There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 529: Earth Recovery Operation Officially Established

Chapter 529: Earth Recovery Operation Officially Established
"These people want to play a trick of making trouble over nothing and attacking the city?"

This can indeed achieve the goal. People like to be comfortable because they do not recognize hidden or future crises.

There are advantages to doing this, but there are also many disadvantages. It is indeed a bit reckless to do so.

"Is it true that the longevity of a senior executive is approaching?"

Chen Banxian asked in surprise: "If it doesn't work, half of Mount Everest is on the earth, so go plant trees on Mount Everest."

Xiaoxue must be very happy.

"Brother Xian...

From the way Chen Banxian spoke, Lin Tian clearly didn't want to help. He begged, "Just help me, Brother Xian, you'd better mess with me~"

"roll roll roll!"

Chen Banxian had goosebumps on his skin, and he pushed him away: "It's fine if you look at it, but you have to agree to one condition!"

"What?" Lin Tian was overjoyed and insisted on forcing him to use the trick.

"Go and collect some salt for me and sell it later."

"What?" Lin Tian was confused, why was he wrong?

"Are you stupid?" Chen Banxian patted the latter on the head: "If there is really news, everyone will definitely buy salt. There is no doubt about this."

Lin Tian didn't expect that Brother Xian had fallen and would take advantage of the crisis to make a fortune.

"Sister Fayou, am I short of money?"

Chen Banxian told him: "I donated all the profits later in the name of Li Liu as wartime funds."

It has to be said that Li Liu discovered the spy and eliminated the ancient clan of Tianji, which indirectly averted a major crisis.

He will give rewards that the Nine Cities Federation does not give.

50?It's not even a fraction. If Tianji really leaks federal information, they will be completely at a disadvantage during the war.

"None of my disciples, Chen Banxian, is simple."

He was complacent and told Lin Tian carefully: "Just donate the mechas to Dark Sun Technology. I am very optimistic about their wartime prospects."

Lin Tian looked at Chen Banxian suspiciously. If he remembered correctly, the mecha developer of Anyang Technology was Chen Jin, brother Xian's goddaughter.

Are you saying you don’t want to line your own pockets?
But his Xian brother had gone far away, and Lin Tian had to think about whether he also had to collect some salt.

Life in the mining prison has returned to calm, but the food is getting better and better.

With four days left in the voting period, suddenly the high-altitude air defense sirens in all cities sounded harshly and for a long time.

The moment he heard the voice, Chen Banxian stood up and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

"Go ahead, I didn't tell you not to come." Li Liu was in a daze and didn't care about the sound at all.

Can it also affect underground mines?

On this day, the priests in the Nine Cities appeared one after another, looking solemnly into the sky.

I saw strange black clouds appearing in the sky in the Eastern Wasteland, and monsters with dragon heads and ghost bodies interspersed among the clouds, uttering human words.

"Haha, it turns out that there are still so many human races alive. It's great. Our Ghost Dragon Clan has really made a fortune today!"

On Earth, among all races, humans can be directly used as trading currency. Many ancient races need humans as anchors when they come!
As soon as the Guilong Ancient Clan opened their mouths and took a breath, countless people flew into the sky involuntarily.

"Ah! Help!"

The people who were sucked up were struggling and rolling around in the sky, to no avail, and were about to be swallowed.

"How dare the bold foreigners invade our human territory!"

At the critical moment, the priest Mu Yun shouted loudly, put on armor and took command, and rose up from Mian City!

"Ghost Dragon, the Ancient Clan of Mirror Ruins, it's not enough for our human race to escape to another realm in the Eastern Wasteland. If you want to kill them all, don't blame us for being rude!"

Mu Yun shot out divine light with one hand to intercept the people who were about to be sucked into the dragon's mouth, and struck hard on the head of the ghost dragon ancient clan with the other hand.

"A battle outside the sky!"


People saw another sun shining in the sky during the day and guessed that the battle must be fierce!
But before everyone could feel relieved, another piece of yellow sand came. In the sand, there was also the Yellow Sand Clan from the ancient Jingxu tribe. The news came from unknown sources and was said to have killed tens of thousands of people.

Oh my God, there are tens of thousands of people!Now we are about to kill them.

"Huangsha tribe, I, Baicheng, are not afraid of you!"

Another priest stepped forward to fight, intercepting the overwhelming yellow sand alone.

"It's Bai Di, the marshal of Baicheng. I didn't expect him to be prepared!"

So touching, the priesthood has been protecting us, thank you to them!
At the same time, almost every major city was invaded by the ancient Jingxu tribe. The veteran generals who had been well prepared came out in unison. The characters in these textbooks once again protected the peace of the Nine Cities Federation.


In an underground toilet, Chen Banxian was so busy that he was sweating profusely!
"Who the f**k came up with this bad idea, wouldn't these people be more careful when they do it!"

Chen Banxian sat on the toilet, surrounded by rice grains and large space passages that were constantly opening and closing.

There are unlucky people in every passage. Either they were too strong when being protected, or they were accidentally injured when the crowd was escaping, or they were simply afraid of committing suicide.

Not only did he want to save, but he also wanted to resurrect Lin Tian. He would have known if he would save Lin Tian.

In his busy schedule, he opened Lin Tian's space channel and kicked him.

Lin Tian, ​​who was guarding outside the sky:? ? ?

Was that Brother Xian’s foot just now?It can't be wrong, it definitely can't be wrong, it feels very familiar.

The battle continued from that day to the evening of the next day, and even at night you could see the enduring white light in the sky.

In the end, after the great clergy veterans paid the price of injuries, they finally killed the enemy with their own hands!

During this process, some ancient tribes from the Northern Territory came over to inquire about the situation and asked the Nine Cities Federation if they wanted to help.

After all, fighting in the Eighth Realm for so long would be a disgrace to Emperor Jiuyou, so they were willing to come over to show their goodwill.

"We are practicing." Jiucheng refused with a naive smile, claiming that this was a performance.

Is it really a show?

The Taikoo people were happy in vain, thinking they could leave a good impression in front of Emperor Jiuyou.

After all, who doesn’t know that the human race here is protected by the Great Emperor?No one in Zhongzhou cares that much.

"Bah! It finally stopped."

Chen Banxian wiped his sweat. It was hot. There had been knocks on the door all day. "Uncle, my uncle, please open the door. I'm going to choke myself to death!"

Mining was stopped due to the Jingxu Ancient Clan, but the prisoners in the cell felt it was better not to have a holiday.

I'm going to be suffocated to death!
"It's coming, it's coming, and there's still a little bit of tail left."

Chen Banxian closed the small space and opened the largest space door.

Here in the universe, the northern solar rays spread unimpeded.

The ancient members of the Jingxu clan who had been captured before had their hands and feet tied up, and they were licking their faces and smiling: "As promised, we will release them after we finish the show. Don't regret it."

"Don't worry, we humans keep our word, but you have to remember that no one can tell anyone what happened today. You just went out for a day of fun."

"Yes, yes, yes, what are we doing here? Huh? We have to return to Earth quickly."

The Ghost Dragon tribe members followed Bai Di and others to the Everest passage while talking.

We had discussed before that they would not break their word, as this would undermine the credibility of mankind among all races.

However, a space door blocked everyone.

Everyone was shocked when they saw a toilet, mop, and washbasin appear on the other side of the space, with an old man sitting on the toilet.

"Who let you go?"

The old beggar stretched out a hand: "Keep them all."

Mu Yun's eyes flickered: "Friend, this is an internal matter within our human race...


The hand waved, and what it waved out was a wind hotter than the sun, which directly blew the souls of the ancient Jingxu clan to death.

Only the bracelet containing meteorite material remains in space.

The old man sneered: "What kind of morality should we talk to the ancient tribe? You were beaten stupid back then?"

The priests were intimidated, and their eyes were horrified. Who is this person?

That method was impossible to guard against, and no one could stop the hot wind blowing from the ancient tribesmen.

"Goodbye." Chen Banxian closed the space passage and sat up with difficulty on the toilet.

He opened the door and explained to the inmates: "I am an old man and my health is not good anymore. I'm sorry, everyone, please go quickly. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

"I see you, Nima!"

The prisoners rushed in, and several butts shared the same toilet!

This ancient tribe's invasion, under the extensive coverage of the media, has become a wake-up call, ringing everyone's sense of worry.

As a result, the voting began to be one-sided, but the final result still did not exceed 50%.

Mr. Fan smiled and said: "How is this a real vote? There are still many people who have not participated. We have to count everyone over the past few hundred years, including previous voting intention surveys, etc., all are included."

A few days later, the live broadcast of the Nine Cities Federation Roundtable was launched for all human races. According to the voting, the number of people in favor reached an astonishing 64%, the number of people opposed was only 12%, and the rest chose neutrality.

As a result, the huge war machine of the Nine Cities Federation began to operate, and all walks of life worked crazy overtime.

And in the underground mining area, criminals’ nightmare is coming!

“From now on, I will get up at six o’clock every morning, go to the designated area to start mining at 06:30, and work overtime until one o’clock in the morning!”

"The daily task requirement is twenty pounds. If you don't meet the standard, we will use technological equipment to control your body."

Many chips are brought in one by one, and as long as they are inserted into the brain, you basically only have half of yourself as your own.

During work, the chip will force you to mine, which is the real life worse than death.

"Damn it, you guys are so inhumane!"

After a few days, Li Liu couldn't stand it anymore and shouted in protest after get off work.

"What are you protesting for?" The prison guard came over with some information: "Li Liu, right? Your sentence has expired. Because of your merits and the fact that there were no casualties, the higher ups will grant you an amnesty."

"Huh?" This surprise came so suddenly, and Li Liu was filled with indignation.

"Uh...well...the prison guard is right."

"Let's clean up. I'll take you out officially at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

The prison guard left, and Li Liu looked in a daze.

"Old man, I knew it, I knew I would get out!"

Li Liu hugged the old man and jumped and screamed: "Tell me quickly what exactly you have committed. Maybe I can help you operate it!"

"I really didn't dip my dumplings in vinegar when I ate them this morning."

The old man still refused to tell the truth, leaving Li Liu speechless.

He asked the others: "What about you? If I have a chance, I can help you find a lawyer."

This moment suddenly made the envious inmates excited, and they immediately rushed to speak.

"I just raped a street girl."

"That damn old man is so shameless. It was obviously a collision at the zebra crossing and he insisted on paying me to pay. I was just too hot-blooded to step on the accelerator."

"The five members of the family I killed deserved it. I've warned you three times, why don't you keep your voice down...

"Who knew that little sister was underage? She didn't tell me...

What the prisoners said one after another made Li Liu's scalp numb.

"Old man, I finally know why you don't dip your dumplings in vinegar."

Only then did Li Liu realize that the people here were extremely vicious and there was no room for mercy.

If it were him, he would just kill and settle the hatred. If the old man didn't tell himself the reason, it would probably be nothing more than that.

Thinking of this, his view of the old man suddenly became disgusted.

However, not long after, the prison guards opened the cage again.

"Old sir, you're going out tomorrow too. I'm really sorry."

The prison guard came over to shake the old man's hand and said apologetically: "It has been found out above that the spy who eats dumplings without vinegar is not you. I'm sorry that I caught the wrong one. We will compensate you."

Li Liu: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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