the perspective of the battleship, there is a small village with hundreds of households in the distance.

It looks very much like the village in the previous textbooks. There are no technological facilities and even the roads are muddy.

"Teacher said that the ancient tribes are all heinous, and they must take revenge if they have the chance!"

He turned on the battleship's weapon system and launched an anti-matter entanglement bomb without hesitation.

I saw a gourd-shaped rotating white light slowly landing in the village.

"Look in the sky, that big bird pooped."

The girl looked at the sky in confusion, and Li Liu followed her, almost frightening her soul.

Antimatter entanglement bomb!

At this distance, even looking in the direction, it was dozens of mountains away, but Li Liu still subconsciously rushed towards his residence.

While rushing, he shouted: "Yan Xin, get down quickly!"


I saw white light rising from the ground, and the rotating energy gradually turned red. After the violent dazzling, there was a deafening roar!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise and countless trees broke and collapsed. The forest was instantly razed to the ground, the stream was cut off, animals died, and even the sky was shaken open by several layers of clouds.

The light... slowly dimmed.

The shock wave finally subsided, and Li Liu ran back rolling and crawling, rummaging around, and finally found Lan Yanxin in the corner of the wooden house.

She was motionless, not even the rise and fall of her chest.

"Are you okay? Yan Xin, don't scare me."

"I am fine."

Information flashed in Lan Yanxin's eyes. The shock wave just now caused the signals and circuits to be completely interfered with.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Li Liu was so frightened that he couldn't help but be afraid: "How did they find us? This is completely unreasonable."

"Who knows about the great monk?" Lan Yanxin stood up from the ground: "By the way, do you know what happened just now?"

"It's a battleship, opening fire at the ancient gathering place ahead."

"Fortunately, they didn't hit us." Lan Yan realized in hindsight: "By the way, where is the girl?"


Li Liu was about to speak when he suddenly saw the girl running quickly towards the location of the shock wave.

The battleships in the sky flew away, looking for them elsewhere.

That's why the two of them had the opportunity to chase and check. When they arrived, they saw only the village that had been razed to the ground, and a field of melted magma covering several kilometers.

"Dad... Mom..."

The girl was stunned, standing helplessly in the magma.

Her feet were burned but she didn't feel any pain at all. She just looked around and tears kept flowing.

The tears turned into flowers, and were burned clean by the magma in the next second.

That humble and lonely figure is heartbreaking to see.

The ancient tribes deserve to die, they have taken over our homeland, they deserve to die!Li Liu kept telling himself, but he couldn't be happy in his heart.

What is the difference between what they did and the ancient tribes' invasion of them?
I don't know how far away from here, Chen Banxian and others saw the scene through Lan Yanxin's video. "That girl is so pitiful, and the Lingsen clan is so pitiful."

Tears filled Xiaoxue's eyes. He also loved the forest and nature, so he had a natural affection for the Lingsen tribe.

"They are so bad, Chen Banxian, I think you should punish the Raikage!"

Xiaoxue clenched her fists: "How can they attack the defenseless Lingsen tribe? Bullying the weak is nothing!"

Looking at the scene in that picture, Xiaoxue wished she could take action and fight against the injustice of the Lingsen clan.

"What are you talking about?"

However, Chen Banxian looked at him strangely: "Are you fighting for the injustice of the ancient tribes?"

"Oh my god, sister, are you kidding me? It's too late for me to be happy that Raikage killed so many ancient clansmen at once, and I didn't even mention rewarding him. You actually called him bad?"

"You actually call a warrior who kills enemies a bad hero?"

"Ah? Chen Banxian, how can you say that?"

Xiaoxue didn't understand that the person in front of him was a bit strange.

"Can we bully the weak just because we are strong?"

"Shouldn't we bully the weak if we are strong?"

Chen Banxian asked him back: "Have you forgotten the time when you were almost killed by the ancient tribe?"

If he hadn't appeared, would he still be a priest?Not even a spiritual place.

"But...but that girl obviously didn't do anything. Her clan priesthood has made indelible contributions to the nature of the earth, but now the Raikage has been wiped out in one shot."

Xiaoxue still wanted to argue, but when she saw Chen Banxian's eyes, her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Say it, why don't you continue talking?"

Chen Banxian's eyes were cold and focused: "You won't say anything anymore?"

Xiaoxue covered her mouth and shook her head. She had never seen Chen Banxian like this in the past hundreds of years.

"If you don't tell me, I will."

He walked in the void: "If this Lingsen tribe is covering the sky, or even next to Nine Cities, I won't say anything, and Lei Ying will be punished as he deserves."

"But this is Earth and this is my home."

"They forced us out and settled here by themselves. Just because they planted some trees and bloomed some flowers, do I have to pity them?"

"You want to say which brains of the ancient tribe drove us away, and it has nothing to do with them? Right, they are innocent?"

"I bother!"

A few people flew through the air and arrived above a large city of the ancient tribe. Looking down, they saw that there were at least tens of millions of densely packed ancient tribesmen, and the construction facilities stretched for tens of thousands of miles.

However, Chen Banxian raised his hand and lowered it in front of Xiaoxue.


There were countless sounds of broken bones in this city, and everything that was originally full of life suddenly became dead.

With one palm of his hand, he killed tens of millions of creatures!
At this time, his eyes were even more cold-blooded, and he told Xiaoxue:

"Everyone in my family is guilty. If they repent, they should leave the earth, or go back to Jingxu!"

"Rumble" thunder sounded, and the death of a large number of creatures caused changes in the sky. The sun was blocked as if to punish Chen Banxian.

"Look, I haven't been back for a long time, and God has begun to favor them. Do you think they are guilty?"

Chen Banxian raised his head and blew his breath.

A typhoon of dozens of magnitudes roared away in the sky, blowing away all the dark clouds and water vapor.

But he, Chen Banxian, has grown up and is no longer the little monk who could only run away to the Eastern Wasteland with his tail between his legs.

"Who killed my people!"

At this moment, a giant appeared in the distance, with green skin and red hair, and a huge body. He strode towards Chen Banxian and roared!
"You executioner, I'm going to kill you!"

Endless anger surged from the eyes of this ancient tribe, and they wished they could spit on him. Unfortunately, the murderer was lawless. He not only killed the enemies of this ancient tribe, but also chased and killed all those who came to take revenge!
"You die too."

As soon as the three words fell, the head of the rushing ancient clan flew out.

Even though he is still in the eighth realm.

But in Chen Banxian's hands, he is even more fragile than an ant. Chen Banxian's opponent, whose basic training is Wan Dao, is no longer at the same level.

"After [Skyrim], I should take a walk and see the Kunlun Mountains."

His voice was soft, as if he was asking what to eat for lunch, spareribs or fried rice?

Xiaoxue said nothing and looked at Chen Banxian blankly.

He is so strange today.

He couldn't figure out why he was so cold-blooded after returning to Earth.

At this time, Chen Banxian sighed leisurely: "You have never experienced our pain, so you don't understand me. The ground under your feet once had the body of a three-year-old child."

"The ancient tribesmen did not let him go just because he had no resistance and was weak. Instead, they put him in a steamer and steamed him alive."

"Do you want to experience that pain and despair?"

With one eye on the past and the other on the present, the child's cries were heartbreaking.

Xiaoxue's face turned pale, and Chen Banxian turned away from looking at her: "Let's go, it's not far ahead, it should be [Tianji]."

He was inspecting this trip, and the earth had become bigger again. There was such a big movement here, but no other eighth realms appeared. It wasn't that they didn't come, but that they didn't notice it at all.

I just don’t know if the so-called [Tianji] can withstand his torture.

(End of this chapter)

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