There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 528 Lin Tian: Brother Xian, are you impatient with life?

Chapter 528 Lin Tian: Brother Xian, are you impatient with life?

"If you talk nicely, we'll still be friends."

Li Liu rolled his eyes, how could anyone come in like this?

"I really came in by eating dumplings without dipping them in vinegar."

The old man didn't look like he was faking it, but Li Liu just didn't believe it.

"Come on, I don't think you are a good person. Maybe you killed someone else's whole family?"

Basically, there are only a few good birds who can come here, but this old man is so miserable that he can't bear it.

"You follow me when work starts tomorrow." He turned over the quilt and muttered: "My conscience still can't get over it."

The scarred old man smiled with satisfaction at these words.

The next day, the old man pushed Li Liu up early in the morning: "Wake up, wake up!"


Li Liu looked sleepy, "You haven't rung the bell yet, why are you calling me so early?"

"Got to get up early."

The old man with narrow eyes and sharp mouth, big yellow teeth and a stinking smell came close to Li Liu's head and said: "Don't you want to take me? Get up earlier, the workload will be enough."

"Oh, yes." Li Liu nodded and started to get up to put on his clothes. When he just picked up his clothes, his mind came to his senses.

"No, don't we act as a collective? No matter how early you get up, they won't let you dig."

This damn old man must have become stupid in mining as he gets older.

Li Liu waved his hand: "Gungun, let me sleep a little longer."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he lay down, the wake-up bell rang.

"Get up, get up!"

Almost at the same time, the prison guard outside the door knocked on the door with an electric baton: "The time limit is 10 minutes. Anyone who does not come out within 10 minutes will not get food."

There was a commotion in Datong Shop, and everyone got up and rushed to wash up.

10 minutes is not even enough time to grab a toilet.

"Get out of here, let the labor and management wash first!"

Li Liu jumped out of bed. He was a monk in the Qi Refining Stage and had natural oppression over these mortals.

Hold them apart one by one with one hand, give them 10 minutes to wash up, and 10 minutes to go to the toilet.

Everyone dared to be angry but dared not speak out. When the time came, those who wanted to go to the toilet could only hold it in.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way for labor and management!"

The old man followed Li Liu with an imposing manner, his beard almost reaching the sky. He shouted loudly:

"Any one of you who dares to block my boss's path will be beaten until you don't even recognize him!"

"You're so crazy, old man. You're just lucky enough to find a backer."

The inmates were dissatisfied. At first they thought the new old man was pitiful because he was beaten every day and had no food to eat.

It’s not easy for a lot of people to come in at this age.

But today, the dead old man found a backer, and he immediately started to show off his power. The way he showed his strength made them feel itchy.

"Why, I'm going crazy. Do you have the ability to go to my elder brother? My elder brother is a cultivator!"

The old man sneered again and again: "You scum of society deserve to be bullied by labor and management now."

"Damn old man, Sixth Brother said he would take you, but he didn't say he would protect you. Believe it or not, we beat you until you can't stop peeing?"

Some people raised their fists to threaten, but the old man didn't panic: "Old man, I'm almost buried in the ground. If you dare to hit me, I'll die for you!"

The prisoners were so angry that their brains were bruised and they could only swallow their anger and secretly hold grudges in their hearts.

Damn old man, no wonder a lot of people are still being imprisoned at this age. The law in Nine City is fair.

It must be said that with Li Liu's help, the old man finally had a full meal in the following days and was able to go back and rest.

They also have time to relax and watch the old projection TVs to learn about the current trends in Ninetowns.

[It was reported today that the roundtable meeting was opened again. Councilors had a heated discussion on the future development of Ninetowns and pointed out two directions at the same time. 】

[On the one hand, we need to open up new lands and constantly build new settlements, and on the other hand, we need to take back our homeland.It is reported that Ninetowns has opened a referendum on the decision to regain their homeland, and everyone can cast a valuable vote with their ID number. 】

"Hey, are you finally going to take action?"

One prisoner stared at the news on the TV: "It's been so long, I thought everyone had forgotten where they live."

The man was unshaven, as if he hadn't taken a shower for a long time, and his whole body stank.

But his eyes were sharp and impressive.

"Can you be in a hurry?"

At this time, a person at the next table laughed: "People in this world don't live long, and even if the Qingxuan method extends their lifespan, there will be some loss."

"What's more, many people are suitable for the Heaven-shading method, but not the Qingxuan method."

He directly guessed: "Some big shots are seeing their lifespan approaching when they stay here, and they must find a way to go back."

The interest theory is the easiest to convince people, and these prisoners are very sure of this argument:
"No wonder, I mean why are you suddenly going to regain your homeland? It turns out that the top management is afraid of death."

"There's going to be a war."

Many people gloated: "Although we are tired here, we don't have to die, don't you think?"


There was a roar of laughter under the TV, but only a few people looked ugly.

Just like the mean old man next to Li Liu who was laughing the most, he sighed while watching the content on TV.

"Still laughing? Once there is a war, the originally scarce light crystals will become even more scarce, and you guys will be exhausted by then."

"Huh?" Li Liu's smile froze on his face.

Hiss, he forgot that prisoners have the least human rights, and they will have to atone for their actions in the future.

If a fight breaks out, their lives will definitely be much more difficult.

A few people apparently guessed it, and next, the prisoners found that their food had become better.

"Hey, why are there chicken legs today? Is it Chinese New Year?"

Some people looked at their dinner plates and were pleasantly surprised: "I remember the last New Year was not that long ago. Time flies so fast this year?"


The cafeteria staff had cold voices and did not want to talk to the criminals at all.

It can be said that there is laughter everywhere in the canteen today.

Of course, there are also small groups, and the chicken drumstick score is given to the boss.

"Are you still happy? This is because I am afraid that you will have a heavy workload in the future and will not be able to keep up with your nutrition, so you will be exhausted, so I will give you supplements."

The old man picked up the chicken legs and put them into Li Liu's bowl: "You can eat it. Old man, I have to rely on your sixth brother for the rest."

"Is there really going to be a war?" Li Liu put the chicken legs back: "I am a practitioner. This chicken drumstick is not of much use, so you should eat it."

After dinner, it’s time to take a break from the wind and turn on the TV again.

[Today's news, Baihu City was the first to speak out. Veteran councilor Moxi Qingqi said that all agencies have given the green light all the way and are ready for war. Once war begins, they can immediately enter the first-level alert state. 】

[Priest Zhao Gaosheng personally went to the space channel of Mount Everest and had a pleasant conversation with the priest. Perhaps this will be an important convenience for us to return to our homeland! 】

In the days when Li Liu was mining, the situation became more and more tense day by day. Although the TV said that the results would not come until after a referendum, anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was no need for public opinion at all.

Voting is just a superficial exercise, they will definitely operate behind the scenes, and the real leader will definitely be beaten.

Baihu City was the first to take a stand, which already explained a lot of things. The major factories were already operating at full capacity before voting began.

The news every day makes people feel depressed, and the situation seems to be getting more and more urgent.

Occasionally, the mean old man would discuss the current world situation with Li Liu and quote the principles from the Book of Changes. If nothing else, it sounded like that.

Li Liu sometimes lamented: "Old man, you are so mean, you are so insulting to this classic."

On this day, someone paid a lot of money to visit.

Of course, I'm not here to see anyone else, nor are I here to see Li Liu, I'm here to see the cheap old man.

"Old man, go to the prison cell."

The prison guard sent the message, and the old man's eyes suddenly brightened: "Is there any new progress in my case? What should I say? I really just don't like vinegar when eating dumplings!"

The prison guard didn't say anything. He just turned on the electric baton and saw the old man shut up and walk out.

"Haha, this trick still works!"

The criminals laughed loudly. There were not many opportunities to see this cheap old man defeated.

They didn't know that after he was out of the sight of the criminals, the old man's dirty look stopped, and the prison guards who were yelling at him also stopped their arrogance.

They all saluted and stood at attention, watching the old man go away.

Outside the prison room, an anxious man was waiting, frowning and constantly scrolling through his cell phone. He felt relieved after seeing the old man coming.

"Brother Xian, you really got impatient and came here to play. You have been playing for several years."

If anyone else said that, they would definitely be beaten severely, but the person in front of him was Lin Tian, ​​and Chen Banxian was too lazy to beat him.


"If you have anything to say, please tell me. I still have to teach my disciples."

He pushed the hair away from his eyes, and his eyes were as deep as the ocean.

"You don't need to use the original skin for a good top, you have to spend money to buy a skin to become a clown."

Lin Tian was dissatisfied: "Brother Xian, if I were as good-looking as you, I wouldn't even have to bring money to go to nightclubs."

"Speak the truth!"

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes: "Don't force me to come out and beat you."


Lin Tian took out his phone and saw the contents at a glance:
"About 64% of people disapprove of war, believing that it will cause another disaster and break the peace that has finally been stabilized."

"Only 36% support war to take back our homeland."

"The results of this vote are different from what we expected. Brother Shen and Brother Die are almost worried."

"Furthermore, somewhere on the Internet, there is a theory that high-level officials launched a war to regain their homeland because of the life limit of this world, which has led to a complete chaos."

All in all, it's just that the top and bottom are working against each other, and now they don't know how to make decisions.

"So you came to me to tell fortunes?"

A faint smile appeared on Chen Banxian's face. It was normal. Who called him a human prophet?
There is proof of personal guarantee from the Yinggougu clan.


Unexpectedly, Lin Tian said this: "Brother Ninth came up with an idea. He went to arrest a few people from the Eighth Realm to come and cause trouble in our federation. Once everyone knows about the threat, it will naturally arouse public anger."

"I'm just worried that I won't be able to control it and cause unnecessary casualties. I would like to ask Brother Xian for your help to keep an eye on it."

The implication is, Brother Xian, you have no objection to being a nanny:

"Lao Jiu is so full that he has nothing to do?"

Chen Banxian hung up the call harshly: "Don't call me, I don't have time, you can go play wherever you like!"

"Hey, don't!"

Lin Tian quickly caught up and grabbed Chen Banxian's sleeve: "Actually, this is the plan of the round table meeting. The priests guarantee it. Brother Ninth and the others are worried about accidents."

(End of this chapter)

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