Chapter 525 Kunlun Jin Clan
Table Xun is very worried. So far they have not encountered strong enemies, but if they continue, they will definitely encounter strong enemies.

This suspect seems to have consciously led them deeper into the earth. It’s hard to guess what the purpose is.

At this moment, the battleship's intelligent system made a ding-dong sound, and a coordinate was exposed in his retina.


c refers to the right side, the divided area is divided into ten equal parts, and the precise coordinates of cell 2 and 6 in the 3 divisions of area 9.

The last 1 is the distance display after correction, with an error of only one meter.

Who sent the coordinates?suspects?Or is there someone else? Did he throw himself into the trap?

Zhuo Xun stepped out of the battleship. He had to take a look.

Underground, Li Liu didn't know that he had been betrayed by his closest person, and he took Lan Yanxin to run away.

"Yan Xin, I think there must be something wrong with us being tracked all the time."

In a cave at the coordinates, the shrunken spaceship docked, and Li Liu said seriously.

"I suspect there is a traitor among us."

His expression was extremely serious, which made Lan Yan's heart skip a beat.

Did this fool finally guess it belatedly?
Just listen to Li Liu continue: "I suspect that I am the traitor!"

Lan Yanxin: "Actually...ah?"

Li Liu: "There must be something wrong with me. It must be a cunning official method. It is very likely that a monk cursed me or lowered my head. I often see this method in my novels!"

Lan Yan was speechless. She didn't want to say anything, but gradually only Li Liu's face remained in her eyes.

This fool doubted that he even suspected her. What would happen if he knew the truth?
She suddenly felt a little panicked. If she played with him like this, would it eventually lead to serious consequences?

At this time, she deeply understood the word "premonition".

High in the sky, Chen Banxian looked at the table below to find the coordinates that were about to be reached, then looked into the distance and operated slightly.

Then there is life.

"Li Liu!"

Zhuo Xun split the mountain with a sword, exposing the shrunken spaceship in the cave to the sun!
Li Liu inside the spacecraft was dumbfounded: "Oh no, don't you tell the system that the other party will never find me?"

"Dear user, the other party did not find you, he just found your spaceship."

"Damn it, aren't the employees in the spaceship? Still haven't found it?"

"Theoretically, during three months of use, you will never appear in front of pursuers."

"What the hell, what a trap!"

Li Liu hurriedly controlled the spacecraft and had to escape quickly!
"You're in front of me and you still want to run?"

Zhuo Xun cut off the engine of the spaceship with one sword, and when he was about to continue cutting open the cabin with one sword, he felt something in his heart.

He raised his sword and slashed at the distant sky.


The sword energy exploded, and a creature with golden horns attacked.

"What a human being, you still dare to come back to earth to commit crimes, let you die!"

This ancient tribe held a handful of golden melon seeds and threw them towards the table from a distance.

The golden melon seeds turned into golden threads in the air, which contained a terrifying golden Taoist charm.

Zhuo Xun raised his sword to block, and instantly thrust out a thousand swords. Those golden melon seeds split into two, and then split into four, making it extremely difficult to fight.

After Thousand Swords, mottled blood and wounds appeared on Zhuexun's body.

"Hey human race, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are much stronger."

The creature from the Golden Horn Ancient Clan revealed its true appearance: "What, you're surprised?"

"I received a message for help from a long way away. The Momakna tribe said that the humans were coming. I thought it was a lie, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"Let me introduce myself. Jin Zhuohai, according to your human classification, is the eighth realm of the Jin clan."

Jin Zhuohai looked confident: "What about you? In the eighth realm of the human race, there are not many strong people like you among the human race, right? Are there three or five?"

"It's a pity that no matter how many there are, the human race will be severely damaged today."

"Three to five?"

Zhuo Xun swung his long sword and said, "Could it be that your Jin clan still lived a few centuries ago?"

He wiped the blood off his body with his hands: "Jin Zhuohai, are you strong?"

"Although I am not considered capable of drawing a sword among my clan, I am very strong for weak humans like you."

His words made Zhu Xun couldn't help but laugh.

"Since you are strong, I can't confront you head-on."

Jin Zhuohai was taken aback by this knowing look.

Then, he laughed and said, "That's right. Run away quickly. Let me see if you can escape my grasp."

The handful of golden melon seeds returned to his hand, which made Zhui Xun run tens of thousands of miles first.

In the sky, Chen Banxian showed compassion in his eyes, and the extraordinary beings in the other eleven battleships were already in place.

I saw Zhuixun's palms slapping twice.

The space rippled, and the eleven Eighth Realm statues slowly walked out.

They formed a circle and surrounded Jin Zhuhai in the center.


Jin Zhuhai's first reaction was not to run away, but to rub his eyes.

Twelve, twelve human beings in the eighth realm!

How is it possible? Is this fake?How could there be twelve human beings in the eighth realm!

In his image, the human race is a weak race, worthy only of being reduced to food rations, and many captive humans on the earth are expendable.

It's like the food you have been eating suddenly tells you that I am actually better than you.

Lei Ying geared up: "You're stupid, the Gougu Clan, you didn't expect there are so many of us."

Several Eighth Realm members have enjoyed their packages before, and everyone is already familiar with this business sequence.One teammate lures out the enemy, and then the rest swarm up.


Raikage put down his phone: "Okay, I've left the victim's photo, brothers, take action!"

They want to hit me!
Jin Zhuhai hurriedly raised the golden melon seeds: "I'm warning you, my golden melon seeds...


Anjia slapped his golden melon seeds all over the floor.


I don’t know who shouted, and an earth-shattering battle broke out here!
Well... For Jin Zhuohai, it was an earth-shattering battle, but for Zhuo Xun and others, it only happened in a moment.

After the storm subsided, Zhuo Xun thought of something and slapped his head: "Oops, the suspect ran away."

"TMD, what a blessing!"

Zhuo Xun couldn't help but wonder. He subconsciously ignored the suspect just now. It was definitely not normal just now.

Li Liu sat on the spaceship that he had just made a wish for, and the two of them ran all the way to the depths of the earth.

"Go east."

Lan Yanxin said casually, and the spacecraft changed direction.

Just now Chen Banxian told her that by bringing people to the Jin tribe's station, their mission would be completed.

The Jin clan is different from the other small clans in Jingxu along the way. It is a big clan in this area.

They are located in the ruins of the former Qingcheng, with the world of Cang Cang at their back, and there are strong men in the clan who have surpassed the eighth realm.

They are also the most vocal among the thousands of people in Jingxu.

Normally, Li Liu would die miserably if he ran to the realm of the Jin clan, but with Chen Banxian protecting him, Lan Yanxin did not doubt their safety.

The battleship set sail again, and this time, the target location made Desi Xun frown.

"Boss, according to the quantum information records, it seems that the front is the territory of the Jin clan."

The voice of the team members came from the communication equipment: "Do we really want to pursue them? The Jin clan is a big clan and the threat level is very high. Maybe we will break out into a terrible war!"

Zhuo Xun did not hesitate: "Chasing, the suspect has had a huge impact on the Nine Cities Federation. We must arrest him even if we enter the Jin clan's residence."

"Yes, Captain."

At this time, An Jia's voice sounded: "If possible, we can jump around in advance and catch the suspect outside the Jin tribe's residence."

If you don't enter the opponent's territory then, you will have a lot of room for maneuver.

This proposal is actually of little use, as they have already done this before.

But the opponent will also warp space and jump. The path they are on is in the opponent's jump path and cannot be intercepted at all.

"Fuck, it would be great if there was a space transcendent."

Raikage was very aggrieved and had fully experienced the power of technology.

"Extraordinary space? You dare to think about it. I only know two of them so far."

Zhuo Xun sneered mercilessly: "Immediately spread out and intercept on the target path. As long as one person meets us, the interception will be successful!"

"It's the captain!"

The twelve warships dispersed and the channel became quiet.

But soon team member Wang Sheng's voice started to chatter non-stop: "Captain, doesn't our textbook say there is only one space transcendent? That is the great leader Die Yunfei."

"There is another one...who is it?"

one left?
Zhuo Xun's face was not good-looking, and his name had not been mentioned once in 100 years. Why was it mentioned so often recently?

He had an unknown premonition and said perfunctorily:
"Kids, don't ask so many questions. You'll know when you reach your level."

"But Captain..."

"To shut up!"

"Good captain!"


Even if twelve warships intercepted, there was no air control information, and the interception failed in the vast earth.

"Report, the target has entered the Jin tribe's territory."

Along with the sound of the intelligent system, everyone's channel was quiet.

"Oops, table boss, do we have to force our way in?"

Below, a huge country can be seen under three layers of clouds.

The Jin clan is no longer described as a clan, but as a country, with more than a dozen large cities rising as far as the eye can see.

"Do they really consider the earth their home?"

Zhuo Xun's voice was cold: "Get ready to enter the Jin clan's territory!"

"Captain, why don't you check the opponent's strength first?"

An Jia was a little worried: "The Jin tribe is the race that came to Kunlun in the first place. We may not be able to defeat them."

After so many years of development, no one knows the strength of the other party.

"Of course I know that this operation is to quickly capture the suspect and then escape back to Donghuang."

The record is already good enough, and as long as it is accompanied by the capture of Li Liu, it will end perfectly.

"Everyone, everyone will have special merit when we return!"

He cheered everyone on, and the big city of the Jin clan was right in front of them.

The voice of the intelligent system came out: "It was discovered that the Jin clan has a formation to resist, and the warships cannot enter."

"Can't enter?" Zhui Xun was surprised: "Then how did the suspect get in?"

Of course Chen Banxian helped the suspect in, and he is now in a daze in a tavern.

There are people from the Jin tribe all around, and the golden horns on their heads are bright and piercing!

(End of this chapter)

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