There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 523 Crystallization of Skyrim Civilization

Chapter 523 Crystallization of Skyrim Civilization
Those who are close by have already sent people from the ancient tribe to the top of Tianji City.

However, even so, there was a commotion in Tianji City, and that fist almost broke the barrier of the Law of Cause and Effect!
The sky was shaking, and in the sky city, a brass cylinder was also shaking.

The nine golden Skyrim people looked around the brass pillar and saw that there were tiny cracks on it.

The sky that cannot be hurt by the Dharma can be hurt by this human being with just one fist?

"Enable directional lock-on weapons."

A golden sky man spoke: "Jingya failed. Your actions on the left will make the enemy worse. Now it is up to us on the right to take over."

"Anma Ke, you go to activate the directional weapons, Luo Ka, you go to balance the energy output."

As the words fell, the two golden sky figures walked out of here without saying a word.

Their rings shimmered and disappeared from the face of the earth.

When he reappeared, Anma Ke was seen holding an extremely small bow in his hand.

This small bow is only about the size of a palm, and the arrows are placed on it. It doesn't look like there is any trace of technology.

However, all the people in Golden Sky are very solemn, this is an important weapon of civilization!
"I'm going to use it."

Anma Ke gently raised his small bow and locked the figure outside the sky.

"3, 2, 1!"


As he let go, the small bow instantly shattered and the arrow disappeared.

It's not that it disappeared, but that the arrow was too fast and exceeded the constraints of space.

Outside the sky, Jing Ya felt nothing, but Chen Banxian stretched out his hand to block him in front of him.

The figure of a small arrow appeared, no more than the length of a finger, and it continued to move closer to his palm.

If a monk came to see it, the scene he would see would be completely different.

There are infinite spaces in the palm of the hand, one after another, but the small arrow has crossed countless spaces in an instant, and its speed has long exceeded the original definition.

Time and space are vulnerable to it.

So close and so far away doesn't work anymore.

Chen Banxian saw that the speed of the arrow was still increasing, getting faster and faster, and it was expected to hit him in a few seconds.

Only separated by a layer of sky and a blue barrier, Jing Ya was extremely horrified at this moment.

A directional locking weapon. This is a directional locking weapon. Each directional locking weapon is unique. This is the Mercy Death Bow!
No matter how the targeted person resists or escapes, they will be obliterated by it.

Dying in an instant is the most direct manifestation of the compassion of its name.

It is said that once the shot is fired, the targeted person will have no reaction, and they will have no means to stop it.

However, the arrow from the Mercy Death Bow appeared in front of him.

"Human race, you are really powerful, maybe even more generous than those young masters of the big clans."

Jingya saluted him again: "We are a peaceful race. If we were not forced to do so, we would not use this evil weapon against you. Go on, sir."

Chen Banxian admitted that he was frightened by this weapon, and even he couldn't dodge it.

The Tianji people's research on the law of cause and effect weapons is indeed amazing and shocking. No one in the eighth realm can avoid it.

He guessed that only the ninth one would be fine.

But... although he is in the eighth realm, he is no longer in the eighth realm.

When he was still a few centimeters away from his body, Chen Banxian motioned for Jing Ya to look over.

"People from Tianji, judging from your struggles, you still haven't given up. I'm going to give you a shocking performance."

Jing Ya couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and had a bad premonition.

Then they saw Chen Banxian holding the Mercy Death Bow with one hand, moving his other hand back, holding his fist at his waist, and bowed slightly to gather strength.

The afterimage flashed by.

When the scene was frozen, two Chen Banxians appeared in Jingya's eyes. One was still clenching his fists and tightening his waist, while the other had already punched out and made close contact with Mercy's Death Bow.

The afterimage slowly dissipated, and nothing seemed to happen in the sky.

However, the sky was shaking violently. It was clearly still several feet away, but it was shaking even more violently than before.

Moreover, this tremor could not be calmed down. Each wave became more intense and terrifying, and a sound like leaking electricity came from the barrier.

And through the twisted barrier, Jing Ya saw that the human race had withdrawn his fist and looked at the long arrow in his hand.

The Mercy Death Bow was intercepted!
At this moment, the desperate figure of the human race was deeply imprinted into Jing Ya's heart, becoming a mark that could never be erased. It was not the inner demon, but it was better than the inner demon.

He seemed to have lost all his strength and fled back to the city limply.


Inside the building, Jingya walked in haphazardly, his eyes full of confusion and fear. He didn't feel anything when he bumped into tables, chairs and utensils.

"Jingya, what's wrong with you?" Luo Ka stepped forward and expressed concern: "We have controlled the energy, and the Mercy Death Bow will kill that enemy."

They have never seen Jing Ya with such an expression. The ten-member elders lead the Tianji clan, with San Anhuo on the right as the leader of the four, and Jing Ya on the left as the leader of the left.

It can be said that he is one of the top people.

However, Jing Ya's current behavior was something they had never seen before.

When Jingya heard the sound coming from the outside world, he was expressionless and just pointed numbly at the cylinder of the curtain.

Luo Ka looked along and saw that the cylinder had been filled with cracks at some point and fell down under his gaze.

Became a pile of waste.

"It happened!"

Luo Ka suddenly disappeared from here, heading underground to the energy core of the Skyrim people.

It was their accumulation before the Mirror Ruins, but now the core is so red that no one can approach within a hundred meters.

It's on overdrive.

Fierce!The core stopped spinning, and all the energy seemed to be unplugged and cut off.

"no no!"

Luo Ka ran outside in despair, but what greeted him was the earth shaking.

The densely packed Dharma in the sky continued to advance, leaving the still endless half-sitting Skyrim City in ruins.

Countless points of light rose from the ruins, which were the blood of Tianji people.When the shaking stopped, the place was already bright and beautiful.

In the eyes of Tianji people, this is a boundless purgatory.

One person slowly stepped into the last intact building of Tianji people, the flat ten-column hall.

"Human race, you should die!"

A golden Elder Skyman appeared, the ring in his hand glowed, and he could actually fire the weapon of cause and effect that turned everything into a flat surface.

Chen Banxian glanced at him, and a steady stream of Dharma images entered the ring in his hand.

A few seconds later, the ring exploded into pieces, exploded by the boundless Dao Yun.

The terrible shock wave and explosion had just begun, but they all disappeared.

Chen Banxian brushed it with one hand and kept walking.

There don't seem to be many people in this golden sky who should be the leader. Counting this one, he has already killed six.

In the flat ten-column hall, three people stepped forward to face him.


Chen Banxian looked at the leader and saw that his skin was as old as Jingya.

"Where's Jingya? I remember not killing him."

San Anhuo's old skin shook: "He is dead, human race, you won, you completely destroyed us and destroyed our civilization."

"Your civilization is really weak."

Chen Banxian didn't care: "Hand over your knowledge of civilization, and I won't kill you."


Luo Ka's voice was decisive: "Our civilization is dead. You have destroyed everything about us. You will never get the crystallization of the wisdom of the Skyrim people!"

"That's a pity. I can only bear the pain and kill you."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Ka exploded.

That demon, he didn't even move.

San Anjo's ring shines, and he will fight to the death to preserve the final glory for the people of Tianji!

But in the next second, he turned into smoke and disappeared, and the flames that suddenly appeared burned everything.

The ring fell to the ground and made a jingling sound.

It seems that it is the last sound of civilization, so weak and inaudible.

"What about you? Do you want to die too?"

Chen Banxian looked at the last golden Tianji Ren'an Ma Ke.


He hesitated.

At this last moment, he hesitated.

"We promise you."

At this moment, a person walked out of the flat ten-pillar hall. His old body was none other than Jing Ya.

He is not dead, but his heart is dead and his body is still alive.

He staggered to Chen Banxian, knelt down on his knees, and bowed to the ground, using the highest gift of mankind.


Anma Ke didn't know what to say.

"Dear Mr. Human." Jingya put his head on the ground: "Jingya, a humble Tianji man, is willing to give you the crystallization of wisdom of Tianji civilization. I beg Mr. Human for forgiveness and calm your anger."

He succumbed, and the figure of this devil completely defeated his will.

"Dang kuang~"

The arrow from the death bow of Mercy fell in front of him: "Swear to heaven."

"Yes, respected Mr. Human Race, Jingya hereby swears to Heaven that he is willing to contribute the crystallization of wisdom of our Tianji people without any reservation. All knowledge, if violated, will be lost forever."

"The idiom is used well. It seems that you have studied human culture a lot."

Chen Banxian moved one hand, and the candle dragon in the distance appeared in front of him.

Turn on the recording mode, record all the information of all Tianji people, and filter it at the same time to make sure that no omissions are missed. "

"Yes, Master, Zhulong can record all information about a civilization."

"Please follow me." Jingya twisted the ring and opened a transmission channel.

Chen Banxian followed him personally, and the three of them disappeared from here.

"Wait for me!"

Suddenly, panicked shouts came from outside, and Xiaoxue chased her here alone.

"Chen Banxian, where are you?"

"Boss, why don't you just run away after getting into trouble? Are you leaving me here to pay for it?"

"No, boss, help, boss, Brother Xian, Ba Ba, I was wrong!"

Chen Banxian, who had already left, tore open the space, grabbed Xiaoxue's collar and took her away.

"What are you yelling about? I don't have a daughter as old as you!"

He quickly took out his mobile phone from Xiaoxue: "You don't listen to me when I tell you to watch less unhealthy things. The youth mode is turned on and off for you."

"From now on, it is forbidden to play on mobile phones until you realize your mistake."


Xiaoxue is now happy and angry, good news and bad news have arrived at the same time.

He changed the subject: "Banxian, have you eaten?"

Chen Banxian, who was watching the information entered by Zhulong:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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