There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 521 Weapons of Causality

Chapter 521 Weapons of Causality

Above the earth, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but now the sun is much bigger and seems to be hotter.

The moon also grew larger, and the craters on it were clearly visible. The originally mysterious back side also appeared. In some places, the moon's retreating back could be seen.

It was a piece of dust floating in the atmosphere.

There is a civilization built on a mountain that can see the back of the moon. How high is this mountain?

Nine layers of clouds are halfway up the mountain. You can see the stars by raising your hand, and the moon can only pass along the top of the mountain.

A huge technological city rises from the top of the mountain. At this time, strange nets rise in the city.

The reason why the network is strange is that a grid is hundreds of meters in size and cannot catch anything at all.

"Taiyin is coming!"

Along with the shouts, the network in the city was rolled out faster.

For a moment, a jade-white star pierced the void in the distance, coming with a long spiritual flame. The overwhelming spiritual energy condensed on it into a liquid-covered surface.

The lunar sky, the moon, became towering and huge, bringing a pitch-black sky and passing over the city.

All the nets are immersed in the lunar spiritual fluid. When the lunar calendar passes, an endless stream of spiritual fluid will continue to flow down the nets.

At this time, I watched the creatures in this city use various vessels to put the spiritual liquid into it and preserve it carefully.

"Is this [Skyrim]?"

Xiaoxue stepped on the void and finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

"It's really impressive. They all live on the edge of the sky, and they actually know how to use the moon to collect spiritual fluid."

A man and a woman stood on the top of this high mountain. Chen Banxian flicked his clothes, and the clothes wet with the spiritual liquid dried up immediately.

The amount of spiritual liquid all over his body was not enough for him to spit out even once.

He looked down and saw the detailed appearance of the people in [Tianji].

He has a slender figure, no facial features on his face, and his whole body is streamlined, but he just barely has a personal appearance.

There are no organs for eating and excretion, and there are no seven orifices for speaking and pronunciation, but what flows in their bodies is actually a string of data.

"Master, the signal tracking ends here. The Tianji people have already mastered a lot of information about our Nine Cities."

Zhulong ended the navigation and said: "Lan Yanxin sent a message just now, saying that Zhuo Xun has walked near them many times and found nothing. Please give instructions on the next step."

"It's simple, just take them to other ancient tribes."

Chen Banxian asked Zhulong to plan a route: "The main thing is that there should be no ancient people on the mission in the straight line distance after the earth channel enters the earth, so as not to expose our information."

"Okay master." Zhulong followed the instructions one by one: "But according to calculation, our information has been exposed to the people of [Skyrim]."

"Can't be exposed."

Chen Banxian looked at the city built on the top of the mountain: "As long as none of them are alive, the earth's information cannot be exposed."

No one alive?

Xiaoxue's heart skipped a beat when she saw Chen Banxian sitting down cross-legged.

A statue of a god appeared behind his head, split into four, and walked into the void.

When Xiaoxue looked up again, she saw four giant faces rising from the top of the mountain, staring at the city with expressionless eyes.

It was so huge that it startled her.

Each giant is as tall as this mountain, and even has half an extra head.

This is... the Dharma of Qingxuan Realm?
He was speechless. It was really terrifying.

It is said that at the end of cultivation, the Dharma will be larger than the universe. I don’t know if it is true.

"Go, go down and have a look."

Chen Banxian walked in front and set foot in this skyline city.

At this time, the whole city was shrouded in joy. These Tianji people had just harvested a lot of spiritual fluid, which was valuable hard currency and would be recognized by all the people in the Mirror Ruins.

Whether you eat it yourself or sell it, it is extremely cost-effective.

The first thing Chen Banxian found was the Tianji people living on the outskirts of the city, near the cliff.

They poured out the spiritual fluid, held it in a cup, and inserted a finger into the spiritual fluid.

You can see that the spiritual liquid is constantly decreasing, and the people in Tianji show expressions of great enjoyment.

"Hey, are you done?"

When the spiritual liquid bottomed out, Chen Banxian patted his shoulder.

He frowned. The skin of this Skyrim man was as tough as inflated cowhide.

"Who are you!"

The Skyrim man made a sound and quickly retreated.

However, Chen Banxian pointed a finger, and the Tianji people who were retreating kept getting closer to him.

A little space trick.

"You don't have a mouth, where does the sound come from?"

He looked around the naked man in the sky for a moment and gained insight into his secret.

It turns out that Skyrim people can control the surface of their skin and can make sounds by just resonating the air.

"You are...human!"

The Tianji man reacted quickly, and pictures began to appear above his head.

A signal was transmitted directly to the headquarters of the Skyrim people, who had evolved to the point where they could communicate without the need for mobile phones.

Almost instantly, there was a loud noise in the distance, and Chen Ban took two steps back.

He flicked his chest, where the clothes tore a small mark.

Except that the clothes under the mark were missing, other parts were intact, not even shaking.

"What kind of high-tech weapon is this?" he asked. It is invisible, colorless, has no kinetic energy rules, and aerodynamics has no effect.

"How did you communicate?" He grabbed the head of the person in front of him, inserted his fingers into the smooth surface, then pinched and tore it apart.

"Buzz, buzz!"

The Tianji man trembled violently. Under his torn skin were masses of particle energy, which were completely exposed to the air and were constantly evaporating. "Humans, let go of our inhabitants!"

In a short period of time, several Tianji people of different colors have arrived.

I saw that the colors of these people in the sky ranged from blue to green, and there was a strange "film" on their skin.

It seems to be matter, and it seems to be energy.

He slowly turned to face them, happy.

"Now that you know I'm from Earth, do you still want me to let you go?"

He sneered: "Stop being funny, the question now is how you can survive in my hands."

"Humans, don't try to violate our bottom line. The dignity of Tianji people is only illuminated by the brilliance of technology."

A green Skyrim man stepped forward, pointing his finger at him.

"We have means that you can't understand. If you don't want to die, just give up resistance and wait for our fate."

Xiaoxue was a little scared. Hiding behind Chen Banxian, he felt that he was not suitable for fighting.

Chen Banxian glanced at the green Tianji man.


A ball of green jelly exploded on the spot, and the opponent's arm fell to the ground.

Instant kill, everyone in Tianji was frightened and quickly moved away from him.

They could only shout from a distance: "I'll give you one last chance, don't be stubborn!"

Chen Banxian motioned to Xiaoxue to take a look: "This is strength. If I kill one of them, they can only keep shouting."

"A method that I can't understand? Haha, in this world, a method that I can't understand has yet to appear."

Do you really think that fellow practitioners like him are fake?
"Warning once!"

Those colorful Skyrim people are still shouting: "Second warning, humans, don't resist, put down your weapons!"


The third time he didn't say the three words, Chen Banxian's body suddenly shook violently, and the invisible and colorless attack from before was instantly covered with his name.

In particular, the eardrum, lower body and other seven orifices are all listed as key areas of concern.

People huddled together in Skyrim, whispering messages.

"Is he going to die this time?"

"What a powerful human being. He's stronger than what we said in the data. The first shot of the law weapon just now didn't penetrate his body."

"Look, he is motionless. He must be dead, killed by the weapon of law."

"Who said I was dead?"

Suddenly, Chen Banxian raised his head from where he was and said, "I was hit by you just now when I was caught off guard. I took two steps back. Don't you really think that this kind of weapon can kill me?"


He didn't move, just waved his hand casually, and a huge pillar suddenly fell from the sky.

It was a finger. A Dharma Prime Minister took action. His finger fell and crushed the lives of dozens of people in Tianji.

"No, humans are too powerful, activate the most powerful weapon quickly!"

The buzzing resonance is endless, this is their way of expressing language, but Chen Banxian understands it.

The air in front of him resonated and told these people in the sky.

"Run, you still have a chance to escape now. When I get tired of playing with you, you Skyrim people will be exterminated!"

This undoubtedly caused a violent commotion. The people of Tianji had a special way of transmitting information, and soon everyone knew the news here.

"It's humans humans coming to kill us!"

A Tianji person panicked and ran into Chen Banxian.

He said "ah"!
Usually when sitting on the ground, the skin will roll violently, and then quickly dry up with a "pop" sound.

I was actually scared to death.

This is Skyrim?Not very powerful either.

Chen Banxian smiled, and four pairs of huge eyes opened completely in all directions of Tianji City.

The eight big hands of the Dharma were raised high, and then dropped heavily, forming a tight blockade that continued to close towards the center of the city.

Everything melted under a pair of hands.

Everything collapses under a pair of hands.

The icy wind howled beneath a pair of hands.

The earth surges with a pair of hands.

All the people in Tianji could only be forced to flee towards the center of the city. Those who ran slowly would scream and die.

Seeing that the space in Tianji City was getting smaller and smaller, suddenly, four hands shook at the same time.



Chen Banxian pushed hard with his arms, but there was no ripple in the result, as if what was blocking the four pairs of hands was the Jidao Imperial Soldier.

His eyes entered the Dharma's perspective, he lowered his head and looked around, and saw eight people from the sky standing in front of him.

Different from other Skyrim people, these people wear thick armor and have a triangular plate on each hand.

"Human, it's you who forced us to use this weapon. Every time we use this weapon, we will pay a huge price!"

Another Skyrim man appeared from the center of the city and rushed towards him.

He also wears armor, but his hands are not triangular, but rectangular.

He was moving so fast that everything in front of him was collapsing as he went.

Even hard steel, stones, and even spiritual liquid became as thin as paper.

"Tremble under the weapon of the law of cause and effect, human beings, this is the fundamental basis for us Tianji people to truly stand in this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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