There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 524 Hey, I am teasing you, the child of the Tianji tribe

Chapter 524 Hey, I am teasing you, the child of the Tianji tribe

"I haven't eaten yet, but I can't return the phone to you."

As they chatted and joked, they came to the bottom of Tianji City. Countless huge instruments were in operation, and at the core was a four-sided prism crystal.

The sharp cones at both ends are connected to huge instruments that continuously read, write and output information. This is the crystallization of Tianrim civilization.

"Our Tianrim civilization developed peacefully for 10 years countless epochs ago."

Jingya took off the crystal tremblingly: "In the Jingxu space, we are trapped in a repetitive time of only 500 years. Therefore, even after such a long time, we are still at the level of civilization of 10 years."

The crystal fell into Chen Banxian's hand, but he threw it to Zhulong casually. Jingya's body surface shook for an instant and then subsided.

Without this crystal, all operations are at a standstill. This city, which was built just a few hundred years ago and is known as the never-ending Skyrim City, is completely shut down.

Jing Ya, an old Tianji man, stood blankly in front of the huge instrument, small and humble. Chen Banxian looked at Zhulong: "How is the analysis going? Are there any obstacles?"

"Everything is going well so far. My computing power is higher than that of this information storage."

"Okay, Jingya."

Chen Banxian patted the old man's shoulder. When the latter turned around, what he saw was eternal darkness.


The old body fell to the ground, and Anma Ke behind him screamed in surprise. "Ah! You killed him, how did you kill him!"

Jing Ya has obviously surrendered and compromised, why is this devil still killing people!
"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Chen Banxian comforted him, walked up to An Ma Ke step by step, and touched his face with his hand.

"It's quick and doesn't hurt."

The blazing heat spread from his hands, and Anma Ke screamed and rolled around, turning into a pile of fly ash after a few breaths.

The Tianji clan is now completely extinct.

"Let's go, there's nothing to see here."

He pulled Xiaoxue, who was stunned again, and the latter screamed, being frightened again.

He looked at Chen Banxian with tears in his eyes and said with a pursed lips: "Brother Xian, tell me, will you kill me suddenly?"

He is afraid. Who can look at such a person and not tremble?

"Don't worry, good boy. You are of great use. I can't do anything to you."

Chen Banxian coaxed him and told him that if Xiaoxue could get the Era Ring, he would not be able to kill him.


At this moment, there was a falling sound in the underground space that had completely stopped functioning.

Chen Banxian stopped and turned around slowly.

Following the direction of the sound, he curled his lips and walked forward until he came to the place where the sound came from, which was blocked by huge gears.

He slowly stretched out his hand to grab the gear, but said: "Maybe it's something, it's okay."


As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled off the huge gear weighing a thousand tons, revealing the space behind it.

A thin-looking Tianji man was hiding inside, his body shaking violently and screaming in terror.

"It's a child."

Xiaoxue looked at Chen Banxian worriedly, thinking that he would kill him.

"Forget it, I don't have any reason to take action against a child."

Chen Banxian shook his head and left with a few people.

Only the child of Tianjiren clenched his fists looking at the bodies of Jingya and Anma Ke on the ground.

He must avenge this revenge at all costs...

Before the thought came to an end, Meng's child's eyes darkened.

Chen Banxian left and came back again, looking at him condescendingly.

"You didn't expect it, did you? I was teasing you before."

Are you kidding me?
The child's consciousness remains in this moment forever.

On the surface, Chen Banxian returned, but Xiaoxue didn't notice it at all.

Zhulong discovered it, but it was rational and had no words. It just kept analyzing the crystallization of Tianji people's wisdom.

"Oh, what a beautiful modern city. It's such a pity that it is gone."

Xiaoxue folded his hands. When he first came here, he was shocked when he saw the scene of catching moon spirit liquid.

I probably won’t be able to see it anymore.

"Yeah, what a pity." Chen Banxian also lamented. If he ignored the four Dharma figures walking out behind him, he might have been deceived by him.

Violent vibrations came again. It was not enough for him to kill all the people in Tianji. The four Dharma ministers waved their fists wildly and flattened the mountain, burying everything.

Despite such a big movement, no one came, just because the distance was too far.

After several people were almost gone, the strong man from the ancient tribe arrived.


The strong man stood in a large pit and was horrified: This large pit with a radius of several hundred kilometers turned out to be in the shape of a fist.

How huge is the creature that takes action?In other words, how terrifying?
He turned around quickly, and his nose hurt the next second as he bumped into something.

A motionless figure stood behind him, seemingly waiting for him for a long time.

"Scared!" The ancient warrior took two steps back, sweat breaking out on his forehead.

The eighth realm, the person who destroyed Tianji Civilization is the eighth realm, definitely the eighth realm, the top of the world's combat power.

I'm going to die, I'm going to die.Kang Feng's blood froze all over his body, but the man just patted his chest and left a word.

"Tell all the ancient clans in Jingxu that we, the human race, are coming back."

Human race, are you coming back?
Kang Feng hadn't remembered anything about the human race yet, and he didn't react until the person left.

"It's the human race! The Skyrim clan was destroyed by the human race!"

This was big news. He left here in a hurry and wanted to return to the Kang clan to report the situation here.

At this time, near Mount Everest Earth, Chen Banxian and others had already arrived at Cloud Head.

A few days have passed, let's see what the outcome is.

When he walked out of the space, the first thing he saw was devastation and ruins.

Mountains and rivers shattered, the earth collapsed, and there was no living creature along the way.

Half of the huge mountain peak was missing, and the twelve warships cast large shadows like demons from outside the territory.

"How's the situation?"

Chen Banxian motioned to Zhulong to speak.

"Master, Li Liu hasn't made too many demands in the past few days. He just set a request for himself and Lan Yanxin not to die, and then promised the fastest spaceship and the best concealment technology. It's still the case now. Being chased by Jiucheng Fang."

"Oh? That boy didn't wish to make himself invincible?"

Chen Banxian said something strange. If it were him, he would have been out of breath by now.

"According to Zhulong 1's observation, Li Liu doesn't trust this pie. He always asks for things outside of himself and never puts any demands on his own cultivation."

"It's pretty sensible."

The smile flashed across Chen Banxian's eyes. This was the right thing to do. Otherwise, how could he be qualified to be his disciple?
Destiny will allow you to achieve the final result in various ways. No matter how complicated the process is, the general trend cannot be changed.

"Is there any movement over there from the Ancient Clan?"

Several people looked at the earth from above the clouds. Another warship opened fire, and another ancient tribe's station ignited smoke.

It's not that there are no strong people in this ancient clan, it's just that they couldn't make any waves in front of the twelve eighth realms such as Zhuo Xun, and they died within a few words of their appearance.

"Master, this is the No. 60 second ancient tribe's station. So far, it has not encountered strong resistance. It is preliminary estimated that the eighth realm is not so easy for the ancient tribes to reach. The existing eighth realm resistance force Basically, they are all native Jingxu ancient tribes.”

This is normal. Not every race can practice so quickly.

The most important thing is that their population is not as large as the human race, and the reproduction speed is much different.

Take the Yinggou clan as an example. Hundreds of people are transformed every day. On the human side, the daily population of Baihu City, let alone the Nine Cities, is in the tens of thousands.

Why does the population of Baihu City reproduce so quickly?

Because in Baihu City, there were people who died of exhaustion, illness, and violence, even those who did not starve to death, Chen Banxian paid for the minimum food security from his own pocket.

The huge base, coupled with the luck of the Forbidden Cauldron, makes the human race's foundation grow stronger day by day.

Chen Banxian felt that it was time to try to return to Earth.

Lan Yanxin on the other end signaled to talk to Chen Banxian.

"Take it."

Soon Lan Yanxin's portrait appeared in front of him, and his first words were complaints.

"Great person with the highest authority, I'm asking for leave. Li Liu has been wanting to hold me to sleep lately."

In order to rush for time, Lan Yanxin didn't set up the necessary organs at all, it was just an empty show.

"Please allow me to find Academician Zhou Xiaoming to reconstruct the body."

"This kid is quite impatient, but this matter cannot be rushed. How can he mess around without getting married?"

Chen Banxian reassured her and just insisted on refusing.

"How are you memorizing Li Liu's text?"

He asked casually, wanting to see if the latter had neglected his studies.

"Under the potential of being hunted every day, Li Liu has already mentioned that he has completed three months of reciting, and is currently trying it on his own, but it seems to have little effect."

"Not very effective?"

Chen Banxian followed the instructions himself and earned Gua gold in the first month through the novice protection period.

Give him some more time, maybe Li Liu will fly first?
Just talking about Gua Jin, just when Chen Banxian thought he was going to become a great master, his career took a turn for the worse.

When the golden finger comes, he can no longer earn hexagram gold and cannot make a fortune from it.

"Actually, sometimes I feel quite sad."

Looking at the battleship below, Chen Banxian sighed, letting Lan Yanxin reveal his position and saw Li Liu running away frantically amid the gunfire.

Li Liu: "TMD, Jiucheng is really awesome. Even labor and capital are hidden underground and you can still find them!"

He ran very fast, not forgetting to kiss Lan Yanxin, "Don't be afraid, Yan Xin, I have experience!"

Can I not have experience?I'm used to running away, but since I can't die, I just run away.

"It's just that this time, Chen Banxian personally supervised the battle and felt that he could not be allowed to be so relaxed again."

"Zhulong, help me connect to the table."

"Good host."

In the main ship of the Twelve Battleships, Desk looked at the map.

It has been several days since we came from Earth. Many ancient tribes were killed along the way, and a straight path has been cleared.

This straight road is like a sharp knife piercing the earth's interior. However, so far, it has been able to get around the suspect every time, but it has never been able to determine the exact location.

(End of this chapter)

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