There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 526 Fascinating an entire city

Chapter 526 Fascinating an entire city

"If I said it was an accident, would you believe it?"

Li Liu stood against the wall, forcing a smile on his face in front of the Jin clan who were eyeing him eagerly.

"Everyone, I've heard for a long time that everyone in the Jin clan is like a dragon or a phoenix. I've always been a bit confused. I can't sleep at night because I feel itchy in my heart."

"So, little brother, I traveled hundreds of millions of miles from my clan, crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and slept in the open air. Finally, today, I saw the peerless faces of the Jin clan!"

As Li Liu spoke, his eyes were fixed on the horns of a Jin clan member. They were bright and shining, making all the utensils in the hotel tinged with wealth.

"Hmm~ You're a human, you talk in one way, and it sounds pretty good."

The Jin clan member subconsciously touched the golden horn on his head. Of course, the Jin clan is also divided into classes.

The more dazzling and shiny the horns on his head are, the higher his appearance is. Although this Jin clan member's appearance is not outstanding, he considers himself to be rare in the world.

"Yes, big brother, I really admire you!"

Li Liu approached quietly, put his hand into his arms and said, "My little brother has brought gifts to meet you all in preparation for today."

oh?And gifts?

The eyes of the other Jin tribesmen present lit up. If nothing else, this human race was quite good at being a human being.

Then don't kill.

Li Liu took out a porcelain vase from his arms and said curiously: "This is a good treasure. Everyone, please close the windows first."

good baby?
Some Jin clan members did not doubt his presence and immediately closed the windows. They didn't care at all about Li Liucai's first-level cultivation.

"Come and see."

Li Liu waved his hand to make the contents of the porcelain bottle evaporate faster.

The Golden Horn tribesman frowned slightly: "Strange, why do I still feel dizzy?"

He tried to lift his legs, but his legs were heavier than lead. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Hehe, I've been cheating in the past three months."

Li Liu looked back and saw that Lan Yanxin was also unconscious, and couldn't help but secretly thought that he was being reckless.

"What's wrong, I forgot to tell my wife not to breathe."

This is the medicine that poisoned the priesthood in the first place. It evaporated after opening the bottle, and now dozens of people from the Jin clan were dumped in the hotel.

The shining golden horns blinked in particular, and Li Liu immediately asked Zhulong No. 1 for a saw without hesitation.

"So much gold, hard currency!"

He started sawing with a bang, and the gold powder on the ground shone brightly.

However, gradually, Li Liu frowned.

"Why does the sawed powder change color?"

He forcibly broke off the golden horn and took a look. He saw that the outside of the golden horn was golden, but the inside was silver.

Some are not even silver, but copper or steel.

"TMD, do the Jin people also play gold-wrapped silver-wrapped iron?"

In this way, the value of these golden horns will be greatly reduced.

Li Liu was shaking with anger, OK, OK, the Jin version of makeup, right?

“If quality is not enough, labor and capital must make up the quantity.”


Li Liu called out: "Is there any medicine that can poison this city?"

Li Liu originally didn't want to do this, but he felt that he might be able to try the bottom line of the system.

"Please wait."

Zhulong No. 1 answered that strong computing power production cannot be started without the core support of the big data dark engine.

But the situation is different now, maybe there is something the master can do.

"Poison the entire Jin clan city?"

After Chen Banxian heard the news, a thought flashed in his mind. Could Li Liu be using his hand to fight against the ancient clan?

"He probably didn't guess." Chen Banxian opened the space channel.

"Tell him that such poison is impossible to make and the cost is too high, but I can put the entire city of the Jin tribe into a coma."

I have become much better at phantom practice recently, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Isn't it just a city of the Jin tribe?

When Chen Banxian stepped out of the space passage, he had already appeared above the Jin clan's big city.

Do you want to meet your little disciple?

As he thought about it, he could see twelve warships pressing down outside the city, while the people from the Eighth Realm Jin tribe in the city all came out to fight.

He didn't care about this. The eighth realm was gone, so he started to set up the formation.

A huge source was thrown down by him, and with the formation and illusion, it was not difficult to make a city's people fall into coma and fall into the environment.


There are dozens of ancient golden warships floating in the air, with mysterious runes densely covering the entire hull.

The crystallization of the wisdom of the Jin civilization is reflected on it, which has accumulated over thousands of years.

But facing the battleships of the Nine Cities Federation, they still looked a little inadequate.

The energy level pressure alone is much weaker.

"Jin Clan Domain, stop ahead!"

The leader of the Gujin clan, who came out of the eighth realm on a golden warship, had two red gold horns on his head. His voice shook the air, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

The light at the bottom of Jin Xishou's pupils kept flickering as he analyzed which clan the force in front of him belonged to.

The faint sense of crisis on the battleship made him dare not underestimate it. It was not the battleship that was so strong, but the people in the battleship.

Among the first of the twelve battleships, Zhuo Xun's body was upright, and the sword in his hand was folded into the scabbard.

If the sword was not scabbarded, a shocking battle would inevitably break out. His scabbard was shaking crazily, that was the intention of the sword.

Since the resurrection of Tiandao, the swordsmanship of his family has gradually become spiritual. Although it is a family tradition, it is not inferior to any force.

Especially after he joined the Northern Territory Swordsmanship Sect, his swordsmanship has further improved, and now he has few opponents.

He longs for a fight.

"Anjia, tell the Jin clan people that we will go into the city to arrest the criminals and leave as soon as we catch them." Zhuo Xun suppressed his sword intent, but the battle could not begin yet. There were eleven brothers behind him.

After all, he is here alone.

Once a fight breaks out, there will definitely be more Eighth Realm members within the Jin tribe than they do. Not only will they be surrounded by enemies on all sides, it will be difficult to deal with it once they attract support from other races.

Anjia's voice came from the side ship and clearly reached Jin Xishou's ears.

The people on the main ship are not willing to talk to themselves in person?

Jin Xishou noticed the arrogance of the other party, and with his temperament, he would definitely want to fight.

But under his feet is his city, and the people who suffer here are his own citizens.


Jin Xishou stared at the main ship: "Three hours, more than three hours, I will regard you as a provocation to our Jin clan!"

The aura on his body faintly revealed that it was the ultimate gold, hard and sharp.

Among the main ships at the head of the twelve fleets, the scabbard of Zhuo Xun's sword leaked a little.

The suppressed sword intent burst out, but it had the power of a king overpowering his ministers.

Three hours?enough.

Zhuo Xun did not go down but signaled to the team: "Is anyone going down to arrest Li Liu and bring him to justice?"

"Captain, I'm going!"

Lei Ying couldn't wait to enter the ancient city alone, it was so exciting.

Will he be written down in the history books?Just like those seniors back then.

The classic battles one after another made everyone excited to watch them.

"Okay, let's go to Luo Anyun."


"Boss, you don't believe me."

There was no answer at the table. This was not the time to make excuses.

After Luo Anyun received the order, the battleship opened, and a man in copper-colored armor walked out of it.

The flowing Dao patterns on the armor were obviously expensive to make.

"Captain, Luo Anyun is gone."

He jumped down from the air in one step, while Jin Xishou made a secret and opened the formation.


The shock wave was visible to the naked eye. It seemed that Luo Anyun had landed and was searching.

After a few minutes, there was no sound on the team channel.

"Luo Anyun, report on the work situation."

Desk Xun gave a reminder: "Remember the mission rules. When acting alone, you need to turn on the recorder and share the law enforcement process."

No sound.

"Luo Anyun?"

"Luo Anyun?"

After getting no answer twice, Zhui Xun became anxious. He pulled out the holy sword and rushed out of the main ship!
"Jin Clan, you go back on your word and dare to take action against me, the eighth realm of the human race!"

The suppressed sword intent rolled like clouds, and each wave hit the warships such as Jin Xishou higher than the previous one. Dense scars appeared on those solid golden hulls in an instant.

Just the sword intent is about to disintegrate the Jin clan warship.

Where did this genius of the human race come from?

Jin Xishou mustered up his momentum to resist him, and he was not a weakling among the Jin clan.

"Human race, don't talk nonsense, we are not dealing with your race's genius."

To be honest, Jin Xishou didn't know what was going on, why there was no sound when the human race went down.

Maybe it's the reason the other party wants to start a war?No, we can't let them succeed!
Jin Xishou suppressed his arrogance: "Don't be anxious, fellow Taoist, I will send someone down to see what is going on."

The city defense formation is transparent after it is activated, but if there are enemies, it will operate at maximum power, and you will not be able to see the details clearly.

"Jin Zuohan, go and have a look."

Jin Xishou ordered, and there were monks from the eighth realm in a warship who agreed.

The monk entered the formation city and soon made a sound of "touch!"

I think it has landed.

Jin Xishou handed over to Zhuixun: "Don't panic, fellow Taoist, I will ask Jin Zuohan to find your tribe, and there will be results soon."

Zhuo Xun remained silent, but the sword intent on his body became more intense.

There was already a lot of noise in the channel.

Lei Ying: "Damn it, Lao Luo must have been tricked, boss, let's go in!"

An Jia: "Captain, I suggest taking action right away. The later something happens, the greater the risk. Maybe Luo Anyun is in a bloody fight."

Team member Mao Chaoxi also thought so: "Captain, if you let their people go down, wouldn't it make things worse?"

Zhuo Xun did not answer their words. If something happened to Luo Anyun, he would let the entire Jin clan be buried with him!

Jin Xishou felt something was wrong. Why hadn't his people returned yet?
He sent a message: "Jin Zuohan, what happened inside?"

no answer.

Hey, it's strange. They were fine when they first came out. Why is it that once the formation is opened, something unusual happens inside?

Jin Xishou couldn't help but look at Zhuo Xun quietly. The opponent's sword intent was so fierce, and there were dense small holes all over his body.

Once the sword is drawn, it will inevitably be a life-or-death fight with oneself.

But he really didn't take action against their people.

"Jinliang Jinhai, you two go down and take a look."

He ordered and personally watched the two geniuses of the clan fall.

"Bang bang~"

Two landing sounds sounded almost at the same time, and Jin Xishou immediately sent a message: "How is the situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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