There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 527 Artificial "Anesthesia"

Chapter 527 Artificial "Anesthesia"

"Why did two more people fall from the sky?"

In the big city of the Jin clan, Chen Banxian stood on the clouds and muttered.

The formation would consume too much to trap people in the eighth realm, and he couldn't bear to part with it, so he stayed in the city to save money, and manually "anaesthetize" anyone in the eighth realm if they appeared.

Needless to say, when Luo Anyun came down, he still couldn't bear it. After all, he was one of his own.

But when Luo Anyun saw Chen Banxian and then preemptively called him a "traitor", the softness in his heart disappeared in an instant.

scold me?Go to sleep!

There was a big hole in the ground, and Luo Anyun slept soundly.

His disciples are sawing gold all over the city. These Jin clan people are very magical. They can make precious gold metal after birth. Although some have more and some have less, how is gold born?
From the collision of neutron stars!
For such a rare metal, having more of it might not be a bad thing.

Even in the world of cultivation, there are monks who use special methods to refine gold essence and make it a rare weapon refining material.

It is even used in some special recipes.

This is a kind of sustainable development of leek. It cannot be exterminated and the seeds must be saved.

The two of them were caught by him, and one of them punched them in the back of the head.

Not to mention your body, your soul has been shaken unstable, and there are already four big holes on the ground.

Li Liu didn't know yet, or he didn't have time to observe what the sound was.

He put Lan Yanxin on his shoulders and tied it with cloth, and hurriedly sawed the golden horns.

Fortunately, the saw is very powerful, and the product produced by the system must be of high quality, and it will fall off after two or three swipes.

The people in heaven were anxious.

Jin Xishou stretched his hands forward and shouted: "Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding. You also saw that my people went down, and there was no news from them."

Will Zhuo Xun believe it?Of course he wouldn't believe it, but he was more wary of the city defense formation in his eyes.

"Jin clan, open the formation and let me wait and see what happens."

Zhuo Xun's voice was obviously cold and stern. He was determined that if Jin Xishou didn't agree, he would take action directly and violently break the city!

Jin Xishou looked slightly stunned, but there was no way that something had happened in his city.

"You swear to the law of heaven not to take action against the people of my Jin clan after I activate the formation."

He dragged out a scissors-like magic weapon from the warship, just in case something unexpected happened.

The situation is very critical now, and a war may break out at any time, hurting the clansmen in the city.

I just hope that other big cities will notice their abnormality and come to support quickly.

After all, the number of their eighth level opponents is not as large as that of their opponents, and the quality of their top combat power is not very good either.

"If you hadn't done it, of course we wouldn't have taken action."

Zhuo Xun shouted: "Hurry up and open the formation!"

These words flew out of his mouth and turned into a sword light, severely cutting off the Jin clan warship.

There was no one inside, it was the boat that had entered the eighth realm of the city before.

Jin Nishou didn't stop him. He looked ugly and shouted behind him: "Open the formation!"


Several voices came, and as their magic formulas were pinched, the formation gradually faded.

However, after the formation dissipated, the scene inside made Desi Xun's eyes widen, and Jin Xishou's ghost appeared!


All dead bodies!

There was not a single living creature standing in the entire city, they all fell on the street.

what happened?

Jin Xishou pointed the weapon in his hand fiercely at Zhuo Xun: "Did you do this?"

"How is that possible? We are not that stupid. After all, this is where your Jin tribe resides!"

Zhuo Xun drew his sword and flew into the city. He scolded Jin Xishou: "Why are you still standing there? Your home was stolen while we were confronting you!"

Their thoughts quickly reached down, and they clearly saw that not two people in the entire city were standing up.

This was probably an enemy seeking revenge, and Luo Anyun was unlucky enough to happen upon it.

However, these people don't seem to be dead, there are still signs of life.

"I just said it was my turn to go!" Lei Ying cursed: "There is still one standing, let's go ask him!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone quickly lowered their heads and started to investigate the only person standing.

Table Xun squeezed the shuriken tightly. The eighth level was the pinnacle. He was confident that he would not lose to any eighth level.

But just as everyone continued to move forward, the space in front of them suddenly changed.

The city under his feet was gone, surrounded by orange sky, and at the end of the sky, there was a deep silhouette.

"Everyone, it's best to retreat."

Voices came from all directions and penetrated into their minds. Both Jin Xishou and Zhuo Xun were drowsy.

Not to mention other people, the upper and lower eyelids started to close.

The orange sky turned into a soft big bed at some point, and I really wanted to sleep like this.

If anything happens, let’s talk about it after you wake up.

Zuo Xun patted his head, but it felt like he was patting cotton.

At this moment, he saw Jin Xishou not far away stabbing someone in the thigh with a knife, causing blood to flow.

However, Kinnishi Mamoru fell asleep directly.

Zhuixun didn't believe it and stabbed his own thigh with the sword, hoping to stimulate himself with pain to get rid of his drowsy state.

Unfortunately, he didn't feel any pain, but instead felt unusually restrained.

Want to sleep even more. "Thump, thump..."

Like dumplings under the sky, the eighth realm was also unlucky, creating big holes one after another.

The figure at the end of the sky turned around, cursing without the slightest hint of superiority.

"I told you to leave, but if you don't leave, let it go and harm yourself."

He pulled out Zhuo Xun's sword and sealed the blood. As for Jin Xishou, he died as he pleased.

"Banxian, is this appropriate for us?" Xiaoxue was a little scared. There was a whole city of people under her feet, and they were all knocked down. It was so shocking.

"What a big deal, it's not like they are one of the top [-] ancient clans."

Chen Banxian didn't care: "Li Liu will definitely not be able to collect so many horns. You can collect them for him and then store them in my bank. Understand."


Xiaoxue secretly gritted her teeth, Damn it, Chen Banxian, for treating His majestic, lofty, virtuous, enlightening, benevolent, benevolent, commanding, great compassion, great love, mercy and compassion, Our Lady of Snow, as his tool.

How long will it take to cut off so many golden horns?

Well...actually, it took two months of cutting.

Chen Banxian left midway and went to other cities of the Jin tribe. When he came back, there was a clanging sound in the imperial jar.

When all the Jin tribe members were almost the same as the human tribe, the source of the formation was completely consumed and slowly dispersed.

The people in the Eighth Realm, who had been sleeping for two months, also began to wake up.

This time, Chen Banxian took away Zhulong No. 1, and his ability to open his eyes and blind him no longer protected Li Liu. If nothing unexpected happened, Li Liu would be defeated within 10 minutes.

Ten minutes later, Li Liu, who was heavily chained, had tears in his eyes and all his golden horns were confiscated.

"System, system?"

No matter how much he shouted, Zhulong No. 1 just didn't show up, and before he knew it, three months had passed.

And Kanishi Mamoru and others, for some reasons, are unwilling to show up, at least until the characters are completed.

The mission of the Twelve Battleships was successfully completed. Zhuo Xun and others died 0 people and injured one person. The mission was successfully completed.

The interrogation was quick, and three months was too long. In the Nine Cities Federal Prison, Li Liu was sentenced to life imprisonment and would have to mine underground in the dark for the rest of his life.

The interrogation process includes the first instance being conducted internally, the second instance being conducted publicly, and the third instance being publicly executed throughout the federal network.

In the three trials, the presiding judge was the priest who was fascinated by Li Liu.

"The inside story is the inside story! I clearly exposed the spy!"

Li Liu kept crying, but unfortunately no one listened to him.

The impact he caused was so bad that he received a reward of 50 yuan.

But the punishment made it impossible for him to spend the 50 yuan anymore.

On the day of parting, Li Liu held Lan Yanxin's hand tightly: "Yan Xin, my life is probably over. You should find a good family to marry."

When he said this, his face looked extremely reluctant and heartbroken, and finally turned into a free and easy smile.

"Yan Xin, in the next life, we will renew our fate."

"Boom boom boom!"

The law enforcement officer knocked on the iron window: "Okay, let's get on the road. Once we enter the mining area, there will be no turning back."

"Ah Liu, don't worry, I will definitely rescue you!"

Lan Yanxin kept her eyes on him, unwilling to move away.

Li Liu smiled and said without looking back: "Forget me."

Forgot, how could you forget?
Lan Yanxin turned and left. She wanted to ask for help. She was the quantum intelligence of Baihu City and could not bend the law for personal gain, but he had a way.

"Ding dong, quantum intelligence is requesting a call."

"Ding dong, quantum intelligence is requesting a call...

The phone kept ringing, and Chen Banxian put it into the imperial jar.

At this time, he was in a dark world, surrounded by gasps of "huha" and "huha".

This is a light crystal mineral vein, one of the more numerous mineral veins in the Eastern Barren. For the people of the Eastern Barren, it is a tool for night lighting, but for the Nine Cities Federation, it is an extremely beneficial and efficient conductor.

The demand is so great that even if we keep sending prisoners to the mines, we can't keep up with the demand.

Therefore, there are also migrant workers, and their daily wages are as much as fifteen black coins.

It is equivalent to the normal price of 500 yuan per day.

There are criminals and migrant workers in this mine.

In the front, there was a young man who was digging the hardest, knocking manuscripts one after another in the pit, and occasionally pocketing some luminous objects as big as fists and thumbs.

That is light crystal. Workers are required to do more than one kilogram per day, while prisoners are required to pay more than ten kilograms.

Chen Banxian looked like an old man at this time and was dirty all over. He swung the pickaxe with difficulty and dropped it. It took him a long time to pick up some light crystals.

If the task is not up to standard, there will be no dinner and inhuman punishment.

The old man and Li Liu lived in the same dormitory.

There is no sun in the Datongbu dormitory for 20 people, and everything is done underneath.

Usually after a tiring day, he would not see the old man in the cafeteria. In the evening, after everyone fell asleep, he would see the old man coming back dragging his scarred body.

There were long wounds all over his body, which were caused by whipping.

Li Liu watched for several days. The old man would die if he continued to fight like this.

That evening, the old man came back hungry again, and he finally couldn't help but speak.

"Hey old man, what did you do to get in here?"

"Ah? I eat dumplings without dipping them in vinegar."

The old man looked miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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