There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 522: Are you afraid of the densely packed Dharma images?

Chapter 522: Are you afraid of the densely packed Dharma images?

Two way foil?
Chen Banxian danced his magic arm and dropped from the sky, pressing it on the head of the armored Tianji man who used the law of cause and effect weapon.

But the person in Tianji just raised the weapon in his hand above his head, and the Dharma was continuously compressed into a flat surface from his fingertips!
I have to admit that the Law of Cause and Effect Weapon is really powerful. His Dharma Appearance was suppressed into a flat surface even thinner than paper after just touching it a little.

I can no longer sense this Dharma form, so I can only condense it again, but in a short period of time, the Tao Yun in this world has been drained away.

"Chen Banxian, what is that?"

Xiaoxue was in a state of confusion. The overwhelming momentum just now was suddenly stopped. He recalled the nightmare of being dominated by the ancient tribe.

These are ancient tribes. They are civilizations that survived countless epochs ago. The older they are, the more powerful they are. It is really too risky for them to run wild today!

Zhulong's voice sounded: "Master, according to calculations, this is a technology that we did not have until thousands of years ago. The construction method of the causal law weapon is extremely complicated. Even the top scientists need a huge team to develop it."

"This is a technological weapon, right?" Chen Banxian moved his finger, and the second Dharma Image reached out to touch it again.

The big hand that covered the sky crushed all the high-rise buildings in Skyrim City, but as soon as it touched the weapon, it was quickly absorbed and flattened, without any resistance.

As long as they are ancient clans in the Mirror Ruins, they cannot be underestimated.

"Yes, Master, this is a technological weapon. I have no memory of the future, but according to my own database, the technological bottleneck for future people should be when the law of cause and effect weapon reaches its limit."

"Human race! Give up resistance!"

The Tianji people were approaching, and the armor on their bodies showed two colors of emerald and copper, which were the traces left after Chen Banxian's dharma form was flattened.

The terrifying law of cause and effect weapon is compressed on a small pair of armor. The level of civilization of Tianji people is really high.

"You have the right to talk to me."

Chen Banxian did not step back or leave. He waited for the man from the sky to come over and came face to face with him, less than a millimeter away.

Such a close distance has already reached the opponent's resonance level, and Tianjiren can crush Chen Banxian into a thin piece of paper with just a few moves.

"Human, there doesn't seem to be any grudges between us, right?"

The voice of the Skyrim people spread out: "You came to our city and destroyed our home, why did you do this!"

There was emotion in his words, anger, questioning Chen Banxian about the evil deeds he had committed!
"You are stealing our human race's confidential information."

Chen Banxian laughed at this question: "As soon as your spies were discovered, our human race had a reason to take action against you Tianji people."

"Now, you actually ask me why I want to massacre you?"

The resonance layer around the Tianji people fluctuated violently: "We protected the weak civilization at that time, but we did not cause any trouble or threat to your society!"

The Tianji people spoke in a very strong tone, as if they were greatly wronged: "We Tianji people are a peace-loving race. Look, look around, it's devastated. My home was destroyed like this by you invaders! "

"Your home?"

Chen Banxian took a step forward and asked sternly: "Say it again! Is this your home?"

The Tianji people couldn't help but take a step back and warned him: "Human race, we are negotiating with you now, otherwise the law of causality weapon will have landed on your head!"

"This is our home. We Tianji people grow up on this planet and die on this planet. This has been the case forever!"

"I bother!"

Chen Banxian took a step forward again: "This planet belongs to our human race!"

His eyes were extremely sharp, like a long knife that could cut through the sky: "Do you know why I'm talking to you here?"

"It's not because I'm afraid of your causal weapons, but because I'm coveting your causal weapons!"

He reached out brazenly and grabbed the Tianji man's neck.

"Do you dare to touch me?"

The armored Tianji man resonated wildly, conveying the message of Tan Beng, and then leaned the law of cause and effect weapon against Chen Banxian.

However, he leaned forward, and the distance between the two was obviously less than a millimeter, but it was as far away as the end of the world.


At this moment, the people in Armor Skyrim's emotions fluctuated to the extreme.

"Report! The other party controls the rules of space and requests the use of directional locking weapons. Requests the use of directional locking... Bang!"

The Armored Skyrim man's brain was crushed by Chen Banxian, and the light group inside began to spread out.

The armor was scattered all over the ground.

"Zhulong, analyze the composition of this armor."

Chen Banxian waved his hand, and the two dharma images that had been swallowed by the void opened four pairs of eyes again.

"Sorry, I don't have much else, I just have many Dharma images!"

The reappearance of the Dharma was so terrifying that it dug up mountains from the very beginning and caused earthquakes from beneath the earth.

"You can block my hand and see if you can block the earthquake."

The mountain was shaking, and the aftermath of the explosion spread for countless miles. Although the buildings in Skyrim City were still intact, the same was not true of the survivors.

Their bodies were not very strong and could even be called fragile, and many of them were shattered into a pulp.

At the critical moment, a blue energy shield rose in the center of the giant city.All the aftermath of the shock completely disappeared on the energy shield.

"Oh? There are really endless types of causal weapons."

Chen Banxian stepped forward, and the Dharma form that originally occupied all four directions shrank.

Are you giving up?

No, it’s the Dharma that is giving way to more Dharma images!

Terrifying giants of different colors appear alternately around the barrier of Skyrim City, like ancient gods, overlooking the city.

The terrible oppression is the judgment of the gods on humble mortals, condemning them to death.

In the center of Tianji City, among the vast buildings, ten Tianji people with golden skin stood together and walked out of the building hand in hand.

If you look carefully, you will find that these ten Skyrim people all have strange rings on their hands.

It seems to be metal, with complex and mysterious lines engraved on it.

"Stop it."

A golden sky figure walked up into the sky with empty steps, standing on the inside of the barrier and looking at the invader.

Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows and saw that the Tianji man's body was a little flabby, and he actually looked old.

He did not speak, but a Dharma image spoke, and his voice boomed into the sky:

"Leader of the Tianji people, are you here to die?"

In terms of momentum, the Tianji people have lost, completely.

"Dear Mr. Human, my name is Jingya, and I am one of the ten leaders of the Tianji clan."

The old Jingya saluted: "Please hold your hand high and stop causing damage. We have always been a peace-loving race. We are willing to show enough sincerity to apologize for the infringement of the nobles."

His etiquette was strange, like a tangled dance of swans.

Chen Banxian said nothing, neither agreed nor objected, but waited for his next words through the barrier.

"Dear Mr. Human, I just heard you say that you like our clan's Law of Cause and Effect weapons. Our clan is deeply honored and is willing to use ten of these weapons as a hub for peace. I wonder if Mr. Human agrees?"

"Tsk, you want to get rid of me with ten causal weapons?"

Chen Banxian sighed softly: "I only pushed half of your city, and five causal weapons appeared. If I continue to destroy your half city, I would like to see if you have any other good things."

This made Jing Ya panic.

"Are you humans so overbearing? We are willing to submit, show weakness, and make concessions, but you just don't leave us a way to survive?"

There was deterrence in his voice: "If you really want to continue, sir, I think we will fight a protracted war!"

"Then hit."

Chen Banxian didn't give him any hope, "If you knew more about our race, you wouldn't say these words to me here."

Before the resurrection of Heavenly Dao, during that long period of enlightenment, humans were not a single species of Homo sapiens on the earth.

Instead, there are Denisovans, Neanderthals, Heidelbergensis, Sibranos and other human races.

But in the end, why are only Homo sapiens alive today?
Why are humans the most powerful of all things?Crushed all species on earth under your feet?

Heaven's choice?

Wrong, it's killing, it's a race created by forceful killing. We can have civil wars and conquer each other. That's because we humans are the only masters of the earth and there is no higher real threat.

Therefore, human beings are civilized, harmonious, and full of wisdom.

But now, with the emergence of the ancient Jingxu clan, the racial threat is coming again, and the brutality and tyranny of the human bloodline will be revealed again.


Chen Banxian's eyes widened suddenly!The white fairy light flashed on the fist, and the flying fairy body exploded with all its strength.

The blue energy shield of the Tianji people began to shake rapidly. This fist hit was not the eighth realm, but the upper limit of the current earth!
Thousands of things move together, the color of the heaven and earth changes, and a cloud of calamity is about to appear.

On Kunlun Mountain, where the core of the Yinggou Ancient Clan resides, the rich Yin Qi and Spiritual Qi are almost turning into reality.

The young man with silver-haired shawls slowly raised his eyes. The pupils were also bright silver, and silver wings spread out behind his back.

He was like an object carved by God, exquisite and perfect.

But at this moment, a strong fighting spirit appeared on this perfect face.

"Touch the Dao of Heaven, and all Dao will respond. There is another genius who can fight with me!"

I don't know how far away from Kunlun, a well-mannered young man from the ancient Lushu tribe also stood up: "Interesting, they don't look like the people I know."

Some people from the Ancient Spin Turtle Clan also raised their heads and caught a glimpse of the stunning power in the distance.

Someone whispered, guessing that a certain ancient mirror ruins finally found its way home?Among them, the genius reappears in the world.

Some people also lamented: "In an era of turbulent waves, all civilizations are just foam under the waves. Everyone is powerful and everyone is fragile."

(End of this chapter)

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